MapleInterpreter.hs revision 807f96a7e76bb825b1cb645f0f332c70c02ba145
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, TypeSynonymInstances
, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Maple instance for the CalculationSystem class
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (various glasgow extensions)
Maple as CalculationSystem
module CSL.MapleInterpreter where
import Common.ProverTools (missingExecutableInPath)
import Common.Utils (getEnvDef, trimLeft)
import Common.IOS
import Common.ResultT
import CSL.Parse_AS_Basic (parseResult)
import CSL.Interpreter
import CSL.Transformation
import CSL.Reduce_Interface (exportExp)
-- the process communication interface
import qualified Interfaces.Process as PC
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (..))
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState (..))
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.Exit (ExitCode)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Maple Calculator Instances
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | MapleInterpreter with Translator based on the CommandState
data MITrans = MITrans { getBMap :: BMap
, getMI :: PC.CommandState
, getCache :: Cache MapleIO String EXPRESSION }
-- Maple interface, built on CommandState
type MapleIO = ResultT (IOS MITrans)
instance CalculationSystem MapleIO where
assign = mapleAssign evalMapleString mapleTransS mapleTransE
lookup = mapleLookup evalMapleString mapleTransS
eval = mapleEval evalMapleString mapleTransE
check = mapleCheck evalMapleString mapleTransE
names = get >>= return . SMem . getBMap
lookupCache = get >>= return . SCache . getCache
instance AssignmentContainer MapleIO where
isDefined s = liftM (member s) names
-- | The maple cache writeback function, used to update the cache after
-- a write.
mapleCacheWB :: Cache MapleIO String EXPRESSION -> MapleIO ()
mapleCacheWB c = do
mit <- get
put mit { getCache = c }
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Maple Transformation Instances
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Variable generator instance for internal variables on the Hets-side,
-- in contrast to the newvar generation in lookupOrInsert of the BMap, which
-- generates variables for the Maple-side. We use nevertheless the same counter.
instance VarGen MapleIO where
genVar = do
s <- get
let i = newkey $ getBMap s
put $ s { getBMap = (getBMap s) { newkey = i + 1 } }
return $ ".." ++ show i
-- instance VariableRangeContainer MapleIO where
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Maple syntax functions
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
cslMapleDefaultMapping :: [(String, String)]
cslMapleDefaultMapping =
let idmapping = map (\ x -> (x, x))
ampmapping = map (\ x -> (x, "&" ++ x))
in ("^", "&**") : idmapping ["and", "or", "impl" ]
++ ampmapping [ "cos", "sin", "tan", "sqrt", "abs", ">", "<=", ">="
, "<", "+", "-", "*", "/"]
printAssignment :: String -> EXPRESSION -> String
printAssignment n e = concat [n, ":=", exportExp e, ";"]
printEvaluation :: EXPRESSION -> String
printEvaluation e = exportExp e ++ ";"
printLookup :: String -> String
printLookup n = n ++ ";"
-- As maple does not support boolean expressions as first class citizens
-- we encode them in an if-stmt and transform the numeric response back.
printBooleanExpr :: EXPRESSION -> String
printBooleanExpr e = concat [ "if evalf("
, exportExp e, ") then 1 else 0 fi;"
getBooleanFromExpr :: EXPRESSION -> Bool
getBooleanFromExpr (Int 1 _) = True
getBooleanFromExpr (Int 0 _) = False
getBooleanFromExpr e =
error $ "getBooleanFromExpr: can't translate expression to boolean: "
++ show e
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Generic Communication Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
{- |
The generic interface abstracts over the concrete evaluation function
mapleAssign :: (CalculationSystem s, MonadResult s) => (String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> (String -> s String)
-> String -> EXPRESSION -> s ()
mapleAssign ef trans transE n e = do
e' <- transE e
n' <- trans n
ef $ printAssignment n' e'
return ()
mapleLookup :: (CalculationSystem s, MonadResult s) => (String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> (String -> s String)
-> String -> s (Maybe EXPRESSION)
mapleLookup ef trans n = do
n' <- trans n
el <- ef $ printLookup n'
return $ listToMaybe el
-- we don't want to return nothing on id-lookup: "x; --> x"
-- if e == mkOp n [] then return Nothing else return $ Just e
mapleEval :: (CalculationSystem s, MonadResult s) => (String -> s [EXPRESSION])
mapleEval ef trans e = do
e' <- trans e
el <- ef $ printEvaluation e'
if null el
then error $ "mapleEval: expression " ++ show e' ++ " couldn't be evaluated"
else return $ head el
mapleCheck :: (CalculationSystem s, MonadResult s) => (String -> s [EXPRESSION])
-> EXPRESSION -> s Bool
mapleCheck ef trans e = do
e' <- trans e
el <- ef $ printBooleanExpr e'
if null el
then error $ "mapleCheck: expression " ++ show e' ++ " couldn't be evaluated"
else return $ getBooleanFromExpr $ head el
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * The Communication Interface
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
wrapCommand :: IOS PC.CommandState a -> IOS MITrans a
wrapCommand ios = do
r <- get
let map' x = r { getMI = x }
stmap map' getMI ios
-- | A direct way to communicate with Maple
mapleDirect :: MITrans -> String -> IO String
mapleDirect rit s = do
(res, _) <- runIOS (getMI rit) ( 0.5 s)
return $ removeOutputComments res
mapleTransE e = do
r <- get
let bm = getBMap r
(bm', e') = translateEXPRESSION bm e
put r { getBMap = bm' }
return e'
mapleTransS :: String -> MapleIO String
mapleTransS s = do
r <- get
let bm = getBMap r
(bm', s') = lookupOrInsert bm s
put r { getBMap = bm' }
return s'
evalMapleString :: String -> MapleIO [EXPRESSION]
evalMapleString s = do
-- 0.09 seconds is a critical value for the accepted response time of Maple
res <- lift $ wrapCommand $ 0.5 s
r <- get
let bm = getBMap r
trans = revtranslateEXPRESSION bm
return $ map trans $ maybeToList $ parseResult $ trimLeft
$ removeOutputComments res
-- | init the maple communication
mapleInit :: Int -- ^ Verbosity level
-> IO MITrans
mapleInit v = do
rc <- lookupMapleShellCmd
libpath <- getEnvDef "HETS_MAPLELIB"
$ error "mapleInit: Environment variable HETS_MAPLELIB not set."
case rc of
Left maplecmd -> do
cs <- PC.start maplecmd v
$ Just PC.defaultConfig { PC.startTimeout = 1 }
(_, cs') <- runIOS cs $ 1.0
$ concat [ "interface(prettyprint=0); Digits := 10;"
, "libname := \"", libpath, "\", libname;"
, "with(intpakX);with(intCompare);" ]
return MITrans { getBMap = initWithDefault cslMapleDefaultMapping
, getMI = cs'
, getCache = Cache { cachemap = Map.empty
, backupLookup = lookup
, cacheWriteback = mapleCacheWB }
_ -> error "Could not find maple shell command!"
mapleExit :: MITrans -> IO (Maybe ExitCode)
mapleExit mit = do
(ec, _) <- runIOS (getMI mit) $ PC.close $ Just "quit;"
return ec
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * The Maple system
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Left String is success, Right String is failure
lookupMapleShellCmd :: IO (Either String String)
lookupMapleShellCmd = do
cmd <- getEnvDef "HETS_MAPLE" "maple"
-- check that prog exists
noProg <- missingExecutableInPath cmd
let f = if noProg then Right else Left
return $ f cmd
-- | Removes lines starting with ">"
removeOutputComments :: String -> String
removeOutputComments s =
concat $ filter (\ x -> case x of '>' : _ -> False; _ -> True) $ lines s