Interpreter.hs revision 2acb7fe145aa2e45c4c75ab76d380d3322850031
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts
, UndecidableInstances, OverlappingInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses
, TypeSynonymInstances, ExistentialQuantification #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Interpreter for CPL programs
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (various glasgow extensions)
Defines an interface for Calculators used to evaluate CPL programs
module CSL.Interpreter where
import Control.Monad (liftM, forM_, filterM, unless)
import Control.Monad.State (StateT, MonadState (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadTrans (..), MonadIO (..))
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.IntMap as IMap
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
import Prelude hiding (lookup)
import Common.ResultT
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Evaluator
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ** some general lifted instances
-- TODO: outsource them
instance (MonadState s m, MonadTrans t, Monad (t m)) => MonadState s (t m) where
get = lift get
put = lift . put
instance (MonadIO m, MonadTrans t, Monad (t m)) => MonadIO (t m) where
liftIO = lift . liftIO
instance (MonadResult m, MonadTrans t, Monad (t m)) => MonadResult (t m) where
liftR = lift . liftR
-- ** Some utility classes for abstraction of concrete realizations
-- | Abstraction from lists, sets, etc. for some simple operations
class SimpleMember a b | a -> b where
member :: b -> a -> Bool
count :: a -> Int
toList :: a -> [b]
-- ** Abstraction wrapper for utility classes
data SMem b = forall a. SimpleMember a b => SMem a
-- ** Instances for abstraction wrapper
instance SimpleMember (SMem b) b where
member x (SMem a) = member x a
count (SMem a) = count a
toList (SMem a) = toList a
-- | calculation interface, bundles the evaluation engine and the constant store
class (Monad m) => CalculationSystem m where
assign :: String -> EXPRESSION -> m () -- evtl. m Bool instead as success-flag
lookup :: String -> m (Maybe EXPRESSION)
names :: m (SMem String)
check :: EXPRESSION -> m Bool
check = error "CalculationSystem-default: 'check' not implemented."
values :: m [(String, EXPRESSION)]
values = let f x = do
v <- lookup x
return (x, fromJust v)
in names >>= mapM f . toList
instance CalculationSystem m => CalculationSystem (StateT s m) where
assign s = lift . assign s
lookup = lift . lookup
names = lift names
eval = lift . eval
check = lift . check
values = lift values
isDefined :: CalculationSystem m => String -> m Bool
isDefined s = liftM (member s) names
evaluate :: CalculationSystem m => CMD -> m ()
evaluate (Ass (Op (OpString n) [] [] _) e) = assign n e
evaluate (Cond l) = do
cl <- filterM (check . fst) l
if null cl
then error "evaluate: non-exhaustive conditional"
else evaluateList $ snd $ head cl
evaluate (Repeat e l) =
let f = do
-- first run of the repeat loop
evaluateList l
b <- check e
-- repeat f until condition holds
unless b f
in f
evaluate (Sequence l) = evaluateList l
evaluate (Cmd c _) = error $ "evaluate: unsupported command " ++ c
evaluate a@(Ass (Op (OpId _) _ _ _) _) =
error $ "evaluate: OPNAME in left hand side of assignment not allowed "
++ show a
evaluate a@(Ass _ _) = error $ "evaluate: unsupported assignment " ++ show a
evaluateList :: CalculationSystem m => [CMD] -> m ()
evaluateList l = forM_ l evaluate
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Term translator
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | A data structure for invertible maps, with automatic new key generation
-- and insertion at lookup
data BMap = BMap { mThere :: Map.Map String Int
, mBack :: IMap.IntMap String
, newkey :: Int
, prefix :: String
, defaultMap :: BMapDefault OPID }
data BMapDefault a = BMapDefault { mThr :: Map.Map a String
, mBck :: Map.Map String a }
instance SimpleMember BMap String where
member k = Map.member k . mThere
count = Map.size . mThere
toList = Map.keys . mThere
-- ** Interface functions for BMapDefault
fromList :: Ord a => [(a, String)] -> BMapDefault a
fromList l = let f (x, y) = (y, x)
in BMapDefault (Map.fromList l) $ Map.fromList $ map f l
defaultLookup :: Ord a => BMapDefault a -> a -> Maybe String
defaultLookup bmd s = Map.lookup s $ mThr bmd
defaultRevlookup :: BMapDefault a -> String -> Maybe a
defaultRevlookup bmd s = Map.lookup s $ mBck bmd
-- ** Interface functions for BMap
empty :: BMap
empty = BMap Map.empty IMap.empty 1 "x" $ fromList []
initWithDefault :: [(OPNAME, String)] -> BMap
initWithDefault l =
let f (x, y) = (OpId x, y)
in BMap Map.empty IMap.empty 1 "x" $ fromList $ map f l
-- TODO: the lookup function should be splitted into a variant with OPID
-- or strings should be considered as OpString x
-- TODO: adapt lookup and revlookup
-- | The only way to also insert a value is to use lookup. One should not
-- insert values explicitly. Note that you don't control the inserted value.
-- For (Left "...") we throw an error if this value is in the defaultMap,
-- for (Right (OpId ...)) we throw an error if it isn't.
lookupOrInsert :: BMap
-> Either String OPID -- ^ If you provide a string it is
-- interpreted as an OpString
-> (BMap, String)
lookupOrInsert m k =
let (k', str, isL, isOpName) = case k of
Left s -> (OpString s, s, True, False)
Right oi@(OpId _) -> (oi, "", False, True)
Right os@(OpString x) -> (os, x, False, False)
case defaultLookup (defaultMap m) k' of
Just s -> if isL
then error $ "lookupOrInsert: default functions should be "
++ "passed in as OPIDs but got the string " ++ str
else (m, s)
_ -> let f _ _ x = x
nv = newkey m
(mNv', nm) = Map.insertLookupWithKey f str nv $ mThere m
-- first check for default symbols
in if isOpName
then error $ "lookupOrInsert: OPNAMEs should be registered in the"
++ " default mapping but could not find " ++ show k'
else case mNv' of
Just nv' -> (m, bmapIntToString m nv')
_ -> (m { mThere = nm
, mBack = IMap.insert nv str $ mBack m
, newkey = nv + 1 }
, bmapIntToString m nv)
revlookup :: BMap -> String -> OPID
revlookup m k =
case defaultRevlookup (defaultMap m) k of
Just s -> s
_ -> let i = bmapStringToInt m k
err = error $ "revlookup: No reverse mapping for " ++ k
in OpString $ IMap.findWithDefault err i $ mBack m
bmToList :: BMap -> [(String, String)]
bmToList m = let prf = prefix m
f (x, y) = (x, prf ++ show y)
in map f $ Map.toList $ mThere m
-- ** Internal functions for BMap
bmapIntToString :: BMap -> Int -> String
bmapIntToString m i = prefix m ++ show i
bmapStringToInt :: BMap -> String -> Int
bmapStringToInt m s = let prf = prefix m
(prf', n) = splitAt (length prf) s
in if prf == prf' then read n
else error $ concat [ "bmapStringToInt: invalid string"
, " for prefix ", prf, ":", s ]
-- ** Translation functions for (generic) BMaps
-- | Translate EXPRESSION into a CAS compatible form
translateEXPRESSION m (Op oi epl el rg) =
let (m', el') = mapAccumL translateEXPRESSION m el
(m'', s) = lookupOrInsert m' $ Right oi
in (m'', Op (OpString s) epl el' rg)
translateEXPRESSION m (List el rg) =
let (m', el') = mapAccumL translateEXPRESSION m el
in (m', List el' rg)
translateEXPRESSION m e = (m, e)
-- | Retranslate CAS EXPRESSION back, we do not allow OPNAMEs as OpIds
revtranslateEXPRESSION m (Op (OpString s) epl el rg) =
let el' = map (revtranslateEXPRESSION m) el
oi = revlookup m s
in Op oi epl el' rg
revtranslateEXPRESSION m (List el rg) =
let el' = map (revtranslateEXPRESSION m) el
in List el' rg
revtranslateEXPRESSION _ e = e