Interface.hs revision f2e74530dbcb9c1e2a8a696ac4f668219ffd3e6a
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : The definition of CMDL interface for
standard input and file input
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.Interface describes the interface specific function
for standard input and file input
module CMDL.Interface where
import System.Console.Shell(ShellDescription(defaultCompletions), runShell)
import System.Console.Shell.Backend.Editline
import System.Console.Shell.Backend.Haskeline
import System.IO(IO)
import CMDL.Commands(getCommands)
import CMDL.DataTypes(CMDL_Message(..), CMDL_PrompterState(..), CMDL_State(..))
import CMDL.Shell(cmdlCompletionFn)
import CMDL.FileInterface(fileBackend, fileShellDescription)
import CMDL.StdInterface(recursiveApplyUse, stdShellDescription)
import CMDL.StringInterface(stringBackend, stringShellDescription)
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Driver.Options (HetcatsOpts)
-- | Creates an empty CMDL_State
emptyCMDL_State :: HetcatsOpts -> CMDL_State
emptyCMDL_State opts = CMDL_State
{ intState = IntState
{ i_state = Nothing
, i_hist = IntHistory
{ undoList = []
, redoList = [] }
, filename = [] }
, prompter = CMDL_PrompterState
{ fileLoaded = ""
, prompterHead = "> " }
, output = CMDL_Message
{ errorMsg = []
, outputMsg = []
, warningMsg = [] }
, openComment = False
, connections = []
, hetsOpts = opts }
-- | The function runs hets in a shell
cmdlRunShell :: HetcatsOpts -> [FilePath] ->IO CMDL_State
cmdlRunShell opts files =
recursiveApplyUse files (emptyCMDL_State opts)
>>= runShell stdShellDescription
{ defaultCompletions = Just (cmdlCompletionFn getCommands) }
-- | The function processes the file of instructions
cmdlProcessFile :: HetcatsOpts -> FilePath -> IO CMDL_State
cmdlProcessFile opts flnm = let st = emptyCMDL_State opts in
runShell fileShellDescription (fileBackend flnm) st
`catch` const (return st)
-- | The function processes a string of instructions starting from a given
-- state
cmdlProcessString :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cmdlProcessString input st =
runShell stringShellDescription (stringBackend input) st
`catch` const (return st)