Utils.hs revision c208973c890b8f993297720fd0247bc7481d4304
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : utilitary functions used throughout the CMDL interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : r.pascanu@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.Utils contains different basic functions that are
used throughout the CMDL interface and could not be found in
module CMDL.Utils
( decomposeIntoGoals
, obtainNodeList
, createEdgeNames
, obtainEdgeList
, obtainGoalEdgeList
, unfinishedEdgeName
, stripComments
, lastChar
, lastString
, safeTail
, fileFilter
, fileExtend
, prettyPrintErrList
, nodeContainsGoals
, edgeContainsGoals
, checkIntString
, delExtension
, checkPresenceProvers
, arrowLink
, checkArrowLink
) where
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (LNode, LEdge)
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Common.AS_Annotation (SenAttr (isAxiom))
import Common.Utils
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import qualified Data.Map as Map
-- a any version of function that supports IO
anyIO :: (a -> IO Bool) -> [a] -> IO Bool
anyIO fn ls = case ls of
[] -> return False
e : l -> do
result <- fn e
if result then return True else anyIO fn l
{- checks if provers in the prover list are availabe on
the current machine -}
checkPresenceProvers :: [String] -> IO [String]
checkPresenceProvers ls = case ls of
[] -> return []
s@"SPASS" : l -> do
path <- getEnvDef "PATH" ""
let lsPaths = map trim $ splitOn ':' path
completePath x = x </> s
result <- anyIO (doesFileExist . completePath)
if result then do
contd <- checkPresenceProvers l
return (s : contd)
else checkPresenceProvers l
x : l -> do
contd <- checkPresenceProvers l
return (x : contd)
{- removes the extension of the file find in the
name of the prompter ( it delets everything
after the last . and assumes a prompter length of 2 ) -}
delExtension :: String -> String
delExtension str = let rstr = reverse str in
reverse $ safeTail $ case dropWhile (/= '.') rstr of
"" -> safeTail rstr
dstr -> dstr
-- | Checks if a string represents a int or not
checkIntString :: String -> Bool
checkIntString = not . any (not . isDigit)
localArr :: String
localArr = "..>"
globalArr :: String
globalArr = "->"
padBlanks :: String -> String
padBlanks s = ' ' : s ++ " "
-- | Generates a string representing the type of link
arrowLink :: DGLinkLab -> String
arrowLink edgLab = padBlanks $ if isLocalEdge $ dgl_type edgLab
then localArr
else globalArr
-- | Checks if the string starts with an arrow
checkArrowLink :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
checkArrowLink str = case find snd
$ map (\ s -> (s, isPrefixOf s str)) [localArr, globalArr] of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (a, _) -> Just (padBlanks a, drop (length a) str)
{- | Given a string inserts spaces before and after an
arrow -}
spacesAroundArrows :: String -> String
spacesAroundArrows s = case s of
[] -> []
hd : tl -> case checkArrowLink $ trimLeft s of
Just (arr, rs) -> arr ++ spacesAroundArrows rs
Nothing -> hd : spacesAroundArrows tl
{- | Given a string the function decomposes it into 4 lists,
one for node goals, the other for edges, the third for
numbered edges and the last for names that could not be
processed due to errors -}
decomposeIntoGoals :: String -> ([String], [String], [String], [String])
decomposeIntoGoals input = let
{- the new input where words and arrows are separated
by exactly one space -}
nwInput = words $ spacesAroundArrows input
{- funtion to parse the input and decompose it into
the three goal list -}
parse info nbOfArrows word sw listNode listEdge listNbEdge listError =
case info of
[] -> case nbOfArrows :: Integer of
0 -> (word : listNode, listEdge, listNbEdge, listError)
1 -> (listNode, word : listEdge, listNbEdge, listError)
2 -> (listNode, listEdge, word : listNbEdge, listError)
_ -> (listNode, listEdge, listNbEdge, word : listError)
x : l -> case checkArrowLink x of
Just (arr, _) ->
case word of
[] -> (listNode, listEdge, listNbEdge, word : listError)
_ -> parse l (nbOfArrows + 1) (word ++ arr) True
listNode listEdge listNbEdge listError
Nothing ->
if sw
then parse l nbOfArrows (word ++ x) False
listNode listEdge listNbEdge listError
case nbOfArrows of
0 -> parse l 0 x False
(word : listNode) listEdge listNbEdge listError
1 -> parse l 0 x False
listNode (word : listEdge) listNbEdge listError
2 -> parse l 0 x False
listNode listEdge (word : listNbEdge) listError
_ -> parse l 0 x False
listNode listEdge listNbEdge (word : listError)
in parse nwInput 0 [] True [] [] [] []
{- | mapAndSplit maps a function to a list. If the function can not
be applied to an element it is stored in a different list for
producing error message later on -}
mapAndSplit :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> ([a], [b])
mapAndSplit fn ls =
let ps = zip ls $ map fn ls
(oks, errs) = partition (isJust . snd) ps
in (map fst errs, mapMaybe snd oks)
{- | concatMapAndSplit is similar to mapAndSplit, just that it behaves
in a similar manner to concatMap (i.e. sums up lists produced by
the function -}
concatMapAndSplit :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> ([a], [b])
concatMapAndSplit fn ls =
let ps = zip ls $ map fn ls
(errs, oks) = partition (null . snd) ps
in (map fst errs, concatMap snd oks)
{- | Given a list of node names and the list of all nodes
the function returns all the nodes that have their name
in the name list -}
obtainNodeList :: [String] -> [LNode DGNodeLab] -> ([String], [LNode DGNodeLab])
obtainNodeList lN allNodes = mapAndSplit
(\ x -> find (\ (_, label) -> getDGNodeName label == x) allNodes) lN
-- | Given a node decides if it contains goals or not
nodeContainsGoals :: LNode DGNodeLab -> G_theory -> Bool
nodeContainsGoals (_, l) th =
(case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
not $ Map.null $ OMap.filter
(\ s -> not (isAxiom s) && not (isProvenSenStatus s)) sens) ||
hasOpenNodeConsStatus False l
-- | Given an edge decides if it contains goals or not
edgeContainsGoals :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> Bool
edgeContainsGoals (_, _, l) = case thmLinkStatus $ dgl_type l of
Just LeftOpen -> True
_ -> False
{- | Given a list of edges and the complete list of all
edges computes not only the names of edges but also the
numbered name of edges -}
createEdgeNames :: [LNode DGNodeLab] -> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> [String]
createEdgeNames lsN lsE = let
-- function that returns the name of a node given its number
nameOf x ls = case lookup x ls of
Nothing -> "Unknown node"
Just nlab -> showName $ dgn_name nlab
ordFn (x1, x2, _) (y1, y2, _) = compare (x1, x2) (y1, y2)
-- sorted and grouped list of edges
edgs = groupBy ( \ x y -> ordFn x y == EQ) $ sortBy ordFn lsE
allEds = concatMap (\ l -> case l of
[(x, y, edgLab)] -> [nameOf x lsN ++
arrowLink edgLab ++
nameOf y lsN]
_ -> map (\ (x, y, edgLab) ->
nameOf x lsN ++
arrowLink edgLab ++
showEdgeId (dgl_id edgLab)
++ arrowLink edgLab
++ nameOf y lsN) l) edgs
in allEds
{- | Given a list of edge names and numbered edge names
and the list of all nodes and edges the function
identifies the edges that appear in the name lists -}
obtainEdgeList :: [String] -> [String] -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> ([String], [LEdge DGLinkLab])
obtainEdgeList lsEdge lsNbEdge allNodes allEdges = let
{- function that searches through a list of nodes to
find the node number for a given name. -}
getNodeNb s ls =
case find ( \ (_, label) ->
getDGNodeName label == s) ls of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (nb, _) -> Just nb
-- compute the list of all edges from source node to target
l1 = concatMapAndSplit
(\ nme -> case words nme of
[src, _, tar] -> let
node1 = getNodeNb src allNodes
node2 = getNodeNb tar allNodes
in case node1 of
Nothing -> []
Just x ->
case node2 of
Nothing -> []
Just y ->
filter (\ (x1, y1, _) -> x == x1 && y == y1) allEdges
_ -> error "CMDL.Utils.obtainEdgeList1"
) lsEdge
-- compute the list of all numbered edges
l2 = mapAndSplit
(\ nme -> case words nme of
[src, _, numb, _, tar] -> let
node1 = getNodeNb src allNodes
node2 = getNodeNb tar allNodes
mnb = readMaybe numb
in case node1 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just x -> case node2 of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just y -> case mnb of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just nb -> let
ls = filter (\ (x1, y1, elab) -> x == x1 && y == y1 &&
dgl_id elab == EdgeId nb) allEdges
in case ls of
[] -> Nothing
els : _ -> Just els
_ -> error "CMDL.Utils.obtainEdgeList2") lsNbEdge
in (fst l1 ++ fst l2, snd l1 ++ snd l2)
{- | Giben a listof edgenamesand numbered edge names and
the list of all nodes and edges the function identifies
the edges that appearin the name list and are also goals -}
obtainGoalEdgeList :: [String] -> [String] -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
-> [LEdge DGLinkLab] -> ([String], [LEdge DGLinkLab])
obtainGoalEdgeList ls1 ls2 ls3 ls4 =
let (l1, l2) = obtainEdgeList ls1 ls2 ls3 ls4
in (l1, filter edgeContainsGoals l2)
{- | Function that given a string removes comments contained
in the string -}
stripComments :: String -> String
stripComments input =
let fn ls = case ls of
'#' : _ -> []
'%' : ll ->
case ll of
'%' : _ -> []
'{' : _ -> []
_ -> '%' : fn ll
[] -> []
l : ll -> l : fn ll
in trim $ fn input
{- | The function obtain the unfinished edge name from the
last position of the input or list of possible unfinished
edge names -}
unfinishedEdgeName :: String -> String
unfinishedEdgeName input = let
lastButN nb = lastString . reverse . drop nb . reverse
-- we need a penultimum (the one before the last) function
prevLast = lastButN 1
-- and the one before the penultimum
prevPrevLast = lastButN 2
prev2PrevLast = lastButN 3
prev3PrevLast = lastButN 4
wrds = words input
in if isSpace $ lastChar input
{- if so, then either the last word is an arrow, and
then we have the consider last two words, or it
is not an arrow and then we need to consider just
the last word -}
case checkArrowLink $ lastString wrds of
Just (arr1, _) ->
case checkArrowLink $ prevPrevLast wrds of
Just (arr2, _) -> prev2PrevLast wrds
++ arr2 ++ prevLast wrds ++ arr1
_ -> prevLast wrds ++ arr1
_ -> case checkArrowLink $ prevLast wrds of
{- an entire edge name was just inserted
before and now we need a fresh new start -}
Just _ -> []
{- if just the first word of an edge was
inserted then return that -}
_ -> case lastString wrds of
[] -> []
_ -> lastString wrds ++ " "
{- then we could be in the middle of the first node
name, arrow or the second node name -}
case checkArrowLink $ prevLast wrds of
-- in the middle of the last word
Just (arr1, _) -> case checkArrowLink $ prev2PrevLast wrds of
Just (arr2, _) -> prev3PrevLast wrds ++
arr2 ++ prevPrevLast wrds ++
arr1 ++ lastString wrds
_ -> prevPrevLast wrds ++ arr1 ++ lastString wrds
_ -> case checkArrowLink $ prevPrevLast wrds of
-- in the middle of the first word
Just _ -> lastString wrds
-- in the middle of the arrow
_ -> case prevLast wrds of
[] -> lastString wrds
_ -> prevLast wrds ++ " " ++ lastString wrds
{- | Given a list of files and folders the function filters
only directory names and files ending in extenstion
.casl or .het -}
fileFilter :: String -> [String] -> [String] -> IO [String]
fileFilter lPath ls cons = case ls of
[] -> return cons
x : l -> do
-- check if current element is a directory
b <- doesDirectoryExist (lPath </> x)
if b
-- if it is,then add "/" to indicate is a folder
then fileFilter lPath l (addTrailingPathSeparator x : cons)
{- if it is not a folder then it must be a file
so check the extension -}
else if elem (takeExtensions x) [".casl", ".het" ]
then fileFilter lPath l (x : cons)
else fileFilter lPath l cons
{- | Given a list of files and folders the function expands
the list adding the content of all folders in the list -}
fileExtend :: String -> [String] -> [String] -> IO [String]
fileExtend lPath ls cons = case ls of
[] -> return cons
x : l -> do
-- check if current element is a directory
let lPathx = lPath </> x
b <- doesDirectoryExist lPathx
if b then
-- if it is a folder add its content
do ll <- getDirectoryContents lPathx
nll <- fileFilter lPathx ll []
let nll' = map (x </>) nll
fileExtend lPath l (nll' ++ cons)
-- if it is not then leave the file alone
else fileExtend lPath l (x : cons)
{- | The function behaves exactly as tail just that
in the case of empty list returns an empty list
instead of an error -}
safeTail :: [a] -> [a]
safeTail = drop 1
safeLast :: a -> [a] -> a
safeLast d l = if null l then d else last l
{- | The function behaves exactly like last just that
in case of an empty list returns the space
character (it works only for lists of chars) -}
lastChar :: String -> Char
lastChar = safeLast ' '
{- | The function behaves exactly like last just that
in case of an empty list returns the empty string
(it is meant only for list of strings) -}
lastString :: [String] -> String
lastString = safeLast ""
-- | The function nicely outputs a list of errors
prettyPrintErrList :: [String] -> String
prettyPrintErrList = intercalate "\n"
. map (\ x -> "Input " ++ x ++ " could not be processed")