DataTypesUtils.hs revision b87efd3db0d2dc41615ea28669faf80fc1b48d56
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : utilitary functions used throughout the CMDL interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : GPLv2 or higher
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.Utils contains different basic functions that are
used throughout the CMDL interface and could not be found in
module CMDL.DataTypesUtils
( getAllNodes
, obtainGoalNodeList
, getAllGoalNodes
, getAllGoalEdges
, getSelectedDGNodes
, getInputDGNodes
, getInputNodes
, getTh
, baseChannels
, genErrorMsg
, genMessage
, generatePrompter
, add2hist
, getIdComorphism
) where
import Interfaces.Command(Command(CommentCmd))
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.History(add2history)
import Interfaces.Utils(getAllEdges, getAllNodes)
import CMDL.Utils
import CMDL.DataTypes
import Static.GTheory(G_theory, mapG_theory)
import Static.DevGraph(DGNodeLab, DGLinkLab, lookupDGraph, labDG)
import System.IO(stdout, stdin)
import Proofs.AbstractState(ProofState(sublogicOfTheory, theoryName))
import Static.ComputeTheory(computeTheory)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph(LNode, LEdge, Node)
import Data.List (find)
import Common.Result(Result(Result))
import Logic.Comorphism(AnyComorphism(..), mkIdComorphism)
import Logic.Grothendieck(G_sublogics(..))
add2hist :: [UndoRedoElem] -> CmdlState -> CmdlState
add2hist descr st
= let intst = add2history (CommentCmd "") (intState st) descr
in st { intState = intst }
-- | Given a list of selected theory generate an Id comorphism to the
-- first selected theory
getIdComorphism :: [Int_NodeInfo] -> Maybe AnyComorphism
getIdComorphism ls = case ls of
[] -> Nothing
Element st _ : _ ->
case sublogicOfTheory st of
G_sublogics lid sub -> Just $ Comorphism (mkIdComorphism lid sub)
-- | Generates the string containing the prompter
generatePrompter :: CmdlState -> String
generatePrompter st = (case i_state $ intState st of
Nothing -> ""
Just ist ->
let pst = prompter st
els = case elements ist of
[] -> delExtension (fileLoaded pst)
Element sm _ : r -> theoryName sm ++ if null r then "" else ".."
cm = if null (elements ist)
then ""
else if cComorphism ist /= getIdComorphism (elements ist)
then "*"
else ""
in els ++ cm) ++ prompterHead (prompter st)
-- | Given a list of node names and the list of all nodes
-- the function returns all the nodes that have their name
-- in the name list but are also goals
obtainGoalNodeList :: CmdlState -> [String] -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
-> ([String],[LNode DGNodeLab])
obtainGoalNodeList state input ls
= let (l1,l2) = obtainNodeList input ls
l2' = filter (\(nb,nd) ->
let nwth = getTh Dont_translate nb state
in case nwth of
Nothing -> False
Just th -> nodeContainsGoals (nb,nd) th) l2
in (l1,l2')
-- | Returns the list of all nodes that are goals,
-- taking care of the up to date status
getAllGoalNodes :: CmdlState -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
getAllGoalNodes st
= case i_state $ intState st of
Nothing -> []
Just ist ->
filter (\(nb,nd) ->
let nwth = getTh Dont_translate nb st
in case nwth of
Nothing -> False
Just th -> nodeContainsGoals (nb,nd) th) $
getAllNodes ist
-- | Returns the list of all goal edges taking care of the
-- up to date status
getAllGoalEdges :: CmdlState -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
getAllGoalEdges st
= case i_state $ intState st of
Nothing -> []
Just ist ->
filter edgeContainsGoals $ getAllEdges ist
-- Returns the selected DGNodes along with a possible error message
getSelectedDGNodes :: IntIState -> (String, [LNode DGNodeLab])
getSelectedDGNodes dgState =
let nds = map (\ (Element _ n) -> n) $ elements dgState
dg = lookupDGraph (i_ln dgState) (i_libEnv dgState)
nds' = zip nds $ map (labDG dg) nds
in (if null nds' then "No node(s) selected!" else "", nds')
-- Returns the selected DGNodes
-- or if the selection is empty the DGNodes specified by the input string
getInputDGNodes :: String -> IntIState -> (String, [LNode DGNodeLab])
getInputDGNodes input dgState =
if null input
then getSelectedDGNodes dgState
else let (nds,_,_,errs) = decomposeIntoGoals input
tmpErrs = prettyPrintErrList errs
in case nds of
[] -> (tmpErrs, [])
_ -> let lsNodes = getAllNodes dgState
(errs',listNodes) = obtainNodeList nds lsNodes
tmpErrs' = tmpErrs ++ prettyPrintErrList errs'
in (tmpErrs', listNodes)
-- Returns the selected Nodes
-- or if the selection is empty the Nodes specified by the input string
getInputNodes :: String -> IntIState -> (String, [Node])
getInputNodes input dgState =
let (errors, nodes) = getInputDGNodes input dgState
in (errors, map (\ x -> case x of (n, _) -> n) nodes)
--local function that computes the theory of a node
--that takes into consideration translated theories in
--the selection too and returns the theory as a string
getTh :: CmdlUseTranslation -> Int -> CmdlState -> Maybe G_theory
getTh useTrans x st
= let
-- compute the theory for a given node
fn n = case i_state $ intState st of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ist -> computeTheory (i_libEnv ist) (i_ln ist) n
case useTrans of
Dont_translate -> fn x
Do_translate ->
case i_state $ intState st of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ist ->
case elements ist of
[] -> fn x
_ ->
case find (\y -> case y of
Element _ z -> z == x) $
elements ist of
Nothing -> fn x
Just _ ->
case cComorphism ist of
Nothing -> fn x
Just cm ->
case fn x of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just sth->
case mapG_theory cm sth of
Result _ Nothing -> Just sth
Result _ (Just sth') -> Just sth'
-- | Generates the base channels to be used (stdin and stdout)
baseChannels :: [CmdlChannel]
= let ch_in = CmdlChannel {
chName = "stdin",
chType = ChStdin,
chHandler = stdin,
chSocket = Nothing,
chProperties = ChRead
ch_out = CmdlChannel {
chName = "stdout",
chType = ChStdout,
chHandler = stdout,
chSocket = Nothing,
chProperties = ChWrite
in [ch_in, ch_out]
genErrorMsg :: String -> CmdlState -> CmdlState
genErrorMsg msg st
= st {
output = CmdlMessage {
outputMsg = [],
warningMsg = [],
errorMsg = msg
genMessage :: String -> String -> CmdlState -> CmdlState
genMessage warnings msg st
= st{
output = CmdlMessage {
outputMsg = msg,
warningMsg = warnings,
errorMsg = []