Fold.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : folding functions for CSL terms and commands
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst.Schulz, DFKI 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
folding functions for CSL terms and commands
module CSL.Fold where
import Common.Id
import CSL.AS_BASIC_CSL (EXPRESSION (..), CMD (..), OpDecl, EXTPARAM , APInt, APFloat, OPID)
data Record a b = Record
{ foldAss :: CMD -> OpDecl -> b -> a
, foldCmd :: CMD -> String -> [b] -> a
, foldSequence :: CMD -> [a] -> a
, foldCond :: CMD -> [(b, [a])] -> a
, foldRepeat :: CMD -> b -> [a] -> a
, foldVar :: EXPRESSION -> Token -> b
, foldOp :: EXPRESSION -> OPID -> [EXTPARAM] -> [b] -> Range -> b
, foldList :: EXPRESSION -> [b] -> Range -> b
, foldInterval :: EXPRESSION -> Double -> Double -> Range -> b
, foldInt :: EXPRESSION -> APInt -> Range -> b
, foldRat :: EXPRESSION -> APFloat -> Range -> b
{- | Produces an error with given message on all entries. Use this if you
overwrite only the EXPRESSION part and you do not use the CMD part anyway
, e.g., if you use the record in foldTerm -}
emptyRecord :: String -> Record a b
emptyRecord s =
Record { foldAss = error s
, foldCmd = error s
, foldSequence = error s
, foldCond = error s
, foldRepeat = error s
, foldVar = error s
, foldOp = error s
, foldList = error s
, foldInterval = error s
, foldInt = error s
, foldRat = error s
-- | The identity transformation
idRecord :: Record CMD EXPRESSION
idRecord =
Record { foldAss = \ v _ _ -> v
, foldCmd = \ v _ _ -> v
, foldSequence = const
, foldCond = const
, foldRepeat = \ v _ _ -> v
, foldVar = const
, foldOp = \ v _ _ _ _ -> v
, foldList = \ v _ _ -> v
, foldInterval = \ v _ _ _ -> v
, foldInt = \ v _ _ -> v
, foldRat = \ v _ _ -> v
{- | Passes the transformation through the CMD part and is the identity
on the EXPRESSION part -}
passRecord :: Record CMD EXPRESSION
passRecord =
idRecord { foldAss = const Ass
, foldCmd = const Cmd
, foldSequence = const Sequence
, foldCond = const Cond
, foldRepeat = const Repeat
-- | Passes the transformation through both, the CMD and the EXPRESSION part
passAllRecord :: Record CMD EXPRESSION
passAllRecord =
passRecord { foldVar = const Var
, foldOp = const Op
, foldList = const List
, foldInterval = const Interval
, foldInt = const Int
, foldRat = const Rat
{- | Passes the transformation through the 'CMD' part by concatenating the
processed list from left to right and identity on expression part -}
listCMDRecord :: Record [a] EXPRESSION
listCMDRecord =
idRecord { foldAss = \ _ _ _ -> []
, foldCmd = \ _ _ _ -> []
, foldSequence = const concat
, foldCond = \ _ -> concat . concatMap snd
, foldRepeat = \ _ _ -> concat
{- | Returns the first constant on the CMD part and the second
on the EXPRESSION part -}
constRecord :: a -> b -> Record a b
constRecord a b =
Record { foldAss = \ _ _ _ -> a
, foldCmd = \ _ _ _ -> a
, foldSequence = \ _ _ -> a
, foldCond = \ _ _ -> a
, foldRepeat = \ _ _ _ -> a
, foldVar = \ _ _ -> b
, foldOp = \ _ _ _ _ _ -> b
, foldList = \ _ _ _ -> b
, foldInterval = \ _ _ _ _ -> b
, foldInt = \ _ _ _ -> b
, foldRat = \ _ _ _ -> b
foldCMD :: Record a b -> CMD -> a
foldCMD r f = case f of
Ass c def -> foldAss r f c $ foldTerm r def
Cmd s l -> foldCmd r f s $ map (foldTerm r) l
Sequence l -> foldSequence r f $ map (foldCMD r) l
Cond l -> foldCond r f $ map cf l where
cf (x, y) = (foldTerm r x, map (foldCMD r) y)
Repeat c l -> foldRepeat r f (foldTerm r c) $ map (foldCMD r) l
foldTerm :: Record a b -> EXPRESSION -> b
foldTerm r t = case t of
Var tok -> foldVar r t tok
Op s epl al rg -> foldOp r t s epl (map (foldTerm r) al) rg
List l rg -> foldList r t (map (foldTerm r) l) rg
Interval from to rg -> foldInterval r t from to rg
Int i rg -> foldInt r t i rg
Rat f rg -> foldRat r t f rg