Analysis.hs revision f8adc2a1376cd0946ec912a7f468cc05059a46dc
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Static Analysis for EnCL
Copyright : (c) Dominik Dietrich, Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Static Analysis for EnCL
module CSL.Analysis
{- ( splitSpec
, basicCSLAnalysis
, splitAS
, Guard(..)
, Guarded(..)
, dependencySortAS
, getDependencyRelation
, epElimination
, topsortDirect
, topsort
-- basicCSLAnalysis
-- ,mkStatSymbItems
-- ,mkStatSymbMapItem
-- ,inducedFromMorphism
-- ,inducedFromToMorphism
-- , signatureColimit
) -}
import Common.ExtSign
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.Utils (mapAccumLM)
import CSL.Symbol
import CSL.Fold
import CSL.Sign as Sign
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
-- * Diagnosis Types and Functions
-- | generates a named formula
withName :: Annoted CMD -> Int -> Named CMD
withName f i = (makeNamed (if label == "" then "Ax_" ++ show i
else label) $ item f)
{ isAxiom = not isTheorem }
label = getRLabel f
annos = r_annos f
isImplies' = foldl (\ y x -> isImplies x || y) False annos
isImplied' = foldl (\ y x -> isImplied x || y) False annos
isTheorem = isImplies' || isImplied'
-- | takes a signature and a formula and a number.
-- It analyzes the formula and returns a formula with diagnosis
analyzeFormula :: Sign.Sign -> (Annoted CMD) -> Int -> Result (Named CMD)
analyzeFormula _ f i =
return $ withName f{ item = staticUpdate $ item f } i
-- | Extracts the axioms and the signature of a basic spec
splitSpec :: BASIC_SPEC -> Sign.Sign -> Result (Sign.Sign, [Named CMD])
splitSpec (Basic_spec specitems) sig =
((newsig, _), mNCmds) <- mapAccumLM anaBasicItem (sig, 0) specitems
return (newsig, catMaybes mNCmds)
anaBasicItem :: (Sign.Sign, Int) -> Annoted BASIC_ITEM
-> Result ((Sign.Sign, Int), Maybe (Named CMD))
anaBasicItem (sign, i) itm =
case item itm of
Op_decl (Op_item tokens _) -> return ((addTokens sign tokens, i), Nothing)
Var_decls l -> return ((addVarDecls sign l, i), Nothing)
EP_components l -> return ((foldl addEPComponent sign l, i), Nothing)
Axiom_item annocmd ->
ncmd <- analyzeFormula sign annocmd i
return ((sign, i+1), Just ncmd)
-- | adds the specified tokens to the signature
addTokens :: Sign.Sign -> [Token] -> Sign.Sign
addTokens sign tokens = let f res itm = addToSig res (simpleIdToId itm)
$ optypeFromArity 0
in foldl f sign tokens
-- | adds the specified var items to the signature
addVarDecls :: Sign.Sign -> [VAR_ITEM] -> Sign.Sign
addVarDecls sign vitems = foldl f sign vitems where
f res (Var_item toks dom _) = addVarItem res toks dom
{- | stepwise extends an initially empty signature by the basic spec bs.
The resulting spec contains analyzed axioms in it. The result contains:
(1) the basic spec
(2) the new signature + the added symbols
(3) sentences of the spec
basicCSLAnalysis :: (BASIC_SPEC, Sign, a)
-> Result (BASIC_SPEC, ExtSign Sign Symbol, [Named CMD])
basicCSLAnalysis (bs, sig, _) =
(newSig, ncmds) <- splitSpec bs sig
let newSyms = Symbol $ Map.keysSet
$ Map.difference (items newSig) $ items sig
return (bs, ExtSign newSig newSyms, ncmds)
-- | A function which regroups all updates on a CMD during the static analysis.
staticUpdate :: CMD -> CMD
staticUpdate = handleFunAssignment . handleBinder
-- | Replaces the function-arguments in functional assignments by variables.
handleFunAssignment :: CMD -> CMD
handleFunAssignment (Ass (Op f epl al@(_:_) rg) e) =
let (env, al') = varSet al in Ass (Op f epl al' rg) $ constsToVars env e
handleFunAssignment x = x
{- | If element x is at position i in the first list and there is an entry (i,y)
in the second list then the resultlist has element y at position i. All
positions not mentioned by the second list have identical values in the first
and the result list.
replacePositions :: [a] -> [(Int, a)] -> [a]
replacePositions l posl =
let f (x, _) (y, _) = compare x y
-- the actual merge function
g _ l' [] = l'
g _ [] _ = error "replacePositions: positions left for replacement"
g i (a:l1) l2'@((j,b):l2) =
if i == j then b:g (i+1) l1 l2 else a:g (i+1) l1 l2'
-- works only if the positions are in ascending order
in g 0 l $ sortBy f posl
-- | Replaces the binding-arguments in binders by variables.
handleBinder :: CMD -> CMD
handleBinder cmd =
let substBinderArgs bvl bbl args =
-- compute the var set from the given positions
let (vs, vl) = varSet $ map (args!!) bvl
-- compute the substituted bodyexpressionlist
bl = map (constsToVars vs . (args!!)) bbl
in replacePositions args $ zip (bvl ++ bbl) $ vl ++ bl
substRec =
{ foldAss = \ cmd' _ def ->
case cmd' of
-- we do not want to recurse into the left hand side hence
-- we take the original value
Ass c _ -> Ass c def
_ -> error "handleBinder: impossible case"
, foldOp = \ _ s epl' args rg' ->
case lookupBindInfo operatorInfoNameMap s $ length args of
Just (BindInfo bvl bbl) ->
Op s epl' (substBinderArgs bvl bbl args) rg'
_ -> Op s epl' args rg'
, foldList = \ _ l rg' -> List l rg'
in foldCMD substRec cmd
-- | Transforms Op-Expressions to a set of op-names and a Var-list
varSet :: [EXPRESSION] -> (Set.Set String, [EXPRESSION])
varSet l =
let opToVar' s (Op v _ _ rg') =
( Set.insert (simpleName v) s
, Var Token{ tokStr = simpleName v, tokPos = rg' } )
opToVar' s v@(Var tok) = (Set.insert (tokStr tok) s, v)
opToVar' _ x =
error $ "varSet: not supported varexpression at "
++ show (getRange x) ++ ": " ++ show x
in mapAccumL opToVar' Set.empty l
-- | Replaces Op occurrences to Var if the op is in the given set
constsToVars :: Set.Set String -> EXPRESSION -> EXPRESSION
constsToVars env e =
let substRec =
{ foldOp =
\ _ s epl' args rg' ->
if Set.member (simpleName s) env then
if null args
then Var (Token { tokStr = simpleName s, tokPos = rg' })
else error $ "constsToVars: variable must not have"
++ " arguments:" ++ show args
else Op s epl' args rg'
, foldList = \ _ l rg' -> List l rg'
in foldTerm substRec e
-- * Utils for 'CMD' and 'EXPRESSION'
subAssignments :: CMD -> [(EXPRESSION, EXPRESSION)]
subAssignments = foldCMD listCMDRecord{ foldAss = \ _ c def -> [(c, def)] }