Shell.hs revision ea6efb6ae796905b4207d4ef40904787db643a44
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : shell related functions
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.Shell contains almost all functions related the
the CMDL shell or shellac
module CMDL.Shell
( shellacCmd
, cDetails
, cComment
, cOpenComment
, cCloseComment
, nodeNames
, checkCom
, subtractCommandName
, getTypeOf
, cmdlCompletionFn
) where
import CMDL.DataTypes
import CMDL.Utils
import CMDL.DataTypesUtils(getAllNodes, getAllGoalEdges, getAllGoalNodes, getTh)
import Common.AS_Annotation(SenAttr(isAxiom))
import Common.Utils(trimLeft, trimRight)
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph(comorphismList, logicGraph)
import Interfaces.Command(Command(CommentCmd))
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Utils(getAllEdges)
import Interfaces.GenericATPState
import Logic.Comorphism(AnyComorphism(..), Comorphism(sourceLogic, targetLogic))
import Logic.Grothendieck(findComorphismPaths)
import Logic.Prover(ProverKind(ProveCMDLautomatic),
ProverTemplate(prover_name), hasProverKind)
import Logic.Logic(Language(language_name), Logic(cons_checkers, provers))
import Proofs.AbstractState(ProofState(logicId, theory), G_prover(..),
import Static.DevGraph(DGNodeLab(dgn_name), isProvenSenStatus, showName)
import Static.GTheory(G_theory(G_theory), sublogicOfTh)
import Control.Monad(when)
import Control.Monad.Trans(MonadIO(..))
import Data.Char(isSpace)
import Data.List
import System.Directory(doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents)
import System.IO(IO)
import System.Console.Shell.ShellMonad
-- | Creates a shellac command
shellacCmd :: CMDL_CmdDescription -> Sh CMDL_State ()
shellacCmd cmd
= do
newState<- getShellSt >>= \state -> liftIO(checkCom cmd state {
output = (output state){
errorMsg = [],
outputMsg = [],
warningMsg = []
let result = output newState
when (errorMsg result /= []) $
shellPutErrLn ("The following error(s) occured :\n" ++ errorMsg result)
when (warningMsg result /= []) $
shellPutErrLn ("The following warning(s) occured :\n" ++warningMsg result)
when (outputMsg result /= []) $
shellPutStrLn $ outputMsg result
putShellSt newState
register2history :: CMDL_CmdDescription -> IO CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
register2history dscr state_io
= do
state <- state_io
let oldHistory = i_hist $ intState state
case undoList oldHistory of
[] -> return state
h : r -> case command h of
CommentCmd _ ->do
let nwh = h {
command = cmdDescription dscr }
return $ state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_hist = oldHistory {
undoList = nwh : r,
redoList = []
} } }
_ -> return state
-- process a comment line
processComment :: CMDL_State -> String -> CMDL_State
processComment st inp
= if isInfixOf "}%" inp then st { openComment = False } else st
-- gets the function
getFn :: CMDL_CmdDescription -> (CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State)
getFn desc
= case cmdFn desc of
CmdNoInput fn -> fn
CmdWithInput fn -> fn (cmdInput desc)
-- adds a line to the script
addToScript :: CMDL_State -> IntIState -> String -> CMDL_State
addToScript st ist str
= let olds = script ist
oldextOpts = ts_extraOpts olds
in st {
intState = (intState st) {
i_state = Just ist {
script = olds { ts_extraOpts = str:oldextOpts } }
} }
checkCom :: CMDL_CmdDescription -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
checkCom descr state
--check the priority of the current command
case cmdPriority descr of
CmdNoPriority ->
-- check if there is open comment
if openComment state
then return $ processComment state $ cmdInput descr
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> register2history descr $ (getFn descr) state
Just ist ->
-- check if there is inside a script
if loadScript ist
then return $ addToScript state ist
(cmdName descr ++ " " ++ cmdInput descr)
else register2history descr $ (getFn descr) state
CmdGreaterThanComments ->
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> register2history descr $ (getFn descr) state
Just ist ->
if loadScript ist
then return $ addToScript state ist
(cmdName descr ++ " " ++ cmdInput descr)
else register2history descr $ (getFn descr) state
CmdGreaterThanScriptAndComments ->
(getFn descr) state
-- | Prints details about the syntax of the interface
cDetails :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cDetails state
= return state {
output = CMDL_Message {
errorMsg = [],
outputMsg = printDetails,
warningMsg = []
-- | Function handle a comment line
cComment::String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cComment _ = return
-- | Produces a string containing a detailed description
-- of the interface grammar
printDetails :: String
printDetails =
"\n\n Hets Interactive mode.The available grammar is\n\n" ++
" use [PATH] -- open a file with a HetCASL"++
" library\n" ++
" -- this will compute a "++
"development graph\n" ++
" -- and a list of open proof"++
" obligations\n" ++
" dg [DG-COMMAND] [GOAL*] -- apply a proof step of the"++
" dg calculus\n" ++
" dg-all [DG-COMMAND] -- same as dg, but for all"++
" open goals\n" ++
" show-dg-goals -- display list of open dg"++
" goals\n" ++
" show-theory-goals -- display list of theory"++
" goals\n" ++
" show-theory -- show current theory and"++
" proof goals\n" ++
" node-info -- show info about current\n" ++
" -- dg node (name, origin,"++
" sublogic)\n"++
" show-taxonomy -- show taxonomy graph\n" ++
" show-concepts -- show conecpt graph\n" ++
" translate [COMORPHISM] -- translate theory goals \n" ++
" -- along comorphism\n" ++
" prover [PROVER] -- select a prover\n" ++
" proof-script [FORMULA] [PROOF-SCRIPT] end-script\n" ++
" -- process proof script for"++
" one goal\n" ++
" cons-check PROVER -- check consistency\n" ++
" prove [FORMULA*] [AXIOM-SELECTION?]\n" ++
" prove-all [AXIOM-SELECTION?]\n" ++
" q/quit/exit -- exit hets\n\n" ++
" with FORMULA+ -- include only specified"++
" axioms\n" ++
" exlcuding FORMULA+ -- exlcude specified"++
" axioms\n\n" ++
" PROOF-SCRIPT -- can be anything (prover"++
" specific)\n" ++
" -- the end is recognized with"++
" \"end-script\"\n\n" ++
" DG-COMMAND ::= \n" ++
" auto -- automatic tactic\n" ++
" glob-subsume -- global subsumption\n" ++
" glob-decomp -- global decomposition\n"++
" loc-infer -- local inference\n"++
" loc-decomp -- local decomposition\n"++
" comp -- composition\n"++
" comp-new -- composition with speculation of"++
" new egdes\n"++
" hide-thm -- Hide-Theorem-Shift\n"++
" thm-hide -- Theorem-Hide-Shift\n"++
" basic -- start proving at a particular"++
" node,\n"++
" -- i.e. start local proving in a"++
" theory\n\n"++
" GOAL ::= \n"++
" NODE -- select local goals at a"++
" node\n"++
" NODE -> NODE -- select all edges between"++
" two given nodes\n"++
" NODE - DIGIT* -> NODE -- select specific edge"++
" between two nodes\n"++
"\n NODE ::= \n"++
" ID -- specify nodes with their names\n\n"++
" COMORPHISM ::= ID ; ... ; ID -- composite of basic"++
" comorphisms\n\n"++
" PROVER ::= ID -- name of prover\n\n"++
" FORMULA ::= ID -- label of formula\n\n"++
" ID ::= -- identifier (String)\n\n"
-- For normal keyboard input
cOpenComment :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cOpenComment _ state
= return state { openComment = True }
cCloseComment :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cCloseComment state
= return state { openComment = False }
-- | given an input it assumes that it starts with a
-- command name and tries to remove this command name
subtractCommandName::[CMDL_CmdDescription] -> String -> String
subtractCommandName allcmds input
=let inp = trimLeft input
lst = concatMap(\ x -> case find(\y -> isPrefixOf y inp)
[cmdName x] of
Nothing -> []
Just tmp -> [tmp]) allcmds
in drop (length $ head lst) inp
-- This function tries to extract the name of command. In most cases this
-- would be the first word of the string but we have a few exceptions :
-- dg * commands
-- dg-all * commands
-- del * commands
-- del-all * commands
-- add * commands
-- set * commands
-- set-all * commands
getCmdName :: String -> String
getCmdName inp
= case words inp of
[] -> []
wds -> case tail wds of
[] -> head wds
lwds -> case head wds of
"dg" -> "dg " ++ head lwds
"dg-all" -> "dg-all " ++ head lwds
"del" -> "del " ++ head lwds
"del-all" -> "del-all " ++ head lwds
"add" -> "add " ++ head lwds
"set" -> "set " ++ head lwds
"set-all" -> "set-all " ++ head lwds
wd -> wd
-- | The function determines the requirements of the command
-- name found at the begining of the string
getTypeOf::[CMDL_CmdDescription] -> String -> CMDL_CmdRequirements
getTypeOf allcmds input
= let nwInput = getCmdName input
tmp =concatMap(\x ->
case find(\y -> y == nwInput )
[cmdName x] of
Nothing -> []
Just _ -> [cmdReq x]) allcmds
in case tmp of
result:[] -> result
_ -> ReqUnknown
nodeNames :: [(a, DGNodeLab)] -> [String]
nodeNames = map (showName . dgn_name . snd)
-- | The function provides a list of possible completion
-- to a given input if any
cmdlCompletionFn :: [CMDL_CmdDescription] -> CMDL_State
-> String -> IO [String]
cmdlCompletionFn allcmds allState input
case getTypeOf allcmds input of
ReqNodes ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing -> return []
Just state ->
-- a pair, where the first element is what needs
-- to be completed while the second is what is
-- before the word that needs to be completed
let (tC,bC) = if isSpace $ lastChar input
-- if last character is a white space
-- then there is no word to complete
then ([], trimRight input)
-- otherwise is just the last word
-- from the input
else (lastString $ words input,
unwords $ init $ words input)
-- get all node names
allNames = nodeNames (getAllNodes state)
-- filter out words that do not start with the word
-- that needs to be completed and add the word that
-- was before the word that needs to be completed
let res = map (\y -> bC++" "++y) $
filter (isPrefixOf tC) allNames
return res
ReqGNodes ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing-> return []
Just _ ->
--the last unfinished word that needs to be
--completed and what is before it
let (tC,bC) = if isSpace $ lastChar input
-- if last character is a white space
-- then there is no word to complete
then ([], trimRight input)
-- otherwise is just the last word
-- from the input
else (lastString $ words input,
unwords $ init $ words input)
-- get all goal node names
allNames = nodeNames (getAllGoalNodes allState)
-- filter out words that do not start with the word
-- that needs to be completed
return $ map(\y -> bC++" "++y) $
filter(isPrefixOf tC) allNames
ReqEdges ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing -> return []
Just state ->
--the last unfinished edge name that needs to be
let tC = unfinishedEdgeName $
subtractCommandName allcmds input
-- what is before this list
bC = reverse $ trimLeft $ drop (length tC)
$ trimLeft $ reverse input
-- get all nodes
ls = getAllNodes state
-- get all edges
lsE= getAllEdges state
-- get all edge names
allNames = createEdgeNames ls lsE
-- filter out words that do not start with the word
-- that needs to be completed
let res = map (\y -> bC++ " "++y) $
filter(isPrefixOf tC) allNames
return res
ReqGEdges ->
case i_state$ intState allState of
Nothing -> return []
Just state ->
-- the last unfinished edge name that needs to be
-- completed
let tC = unfinishedEdgeName $
subtractCommandName allcmds input
bC = reverse $ trimLeft $ drop (length tC)
$ trimLeft $ reverse input
ls = getAllNodes state
lsGE= getAllGoalEdges allState
allNames = createEdgeNames ls lsGE
-- filter out words that do not start with the word
-- that needs to be completed
return $ map (\y -> bC++" "++y) $
filter(isPrefixOf tC) allNames
ReqNodesAndEdges ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing -> return []
Just state ->
let allnodes = getAllNodes state
alledges = getAllEdges state
penultimum = lastString . reverse . safeTail . reverse
-- same as in the ReqNode case just that we need
-- to take care that the word we trying to complete
-- can also be a node name not only an edge name
(tCN,bCN) = if isSpace $ lastChar input
case checkArrowLink $ lastString $ words input of
-- we are in the middle of an
-- edge, we shouldn't look for
-- node names
(True,_,_) -> ("Impossible to complete",
-- it may be a node
_ -> ([], trimRight input)
case checkArrowLink $ penultimum $ words input of
(True,_,_) -> ("Impossible to complete",
_ -> (lastString $ words input,
unwords $ init
$ words input)
filteredNodes=map (\y -> bCN++" "++y) $
filter (isPrefixOf tCN)
$ nodeNames allnodes
tCE = unfinishedEdgeName $
subtractCommandName allcmds input
bCE = reverse $ trimLeft $ drop (length tCE)
$ trimLeft $ reverse input
-- same as in the ReqEdge case
edgeNames = createEdgeNames allnodes alledges
filteredEdges=map (\y -> bCE++" "++y) $
filter (isPrefixOf tCE)
-- sum up the two cases
return (filteredNodes ++ filteredEdges )
ReqGNodesAndGEdges ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing -> return []
Just state ->
let allnodes = getAllNodes state
allGE = getAllGoalEdges allState
penultimum = lastString . reverse . safeTail . reverse
-- same as in the ReqNode case just that we need
-- to take care that the word we trying to complete
-- can also be a node name not only an edge name
(tCN,bCN) = if isSpace $ lastChar input
case checkArrowLink $ lastString $ words input of
-- we are in the middle of an
-- edge, we shouldn't look for
-- node names
(True,_,_) ->("Impossible to complete",
--it may be a node
_ -> ([], trimRight input)
case checkArrowLink $ penultimum $ words input of
(True,_,_) ->("Impossible to complete",
_ -> (lastString $ words input,
unwords $ init $
words input)
filteredNodes=map (\y -> bCN++" "++y) $
filter(isPrefixOf tCN)
$ nodeNames (getAllGoalNodes allState)
tCE = unfinishedEdgeName $
subtractCommandName allcmds input
bCE = reverse $ trimLeft $ drop (length tCE)
$ trimLeft $ reverse input
-- same as in the ReqEdge case
edgeNames =createEdgeNames allnodes allGE
filteredEdges=map (\y -> bCE++" "++y) $
filter(isPrefixOf tCE)
--sum up the two cases
return (filteredNodes ++ filteredEdges )
ReqConsCheck ->
let tC = if isSpace $ lastChar input
then []
else lastString $ words input
bC = if isSpace $ lastChar input
then trimRight input
else unwords $ init $ words input
addConsCheckers acc cm =
case cm of
Comorphism cid -> acc ++
foldl (\ l p -> if hasProverKind ProveCMDLautomatic p
then G_cons_checker (targetLogic cid) p:l
else l)
(cons_checkers $ targetLogic cid)
getPName' x = case x of
(G_cons_checker _ p) -> prover_name p
getConsCheckersAutomatic' = foldl addConsCheckers []
createConsCheckersList = map getPName' . getConsCheckersAutomatic'
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing ->
-- not in proving mode !? you can not choose a consistency
-- checker here
return []
Just proofState ->
case cComorphism proofState of
-- some comorphism was used
Just c-> return $ map (\y->bC++" "++y) $
filter (isPrefixOf tC) $ createConsCheckersList [c]
Nothing ->
case elements proofState of
-- no elements selected
[] -> return []
c:_ ->
case c of
Element z _ -> return $ map(\y->bC++" "++y)
$ filter (isPrefixOf tC)
$ createConsCheckersList
$ findComorphismPaths
(sublogicOfTh $ theory z)
ReqProvers ->
let tC = unwords $ tail $ words input
bC = head $ words input
addProvers acc cm =
case cm of
Comorphism cid -> acc ++
foldl (\ l p -> if hasProverKind ProveCMDLautomatic p
then G_prover (targetLogic cid) p:l
else l)
(provers $ targetLogic cid)
-- this function is identical to the one defined
-- in Proofs.InferBasic, but it is redone here
-- because InferBasic does not compile without
getPName' x = case x of
(G_prover _ p)-> prover_name p
-- from the given comorphism generate a list of
-- provers that can be applied to theories in that
-- comorphism
getProversCMDLautomatic = foldl addProvers []
createProverList = map getPName' . getProversCMDLautomatic
-- find the last comorphism used if none use the
-- the comorphism of the first selected node
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing ->
-- not in proving mode !? you can not choose
-- provers here
return []
Just proofState ->
case cComorphism proofState of
-- some comorphism was used
Just c-> do
lst <- checkPresenceProvers $ createProverList [c]
return $ map (\y -> bC++" "++y) $
filter (isPrefixOf tC) lst
Nothing ->
case elements proofState of
-- no elements selected
[] -> return []
-- use the first element to get a comorphism
c:_ ->
case c of
Element z _->do
lst <- checkPresenceProvers
$ createProverList
$ findComorphismPaths
logicGraph (sublogicOfTh $ theory z)
return $ map (\y -> bC++" "++y)
$ filter (isPrefixOf tC) lst
ReqComorphism ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing -> return []
Just pS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return []
(Element st _):_ ->
let tC = if isSpace $ lastChar input
then []
else lastString $ words input
bC = if isSpace $ lastChar input
then trimRight input
else unwords $ init $ words input
cL = concatMap ( \(Comorphism cid) ->
if language_name (sourceLogic cid) ==
language_name (logicId st)
then [ language_name cid ]
else []
) comorphismList
in return $ map (\y -> bC++" "++y)
$ filter (isPrefixOf tC) cL
ReqFile ->
-- the incomplete path introduced until now
let initwd = if isSpace $ lastChar input
then []
else lastString $ words input
-- the folder in which to look for (it might be
-- empty)
tmpPath=reverse $ dropWhile(\x ->case x of
'/' -> False
_ -> True
) $ reverse initwd
-- in case no folder was introduced yet look into
-- current folder
lastPath = case tmpPath of
[] -> "./"
_ -> tmpPath
-- the name of file/directory that needs to be
-- completed from the already introduced path
tC=reverse $ takeWhile(\x -> case x of
'/' -> False
_ -> True
) $ reverse initwd
bC = if isSpace $ lastChar input
then input
else unwords (init $ words input) ++ " " ++ tmpPath
-- leave just folders and files with extenstion .casl
b' <- doesDirectoryExist lastPath
ls <- if b' then getDirectoryContents lastPath else return []
names<- fileFilter lastPath ls []
-- case list contains only one name
-- then if it is a folder extend it
let names' = filter (isPrefixOf tC) names
names''<- case safeTail names' of
-- check CMDL.Utils to see how it
-- works, function should be done with
-- something like map but that can handle
-- functions with IO
-- (mapIO !? couldn't make it work though)
[] -> fileExtend lastPath names' []
_ -> return names'
return $ map (\y -> bC++y) names''
ReqAxm ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing-> return []
Just pS->
let tC = if isSpace $ lastChar input
then []
else lastString $ words input
bC = if isSpace $ lastChar input
then trimRight input
else unwords $ init $ words input
return $ map(\y-> bC++" "++y) $
filter (isPrefixOf tC) $ nub $
concatMap(\(Element st _)->
case theory st of
G_theory _ _ _ aMap _ ->
OMap.keys aMap ) $ elements pS
ReqGoal ->
case i_state $ intState allState of
Nothing-> return []
Just pS ->
let tC = if isSpace $ lastChar input
then []
else lastString $ words input
bC = if isSpace $ lastChar input
then trimRight input
else unwords $ init $ words input
return $ map (\y->bC++" "++y) $
filter (isPrefixOf tC) $ nub $
concatMap(\(Element _ nb)->
case getTh Do_translate nb allState of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ ->
OMap.keys $
(\s -> not (isAxiom s) &&
not (isProvenSenStatus s)) sens)
$ elements pS
ReqNumber -> case words input of
[hd] -> return $ map((hd ++ " ") ++)
_ : _ : [] -> if isSpace $ lastChar input
then return []
else return $ map (input ++)
_ -> return []
ReqNothing -> return []
ReqUnknown -> return []