ProveCommands.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : CMDL interface commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.ProveCommands contains all commands (except prove\/consistency check)
related to prove mode
module CMDL.ProveCommands
( cTranslate
, cDropTranslations
, cGoalsAxmGeneral
, cDoLoop
, cProve
, cProveAll
, cSetUseThms
, cSetSave2File
, cEndScript
, cStartScript
, cTimeLimit
, cNotACommand
) where
import CMDL.DataTypes(CmdlState(intState), CmdlGoalAxiom(..),
import CMDL.DataTypesUtils(add2hist, genErrorMsg, genMessage, getIdComorphism)
import CMDL.DgCommands(selectANode)
import CMDL.ProveConsistency(doLoop, sigIntHandler)
import CMDL.Utils(checkIntString)
import Static.GTheory(G_theory(G_theory))
import Common.Result(Result(Result))
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Common.Utils(trim)
import Data.List (find, nub)
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph(lookupComorphism_in_LG)
import Proofs.AbstractState(ProofState(..))
import Logic.Comorphism(compComorphism)
import Control.Concurrent(forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.MVar(newEmptyMVar, newMVar, takeMVar)
#ifdef UNIX
import System.Posix.Signals(Handler(Catch), installHandler, sigINT)
import Interfaces.GenericATPState(ATPTacticScript(tsTimeLimit, tsExtraOpts))
import Interfaces.DataTypes(ListChange(..), IntIState(..), Int_NodeInfo(..),
UndoRedoElem(..), IntState(i_state))
-- | Drops any seleceted comorphism
cDropTranslations :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cDropTranslations state =
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
case cComorphism pS of
Nothing -> return state
Just _ -> return $
add2hist [CComorphismChange $ cComorphism pS] $
state {
intState = (intState state ) {
i_state = Just $ pS {
cComorphism = getIdComorphism $ elements pS } }
-- | select comorphisms
cTranslate::String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cTranslate input state =
case i_state $ intState state of
-- nothing selected !
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
-- parse the comorphism name
case lookupComorphism_in_LG $ trim input of
Result _ Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Wrong comorphism name" state
Result _ (Just cm) ->
case cComorphism pS of
-- when selecting some theory the Id comorphism is automatically
-- generated
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "No theory selected" state
Just ocm ->
case compComorphism ocm cm of
Result _ Nothing ->
return $ genErrorMsg "Can not add comorphism" state
Result _ (Just smth) ->
return $ genMessage [] "Adding comorphism"
$ add2hist [CComorphismChange $ cComorphism pS] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just pS {
cComorphism = Just smth } }
parseElements :: CmdlListAction -> [String] -> CmdlGoalAxiom
-> [Int_NodeInfo]
-> ([Int_NodeInfo],[ListChange])
-> ([Int_NodeInfo],[ListChange])
parseElements action gls gls_axm elems (acc1,acc2)
= case elems of
[] -> (acc1,acc2)
(Element st nb):ll ->
let allgls = case gls_axm of
ChangeGoals -> OMap.keys $ goalMap st
ChangeAxioms-> case theory st of
G_theory _ _ _ aMap _ ->
OMap.keys aMap
selgls = case gls_axm of
ChangeGoals -> selectedGoals st
ChangeAxioms-> includedAxioms st
fn' x y = x==y
fn ks x = case find (fn' x) ks of
Just _ ->
case action of
ActionDel -> False
_ -> True
Nothing ->
case action of
ActionDel -> True
_ -> False
gls' = case action of
ActionDelAll -> []
ActionDel -> filter (fn selgls) gls
ActionSetAll -> allgls
ActionSet -> filter (fn allgls) gls
ActionAdd -> nub $ selgls ++ filter (fn allgls) gls
nwelm = case gls_axm of
ChangeGoals -> Element (st {selectedGoals = gls'}) nb
ChangeAxioms -> Element (st {includedAxioms= gls'}) nb
hchg = case gls_axm of
ChangeGoals -> GoalsChange (selectedGoals st) nb
ChangeAxioms -> AxiomsChange(includedAxioms st) nb
in parseElements action gls gls_axm ll (nwelm:acc1,hchg:acc2)
-- | A general function that implements the actions of setting,
-- adding or deleting goals or axioms from the selection list
cGoalsAxmGeneral :: CmdlListAction -> CmdlGoalAxiom ->
String ->CmdlState
-> IO CmdlState
cGoalsAxmGeneral action gls_axm input state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
ls ->
let gls = words input
let (ls',hst) = parseElements action gls
ls ([],[])
return $ add2hist [ListChange hst] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just pS {
elements = ls'
cDoLoop :: Bool
-> CmdlState
-> IO CmdlState
cDoLoop checkCons state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
ls ->
--create initial mVars to comunicate
miSt <- newMVar $ intState state
mSt <- newMVar Nothing
mThr <- newMVar Nothing
mW <- newEmptyMVar
-- fork
thrID <- forkIO(doLoop miSt mThr mSt mW ls checkCons)
-- install the handler that waits for SIG_INT
#ifdef UNIX
oldHandler <- installHandler sigINT (Catch $
sigIntHandler mThr miSt mSt thrID mW (i_ln pS)
) Nothing
-- block and wait for answers
answ <- takeMVar mW
#ifdef UNIX
installHandler sigINT oldHandler Nothing
let nwpS = case i_state answ of
Nothing -> pS
Just pS' -> pS'
nwls = concatMap(\(Element _ x) -> selectANode x nwpS) ls
hst = concatMap(\(Element stt x) ->
[(AxiomsChange (includedAxioms stt) x),
(GoalsChange (selectedGoals stt) x)]) ls
return $ add2hist [(ListChange hst)] $
state { intState = answ {
i_state = Just $ nwpS { elements = nwls }
-- | Proves only selected goals from all nodes using selected
-- axioms
cProve :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cProve = cDoLoop False
-- | Proves all goals in the nodes selected using all axioms and
-- theorems
cProveAll::CmdlState ->IO CmdlState
cProveAll state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return$ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just pS ->
case elements pS of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
ls ->
let ls' = map (\(Element st nb) ->
case theory st of
G_theory _ _ _ aMap _ ->
(st {
selectedGoals = OMap.keys $
goalMap st,
includedAxioms = OMap.keys aMap,
includedTheorems = OMap.keys $
goalMap st
}) nb ) ls
let nwSt = add2hist [ListChange [NodesChange $ elements pS]] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just $ pS {
elements = ls' } } }
cProve nwSt
-- | Sets the use theorems flag of the interface
cSetUseThms :: Bool -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cSetUseThms val state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Norhing selected" state
Just pS ->
return $ add2hist [UseThmChange $ useTheorems pS] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state= Just pS {
useTheorems = val } } }
-- | Sets the save2File value to either true or false
cSetSave2File :: Bool -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cSetSave2File val state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just ps ->
return $ add2hist [Save2FileChange $ save2file ps] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just ps { save2file = val } } }
-- | The function is called everytime when the input could
-- not be parsed as a command
cNotACommand :: String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cNotACommand input state
= case input of
-- if input line is empty do nothing
[] -> return state
-- anything else see if it is in a blocl of command
s ->
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg ("Error on input line :"++s) state
Just pS ->
if loadScript pS
let olds = script pS
oldextOpts = tsExtraOpts olds
let nwSt = state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just pS {
script = olds { tsExtraOpts = s : oldextOpts }
} } }
return $ add2hist [ScriptChange $ script pS] nwSt
else return $ genErrorMsg ("Error on input line :"++s) state
-- | Function to signal the interface that the script has ended
cEndScript :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cEndScript state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just ps ->
if loadScript ps
let nwSt= state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just ps {
loadScript = False } } }
return $ add2hist [LoadScriptChange $ loadScript ps] nwSt
else return $ genErrorMsg "No previous call of begin-script" state
-- | Function to signal the interface that a scrips starts so it should
-- not try to parse the input
cStartScript :: CmdlState-> IO CmdlState
cStartScript state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just ps ->
return $ add2hist [LoadScriptChange $ loadScript ps] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just ps {
loadScript = True } } }
-- sets a time limit
cTimeLimit :: String -> CmdlState-> IO CmdlState
cTimeLimit input state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "Nothing selected" state
Just ps ->
if checkIntString $ trim input
let inpVal = read $ trim input
let oldS = script ps
return $ add2hist [ScriptChange $ script ps] $
state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just ps {
script = oldS { tsTimeLimit = inpVal } } } }
else return $ genErrorMsg "Please insert a number of seconds" state