ProveCommands.hs revision c3f7e132e0c214b755c6c4b485f4748c4dd1595c
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke{- |
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian MaederModule : $Header$
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus HartkeDescription : CMDL interface commands
98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861Corneliu-Claudiu ProdescuCopyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus HartkeLicense : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus HartkeMaintainer :
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus HartkeStability : provisional
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus HartkePortability : portable
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian MaederCMDL.ProveCommands contains all commands (except prove\/consistency check)
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maederrelated to prove mode
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke-}
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkemodule CMDL.ProveCommands
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke ( cTranslate
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke , cDropTranslations
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke , cGoalsAxmGeneral
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke , cDoLoop
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke , cProve
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke , cProveAll
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke , cSetUseThms
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke , cSetSave2File
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder , cEndScript
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder , cStartScript
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder , cTimeLimit
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder , cNotACommand
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder ) where
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maederimport CMDL.DataTypes(CmdlState(intState), CmdlGoalAxiom(..),
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder CmdlListAction(..))
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maederimport CMDL.DataTypesUtils(add2hist, genErrorMsg, genMessage, getIdComorphism)
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maederimport CMDL.DgCommands(selectANode)
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maederimport CMDL.ProveConsistency(doLoop, sigIntHandler)
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeimport CMDL.Utils(checkIntString)
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeimport Static.GTheory(G_theory(G_theory))
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeimport Common.Result(Result(Result))
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeimport qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeimport Common.Utils(trim)
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeimport Data.List (find, nub)
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeimport Comorphisms.LogicGraph(lookupComorphism_in_LG)
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maederimport Proofs.AbstractState(ProofState(..))
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maederimport Logic.Comorphism(compComorphism)
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maederimport Control.Concurrent(forkIO)
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maederimport Control.Concurrent.MVar(newEmptyMVar, newMVar, takeMVar)
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke#ifdef UNIX
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeimport System.Posix.Signals(Handler(Catch), installHandler, sigINT)
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke#endif
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartkeimport Interfaces.GenericATPState(ATPTacticScript(tsTimeLimit, tsExtraOpts))
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maederimport Interfaces.DataTypes(ListChange(..), IntIState(..), Int_NodeInfo(..),
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke UndoRedoElem(..), IntState(i_state))
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
656f17ae9b7610ff2de1b6eedeeadea0c3bcdc8dChristian Maeder-- | Drops any seleceted comorphism
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus HartkecDropTranslations :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian MaedercDropTranslations state =
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke case i_state $ intState state of
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke Just pS ->
656f17ae9b7610ff2de1b6eedeeadea0c3bcdc8dChristian Maeder case cComorphism pS of
656f17ae9b7610ff2de1b6eedeeadea0c3bcdc8dChristian Maeder Nothing -> return state
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke Just _ -> return $
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke add2hist [CComorphismChange $ cComorphism pS] $
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke state {
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke intState = (intState state ) {
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke i_state = Just $ pS {
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke cComorphism = getIdComorphism $ elements pS } }
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke }
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder-- | select comorphisms
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus HartkecTranslate::String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian MaedercTranslate input state =
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder case i_state $ intState state of
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -- nothing selected !
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke Just pS ->
a23e572c8f957cc051a1b0831abd6fe9380d45c7Christian Maeder -- parse the comorphism name
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder case lookupComorphism_in_LG $ trim input of
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder Result _ Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Wrong comorphism name" state
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder Result _ (Just cm) ->
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder case cComorphism pS of
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder -- when selecting some theory the Id comorphism is automatically
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder -- generated
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "No theory selected" state
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke Just ocm ->
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke case compComorphism ocm cm of
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke Result _ Nothing ->
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke return $ genErrorMsg "Can not add comorphism" state
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke Result _ (Just smth) ->
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke return $ genMessage [] "Adding comorphism"
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke $ add2hist [CComorphismChange $ cComorphism pS] $
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder state {
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder intState = (intState state) {
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder i_state = Just pS {
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder cComorphism = Just smth } }
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder }
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus HartkeparseElements :: CmdlListAction -> [String] -> CmdlGoalAxiom
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -> [Int_NodeInfo]
a7be28e157e9ceeec73a8fd0e642c36ea29d4218Christian Maeder -> ([Int_NodeInfo],[ListChange])
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke -> ([Int_NodeInfo],[ListChange])
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus HartkeparseElements action gls gls_axm elems (acc1,acc2)
9f93539f2fa4f5b9d935c7baa22fcd750806def9Klaus Hartke = case elems of
[] -> (acc1,acc2)
(Element st nb):ll ->
let allgls = case gls_axm of
ChangeGoals -> OMap.keys $ goalMap st
ChangeAxioms-> case theory st of
G_theory _ _ _ aMap _ ->
OMap.keys aMap
selgls = case gls_axm of
ChangeGoals -> selectedGoals st
ChangeAxioms-> includedAxioms st
fn' x y = x==y
fn ks x = case find (fn' x) ks of
Just _ ->
case action of
ActionDel -> False
_ -> True
Nothing ->
case action of
ActionDel -> True
_ -> False
gls' = case action of
ActionDelAll -> []
ActionDel -> filter (fn selgls) gls
ActionSetAll -> allgls
ActionSet -> filter (fn allgls) gls
ActionAdd -> nub $ selgls ++ filter (fn allgls) gls
nwelm = case gls_axm of
ChangeGoals -> Element (st {selectedGoals = gls'}) nb
ChangeAxioms -> Element (st {includedAxioms= gls'}) nb
hchg = case gls_axm of
ChangeGoals -> GoalsChange (selectedGoals st) nb
ChangeAxioms -> AxiomsChange(includedAxioms st) nb
in parseElements action gls gls_axm ll (nwelm:acc1,hchg:acc2)
-- | A general function that implements the actions of setting,
-- adding or deleting goals or axioms from the selection list
cGoalsAxmGeneral :: CmdlListAction -> CmdlGoalAxiom ->
String ->CmdlState
-> IO CmdlState
cGoalsAxmGeneral action gls_axm input state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
ls ->
let gls = words input
let (ls',hst) = parseElements action gls
ls ([],[])
return $ add2hist [ListChange hst] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just pS {
elements = ls'
cDoLoop :: Bool -- True = prove, False = consChecker
-> CmdlState
-> IO CmdlState
cDoLoop prvr state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
ls ->
--create initial mVars to comunicate
mlbEnv <- newMVar $ i_libEnv pS
mSt <- newMVar Nothing
mThr <- newMVar Nothing
mW <- newEmptyMVar
-- fork
thrID <- forkIO(doLoop mlbEnv mThr mSt mW pS ls prvr)
-- install the handler that waits for SIG_INT
#ifdef UNIX
oldHandler <- installHandler sigINT (Catch $
sigIntHandler mThr mlbEnv mSt thrID mW (i_ln pS)
) Nothing
-- block and wait for answers
answ <- takeMVar mW
#ifdef UNIX
installHandler sigINT oldHandler Nothing
let nwpS = pS { i_libEnv = answ }
let nwls = concatMap(\(Element _ x) -> selectANode x nwpS) ls
hst = concatMap(\(Element stt x) ->
[(AxiomsChange (includedAxioms stt) x),
(GoalsChange (selectedGoals stt) x)]) ls
return $ add2hist [(DgCommandChange $ i_ln nwpS),
(ListChange hst)] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just $ pS { elements = nwls } }
-- | Proves only selected goals from all nodes using selected
-- axioms
cProve :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cProve = cDoLoop True
-- | Proves all goals in the nodes selected using all axioms and
-- theorems
cProveAll::CmdlState ->IO CmdlState
cProveAll state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return$ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
ls ->
let ls' = map (\(Element st nb) ->
case theory st of
G_theory _ _ _ aMap _ ->
(st {
selectedGoals = OMap.keys $
goalMap st,
includedAxioms = OMap.keys aMap,
includedTheorems = OMap.keys $
goalMap st
}) nb ) ls
let nwSt = add2hist [ListChange [NodesChange $ elements pS]] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just $ pS {
elements = ls' } } }
cProve nwSt
-- | Sets the use theorems flag of the interface
cSetUseThms :: Bool -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cSetUseThms val state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Norhing selected" state
Just pS ->
return $ add2hist [UseThmChange $ useTheorems pS] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state= Just pS {
useTheorems = val } } }
-- | Sets the save2File value to either true or false
cSetSave2File :: Bool -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cSetSave2File val state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just ps ->
return $ add2hist [Save2FileChange $ save2file ps] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just ps { save2file = val } } }
-- | The function is called everytime when the input could
-- not be parsed as a command
cNotACommand :: String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cNotACommand input state
= case input of
-- if input line is empty do nothing
[] -> return state
-- anything else see if it is in a blocl of command
s ->
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg ("Error on input line :"++s) state
Just pS ->
if loadScript pS
let olds = script pS
oldextOpts = tsExtraOpts olds
let nwSt = state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just pS {
script = olds { tsExtraOpts = s : oldextOpts }
} } }
return $ add2hist [ScriptChange $ script pS] nwSt
else return $ genErrorMsg ("Error on input line :"++s) state
-- | Function to signal the interface that the script has ended
cEndScript :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cEndScript state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just ps ->
if loadScript ps
let nwSt= state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just ps {
loadScript = False } } }
return $ add2hist [LoadScriptChange $ loadScript ps] nwSt
else return $ genErrorMsg "No previous call of begin-script" state
-- | Function to signal the interface that a scrips starts so it should
-- not try to parse the input
cStartScript :: CmdlState-> IO CmdlState
cStartScript state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just ps ->
return $ add2hist [LoadScriptChange $ loadScript ps] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just ps {
loadScript = True } } }
-- sets a time limit
cTimeLimit :: String -> CmdlState-> IO CmdlState
cTimeLimit input state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just ps ->
if checkIntString $ trim input
let inpVal = read $ trim input
let oldS = script ps
return $ add2hist [ScriptChange $ script ps] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just ps {
script = oldS { tsTimeLimit = inpVal } } } }
else return $ genErrorMsg "Please insert a number of seconds" state