Analysis.hs revision 624e6701e0deb7ac6c03c0cba0190fbc5033cf93
{-# LINE 1 "CSL/Analysis.hs" #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Abstract syntax for reduce
Copyright : (c) Dominik Dietrich, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
-- todo: add static analysis for repeat
module CSL.Analysis
, basicCSLAnalysis
-- basicCSLAnalysis
-- ,mkStatSymbItems
-- ,mkStatSymbMapItem
-- ,inducedFromMorphism
-- ,inducedFromToMorphism
-- , signatureColimit
import Common.ExtSign
import CSL.Sign as Sign
import qualified Common.AS_Annotation as AS_Anno
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import CSL.Symbol
-- | Datatype for formulas with diagnosis data
data DIAG_FORM = DiagForm
formula :: (AS_Anno.Named CMD),
diagnosis :: Diagnosis
deriving Show
-- | extracts the operators + arity information for an operator
extractOperatorsExp :: EXPRESSION -> [(String,Int)]
extractOperatorsExp (Var _) = []
extractOperatorsExp (Op s exps _) = (s,(length exps)) : (List.foldl (\ res item -> (res ++ (extractOperatorsExp item)) ) [] exps)
extractOperatorsExp (List exps _) = (List.foldl (\ res item -> (res ++ (extractOperatorsExp item)) ) [] exps)
extractOperatorsExp _ = []
-- | extracts the operators + arity information for a cmd
extractOperatorsCmd :: CMD -> [(String,Int)]
extractOperatorsCmd (Cmd cmd exps) = (cmd,length exps) : (List.foldl (\ res item -> (res ++ (extractOperatorsExp item)) ) [] exps)
extractOperatorsCmd (Repeat _ _ _) = [] -- to be implemented
-- | checks whether the command is correctly declared
checkOperators :: Sign.Sign -> [(String,Int)] -> Bool
checkOperators _ [] = True
checkOperators s ((op,arit):ops) = (if elem op ["ex","all",">","<=",">=","!=","<","+","-","*","=","/","**","^","and","or","impl"] then (arit==2)
else if elem op ["cos","sqrt","sin"] then (arit==1) else
case op of
"solve" -> (arit==2)
"simplify" -> (arit==1)
"divide" -> (arit==2)
"int" -> (arit==2)
"rlqe" -> (arit==1)
":=" -> (arit==2)
"factorize" -> (arit==1)
"min" -> (arit>0)
"max" -> (arit>0)
_ -> Sign.lookupSym s $ genName op -- .. otherwise it must be declared in the signature
&& checkOperators s ops
-- | generates a named formula
makeNamed :: AS_Anno.Annoted CMD -> Int -> AS_Anno.Named CMD
makeNamed f i = (AS_Anno.makeNamed (if label == "" then "Ax_" ++ show i
else label) $ AS_Anno.item f)
{ AS_Anno.isAxiom = not isTheorem }
label = AS_Anno.getRLabel f
annos = AS_Anno.r_annos f
isImplies = foldl (\ y x -> AS_Anno.isImplies x || y) False annos
isImplied = foldl (\ y x -> AS_Anno.isImplied x || y) False annos
isTheorem = isImplies || isImplied
-- | takes a signature and a formula and a number. It analyzes the formula and returns a formula with diagnosis
analyzeFormula :: Sign.Sign -> (AS_Anno.Annoted CMD) -> Int -> DIAG_FORM
analyzeFormula s f i =
opargs = extractOperatorsCmd (AS_Anno.item f)
if (checkOperators s opargs) then
DiagForm { formula = (makeNamed f i),
diagnosis = Diag {
diagKind = Hint
, diagString = "All fine"
, diagPos = nullRange
DiagForm { formula = (makeNamed f i),
diagnosis = Diag {
diagKind = Error
, diagString = "Wrong arity or undeclared operator in Formula " ++ show (extractOperatorsCmd (AS_Anno.item f)) ++ " " ++ show (AS_Anno.item f)
, diagPos = nullRange -- position of the error
-- | Extracts the axioms and the signature of a basic spec
splitSpec :: BASIC_SPEC -> Sign.Sign -> (Sign.Sign, [DIAG_FORM])
splitSpec (Basic_spec specitems) sig =
List.foldl (\ (sign, axs) item ->
case (AS_Anno.item item) of
(Op_decl (Op_item tokens _)) -> (addTokens sign tokens, axs)
(Axiom_item annocmd) -> (sign, (analyzeFormula sign annocmd (length axs)) : axs) -- addAxioms cmds sign
(sig, []) specitems
-- | adds the specified tokens to the signature
addTokens :: Sign.Sign -> [Token] -> Sign.Sign
addTokens sign tokens = foldl (\ res item -> (addToSig res (simpleIdToId item))) sign tokens
-- | stepwise extends an initially empty signature by the basic spec bs. The resulting spec contains analyzed axioms in it.
-- The result contains: 1) the basic spec 2) the new signature + the added symbols 3) sentences of the spec
basicCSLAnalysis :: (BASIC_SPEC, Sign, a) -> Result (BASIC_SPEC, ExtSign Sign Symbol, [AS_Anno.Named CMD])
basicCSLAnalysis (bs, sig, _) =
Result diagnoses $ if exErrs then Nothing else
Just (bs, ExtSign newSig newSyms, (map formula diagcmds))
(newSig, diagcmds) = splitSpec bs sig
diagnoses = (map diagnosis diagcmds)
exErrs = False
newSyms = Symbol $ Set.difference (items newSig) $ items sig