DependencyGraph.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Definition of Dependency Graph with utils
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Definition of Dependency Graph and utils to be applied to dependency stores
module CSL.DependencyGraph
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import CSL.ASUtils
import CSL.Sign as Sign
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
-- * Dependency Graph datatype for various algorithms on Dependency Graphs
data DepGraph a b c = DepGraph
{ dataMap :: Map.Map a
( b -- the annotation
, Set.Set a -- the direct successors (smaller elements)
, Set.Set c -- the direct predecessors (bigger elements)
{- function returning for a given element and value the predecessors
of this element -}
, getPredecessors :: a -> b -> [c]
{- function returning for a given element and value the predecessors
of this element -}
, getKey :: c -> a
instance (Show a, Show b, Show c) => Show (DepGraph a b c) where
show = show . dataMap
depGraphLookup :: Ord a =>
DepGraph a b c -> a -> Maybe (b, Set.Set a, Set.Set c)
depGraphLookup gr x = Map.lookup x $ dataMap gr
prettyDepGraph :: (a -> Doc) -> (b -> Doc) -> (c -> Doc) -> DepGraph a b c
-> Doc
prettyDepGraph pa pb pc gr =
ppMap pa pf ((text "DepGraph" <+>) . braces) vcat f $ dataMap gr where
f a b = a <> text ":" <+> b
pf (v, dss, dps) =
ps pa dss <+> text " << x << " <+> ps pc dps <> text ":" <+> pb v
ps g = braces . (sepByCommas . map g) . Set.toList
instance (Pretty a, Pretty b, Pretty c) => Pretty (DepGraph a b c) where
pretty = prettyDepGraph pretty pretty pretty
emptyDepGraph :: (a -> b -> [c]) -> (c -> a) -> DepGraph a b c
emptyDepGraph f pf = DepGraph { dataMap = Map.empty, getPredecessors = f
, getKey = pf }
{- TODO: merge the type Rel2 and DepGraph in order to work only on the
new type, and implement a construction of this graph from a list
without the necessity to order the elements first. -}
{- | It is important to have the elements given in an order with
biggest elements first (elements which depend on nothing) -}
depGraphFromDescList :: (Ord a, Ord c) => (a -> b -> [c]) ->
(c -> a) -> [(a, b)] -> DepGraph a b c
depGraphFromDescList f pf = foldl g (emptyDepGraph f pf) where
g x (y, z) = updateGraph x y z
maybeSetUnions :: Ord a => Set.Set (Maybe (Set.Set a)) -> Set.Set a
maybeSetUnions = Set.fold f Set.empty where
f mS s' = maybe s' (Set.union s') mS
upperLevel :: (Ord a, Ord c) => DepGraph a b c -> Set.Set a -> Set.Set c
upperLevel gr = maybeSetUnions . f where
f a = fmap g $ Map.lookup a $ dataMap gr
g (_, _, dps) = dps
lowerLevel :: Ord a => DepGraph a b c -> [a] -> Set.Set a
lowerLevel gr = Set.unions . mapMaybe f where
f a = fmap g $ Map.lookup a $ dataMap gr
g (_, dss, _) = dss
setFilterLookup :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord d, Show a) =>
(d -> a) -- ^ projection function
-> (a -> b -> Bool) -- ^ filter predicate
-> DepGraph a b c -- ^ dependency graph for lookup
-> Set.Set d -- ^ filter this set
-> Set.Set (d, b)
setFilterLookup pf fp gr s = h $ Set.filter g $ f s where
f x = (x, fmap ( \ (v, _, _) -> v ) $ Map.lookup (pf x) $ dataMap gr)
g (x, Just val) = fp (pf x) val
g _ = False
h (x, Just val) = (x, val)
h _ = error "setFilterLookup: Impossible case"
lowerUntil :: (Pretty a, Ord a, Ord b, Show a) =>
(a -> b -> Bool) -- ^ cut-off predicate
-> DepGraph a b c -- ^ dependency graph to be traversed
-> [a] -- ^ compare entries to this element
-> Set.Set (a, b)
lowerUntil _ _ [] = Set.empty
lowerUntil cop gr al =
let s = lowerLevel gr al
cop' x = not . cop x
s' = setFilterLookup id cop' gr s
s'' = lowerUntil cop gr $ map fst $ Set.toList s'
in Set.union s' s''
upperUntil :: (Ord a, Ord b, Ord c, Show a) =>
(a -> b -> Bool) -- ^ cut-off predicate
-> DepGraph a b c -- ^ dependency graph to be traversed
-> Set.Set a -- ^ compare entries to these elements
-> Set.Set (c, b)
upperUntil cop gr es
| Set.null es = Set.empty
| otherwise =
let s = upperLevel gr es
cop' x = not . cop x
s' = setFilterLookup (getKey gr) cop' gr s
s'' = upperUntil cop gr $ (getKey gr . fst) s'
in Set.union s' s''
-- | Reflexive version of 'upperUntil'
upperUntilRefl :: (Ord a, Ord b, Show a) =>
(a -> b -> Bool) -- ^ cut-off predicate
-> DepGraph a b a -- ^ dependency graph to be traversed
-> Set.Set a -- ^ compare entries to these elements
-> Set.Set (a, b)
upperUntilRefl cop gr es
| Set.null es = Set.empty
| otherwise =
Set.union (setFilterLookup (getKey gr) (const $ const True) gr es)
$ upperUntil cop gr es
{- | Updates the depgraph at the given key with the update function.
The dependencies are NOT recomputed. No new elements are added to the graph. -}
updateValue :: Ord a => DepGraph a b c -> (b -> b) -> a -> DepGraph a b c
updateValue gr uf key = gr { dataMap = Map.adjust uf' key $ dataMap gr } where
uf' (x, y, z) = (uf x, y, z)
{- | Updates the depgraph at the given key with the new value.
The dependencies are recomputed. If the key does not exist in the graph
it is added to the graph. -}
updateGraph :: (Ord a, Ord c) => DepGraph a b c -> a -> b -> DepGraph a b c
updateGraph gr key val =
-- update the pred-set of all smaller entries
let (mOv, nm) = Map.insertLookupWithKey f key nval $ dataMap gr
npl = getPredecessors gr key val
nval = (val, Set.empty, Set.fromList npl)
f _ (v', _, nps) (_, oss, _) = (v', oss, nps)
nm' = case mOv of
Just (_, _, ops) ->
Set.fold rmFromSucc nm ops
_ -> nm
rmFromSucc c = Map.adjust g1 (getKey gr c)
g1 (x, dss, dps) = (x, Set.delete key dss, dps)
nm'' = foldl insSucc nm' npl
insSucc m c = Map.adjust g2 (getKey gr c) m
g2 (x, dss, dps) = (x, Set.insert key dss, dps)
in gr { dataMap = nm'' }
data DepGraphAnno a = DepGraphAnno
{ annoDef :: AssDefinition
, annoVal :: a } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (DepGraphAnno a) where
pretty (DepGraphAnno { annoDef = def, annoVal = av }) =
braces $ pretty def <> text ":" <+> pretty av
type AssignmentDepGraph a =
DepGraph ConstantName (DepGraphAnno a) ConstantName
assDepGraphFromDescList :: (ConstantName -> AssDefinition -> a)
-> [(ConstantName, AssDefinition)]
-> AssignmentDepGraph a
assDepGraphFromDescList f l = depGraphFromDescList getPs id $ map g l where
g (cn, ad) = (cn, DepGraphAnno { annoDef = ad, annoVal = f cn ad })
getPs _ = map SimpleConstant . Set.toList . setOfUserDefined . getDefiniens
. annoDef