InfoCommands.hs revision c208973c890b8f993297720fd0247bc7481d4304
{-# LANGUAGE CPP, RankNTypes #-}
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : CMDL interface commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.InfoCommands contains all commands
that provides information about the state
of the development graph and selected
module CMDL.InfoCommands
( cNodes
, cShowDgGoals
, cShowNodeProvenGoals
, cShowNodeUnprovenGoals
, cRedoHistory
, cShowTaxonomy
, cShowTheory
, cShowTheoryGoals
, cUndoHistory
, cEdges
, cShowNodeAxioms
, cInfo
, cInfoCurrent
, cShowConcept
, cNodeNumber
, cHelp
) where
import GUI.Taxonomy
import CMDL.DataTypesUtils
import CMDL.DataTypes
import CMDL.Shell (nodeNames)
import CMDL.Utils
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Static.DgUtils
import Static.PrintDevGraph (showLEdge)
import Common.AS_Annotation (SenAttr (isAxiom))
import Common.DocUtils (showDoc)
import Common.Taxonomy (TaxoGraphKind (..))
import Common.Utils (trim)
import qualified Common.OrderedMap as OMap
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (LNode, LEdge, Node)
import Data.List
import Logic.Prover (SenStatus)
import Logic.Comorphism (AnyComorphism)
import Interfaces.Command (cmdNameStr, describeCmd, showCmd)
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Utils
-- show list of all goals(i.e. prints their name)
cShowDgGoals :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cShowDgGoals state
= case i_state $ intState state of
-- nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- compute list of node goals
let nodeGoals = nodeNames $ getAllGoalNodes state
-- list of all nodes
ls = getAllNodes dgState
lsGE = getAllGoalEdges state
-- list of all goal edge names
edgeGoals = createEdgeNames ls lsGE
-- print sorted version of the list
in return $ genMessage [] (unlines $ sort (nodeGoals ++ edgeGoals)) state
{- local function that computes the theory of a node but it
keeps only the goal theory -}
getGoalThS :: CmdlUseTranslation -> Int -> CmdlState -> [String]
getGoalThS useTrans x state
= case getTh useTrans x state of
Nothing -> []
Just th ->
let nwth = case th of
G_theory x1 x2 x3 thSens x4 ->
G_theory x1 x2 x3
(OMap.filter (\ s -> not (isAxiom s) &&
not (isProvenSenStatus s))
thSens) x4
in [showDoc nwth "\n"]
{- local function that computes the theory of a node
that takes into consideration translated theories in
the selection too and returns the theory as a string -}
getThS :: CmdlUseTranslation -> Int -> CmdlState -> [String]
getThS useTrans x state =
case getTh useTrans x state of
Nothing -> ["Could not find a theory"]
Just th -> [showDoc th "\n"]
getInfoFromNodes :: String -> ([Node] -> [String]) -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
getInfoFromNodes input f state =
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState -> let (errors, nodes) = getInputNodes input dgState
in return (if null nodes
then genErrorMsg errors state
else genMessage errors
(intercalate "\n" $ f nodes) state)
cShowFromNode :: (forall a . SenStatus a (AnyComorphism, BasicProof) -> Bool)
-- ^ what sentences to show
-> String -- input string containing node-names
-> CmdlState -- the state
-> IO CmdlState
cShowFromNode f input state =
getInfoFromNodes input (concatMap (\ n ->
case getTh Dont_translate n state of
Nothing -> []
Just th -> case th of
G_theory _ _ _ sens _ -> OMap.keys $
OMap.filter f sens)) state
cShowNodeProvenGoals :: String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cShowNodeProvenGoals =
cShowFromNode (\ s -> not (isAxiom s) && isProvenSenStatus s)
cShowNodeUnprovenGoals :: String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cShowNodeUnprovenGoals =
cShowFromNode (\ s -> not (isAxiom s) && not (isProvenSenStatus s))
cShowNodeAxioms :: String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cShowNodeAxioms = cShowFromNode isAxiom
-- show theory of input nodes
cShowTheory :: CmdlUseTranslation -> String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cShowTheory useTrans input state =
getInfoFromNodes input (concatMap (\ n -> getThS useTrans n state)) state
-- show theory of all goals
cShowTheoryGoals :: String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cShowTheoryGoals input st =
getInfoFromNodes input (concatMap (\ n -> getGoalThS Do_translate n st)) st
showNodeInfo :: LNode DGNodeLab -> String
showNodeInfo (i, l) =
(if isDGRef l
then ("reference " ++)
else if isInternalNode l then ("internal " ++) else id)
"node " ++ getDGNodeName l ++ " " ++ show i ++ "\n" ++ showDoc l ""
showEdgeInfo :: LEdge DGLinkLab -> String
showEdgeInfo e@(_, _, l) = showLEdge e ++ "\n" ++ showDoc l ""
-- show all information of selection
cInfoCurrent :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cInfoCurrent state =
case i_state $ intState state of
-- nothing selected
Nothing -> return state
Just ps -> let (errors, nodes) = getSelectedDGNodes ps
in if null nodes
then return $ genErrorMsg errors state
else cInfo (unwords $ nodeNames nodes) state
-- show all information of input
cInfo :: String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cInfo input state =
case i_state $ intState state of
-- error message
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "No library loaded" state
Just dgS ->
let (nds, edg, nbEdg, errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
in case (nds, edg, nbEdg) of
([], [], []) -> return $ genErrorMsg ("Nothing from the input "
++ "could be processed") state
(_, _, _) ->
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgS
lsEdges = getAllEdges dgS
(errs'', listEdges) = obtainEdgeList edg nbEdg lsNodes lsEdges
(errs', listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
strsNode = map showNodeInfo listNodes
strsEdge = map showEdgeInfo listEdges
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ prettyPrintErrList errs'
tmpErrs'' = tmpErrs' ++ prettyPrintErrList errs''
in return $ genMessage tmpErrs''
(intercalate "\n\n" (strsNode ++ strsEdge)) state
taxoShowGeneric :: TaxoGraphKind -> CmdlState -> [LNode DGNodeLab] -> IO ()
taxoShowGeneric kind state ls =
case ls of
(nb, nlab) : ll ->
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return ()
Just _ ->
case getTh Do_translate nb state of
-- the theory was computed
Just th ->
-- display graph
displayGraph kind
(showName $ dgn_name nlab) th
taxoShowGeneric kind state ll
-- theory couldn't be computed so just go next
_ -> taxoShowGeneric kind state ll
_ -> return ()
taxoShowGeneric _ _ _ = return ()
cShowTaxoGraph :: TaxoGraphKind -> String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cShowTaxoGraph kind input state =
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
let (errors, nodes) = getInputDGNodes input dgState
taxoShowGeneric kind state nodes
return $ genMessage errors [] state
cShowTaxonomy :: String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cShowTaxonomy = cShowTaxoGraph KSubsort
cShowConcept :: String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cShowConcept = cShowTaxoGraph KConcept
-- show node number of input
cNodeNumber :: String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cNodeNumber input state =
case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
let (errors, nodes) = getInputDGNodes input dgState
ls = map (\ (i, n) -> showName (dgn_name n) ++ " is node number " ++
show i) nodes
in return $ genMessage errors (intercalate "\n" ls) state
-- print the name of all edges
cEdges :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cEdges state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- list of all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- compute all edges names
lsEdg = getAllEdges dgState
lsEdges = createEdgeNames lsNodes lsEdg
-- print edge list in a sorted fashion
return $ genMessage [] (intercalate "\n" $ sort lsEdges) state
cUndoHistory :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cUndoHistory = return . cHistory True
cRedoHistory :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cRedoHistory = return . cHistory False
cHistory :: Bool -> CmdlState -> CmdlState
cHistory isUndo state = genMessage []
(unlines $ ((if isUndo then "Un" else "Re") ++ "do history :")
: map (showCmd . command)
((if isUndo then undoList else redoList) $ i_hist $ intState state)
) state
-- print the name of all nodes
cNodes :: CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cNodes state
= case i_state $ intState state of
-- no library loaded, so nothing to print
Nothing -> return state
Just dgState ->
-- compute the list of node names
let ls = nodeNames $ getAllNodes dgState
-- print a sorted version of it
return $ genMessage [] (intercalate "\n" $ sort ls) state
cHelp :: [CmdlCmdDescription] -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState
cHelp allcmds state = do
putStrLn $ formatLine ("Command", "Parameter", "Description")
putStrLn $ replicate maxLineWidth '-'
mapM_ (\ cm -> do
let cmd = cmdDescription cm
name = cmdNameStr cmd
req = formatRequirement $ cmdReq cm
descL = formatDesc $ describeCmd cmd
desc = head descL ++
concatMap (('\n' : replicate descStart ' ') ++)
(tail descL)
putStrLn $ formatLine (name, req, desc)) allcmds
return state
maxLineWidth = 80
maxNameLen = maximum $ map (length . cmdNameStr . cmdDescription) allcmds
maxParamLen = maximum $ map (length . formatRequirement . cmdReq ) allcmds
descStart = maxNameLen + 1 + maxParamLen + 1
descWidth = maxLineWidth - descStart
formatDesc :: String -> [String]
formatDesc = reverse . filter (not . null) . map trim .
foldl (\ l w -> if length (head l) + length w > descWidth
then (w ++ " ") : l
else (head l ++ w ++ " ") : tail l)
[""] . words
formatLine :: (String, String, String) -> String
formatLine (c1, c2, c3) =
c1 ++ replicate (maxNameLen - length c1 + 1) ' ' ++
c2 ++ replicate (maxParamLen - length c2 + 1) ' ' ++ c3