CSLMode.el revision d3ea4ab5527bc4bd7381d39ecbc4af2199f54341
;; Creating a new menu pane in the menu bar to the right of "Tools" menu
;; A keymap is suitable for menu use if it has an overall prompt string, which describes the purpose of the menu.
;; essentially: define-key map fake-key '(item command), where fake-key is of the form [menu-bar mymenu nl] and defines key nl in mymenu which must exist
[menu-bar enclmenu]
(cons "ENCL" (make-sparse-keymap "encl menu"))
;; extract all spec definitions
(defun extractspecs ()
(p1 specs)
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward "spec" nil t)
(skip-chars-forward " ")
(setq p1 (point))
(push (buffer-substring-no-properties p1 (point)) specs)
;; extract all imports
(defun extractgets ()
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (search-forward "get" nil t)
(skip-chars-forward " ")
(setq p1 (point))
(push (buffer-substring-no-properties p1 (point)) specs)
;; comma separated lisp
(skip-chars-forward " ")
(while (string= (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (+ 1 (point))) ",")
(skip-chars-forward " ")
(setq p1 (+ 1 (point)))
(push (buffer-substring-no-properties p1 (point)) specs)
(skip-chars-forward " ")
(defun refresh-specmenu ()
((entries (sort (append (extractspecs) (extractgets)) 'string<))
;; delete the match menu
(global-unset-key [menu-bar enclmenu match])
;; generate match menu
(define-key-after global-map [menu-bar enclmenu match] (cons "Match" (make-sparse-keymap)) 'kill-buffer)
;; generate subentries
(dolist (item entries)
(setq currentsym (gensym))
(define-key global-map (vector 'menu-bar 'enclmenu 'match currentsym) (cons item (make-sparse-keymap)))
;; submenus
(dolist (item2 entries)
(setq currentsym2 (gensym))
(define-key global-map (vector 'menu-bar 'enclmenu 'match currentsym currentsym2) (cons item2 (make-sparse-keymap)))
(dolist (item3 '("Show match" "Export parameter"))
(define-key global-map (vector 'menu-bar 'enclmenu 'match currentsym currentsym2 (gensym))
(cons item3 `(lambda () (interactive) (run-csl ,item ,item2 ,item3))))
(define-key global-map (vector 'menu-bar 'enclmenu 'match currentsym (gensym)) (cons "--" nil))
(define-key global-map (vector 'menu-bar 'enclmenu 'match currentsym (gensym)) (cons "Select design spec" nil))
(define-key global-map (vector 'menu-bar 'enclmenu 'match (gensym)) (cons "--" nil))
(define-key global-map (vector 'menu-bar 'enclmenu 'match (gensym)) (cons "Select pattern spec" nil))
(defun run-csl (spec1 spec2 trans)
;; (message "selected %s and %s and %s" spec1 spec2 trans)
;; example command
;; matchcad /tmp/flange.het -sMatch -pFlangePattern -dComponent
; (message (concatenate 'string "asd" (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
; (call-process "/bin/ls" nil (get-buffer-create "*Match-Result*") t "-lh" "/tmp/")
(call-process "matchcad" nil (get-buffer-create "*Match-Result*") t
"-p" spec1
"-d" spec2
(if (string= trans "Show match") "" "-t")
(buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
(switch-to-buffer (get-buffer "*Match-Result*"))
(defun openspec (filename)
(interactive "FOpen proof script: ")
(defun load-spec ()
(list (call-interactively 'openspec)