MapleInterpreter.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Maple instance for the AssignmentStore class
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Maple as AssignmentStore
module CSL.MapleInterpreter where
import Common.ProverTools (missingExecutableInPath)
import Common.Utils (getEnvDef, trimLeft)
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.IOS
import CSL.ASUtils
import CSL.Print_AS
import CSL.Parse_AS_Basic (parseExpression)
import CSL.Interpreter
import CSL.Verification
import CSL.DependencyGraph
import CSL.GenericInterpreter
-- the process communication interface
import qualified Interfaces.Process as PC
import Control.Monad
-- import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (..), MonadIO (..))
import Control.Monad.Error (ErrorT (..), MonadError (..))
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.List hiding (lookup)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import System.IO
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Maple Types and Instances
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
type ConnectInfo = (PC.CommandState, PC.DTime)
-- | MapleInterpreter with Translator based on the CommandState
type MITrans = ASState ConnectInfo
updateCS :: PC.CommandState -> ConnectInfo -> ConnectInfo
updateCS cs (_, dt) = (cs, dt)
updateDT :: PC.DTime -> ConnectInfo -> ConnectInfo
updateDT dt (cs, _) = (cs, dt)
getChannelTimeout :: MITrans -> PC.DTime
getChannelTimeout = snd . getConnectInfo
setChannelTimeout :: PC.DTime -> MITrans -> MITrans
setChannelTimeout dt = fmap (updateDT dt)
getMI :: MITrans -> PC.CommandState
getMI = fst . getConnectInfo
setMI :: PC.CommandState -> MITrans -> MITrans
setMI cs = fmap (updateCS cs)
-- Maple interface, built on CommandState
type MapleIO = ErrorT ASError (IOS MITrans)
instance AssignmentStore MapleIO where
assign = genAssign mapleAssignDirect
assigns l = genAssigns mapleAssignsDirect l >> return ()
lookup = genLookup mapleLookupDirect
eval = genEval mapleEvalDirect
check = mapleCheck
names = liftM (SMem . getBMap) get
evalRaw s = get >>= liftIO . flip (mapleDirect True) s
getUndefinedConstants e = do
adg <- gets depGraph
let g = isNothing . depGraphLookup adg
return $ Set.filter g $ SimpleConstant $ setOfUserDefined e
genNewKey = do
mit <- get
let (bm, i) = genKey $ getBMap mit
put mit { getBMap = bm }
return i
getDepGraph = gets depGraph
updateConstant n def =
let f gr = updateGraph gr n
DepGraphAnno { annoDef = def
, annoVal = () }
mf mit = mit { depGraph = f $ depGraph mit }
in modify mf
instance VCGenerator MapleIO where
addVC ea e = do
s = show
$ (text "Verification condition for" <+> pretty ea <> text ":")
$++$ printExpForVC e
{- s = show $ printExpForVC e <> text ";"
s = (++ "\n\n;\n\n") $ showRaw $ text "VC for" <+> pretty ea <> text ":" $++$ pretty e
vcHdl = stdout -}
vcHdl <- liftM (fromMaybe stdout) $ gets vericondOut
liftIO $ hPutStrLn vcHdl s where
instance StepDebugger MapleIO where
setDebugMode b = modify mf where mf mit = mit { debugMode = b }
getDebugMode = gets debugMode
instance SymbolicEvaluator MapleIO where
setSymbolicMode b = modify mf where mf mit = mit { symbolicMode = b }
getSymbolicMode = gets symbolicMode
instance MessagePrinter MapleIO where
printMessage = liftIO . putStrLn
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Maple syntax functions
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
data OfMaple a = OfMaple { mplValue :: a }
type MaplePrinter = Reader (OfMaple OpInfoNameMap)
instance ExpressionPrinter MaplePrinter where
getOINM = asks mplValue
printOpname = return . text . mplShowOPNAME
printMaplePretty :: MaplePrinter Doc -> Doc
printMaplePretty = flip runReader $ OfMaple mapleOpInfoNameMap
class MaplePretty a where
mplPretty :: a -> Doc
instance MaplePretty EXPRESSION where
mplPretty e = printMaplePretty $ printExpression e
instance MaplePretty AssDefinition where
mplPretty def = printMaplePretty $ printAssDefinition def
instance MaplePretty String where
mplPretty = text
instance (MaplePretty a, MaplePretty b) => MaplePretty [(a, b)] where
mplPretty = ppPairlist mplPretty mplPretty braces sepBySemis (<>)
printExp :: EXPRESSION -> String
printExp = show . mplPretty
mplShowOPNAME :: OPNAME -> String
mplShowOPNAME OP_approx = "evalf"
mplShowOPNAME x = showOPNAME x
mapleOpInfoMap :: OpInfoMap
mapleOpInfoMap = operatorInfoMap
mapleBindInfoMap :: BindInfoMap
mapleBindInfoMap = operatorBindInfoMap
mapleOpInfoNameMap :: OpInfoNameMap
mapleOpInfoNameMap = operatorInfoNameMap
printAssignment :: String -> AssDefinition -> String
printAssignment n (ConstDef e) = concat [n, ":= ", printExp e, ":", n, ";"]
printAssignment n (FunDef l e) = concat [ n, ":= proc", args, printExp e
, " end proc:", n, args, ";"]
where args = concat [ "(", intercalate ", " l, ") " ]
printAssignmentWithEval :: String -> AssDefinition -> String
printAssignmentWithEval n (ConstDef e) =
{- concat [n, ":= evalf(", printExp e, "):", n, " &+ 0", ";"]
concat [n, ":= evalf(", printExp e, "):", n, ";"] -}
concat [n, ":= evalf(", printExp e, "):g(", n, ")", ";"]
printAssignmentWithEval n (FunDef l e) = concat [ n, ":= proc", args, printExp e
, " end proc:", n, args, ";"]
where args = concat [ "(", intercalate ", " l, ") " ]
printEvaluation :: EXPRESSION -> String
printEvaluation e = printExp e ++ ";"
{- printEvaluationWithEval :: EXPRESSION -> String
printEvaluationWithEval e = "evalf(" ++ printExp e ++ ");" -}
printLookup :: String -> String
printLookup n = n ++ ";"
The evalf makes the decision much faster. As we verify the result formally
this should not be problematic in a formal context!
In the following context "is" gives up if we do not use "evalf":
x2 := cos(10+cos(10)/sin(10)+cos(10+cos(10)/sin(10))/sin(10+cos(10)/sin(10))
+ cos(10+cos(10)/sin(10)+cos(10+cos(10)/sin(10))/sin(10+cos(10)/sin(10)))
/ sin(10+cos(10)/sin(10)+cos(10+cos(10)/sin(10))/sin(10+cos(10)/sin(10))));
printBooleanExpr :: EXPRESSION -> String
printBooleanExpr e = concat [ "is(evalf(", printExp e, "));" ]
{- The evalf is mandatory if we use the if-statement for encoding
-- | As maple does not evaluate boolean expressions we encode them in an
-- if-stmt and transform the numeric response back.
printBooleanExpr :: EXPRESSION -> String
printBooleanExpr e = concat [ "if evalf("
, printExp e, ") then 1 else 0 fi;"
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Methods for Maple 'AssignmentStore' Interface
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
{- | Evaluate the given String as maple expression and
parse the result to an maybe expression. If the boolean flag is false
the result will not be parsed. -}
evalMapleString' :: Bool -- ^ Use parser
-> String -- ^ the maple command to evaluate
-> MapleIO (Maybe EXPRESSION)
evalMapleString' b s = do
-- 0.09 seconds is a critical value for the accepted response time of Maple
mit <- get
res <- lift $ wrapCommand $ (getChannelTimeout mit) s
return $ if b
-- then parseExpression mapleOpInfoMap $ trimLeft $ removeOutputComments res
then parseExpression (mapleOpInfoMap, mapleBindInfoMap) $ trimLeft res
else Nothing
-- | Evaluate the given String as maple expression and skip the result
sendMapleString :: String -- ^ the maple command to evaluate
-> MapleIO ()
sendMapleString s = evalMapleString' False s >> return ()
{- | Evaluate the given String as maple expression and
parse the result back to an expression. -}
evalMapleString :: String -- ^ an error message for the failure case
-> String -- ^ the maple command to evaluate
evalMapleString msg s = do
mE <- evalMapleString' True s
case mE of
Just e -> return e
_ -> throwError $ ASError InterfaceError msg
mapleAssignDirect :: String -> AssDefinition -> MapleIO EXPRESSION
mapleAssignDirect n def = do
sm <- getSymbolicMode
let f = if sm then printAssignment else printAssignmentWithEval
msg = "mapleAssignDirect: unparseable result for assignment of "
++ (show (pretty n) <+> pretty def)
prettyInfo3 $ mplPretty [(n, def)]
evalMapleString msg $ f n def
mapleAssignsDirect :: [(String, AssDefinition)] -> MapleIO ()
mapleAssignsDirect =
sendMapleString . unlines . map (uncurry printAssignment)
mapleLookupDirect :: String -> MapleIO EXPRESSION
mapleLookupDirect n = evalMapleString msg $ printLookup n where
msg = "mapleLookupDirect: unparseable result for lookup of " ++ n
mapleEvalDirect :: EXPRESSION -> MapleIO EXPRESSION
mapleEvalDirect e = do
-- b <- getSymbolicMode
let -- f = if b then printEvaluation else printEvaluationWithEval
msg = "mapleEvalDirect: unparseable result for evaluation of "
++ show (pretty e)
evalMapleString msg $ printEvaluation e -- f e
mapleCheck :: EXPRESSION -> MapleIO Bool
mapleCheck e = do
let msg = "mapleCheck: unparseable result for evaluation of "
++ show (pretty e)
eB <- genCheck (evalMapleString msg . printBooleanExpr) e
case eB of
Right b -> return b
Left s ->
throwError $ ASError CASError $
concat [ "mapleCheck: CAS error for expression "
, show e, "\n", s ]
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The Communication Interface
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
wrapCommand :: IOS PC.CommandState a -> IOS MITrans a
wrapCommand ios = do
r <- get
let map' x = setMI x r
stmap map' getMI ios
-- | A direct way to communicate with Maple
mapleDirect :: Bool -> MITrans -> String -> IO String
mapleDirect b mit s = do
(res, _) <- runIOS (getMI mit) $ (getChannelTimeout mit) s
return $ if b then removeOutputComments res else res
-- | init the maple communication
mapleInit :: AssignmentDepGraph ()
-> Int -- ^ Verbosity level
-> PC.DTime -- ^ timeout for response
-> IO MITrans
mapleInit adg v to = do
rc <- lookupMapleShellCmd
libpath <- getEnvDef "HETS_MAPLELIB"
$ error "mapleInit: Environment variable HETS_MAPLELIB not set."
case rc of
Left maplecmd -> do
cs <- PC.start (maplecmd ++ " -q") v
$ Just PC.defaultConfig { PC.startTimeout = 3 }
(_, cs') <- runIOS cs $ 0.5
$ concat [ "interface(prettyprint=0); Digits := 10;"
, "libname := \"", libpath, "\", libname;" ]
return $ initASState (cs', to) mapleOpInfoMap adg v
_ -> error "Could not find maple shell command!"
-- | Loads a maple module such as intpakX or intCompare
mapleLoadModule :: MITrans -> String -> IO String
mapleLoadModule rit s =
fmap fst $ runIOS (getMI rit) ( 0.5 $ "with(" ++ s ++ ");")
mapleExit :: MITrans -> IO (Maybe ExitCode)
mapleExit mit = do
(ec, _) <- runIOS (getMI mit) $ PC.close $ Just "quit;"
return ec
execWithMaple :: MITrans -> MapleIO a -> IO (MITrans, a)
execWithMaple mit m = do
let err s = error $ "execWithMaple: " ++ s
(res, mit') <- runIOS mit $ runErrorT m
case res of
Left s' -> err $ asErrorMsg s'
Right x -> return (mit', x)
runWithMaple :: AssignmentDepGraph () -> Int -- ^ Verbosity level
-> PC.DTime -- ^ timeout for response
-> [String] -> MapleIO a
-> IO (MITrans, a)
runWithMaple adg i to l m = do
mit <- mapleInit adg i to
mapM_ (mapleLoadModule mit) l
-- wraps an interval around the number
let debugFun = "g := proc(v) z:=abs(Float(v,1-Digits)):[v-z, v+z] end;"
runIOS (getMI mit) $ 0.3 debugFun
execWithMaple mit m
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The Maple system
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | Left String is success, Right String is failure
lookupMapleShellCmd :: IO (Either String String)
lookupMapleShellCmd = do
cmd <- getEnvDef "HETS_MAPLE" "maple"
-- check that prog exists
noProg <- missingExecutableInPath cmd
let f = if noProg then Right else Left
return $ f cmd
-- | Removes lines starting with ">"
removeOutputComments :: String -> String
removeOutputComments =
filter (/= '\\') . concat . filter (not . isPrefixOf ">") . lines
{- Some problems with the maximization in Maple:
> Maximize(-x^6+t*x^3-3, {t >= -1000, t <= 1000}, x=-2..0);
Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) no improved point could be found
> Maximize(-x^t*x^3-3, {t >= -1000, t <= 1000}, x=-2..0);
Error, (in Optimization:-NLPSolve) complex value encountered
-- works better:
rhs(maximize(-(tan(x)-1/12)^2 -1, x=-1..1, location)[2,1,1,1]);