ProveConsistency.hs revision 55c5e901b5c3466300009135585bc70bd576dcb6
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : CMDL interface commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.ProveConsistency contains prove and consistency check command
module CMDL.ProveConsistency
( cProver
, cConsChecker
, checkNode
, proveNode
, doLoop
, sigIntHandler
) where
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.GenericATPState(ATPTacticScript)
import CMDL.DataTypes(CmdlState(intState))
import CMDL.DataTypesUtils(getAllNodes, add2hist, genErrorMsg, genMessage)
import CMDL.Utils(checkPresenceProvers)
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph(logicGraph)
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.GTheory(G_theory(G_theory), coerceThSens, startThId, sublogicOfTh)
import Static.History
import Static.ComputeTheory
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Grothendieck
import Logic.Logic
import qualified Logic.Prover as P
import Common.LibName(LibName)
import Common.Result(Result(Result))
import Common.Utils(trim)
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Control.Concurrent(ThreadId, killThread)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar(MVar, newMVar, putMVar, takeMVar, readMVar,
swapMVar, modifyMVar_)
import Control.Monad
getProversAutomatic :: G_sublogics -> [(G_prover, AnyComorphism)]
getProversAutomatic sl =
getProvers P.ProveCMDLautomatic (Just sl) $ findComorphismPaths logicGraph sl
-- | Select a prover
cProver::String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cProver input state =
-- trimed input
inpls <- checkPresenceProvers [(trim input)]
let inp = case inpls of
[] -> "Unknown"
pnme:_ ->pnme
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
-- check that some theories are selected
case elements pS of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Element z _ :_ -> let sl = sublogicOfTheory z in
-- see if any comorphism was used
case cComorphism pS of
-- if none use the theory of the first selected node
-- to find possible comorphisms
Nothing-> case find (\ (y, _)-> getPName y == inp)
$ getProversAutomatic sl of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg ("No applicable prover with"
++" this name found") state
Just (p,_)-> return $ add2hist [ProverChange$ prover pS]$
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just pS {
prover = Just p
-- if yes, use the comorphism to find a list
-- of provers
Just x ->
case find (\ (y, _)-> getPName y == inp)
$ getProvers P.ProveCMDLautomatic (Just sl) [x] of
Nothing ->
case find (\(y,_) -> getPName y == inp)
$ getProversAutomatic sl of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg ("No applicable prover with"
++ " this name found") state
Just (p,nCm@(Comorphism cid))->
return $ add2hist [(ProverChange $ prover pS),
(CComorphismChange $ cComorphism pS)]
$ genMessage [] ("Hint: Using default comorphism `"
++ language_name cid ++ "`")
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just pS {
cComorphism=Just nCm
,prover = Just p
Just (p,_) -> return
$ add2hist [ProverChange $ prover pS]
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just pS {
prover = Just p
-- | Selects a consistency checker
cConsChecker::String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cConsChecker input state =
--trimed input
let inp = trim input
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
--check that some theories are selected
case elements pS of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Element z _ : _ ->
-- see if any comorphism was used
case cComorphism pS of
--if none use the theory of the first selected node
--to find possible comorphisms
Nothing -> case find (\(y,_)->
getPName y == inp) $
getConsCheckers $ findComorphismPaths
logicGraph $ sublogicOfTh $ theory z of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg ("No applicable "++
"consistency checker with this name found")
Just (p,_) -> return $ add2hist
[ConsCheckerChange $ consChecker pS]
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just pS {
consChecker = Just p }
Just x ->
case find(\(y,_) -> getPName y == inp)
$ getConsCheckers [x] of
Nothing ->
case find (\(y,_) -> getPName y == inp) $ getConsCheckers $
findComorphismPaths logicGraph $ sublogicOfTh $
theory z of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg ("No applicable consistency "++
"checker with this name found") state
Just (p,nCm@(Comorphism cid)) ->
return $ add2hist [(ConsCheckerChange $ consChecker pS),
(CComorphismChange $ cComorphism pS)]
$ genMessage ("Hint: Using default comorphism `"
++ language_name cid ++ "`") []
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just pS {
cComorphism = Just nCm,
consChecker = Just p }
Just (p,_) -> return
$ add2hist [ConsCheckerChange $ consChecker pS]
$ state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just pS{
consChecker = Just p } } }
-- | Given a proofstatus the function does the actual call of the
-- prover for consistency checking
checkNode ::
--use theorems is subsequent proofs
Bool ->
-- save problem file for each goal
Bool ->
-- Tactic script
ATPTacticScript ->
-- proofState of the node that needs proving
-- all theorems, goals and axioms should have
-- been selected before, but the theory should have
-- not been recomputed
Int_NodeInfo ->
-- node name
String ->
-- selected prover, if non one will be automatically
-- selected
Maybe G_cons_checker ->
-- selected comorphism, if non one will be automatically
-- selected
Maybe AnyComorphism ->
MVar (Maybe ThreadId) ->
MVar (Maybe Int_NodeInfo) ->
MVar LibEnv ->
LibName ->
-- returns an error message if anything happens
IO String
checkNode _useTh _save2File sTxt ndpf ndnm mp mcm _mThr mSt _mlbE _libname
= case ndpf of
Element pf_st nd ->
-- recompute the theory (to make effective the selected axioms,
-- goals) !? needed?
st <- recalculateSublogicAndSelectedTheory pf_st
-- compute a prover,comorphism pair to be used in preparing
-- the theory
p_cm@(_, acm)<- case mcm of
Nothing -> lookupKnownConsChecker st
Just cm' ->
case mp of
Nothing -> lookupKnownConsChecker st
Just p' -> return (p', cm')
-- try to prepare the theory
prep <- case prepareForConsChecking st p_cm of
Result _ Nothing ->
p_cm'@(prv',acm'@(Comorphism cid)) <-
lookupKnownConsChecker st
putStrLn ("Analyzing node " ++ ndnm)
putStrLn ("Using the comorphism " ++ language_name cid)
putStrLn ("Using consistency checker " ++ getPName prv')
return $ case prepareForConsChecking st p_cm' of
Result _ Nothing -> Nothing
Result _ (Just sm)-> Just (sm, acm')
Result _ (Just sm) -> return $ Just (sm, acm)
case prep of
-- theory could not be computed
Nothing -> return "No suitable prover and comorphism found"
Just (G_theory_with_cons_checker _ th p, _)->
case P.ccAutomatic p of
fn ->
let st' = st { proverRunning = True}
-- store initial input of the prover
swapMVar mSt $ Just $ Element st' nd
fn (theoryName st)
(P.TacticScript $ show sTxt)
th []
swapMVar mSt $ Just $ Element st nd
return ""
-- | Given a proofstatus the function does the actual call of the
-- prover for proving the node or check consistency
proveNode ::
--use theorems is subsequent proofs
Bool ->
-- save problem file for each goal
Bool ->
-- Tactic script
ATPTacticScript ->
-- proofState of the node that needs proving
-- all theorems, goals and axioms should have
-- been selected before,but the theory should have
-- not beed recomputed
Int_NodeInfo ->
-- node name
String ->
-- selected prover, if non one will be automatically
-- selected
Maybe G_prover ->
-- selected comorphism, if non one will be automatically
-- selected
Maybe AnyComorphism ->
MVar (Maybe ThreadId) ->
MVar (Maybe Int_NodeInfo) ->
MVar LibEnv ->
LibName ->
-- returns an error message if anything happens
IO String
proveNode useTh save2File sTxt ndpf ndnm mp mcm mThr mSt mlbE libname
= case ndpf of
Element pf_st nd ->
-- recompute the theory (to make effective the selected axioms,
-- goals)
st <- recalculateSublogicAndSelectedTheory pf_st
-- compute a prover,comorphism pair to be used in preparing
-- the theory
<-case mcm of
Nothing -> lookupKnownProver st P.ProveCMDLautomatic
Just cm' ->
case mp of
Nothing-> lookupKnownProver st P.ProveCMDLautomatic
Just p' -> return (p',cm')
-- try to prepare the theory
prep <- case prepareForProving st p_cm of
Result _ Nothing ->
p_cm'@(prv',acm'@(Comorphism cid)) <-
lookupKnownProver st P.ProveCMDLautomatic
putStrLn ("Analyzing node " ++ ndnm)
putStrLn ("Using the comorphism " ++ language_name cid)
putStrLn ("Using prover " ++ getPName prv')
return $ case prepareForProving st p_cm' of
Result _ Nothing -> Nothing
Result _ (Just sm)-> Just (sm,acm')
Result _ (Just sm) -> return $ Just (sm,acm)
case prep of
-- theory could not be computed
Nothing -> return "No suitable prover and comorphism found"
Just (G_theory_with_prover lid1 th p, cmp)->
case P.proveCMDLautomaticBatch p of
Nothing -> return "Error obtaining the prover"
Just fn ->
-- mVar to poll the prover for results
answ <- newMVar (return [])
let st' = st { proverRunning= True}
-- store initial input of the prover
swapMVar mSt $ Just $ Element st' nd
{- putStrLn ((theoryName st)++"\n"++
(showDoc sign "") ++
show (vsep (map (print_named lid1)
$ P.toNamedList sens))) -}
case selectedGoals st' of
[] -> return "No goals selected. Nothing to prove"
_ ->
tmp <- fn useTh
(theoryName st)
(P.TacticScript $ show sTxt)
th []
swapMVar mThr $ Just $ fst tmp
getResults lid1 cmp (snd tmp) answ mSt
swapMVar mThr Nothing
lbEnv <- readMVar mlbE
state <- readMVar mSt
case state of
Nothing -> return []
Just state' ->
lbEnv' <- addResults lbEnv libname state'
swapMVar mSt Nothing
swapMVar mlbE lbEnv'
return []
getResults :: (Logic lid sublogics basic_spec sentence
symb_items symb_map_items
sign morphism symbol raw_symbol proof_tree) =>
lid ->
AnyComorphism ->
MVar () ->
MVar (Result [P.ProofStatus proof_tree]) ->
MVar (Maybe Int_NodeInfo) ->
IO ()
getResults lid acm mStop mData mState =
takeMVar mStop
d <- takeMVar mData
case d of
Result _ Nothing -> return ()
Result _ (Just d') -> modifyMVar_ mState
(\ s -> case s of
Nothing -> return s
Just (Element st node) -> return $ Just $ Element
(markProved acm lid d' st) node)
-- | inserts the results of the proof in the development graph
addResults :: LibEnv -> LibName -> Int_NodeInfo -> IO LibEnv
addResults lbEnv libname ndps =
case ndps of
Element ps'' node -> case theory ps'' of
G_theory lidT sigT indT sensT _ ->
gMap <- coerceThSens (logicId ps'') lidT
"ProveCommands last coerce"
(goalMap ps'')
let nwTh = G_theory lidT sigT indT (Map.union sensT gMap) startThId
dGraph = lookupDGraph libname lbEnv
oldContents = labDG dGraph node
new1 = oldContents {dgn_theory = nwTh}
newContents = new1
{ globalTheory = computeLabelTheory lbEnv dGraph (node, new1) }
nextDGraph = changeDGH dGraph
$ SetNodeLab oldContents (node, newContents)
return $ Map.insert libname nextDGraph lbEnv
-- | Signal handler that stops the prover from running
-- when SIGINT is send
sigIntHandler :: MVar (Maybe ThreadId) ->
MVar LibEnv ->
MVar (Maybe Int_NodeInfo) ->
ThreadId ->
MVar LibEnv ->
LibName ->
IO ()
sigIntHandler mthr mlbE mSt thr mOut libname =
-- print a message
-- ? shellputStr ! should be used !
putStrLn "Prover stopped."
-- check if the prover is runnig
tmp <- readMVar mthr
case tmp of
Nothing -> return ()
Just sm -> killThread sm
-- kill the prove/prove-all thread
killThread thr
-- update LibEnv with intermidiar results !?
lbEnv <- readMVar mlbE
st <- readMVar mSt
case st of
Nothing ->
putMVar mOut lbEnv
return ()
Just st' ->
lbEnv' <- addResults lbEnv libname st'
-- add to the output mvar results until now
putMVar mOut lbEnv'
return ()
doLoop :: MVar LibEnv
-> MVar (Maybe ThreadId)
-> MVar (Maybe Int_NodeInfo)
-> MVar LibEnv
-> IntIState
-> [Int_NodeInfo]
-> Bool -- True = prover, False = consChecker
-> IO ()
doLoop mlbE mThr mSt mOut pS ls prvr =
case ls of
-- we are done
[] -> do
nwLbEnv <- readMVar mlbE
putMVar mOut nwLbEnv
return ()
x: l ->
let nodeName x' = case x' of
Element _ t -> case find(\(n,_)-> n==t)
$ getAllNodes pS of
Nothing -> "Unkown node"
Just (_,ll) ->
getDGNodeName ll
putStrLn ("Analyzing node " ++ nodeName x)
err <- (if prvr
then proveNode (useTheorems pS)
(save2file pS)
(script pS)
(nodeName x)
(prover pS)
(cComorphism pS)
(i_ln pS)
else checkNode (useTheorems pS)
(save2file pS)
(script pS)
(nodeName x)
(consChecker pS)
(cComorphism pS)
(i_ln pS))
unless (null err) (putStrLn err)
doLoop mlbE mThr mSt mOut pS l prvr