MapleInterpreter.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Maple instance for the CalculationSystem class
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (various glasgow extensions)
Maple as CalculationSystem
module CSL.MapleInterpreter where
import Common.ProverTools (missingExecutableInPath)
import Common.Utils (getEnvDef, trimLeft)
import Common.IOS
import Common.ResultT
import CSL.Parse_AS_Basic (parseResult)
import CSL.Interpreter
import CSL.Reduce_Interface (exportExp)
-- the process communication interface
import qualified Interfaces.Process as PC
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (..))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState (..))
import Data.Maybe
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Maple Calculator Instances
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | MapleInterpreter with Translator based on the CommandState
data MITrans = MITrans { getBMap :: BMap
, getMI :: PC.CommandState }
-- Maple interface, built on CommandState
type MapleIO = ResultT (IOS MITrans)
instance CalculationSystem MapleIO where
assign = mapleAssign evalMapleString mapleTransS mapleTransE
clookup = mapleClookup evalMapleString mapleTransS
eval = mapleEval evalMapleString mapleTransE
check = mapleCheck evalMapleString mapleTransE
names = do
r <- get
return $ map fst $ toList $ getBMap r
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Maple syntax functions
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
cslMapleDefaultMapping :: [(String, String)]
cslMapleDefaultMapping =
let idmapping = map (\ x -> (x, x))
ampmapping = map (\ x -> (x, "&" ++ x))
in ("^", "&**") : idmapping ["and", "or", "impl" ]
++ ampmapping [ "cos", "sin", "tan", "sqrt", "abs", ">", "<=", ">="
, "<", "+", "-", "*", "/"]
printAssignment :: String -> EXPRESSION -> String
printAssignment n e = concat [n, ":=", exportExp e, ";"]
printEvaluation :: EXPRESSION -> String
printEvaluation e = exportExp e ++ ";"
printLookup :: String -> String
printLookup n = n ++ ";"
-- As maple does not support boolean expressions as first class citizens
-- we encode them in an if-stmt and transform the numeric response back.
printBooleanExpr :: EXPRESSION -> String
printBooleanExpr e = concat [ "if evalf("
, exportExp e, ") then 1 else 0 fi;"
getBooleanFromExpr :: EXPRESSION -> Bool
getBooleanFromExpr (Int 1 _) = True
getBooleanFromExpr (Int 0 _) = False
getBooleanFromExpr e =
error $ "getBooleanFromExpr: can't translate expression to boolean: "
++ show e
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Generic Communication Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
{- |
The generic interface abstracts over the concrete evaluation function
mapleAssign :: (CalculationSystem s, MonadResult s) => (String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> (String -> s String)
-> String -> EXPRESSION -> s ()
mapleAssign ef trans transE n e = do
e' <- transE e
n' <- trans n
ef $ printAssignment n' e'
return ()
mapleClookup :: (CalculationSystem s, MonadResult s) => (String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> (String -> s String)
-> String -> s (Maybe EXPRESSION)
mapleClookup ef trans n = do
n' <- trans n
el <- ef $ printLookup n'
return $ listToMaybe el
-- we don't want to return nothing on id-lookup: "x; --> x"
-- if e == mkOp n [] then return Nothing else return $ Just e
mapleEval :: (CalculationSystem s, MonadResult s) => (String -> s [EXPRESSION])
mapleEval ef trans e = do
e' <- trans e
el <- ef $ printEvaluation e'
if null el
then error $ "mapleEval: expression " ++ show e' ++ " couldn't be evaluated"
else return $ head el
mapleCheck :: (CalculationSystem s, MonadResult s) => (String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> EXPRESSION -> s Bool
mapleCheck ef trans e = do
e' <- trans e
el <- ef $ printBooleanExpr e'
if null el
then error $ "mapleCheck: expression " ++ show e' ++ " couldn't be evaluated"
else return $ getBooleanFromExpr $ head el
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * The Communication Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
wrapCommand :: IOS PC.CommandState a -> IOS MITrans a
wrapCommand ios = do
r <- get
let map' x = r { getMI = x }
stmap map' getMI ios
-- | A direct way to communicate with Maple
mapleDirect :: MITrans -> String -> IO String
mapleDirect rit s = do
(res, _) <- runIOS (getMI rit) ( 0.5 s)
return $ removeOutputComments res
mapleTransE e = do
r <- get
let bm = getBMap r
(bm', e') = translateEXPRESSION bm e
put r { getBMap = bm' }
return e'
mapleTransS :: String -> MapleIO String
mapleTransS s = do
r <- get
let bm = getBMap r
(bm', s') = lookup bm s
put r { getBMap = bm' }
return s'
evalMapleString :: String -> MapleIO [EXPRESSION]
evalMapleString s = do
-- 0.09 seconds is a critical value for the accepted response time of Maple
res <- lift $ wrapCommand $ 0.5 s
r <- get
let bm = getBMap r
trans = revtranslateEXPRESSION bm
return $ map trans $ maybeToList $ parseResult $ trimLeft
$ removeOutputComments res
-- | init the maple communication
mapleInit :: Int -- ^ Verbosity level
-> IO MITrans
mapleInit v = do
rc <- lookupMapleShellCmd
libpath <- getEnvDef "HETS_MAPLELIB"
$ error "mapleInit: Environment variable HETS_MAPLELIB not set."
case rc of
Left maplecmd -> do
cs <- PC.start maplecmd v
$ Just PC.defaultConfig { PC.startTimeout = 1 }
(_, cs') <- runIOS cs $ 1.0
$ concat [ "interface(prettyprint=0); Digits := 10;"
, "libname := \"", libpath, "\", libname;"
, "with(intpakX);with(intCompare);" ]
return MITrans { getBMap = initWithDefault cslMapleDefaultMapping
, getMI = cs' }
_ -> error "Could not find maple shell command!"
mapleExit :: MITrans -> IO (Maybe ExitCode)
mapleExit mit = do
(ec, _) <- runIOS (getMI mit) $ PC.close $ Just "quit;"
return ec
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * The Maple system
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Left String is success, Right String is failure
lookupMapleShellCmd :: IO (Either String String)
lookupMapleShellCmd = do
cmd <- getEnvDef "HETS_MAPLE" "maple"
-- check that prog exists
noProg <- missingExecutableInPath cmd
let f = if noProg then Right else Left
return $ f cmd
-- | Removes lines starting with ">"
removeOutputComments :: String -> String
removeOutputComments s =
concat $ filter (\ x -> case x of '>' : _ -> False; _ -> True) $ lines s