AnEvenTool.hs revision 76408af596b604997cabe1ebde1caaa43f58b1e6
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : The AnEven-Tool: an (An)alyzer and (Ev)aluator for (En)CL
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable (uses type-expression in type contexts)
The AnEven-Tool: an (An)alyzer and (Ev)aluator for (En)CL specifications.
Provides functionality for interactive experimenting with EnCL specifications.
{- TODO:
* complete the pretty printing stuff
- add visualization functions and bind them to commands
* implement the cmpenv creation
- get the corresponding data from the signature
- implement the global settings for logfiles etc...
* implement the output of the elim-const to eprange mapping
* check the autoload/reset facility
module CSL.AnEvenTool
-- (evalWithVerification, CAS (..), CASState(..))
import qualified Interfaces.Process as PC
import Control.Monad.Error (MonadError (..))
import Static.SpecLoader (getSigSensComplete, SigSens (..))
import CSL.MathematicaInterpreter
import CSL.MapleInterpreter
import CSL.Interpreter
import CSL.Logic_CSL
import CSL.DependencyGraph
import CSL.GuardedDependencies
import CSL.EPElimination
import CSL.EPRelation
import qualified CSL.SMTComparison as CMP
import CSL.Sign
import CSL.Verification
import Common.Utils (getEnvDef)
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Doc
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Driver.Options
import Control.Monad.State.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.IORef
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Text.Regex
-- Shell handling/building imports
import System.Console.Readline
import System.Console.Shell
import qualified System.Console.Shell.Backend as ShBE
import System.Console.Shell.ShellMonad
{- PROBLEMS with Shellac:
1. When using the readline-backend and load this module in a "make ghci"
session, there is a segfault after invoking runShell. When running a compiled
program then this does not happen anymore!
2. With all backends, when explicitly calling initBackend then there are
segfaults after exiting from the REPL or even during completion...
-- import System.Console.Shell.Backend.Readline
import System.Console.Shell.Backend.Haskeline
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
instance Pretty Bool where
pretty = text . show
data CAS = Maple | Mathematica deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
data CASState = MapleState MITrans | MathematicaState MathState
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * AnEven-Tool
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
versionInfo :: String
versionInfo = unlines
[ ""
, "The AnEven-Tool: an (An)alyzer and (Ev)aluator for"
, "(En)CL specifications. Version 0.1"
, "Copyright Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2010"
, ""
shellMessage :: String
shellMessage = unlines
[ "This is free software, and you are welcome to"
, "redistribute it under certain conditions (GPLv2)."
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ** Utils
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Given a relation ~ represented by M through
a ~ b <=> b elem (lookup a in M)
we compute the strict set of elements S transitively related to a, i.e.,
S is the smallest set satisfying:
b elem S <=> a /= b /\ (a ~ b \/ (EX a' elem S. a' ~ b))
terminalSeg :: Ord a => Map.Map a [a] -- the relation
-> a -- the element
-> Set.Set a -- the terminalSegment of the element
terminalSeg rel el = snd $ terminalSegEx rel (Set.singleton el) el
terminalSegEx :: Ord a => Map.Map a [a] -- the relation
-> Set.Set a -- the cache
-> a -- the element
-> ( Set.Set a -- the updated cache
, Set.Set a -- the terminalSegment of the element
terminalSegEx rel cache el =
case Map.lookup el rel of
Nothing -> (cache, Set.empty)
Just l ->
let l' = filter (flip Set.notMember cache) l
cache' = foldr Set.insert cache l'
(cache'', iss) = mapAccumL (terminalSegEx rel) cache' l'
in (cache'', Set.unions $ Set.fromList l': iss)
predecessorsOf :: Ord a => Map.Map a [a] -- the relation
-> a -- the element
-> [a] -- the predecessors
predecessorsOf rel el = Map.keys $ Map.filter (elem el) rel
matchCands :: [String] -> String -> [String]
matchCands l str = filter (isPrefixOf str) l
-- spec extraction from source files
specNameRE :: Regex
specNameRE = mkRegex "^\\s*spec\\W+(\\w+)"
getSpecNames :: String -> [String]
getSpecNames txt = sort $ concat $ mapMaybe (matchRegex specNameRE) $ lines txt
getSpecNamesFromFile :: Maybe FilePath -> IO [String]
getSpecNamesFromFile Nothing = return []
getSpecNamesFromFile (Just fp) = do
fe <- doesFileExist fp
if fe then readFile fp >>= return . getSpecNames else return []
-- use this history file
historyFilePath :: IO FilePath
historyFilePath = do
tmp <- getTemporaryDirectory
return $ joinPath [tmp, "AnEvenHistory.txt"]
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ** Shell abstraction
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
type BackendState = ShellacState
-- type BackendState = ()
defaultBackend :: ShBE.ShellBackend BackendState
defaultBackend = haskelineBackend
-- defaultBackend = readlineBackend
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ** Pretty Printing for AnEvenState fields
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
class PrettyOutput a b where
showPretty :: a -> b -> Doc
data POdefault = POdefault
instance Pretty TriggerSymbol where
pretty = text . show
instance PrettyOutput POdefault (Set.Set TriggerSymbol) where
showPretty _ s = pretty s
instance PrettyOutput POdefault (SigSens a b) where
showPretty _ sigs = pretty $ sigsensLibname sigs
instance PrettyOutput POdefault [Named CMD] where
showPretty _ prog = pretty prog
instance PrettyOutput POdefault [(String, Guarded EPRange)] where
showPretty _ ds = pretty ds
{- TODO: implement it for the other types...
, stDS :: Maybe (GuardedMap EPRange) -- the current dependency store
-- (derived from spec)
-- the ordered version of the current dependency store
, stODS :: Maybe [(String, Guarded EPRange)]
-- the guarded version of the current dependency store
, stGDS :: Maybe [(String, Guarded EPRange)]
-- the flattened version of the guarded dependency store
, stFDS :: Maybe [(ConstantName, AssDefinition)]
-- the elim constant to eprange mapping
, stECRgMap :: Maybe (Map.Map ConstantName EPRange)
-- the environment for the range-comparer facility
, stCmpEnv :: Maybe CMP.VarEnv
visualize :: PrettyOutput POdefault a => a -> Sh AnEvenState ()
visualize x = shellPutStrLn $ show $ showPretty POdefault x
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ** Basic Datatypes
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
data AnEvenConfig = AnEvenConfig
defaultConfig :: AnEvenConfig
defaultConfig = AnEvenConfig
{- AnEventState
We use this state as a cache/store for data which depends of other data.
In order to clear dependent entries when we update a given value we
use *update trigger*, which are executed recursively.
{- autoload-logic:
Each trigger symbol has
* a corresponding field in the state (see resetSt/checkSt),
* a function which sets the field value (see triggerFunc)
If a function depends on some state fields we provide an autoload
facility which tries to fill unset fields recursively.
This is only possible if the corresponding function does not take arguments.
In the latter case we break the autoload process with an error message.
data TriggerSymbol = TrgSpec | TrgProg | TrgDS | TrgODS | TrgFDS | TrgGDS
| TrgECRgMap | TrgCmpEnv deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
triggers :: Map.Map TriggerSymbol [TriggerSymbol]
triggers = Map.fromList
[ (TrgSpec, [TrgProg, TrgDS, TrgCmpEnv])
, (TrgDS, [TrgODS])
, (TrgODS, [TrgGDS])
, (TrgGDS, [TrgFDS, TrgECRgMap])
data AnEvenState =
{ stSpec :: Maybe (SigSens Sign CMD) -- current hets environment
, stProg :: Maybe [Named CMD] -- the current program (derived from spec)
, stDS :: Maybe (GuardedMap EPRange) -- the current dependency store
-- (derived from spec)
-- the ordered version of the current dependency store
, stODS :: Maybe [(String, Guarded EPRange)]
-- the guarded version of the current dependency store
, stGDS :: Maybe [(String, Guarded EPRange)]
-- the flattened version of the guarded dependency store
, stFDS :: Maybe [(ConstantName, AssDefinition)]
-- the elim constant to eprange mapping
, stECRgMap :: Maybe (Map.Map ConstantName EPRange)
-- the environment for the range-comparer facility
, stCmpEnv :: Maybe CMP.VarEnv
, stConfig :: AnEvenConfig -- the global settings
, stCompletionState :: IORef (Maybe FilePath) -- see completion-logic
initialState :: IO AnEvenState
initialState = do
csinit <- newIORef Nothing
return $
{ stSpec = Nothing
, stProg = Nothing
, stDS = Nothing
, stODS = Nothing
, stGDS = Nothing
, stFDS = Nothing
, stECRgMap = Nothing
, stCmpEnv = Nothing
, stConfig = defaultConfig
, stCompletionState = csinit
-- accessor functions
getStGeneric :: (AnEvenState -> Maybe a) -- the accessor function
-> String -- the error message
-> Sh AnEvenState a
getStGeneric f msg = do
st <- getShellSt
case f st of
Just a -> return a
Nothing -> error msg
getStSpec :: Sh AnEvenState (SigSens Sign CMD)
getStSpec = getStGeneric stSpec "Any specification loaded."
getStProg :: Sh AnEvenState [Named CMD]
getStProg = getStGeneric stProg "Program not initialized."
getStDepStore :: Sh AnEvenState (GuardedMap EPRange)
getStDepStore = getStGeneric stDS "Dependency Store not initialized."
getStODS :: Sh AnEvenState [(String, Guarded EPRange)]
getStODS = getStGeneric stODS "Ordered Dependency Store not initialized."
getStGDS :: Sh AnEvenState [(String, Guarded EPRange)]
getStGDS = getStGeneric stGDS "Guarded Dependency Store not initialized."
getStFDS :: Sh AnEvenState [(ConstantName, AssDefinition)]
getStFDS = getStGeneric stFDS "Flattened Dependency Store not initialized."
getStECRgMap :: Sh AnEvenState (Map.Map ConstantName EPRange)
getStECRgMap = getStGeneric stECRgMap "Elim constant to eprange mapping not initialized."
getStCmpEnv :: Sh AnEvenState CMP.VarEnv
getStCmpEnv = getStGeneric stCmpEnv "Comparer environment not initialized."
-- update functions
updStAS :: GuardedMap EPRange -> [Named CMD] -> Sh AnEvenState ()
updStAS gm l =
let f st = st { stProg = Just l, stDS = Just gm } in modifyShellSt f
updStSpec :: SigSens Sign CMD -> Sh AnEvenState ()
updStSpec sp = let f st = st { stSpec = Just sp } in modifyShellSt f
updStODS :: [(String, Guarded EPRange)] -> Sh AnEvenState ()
updStODS ods = let f st = st { stODS = Just ods } in modifyShellSt f
updStGDS :: [(String, Guarded EPRange)] -> Sh AnEvenState ()
updStGDS gds = let f st = st { stGDS = Just gds } in modifyShellSt f
updStFDS :: [(ConstantName, AssDefinition)] -> Sh AnEvenState ()
updStFDS fds = let f st = st { stFDS = Just fds } in modifyShellSt f
updStECRgMap :: Map.Map ConstantName EPRange -> Sh AnEvenState ()
updStECRgMap m = let f st = st { stECRgMap = Just m } in modifyShellSt f
updStCmpEnv :: CMP.VarEnv -> Sh AnEvenState ()
updStCmpEnv ve = let f st = st { stCmpEnv = Just ve } in modifyShellSt f
-- reset functions, when partially applied to a TriggerSymbol can be passed to
-- modifyShellSt
resetSt :: TriggerSymbol -> AnEvenState -> AnEvenState
resetSt trg st =
case trg of
TrgSpec -> st { stSpec = Nothing }
TrgProg -> st { stProg = Nothing }
TrgDS -> st { stDS = Nothing }
TrgODS -> st { stODS = Nothing }
TrgGDS -> st { stGDS = Nothing }
TrgFDS -> st { stFDS = Nothing }
TrgECRgMap -> st { stECRgMap = Nothing }
TrgCmpEnv -> st { stCmpEnv = Nothing }
-- triggers recursively all resets for the given symbol
runResetTrigger :: [TriggerSymbol] -> Sh AnEvenState ()
runResetTrigger trgs = do
let trgSet = Set.unions $ map (terminalSeg triggers) trgs
f st = Set.fold resetSt st trgSet
modifyShellSt f
-- only in debugmode...
-- shellPutInfo "Triggered reset on:"
-- visualize trgSet
-- checks whether the corresponding field is set (Just-val) or unset (Nothing)
checkSt :: TriggerSymbol -> AnEvenState -> Bool
checkSt trg st =
case trg of
TrgSpec -> isJust $ stSpec st
TrgProg -> isJust $ stProg st
TrgDS -> isJust $ stDS st
TrgODS -> isJust $ stODS st
TrgGDS -> isJust $ stGDS st
TrgFDS -> isJust $ stFDS st
TrgECRgMap -> isJust $ stECRgMap st
TrgCmpEnv -> isJust $ stCmpEnv st
triggerFunc :: TriggerSymbol -> Sh AnEvenState ()
triggerFunc trg =
case trg of
TrgSpec -> noTriggerFunc trg "load"
TrgProg -> alExtractFromSpec
TrgDS -> alExtractFromSpec
TrgCmpEnv -> alExtractFromSpec
TrgODS -> alSortDS
TrgGDS -> alEPElim
TrgFDS -> alElimAS
TrgECRgMap -> alElimASWithMap
noTriggerFunc :: TriggerSymbol -> String -> a
noTriggerFunc trg s =
error $ concat [ "Cannot autoload for trigger ", show trg
, ", please use the ", s, "-command for this purpose." ]
autoloads :: [TriggerSymbol] -> Sh AnEvenState ()
autoloads trgs = mapM_ autoload trgs
autoload :: TriggerSymbol -> Sh AnEvenState ()
autoload trg = do
let isFieldSet = fmap (checkSt trg) getShellSt
b <- isFieldSet
unless b $ do
mapM_ autoload $ predecessorsOf triggers trg
b' <- isFieldSet
unless b' $ triggerFunc trg
{- completion-logic:
due to shortcomings of the Shellac interface concerning completion
(no context-sensitive completion possible!), we implement the following
completion logic using the AnEvenState:
* When a filename argument is completed we remember the completion in the
state-field stCompletionState.
* When a command using filename arguments is executed we clear the
stCompletionState field
* In the specname completion function we use the stCompletionState field to
read eventually the specfile and extract the possible specnames
-- see completion-logic
setComplFilepath :: AnEvenState -> Maybe FilePath -> IO ()
setComplFilepath st mFp =
atomicModifyIORef (stCompletionState st) $ \ _ -> (mFp, ())
getComplFilepath :: AnEvenState -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
getComplFilepath st = readIORef $ stCompletionState st
writeComplState :: Maybe FilePath -> Sh AnEvenState ()
writeComplState mFp = do
nst <- getShellSt
liftIO $ setComplFilepath nst mFp
readComplState :: Sh AnEvenState (Maybe FilePath)
readComplState = do
nst <- getShellSt
liftIO $ getComplFilepath nst
-- Completable dummytypes and completion instances
-- File completable
data SpecFile = SpecFile
data SpecName = SpecName
instance Completion SpecFile AnEvenState where
{- REMARK (on a Shellac issue):
There is no way to get the backend state from the backend other than the init
function, but when we call initBackend explicitly we get segfaults (later in
the program, not directly...).
For our purposes it is sufficient to use a dummy backend state because in the
completeFilename function this value is not touched.
complete _ st str = do
-- the backend state is not touched only passed...
opts <- ShBE.completeFilename defaultBackend (error "117: no bst") str
unless (null opts) -- see completion-logic
$ setComplFilepath st $ Just $ head opts
return opts
completableLabel _ = "<fname>"
instance Completion SpecName AnEvenState where
complete _ st str = do
mFp <- getComplFilepath st
l <- getSpecNamesFromFile mFp
return $ matchCands l str
completableLabel _ = "<specname>"
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ** Basic Interface Functions
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
{- Most of this functions are autoload functions required for some visualization output
1. loads the spec and translates it to signature and sentences
sigsensGen :: String -> String -> IO (SigSens Sign CMD)
2. sentences are split into guarded dependency store and program
splitAS :: [Named CMD] -> (GuardedMap [EXTPARAM], [Named CMD])
3. guarded dependency is analyzed and made disjoint, to apply it to a dependency store use 'fmap'
analyzeGuarded :: Guarded [EXTPARAM] -> Guarded EPRange
4. the dependency store is sorted by the dependency relation
dependencySortAS :: GuardedMap EPRange -> [(String, Guarded EPRange)]
5. we apply extended parameter elimination to the dependency store
epElimination :: CompareIO m => [(String, Guarded EPRange)] -> m [(String, Guarded EPRange)]
6. the guarded dependency store is flattened to an ordinary one
getElimAS :: [(String, Guarded EPRange)] -> [(ConstantName, AssDefinition)]
6'. as 6, but this one returns in addition a mapping of elim-constants to ranges
getElimASWithMap :: [(String, Guarded EPRange)] -> ([(ConstantName, AssDefinition)], Map.Map ConstantName EPRange)
-- 1.
cmdLoadSpecEnv :: Completable SpecFile -> Completable SpecName -> Sh AnEvenState ()
cmdLoadSpecEnv (Completable lfn) (Completable spn) = do
sigs <- liftIO $ sigsensGen lfn spn
updStSpec sigs
runResetTrigger [TrgSpec]
writeComplState Nothing -- see completion-logic
-- 4. viz
cmdShowODS :: Sh AnEvenState ()
cmdShowODS = do
autoload TrgODS
ods <- getStODS
visualize ods
-- ??.
stateInfo :: Sh AnEvenState ()
stateInfo = do
st <- getShellSt
case stSpec st of
Just (SigSens { sigsensLibname = ln, sigsensNode = nd }) ->
shellPutInfoLn $ show $ text "Library" <+> pretty ln <> text ":" <> pretty nd <+> text "loaded."
_ -> shellPutInfoLn "System not initialized."
when (isJust $ stProg st) $ shellPutInfoLn "Program loaded."
when (isJust $ stDS st) $ shellPutInfoLn "Dependency Store loaded."
when (isJust $ stODS st) $ shellPutInfoLn "Ordered Dependency Store loaded."
when (isJust $ stGDS st) $ shellPutInfoLn "Guarded Dependency Store loaded."
when (isJust $ stFDS st) $ shellPutInfoLn "Flattened Dependency Store loaded."
when (isJust $ stECRgMap st) $ shellPutInfoLn "Elim-constant Map loaded."
when (isJust $ stCmpEnv st) $ shellPutInfoLn "Comparer Environment loaded."
debugInfo :: Sh AnEvenState ()
debugInfo = do
mFp <- readComplState
case mFp of
Just fp ->
shellPutInfoLn $ "Debug: " ++ fp
fe <- liftIO $ doesFileExist fp
when fe $
cont <- liftIO $ readFile fp
shellPutInfoLn "=========================== CONTENT ==========================="
shellPutInfoLn cont
shellPutInfoLn "==============================================================="
shellPutInfoLn $ unlines $ getSpecNames cont
_ -> shellPutInfoLn "Debug: <EMPTY>"
-- ** Autoloadable functions
-- 2., 3.
alExtractFromSpec :: Sh AnEvenState ()
alExtractFromSpec = do
autoload TrgSpec
sigs <- getStSpec
let (gm, prg) = splitAS $ sigsensNamedSentences sigs
updStAS (fmap analyzeGuarded gm) prg
runResetTrigger [TrgDS, TrgProg]
-- 4.
alSortDS :: Sh AnEvenState ()
alSortDS = do
autoload TrgDS
ds <- getStDepStore
updStODS $ dependencySortAS ds
runResetTrigger [TrgODS]
-- 5.
alEPElim :: Sh AnEvenState ()
alEPElim = do
autoloads [TrgODS, TrgCmpEnv]
ods <- getStODS
gds <- epElimination ods
updStGDS gds
runResetTrigger [TrgGDS]
-- 6.
alElimAS :: Sh AnEvenState ()
alElimAS = do
autoload TrgGDS
gds <- getStGDS
updStFDS $ getElimAS gds
runResetTrigger [TrgFDS]
-- 6'.
alElimASWithMap :: Sh AnEvenState ()
alElimASWithMap = do
autoload TrgGDS
gds <- getStGDS
let (fds, m) = getElimASWithMap gds
updStFDS fds
updStECRgMap m
runResetTrigger [TrgFDS, TrgECRgMap]
-- A REPL based on Shellac
runToolREPL :: AnEvenState -> IO AnEvenState
runToolREPL st = do
hfp <- historyFilePath
let desc =
(mkShellDescription cmds evalFun)
{ greetingText = Just (versionInfo ++ shellMessage)
, commandStyle = OnlyCommands
, historyFile = Just hfp
-- execute the shell
runShell desc defaultBackend st
runTool :: IO AnEvenState
runTool = initialState >>= runToolREPL
evalFun :: String -> Sh AnEvenState ()
evalFun [] = return ()
evalFun s = do
shellPutInfoLn $ concat ["Unknown command: ", s, "\n\nAvailable commands:\n"]
shellSpecial $ ShellHelp Nothing
cmds :: [ShellCommand AnEvenState]
cmds =
[ exitCommand "q"
, helpCommand "h"
, cmd "load" cmdLoadSpecEnv "Loads an EnCL spec from the given file- and specname"
, cmd "ods" cmdShowODS "Shows the ordered dependency store"
, cmd "info" stateInfo "Show information on the current state"
, cmd "debug" debugInfo "Show debug information"
-------- a Readline REPL
rEPL :: IO ()
rEPL = do
maybeLine <- readline "% "
case maybeLine of
Nothing -> return () -- EOF / control-d
Just "exit" -> return ()
Just line -> do addHistory line
putStrLn $ "The user input: " ++ (show line)
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ** CompareIO related stuff
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
instance CompareIO (Sh AnEvenState) where
logMessage s = do
ve <- getStCmpEnv
case CMP.loghandle ve of
Just hdl -> liftIO $ hPutStrLn hdl s
_ -> return ()
rangeFullCmp r1 r2 = do
ve <- getStCmpEnv
let vm = CMP.varmap ve
liftIO $ CMP.smtCompare ve (boolRange vm r1) $ boolRange vm r2
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * The functionality for the EvalSpec-Tool
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- TODO: replace it with the AnEven functionality when finished.
--------------------------- Shortcuts --------------------------
initFlags :: (StepDebugger m, SymbolicEvaluator m) => Bool -> Bool -> m ()
initFlags sm dm = do
setSymbolicMode sm
setDebugMode dm
evalWithVerification :: Bool -- ^ auto-close connection
-> CAS -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe String -> Bool -> Bool
-> PC.DTime -> Int -> String -> String -> IO CASState
evalWithVerification cl c mFp mN smode dmode to v lb sp =
let -- exitWhen s = null s || s == "q" || take 4 s == "quit" || take 4 s == "exit"
-- program for initialization
p prog = do
prettyInfo $ text ""
prettyInfo $ text "****************** Assignment store loaded ******************"
prettyInfo $ text ""
mE <- verifyProg prog
when (isJust mE) $ prettyInfo $ pretty $ fromJust mE
-- readEvalPrintLoop stdin stdout ">" exitWhen
in case c of
Maple -> do
(mit, _) <- testWithMapleGen v to (initFlags smode dmode) p lb sp
when cl $ mapleExit mit >> return ()
return $ MapleState mit
Mathematica -> do
(mst, _) <- testWithMathematicaGen v mFp mN (initFlags smode dmode) p lb sp
when cl $ mathematicaExit mst
return $ MathematicaState mst
-- | Returns sorted assignment store and program without EP elimination
assStoreAndProgSimple :: [Named CMD] -> IO ([(ConstantName, AssDefinition)], [Named CMD])
assStoreAndProgSimple ncl = do
let (asss, prog) = splitAS ncl
gm = fmap analyzeGuarded asss
sgl = dependencySortAS gm
return (getSimpleAS sgl, prog)
verifyProg :: (MessagePrinter m, StepDebugger m, VCGenerator m, MonadIO m, MonadError ASError m) =>
[Named CMD] -> m (Maybe ASError)
verifyProg ncl = do
stepwiseSafe verifyingStepper $ Sequence $ map sentence ncl
testWithMapleGen :: Int -> PC.DTime -> MapleIO b -> ([Named CMD] -> MapleIO a) -> String -> String
-> IO (MITrans, a)
testWithMapleGen v to = testWithCASGen rf where
rf adg prog =
runWithMaple adg v to
[ "EnCLFunctions"
-- , "intpakX" -- Problems with the min,max functions, they are remapped by this package!
] prog
testWithMathematicaGen :: Int -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe String
-> MathematicaIO b -> ([Named CMD] -> MathematicaIO a) -> String -> String
-> IO (MathState, a)
testWithMathematicaGen v mFp mN = testWithCASGen rf where
rf adg prog =
runWithMathematica adg v mFp mN
[ "/home/ewaryst/Hets/CSL/CAS/Mathematica.m" ] prog
testWithCASGen :: ( AssignmentStore as, MonadState (ASState st) as, MonadIO as) =>
(AssignmentDepGraph () -> as a -> IO (ASState st, a))
-> as b -> ([Named CMD] -> as a)
-> String -> String -> IO (ASState st, a)
testWithCASGen rf ip f lb sp = do
ncl <- fmap sigsensNamedSentences $ sigsensGen lb sp
-- get ordered assignment store and program
(as, prog) <- assStoreAndProgSimple ncl
vchdl <- openFile "/tmp/vc.out" WriteMode
-- build the dependency graph
let gr = assDepGraphFromDescList (const $ const ()) as
-- make sure that the assignment store is loaded into maple before
-- the execution of f
g x = ip >> loadAS as >> modify (\ mit -> mit {vericondOut = Just vchdl}) >> f x
-- start maple and run g
res <- rf gr $ (withLogFile "/tmp/evalWV.txt" . g) prog
hClose vchdl
return res
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ** Temp tools
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
sigsensGen :: String -> String -> IO (SigSens Sign CMD)
sigsensGen lb sp = do
hlib <- getEnvDef "HETS_LIB" $ error "Missing HETS_LIB environment variable"
b <- doesFileExist lb
let fp = if b then lb else hlib ++ "/" ++ lb
ho = defaultHetcatsOpts { libdirs = [hlib]
, verbose = 0 }
res <- getSigSensComplete True ho CSL fp sp
putStrLn "\n"
return res