DgCommands.hs revision 79d9a79606045951fd95fefde93a5accf7ccead5
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : CMDL interface development graph commands
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : r.pascanu@jacobs-university.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.DgCommands contains all development graph commands
that can be called from the CMDL interface
module CMDL.DgCommands
( commandDgAll
, commandDg
, cUse
, cDgThmHideShift
, cDgSelect
, cDgSelectAll
, selectANode
, wrapResultDg
, wrapResultDgAll
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Utils (emptyIntIState, getAllEdges, initNodeInfo)
import CMDL.DataTypes
(CMDL_PrompterState(fileLoaded), CMDL_State(prompter, intState))
import CMDL.DataTypesUtils
(getAllNodes, add2hist, genErrorMsg, genMessage, getIdComorphism)
import CMDL.Utils
(decomposeIntoGoals, obtainEdgeList, obtainNodeList, prettyPrintErrList)
import Proofs.AbstractState
(ProofState(selectedGoals), getProvers, initialState)
import Proofs.ComputeTheory (computeTheory)
import Proofs.TheoremHideShift (theoremHideShiftFromList)
import Static.GTheory (G_theory(G_theory), sublogicOfTh)
import Static.DevGraph (LibEnv, DGLinkLab, getDGNodeName)
import Driver.AnaLib (anaLib, anaLibExt)
import Driver.Options (hetcatsOpts)
import Common.LibName (LIB_NAME(getLIB_ID))
import Common.Utils (trim)
import Common.Result (Diagnosis(diagString), Result(Result))
import Comorphisms.KnownProvers (knownProversWithKind, shrinkKnownProvers)
import Comorphisms.LogicGraph (logicGraph)
import Logic.Comorphism (hasModelExpansion)
import Logic.Grothendieck (findComorphismPaths)
import Logic.Prover (ProverKind(ProveCMDLautomatic))
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (LEdge)
import Data.List ((++), filter, find, take, concatMap)
import System.Environment
-- | Wraps Result structure around the result of a dg all style command
wrapResultDgAll :: (LIB_NAME->LibEnv -> LibEnv) ->
LIB_NAME -> LibEnv -> Result LibEnv
wrapResultDgAll fn lib_name lib_env
= let res = fn lib_name lib_env
in Result [] $ Just res
-- | Wraps Result structure around the result of a dg style command
wrapResultDg :: (LIB_NAME->[LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LibEnv -> LibEnv) ->
LIB_NAME->[LEdge DGLinkLab] -> LibEnv -> Result LibEnv
wrapResultDg fn lib_name ls lib_env
= let res = fn lib_name ls lib_env
in Result [] $ Just res
-- | General function for implementing dg all style commands
commandDgAll :: ( LIB_NAME->LibEnv->Result LibEnv) -> CMDL_State
-> IO CMDL_State
commandDgAll fn state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing ->
-- just an error message and leave
-- the internal state intact so that
-- the interface can recover
return $ genErrorMsg "No library loaded" state
Just ist ->
case fn (i_ln ist) (i_libEnv ist) of
Result _ (Just nwLibEnv) ->
-- Name of function is not known here, so an empty text is
-- added as name, in a later stage (Shell.hs) the name will
-- be inserted
return $ add2hist [IStateChange $ Just ist] $ state {
intState = (intState state) {
i_state=Just$ emptyIntIState nwLibEnv $ i_ln ist}
Result diag Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg
(concatMap diagString diag) state
-- | Generic function for a dg command, all other dg
-- commands are derived from this command by simply
-- specifing the function
commandDg :: (LIB_NAME -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]->LibEnv->
Result LibEnv) -> String -> CMDL_State
-> IO CMDL_State
commandDg fn input state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> -- leave the internal state intact so
-- that the interface can recover
return $ genErrorMsg "No library loaded" state
Just ist -> do
let (_,edg,nbEdg,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case (edg,nbEdg) of
([],[]) -> -- leave the internal state intact so
-- that the interface can recover
return $ genErrorMsg (tmpErrs++"No edges in input string\n")
(_,_) ->
let lsNodes = getAllNodes ist
lsEdges = getAllEdges ist
-- compute the list of edges from the input
(errs',listEdges) = obtainEdgeList edg nbEdg lsNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ prettyPrintErrList errs'
case listEdges of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg (tmpErrs' ++ "No edge in input string\n")
_ ->
case fn (i_ln ist) listEdges (i_libEnv ist) of
Result _ (Just nwLibEnv) ->
-- name added later !!
return $ add2hist [IStateChange $ Just ist]
$ genMessage tmpErrs' []
state {
intState = (intState state){
i_state=Just$ emptyIntIState nwLibEnv $ i_ln ist}
Result diag Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg
(concatMap diagString diag) state
-- | The function 'cUse' implements the Use commands, i.e.
-- given a path it tries to load the library at that path
cUse::String ->CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cUse input state
= do
-- options should be passed through from the top-level
opts <- getArgs >>= hetcatsOpts
let file = trim input
tmp <- case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> anaLib opts file
Just dgState ->
anaLibExt opts file $ i_libEnv dgState
case tmp of
Nothing -> -- leave internal state intact so that
-- the interface can recover
return$ genErrorMsg ("Unable to load library "++input) state
Just (nwLn, nwLibEnv) ->
state {
intState = IntState {
i_hist = IntHistory { undoList = [],
redoList = []
i_state = Just $ emptyIntIState nwLibEnv nwLn,
filename = file
prompter = (prompter state) {
fileLoaded = file }
-- The only command that requires a list of nodes instead
-- of edges.
cDgThmHideShift :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cDgThmHideShift input state
= case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> -- leave internal state intact so
-- that the interface can recover
return $ genErrorMsg "No library loaded" state
Just dgState -> do
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> -- leave internal state intact so
-- that the interface can recover
return $ genErrorMsg (tmpErrs++"No nodes in input string\n")
_ ->
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ prettyPrintErrList errs'
case listNodes of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg (tmpErrs'++"No nodes in input string\n")
_ ->
Result diag nwLibEnv = theoremHideShiftFromList (i_ln dgState)
listNodes (i_libEnv dgState)
-- diag not used, how should it?
case nwLibEnv of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg (concatMap diagString diag)
Just newEnv ->
return $ add2hist [IStateChange $ Just dgState] $
genMessage tmpErrs' []
state {
intState =
(intState state) {
i_state =Just $ emptyIntIState newEnv $ i_ln dgState
-- selection commands
selectANode :: Int -> IntIState
-> [Int_NodeInfo]
selectANode x dgState
= let
-- computes the theory of a given node
-- (i.e. solves DGRef cases and so on,
-- see CASL Reference Manual, p.294, Def 4.9)
gth = computeTheory (i_libEnv dgState) (i_ln dgState)
nodeName t=case find(\(n,_)-> n==t) $ getAllNodes dgState of
Nothing -> "Unknown node"
Just (_,ll)-> getDGNodeName ll
case knownProversWithKind ProveCMDLautomatic of
Result _ Nothing -> []
Result _ (Just kpMap) ->
-- if compute theory was successful give the
-- result as one element list, otherwise an
-- empty list
case gth x of
Result _ (Just th@(G_theory lid _ _ _ _)) ->
-- le not used and should be
let sl = sublogicOfTh th
(shows (getLIB_ID $ i_ln dgState) "_" ++ nodeName x)
(shrinkKnownProvers sl kpMap)
(getProvers ProveCMDLautomatic sl $
filter hasModelExpansion $
findComorphismPaths logicGraph $
sublogicOfTh th
-- all goals and axioms are selected initialy in the proof status
return (initNodeInfo tmp x)
_ -> []
-- | function swithces interface in proving mode and also
-- selects a list of nodes to be used inside this mode
cDgSelect :: String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cDgSelect input state
=case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> -- leave internal state intact so
-- that the interface can recover
return $ genErrorMsg "No library loaded" state
Just dgState -> do
let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
case nds of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg (tmpErrs++"No nodes in input string\n") state
_ ->
case knownProversWithKind ProveCMDLautomatic of
Result _ Nothing ->
return $ genErrorMsg (tmpErrs++"No prover found\n") state
Result _ (Just _) ->
-- list of all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- list of input nodes
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ prettyPrintErrList errs'
case listNodes of
[] -> return $ genErrorMsg(tmpErrs'++"No nodes in input string\n")
_ ->
-- elems is the list of all results (i.e.
-- concat of all one element lists)
elems = concatMap
(\x -> case x of
(n,_) -> selectANode n dgState
) listNodes
nwist = emptyIntIState (i_libEnv dgState) (i_ln dgState)
return $ add2hist [IStateChange $ Just dgState] $
genMessage tmpErrs' []
state {
-- add the prove state to the status
-- containing all information selected
-- in the input
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just nwist {
elements = elems,
cComorphism = getIdComorphism elems
} }
-- | Function switches the interface in proving mode by
-- selecting all nodes
cDgSelectAll :: CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State
cDgSelectAll state
=case i_state $ intState state of
Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "No library loaded" state
Just dgState ->
case knownProversWithKind ProveCMDLautomatic of
Result _ Nothing -> return $ genErrorMsg "No prover found" state
Result _ (Just _) ->
-- list of all nodes
let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
-- elems is the list of all results (i.e. concat
-- of all one element lists)
elems = concatMap
(\x -> case x of
(n,_) -> selectANode n dgState
) lsNodes
nwist = emptyIntIState (i_libEnv dgState) (i_ln dgState)
return $ add2hist [IStateChange $ Just dgState] $ state {
-- add the prove state to the status containing
-- all information selected in the input
intState = (intState state) {
i_state = Just nwist {
elements = elems,
cComorphism = getIdComorphism elems
} }