BoolBasic.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Some basic types for simple boolean representations
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
This module defines some basic types for a simple boolean representation and
a printer which outputs this representation into an s-expression like format.
This is mainly for communication with the smt-solver yices.
module CSL.BoolBasic where
import Data.List
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
General Datatypes for Extended Parameters
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
data BoolRep = Not BoolRep | Impl BoolRep BoolRep | And [BoolRep]
| Or [BoolRep] | Pred String [String]
trueBool :: BoolRep
trueBool = Pred "true" []
falseBool :: BoolRep
falseBool = Pred "false" []
mapPred :: (String -> [String] -> BoolRep) -> BoolRep -> BoolRep
mapPred f br =
case br of
Not x -> Not $ mapPred f x
Impl x y -> Impl (mapPred f x) $ mapPred f y
And l -> And $ map (mapPred f) l
Or l -> Or $ map (mapPred f) l
Pred s l -> f s l
{- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Output for SMT
---------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
smtBoolExp :: BoolRep -> String
smtBoolExp br = let f s = g s smtBoolExp
g s _ [] = s
g s h l = concat ["(", unwords $ s : map h l, ")"]
in case br of
Not b -> f "not" [b]
Impl b1 b2 -> f "=>" [b1, b2]
And l -> f "and" l
Or l -> f "or" l
Pred s l -> g s id l