Interface.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : The definition of CMDL interface for
standard input and file input
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.Interface describes the interface specific function
for standard input and file input
module CMDL.Interface where
import System.Console.Haskeline
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import System.IO
import CMDL.Commands (getCommands)
import CMDL.DataTypes
import CMDL.DataTypesUtils
import CMDL.Shell
import CMDL.ProcessScript
import CMDL.Utils (stripComments)
import Interfaces.Command
import Common.Utils (trim)
import Data.List
import Data.IORef
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO(..))
shellSettings :: IORef CmdlState -> Settings IO
shellSettings st =
Settings {
complete = cmdlComplete st
, historyFile = Just "consoleHistory.tmp"
, autoAddHistory = True
-- We need an MVar here
-- because our CmdlState is not a Monad (and we use IO as Monad).
cmdlComplete :: IORef CmdlState -> CompletionFunc IO
cmdlComplete st (left, _) = do
state <- liftIO $ readIORef st
comps <- liftIO $ cmdlCompletionFn getCommands state $ reverse left
let (_, nodes) = case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> ("", [])
Just dgState -> getSelectedDGNodes dgState
cmds = "prove-all" : map (cmdNameStr . cmdDescription) getCommands
cmdcomps = filter (isPrefixOf (reverse left)) cmds
cmdcomps' = if null nodes
then filter (not . isSuffixOf "-current") cmdcomps
else cmdcomps
return ("", map simpleCompletion $ comps ++ cmdcomps')
shellLoop :: IORef CmdlState
-> Bool
-> InputT IO CmdlState
-> IO CmdlState
shellLoop st isTerminal =
state <- liftIO $ readIORef st
let prompt = if isTerminal then generatePrompter state else ""
minput <- getInputLine prompt
putStr prompt
hFlush stdout
eof <- isEOF
minput <- if eof then return Nothing else liftM Just getLine
case minput of
Nothing -> return state
Just input ->
let echo = trim $ stripComments input
when (not isTerminal && not (null echo))
(liftIO $ putStrLn $ generatePrompter state ++ echo)
(state', mc) <- liftIO $ cmdlProcessString "" 0 input state
case mc of
Nothing -> if any (input ==) ["exit", ":q"] -- additional exit cmds
then return state'
else do
liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Unknown command: " ++ input
shellLoop st isTerminal
Just ExitCmd -> return state'
Just c -> do
newState <- liftIO $ printCmdResult state'
newState' <- liftIO $ case find
(eqCmd c . cmdDescription) getCommands of
Nothing -> return newState
Just cm -> checkCom
cm { cmdDescription = c } newState
liftIO $ writeIORef st newState'
shellLoop st isTerminal
-- | The function runs hets in a shell
cmdlRunShell :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cmdlRunShell state = do
isTerminal <- hIsTerminalDevice stdin
st <- newIORef state
runInputT (shellSettings st) $ shellLoop st isTerminal
hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
shellLoop st isTerminal