ASUtils.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Utils for the abstract syntax of EnCL
Copyright : (c) Dominik Dietrich, Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2011
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Utils to create and access abstract syntax data
module CSL.ASUtils
( getDefiniens -- accessor function for AssDefinition
, getArguments -- accessor function for AssDefinition
, isFunDef -- predicate for AssDefinition
, isInterval -- predicate for EXPRESSION
, mkDefinition -- constructor for AssDefinition
, updateDefinition -- updates the definiens
, mapExpr -- maps function over EXPRESSION arguments
, varDeclName
, varDeclToVar
, opDeclToOp
, mkVar -- Variable constructor
, mkOp -- Simple Operator constructor
, mkPredefOp -- Simple Operator constructor for predefined ops
, mkUserdefOp
, mkAndAnalyzeOp
, mkAndAnalyzeOp'
, toElimConst -- Constant naming for elim constants, see Analysis.hs
, simpleName
, setOfUserDefined
, setOfConstsAndEPSpecs
) where
import Common.Id as Id
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.List (sort, mapAccumL)
import CSL.Fold
{- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Preliminaries and Utilities
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -}
-- | A simple operator constructor from given operator name and arguments
mkOp :: String -> [EXPRESSION] -> EXPRESSION
mkOp s el = Op (OpUser $ SimpleConstant s) [] el nullRange
-- | A variable constructor
mkVar :: String -> EXPRESSION
mkVar = Var . mkSimpleId
-- | A simple operator constructor from given operator id and arguments
mkPredefOp n el = Op (OpId n) [] el nullRange
-- | A simple operator constructor from given operator id and arguments
mkUserdefOp :: String -> [EXTPARAM] -> [EXPRESSION] -> Range -> EXPRESSION
mkUserdefOp n = Op (OpUser $ SimpleConstant n)
foldNaryToBinary :: OPID -> Range -> [EXPRESSION] -> EXPRESSION
foldNaryToBinary op rg exps = foldl f (f (head exps) (exps !! 1)) $ drop 2 exps
where f e' e'' = Op op [] [e', e''] rg
mkAndAnalyzeOp :: OperatorState st => st -> String -> [EXTPARAM] -> [EXPRESSION]
-> Range -> EXPRESSION
mkAndAnalyzeOp st s eps exps rg =
either f g $ mkAndAnalyzeOp' False st s eps exps rg
where f = error
g e = e
-- | Lookup the string in the given 'OperatorState'
mkAndAnalyzeOp' :: OperatorState st => Bool -- ^ process binders
-> st -> String -> [EXTPARAM] -> [EXPRESSION]
-> Range -> Either String EXPRESSION
mkAndAnalyzeOp' b st s eps exps rg =
case lookupOperator st s (length exps) of
Left False
| isVar st s -> if null exps && null eps
then Right $ Var Token { tokStr = s, tokPos = rg }
else Left "Variable requires no (extended) parameters"
| otherwise -> f exps $ OpUser $ SimpleConstant s
{- if registered it must be registered with the given arity or
as flex-op, otherwise we don't accept it -}
Left True -> Left "Wrong arity"
Right oi
| null eps ->
if foldNAry oi && length exps > 2
then Right $ foldNaryToBinary (OpId $ opname oi) rg exps
else let exps' =
case bind oi of
Just x -> if b then processBinderArgs x exps else exps
_ -> exps
in f exps' $ OpId $ opname oi
| otherwise -> Left "No extended parameters allowed"
where f exps' op = Right $ Op op eps exps' rg
{- | For given binder arguments we replace the constant-expressions at the
bound variable positions by variable-expressions and also all constants with
the name of a variable in the arguments at binder body positions. -}
processBinderArgs :: BindInfo -> [EXPRESSION] -> [EXPRESSION]
processBinderArgs (BindInfo {bindingVarPos = bvl, boundBodyPos = bbl}) exps =
let bvl' = sort bvl
(vs, vl) = varSet $ map (exps !!) bvl'
g l'@((j, ve) : l) (i, e)
| j == i -- at bound variable position
= (l, ve)
| otherwise = (l', g' (i, e))
g l x = (l, g' x)
g' (i, e)
| elem i bbl -- at binder body position
= constsToVars vs e
| otherwise = e
in snd $ mapAccumL g (zip bvl' vl) $ zip [0 ..] exps
mapExpr f e =
case e of
Op oi epl args rg -> Op oi epl (map f args) rg
List exps rg -> List (map f exps) rg
_ -> e
-- | Transforms Op-Expressions to a set of op-names and a Var-list
varSet :: [EXPRESSION] -> (Set.Set String, [EXPRESSION])
varSet l =
let opToVar' s (Op v _ _ rg') =
( Set.insert (simpleName v) s
, Var Token { tokStr = simpleName v, tokPos = rg' } )
opToVar' s v@(Var tok) = (Set.insert (tokStr tok) s, v)
opToVar' _ x =
error $ "varSet: not supported varexpression at " ++ show x
in mapAccumL opToVar' Set.empty l
-- | Replaces Op occurrences to Var if the op is in the given set
constsToVars :: Set.Set String -> EXPRESSION -> EXPRESSION
constsToVars env e =
let substRec =
{ foldOp =
\ _ s epl' args rg' ->
if Set.member (simpleName s) env then
if null args
then Var Token { tokStr = simpleName s, tokPos = rg' }
else error $ "constsToVars: variable must not have"
++ " arguments:" ++ show args
else Op s epl' args rg'
, foldList = \ _ l rg' -> List l rg'
in foldTerm substRec e
updateDefinition :: EXPRESSION -> AssDefinition -> AssDefinition
updateDefinition e' (ConstDef _) = ConstDef e'
updateDefinition e' (FunDef l _) = FunDef l e'
mkDefinition :: [String] -> EXPRESSION -> AssDefinition
mkDefinition l e = if null l then ConstDef e else FunDef l e
getDefiniens :: AssDefinition -> EXPRESSION
getDefiniens (ConstDef e) = e
getDefiniens (FunDef _ e) = e
getArguments :: AssDefinition -> [String]
getArguments (FunDef l _) = l
getArguments _ = []
isFunDef :: AssDefinition -> Bool
isFunDef (FunDef _ _) = True
isFunDef _ = False
isInterval :: EXPRESSION -> Bool
isInterval (Interval {}) = True
isInterval _ = False
simpleName :: OPID -> String
simpleName (OpId n) = showOPNAME n
simpleName (OpUser (SimpleConstant s)) = s
simpleName (OpUser x) = error "simpleName: ElimConstant not supported: " ++
show x
toElimConst :: ConstantName -> Int -> ConstantName
toElimConst (SimpleConstant s) i = ElimConstant s i
toElimConst ec _ = error $ "toElimConst: already an elim const " ++ show ec
varDeclName :: VarDecl -> String
varDeclName (VarDecl n _) = Id.tokStr n
varDeclToVar :: VarDecl -> EXPRESSION
varDeclToVar (VarDecl n _) = Var n
opDeclToOp :: OpDecl -> EXPRESSION
opDeclToOp (OpDecl n epl vdl rg ) = Op (OpUser n) epl (map varDeclToVar vdl) rg
-- | Returns a set of user defined constants ignoring 'EXTPARAM' instantiation.
setOfUserDefined :: EXPRESSION -> Set.Set String
setOfUserDefined = g Set.empty
g s x =
case x of
Op oi@(OpUser _) _ al _ -> foldl g (Set.insert (simpleName oi) s) al
-- handle also non-userdefined ops.
Op _ _ al _ -> foldl g s al
-- ignoring lists (TODO: they should be removed soon anyway)
_ -> s
-- | Returns a set of user defined constants and 'EXTPARAM' specifications.
setOfConstsAndEPSpecs :: EXPRESSION -> (Set.Set String, Set.Set EXTPARAM)
setOfConstsAndEPSpecs = g (Set.empty, Set.empty)
g s@(s1, s2) x =
case x of
Op oi@(OpUser _) epl al _ ->
foldl g ( Set.insert (simpleName oi) s1
, foldr Set.insert s2 epl) al
-- handle also non-userdefined ops.
Op _ _ al _ -> foldl g s al
-- ignoring lists (TODO: they should be removed soon anyway)
_ -> s