DataTypesUtils.hs revision 124c859ba4741d5e36d5d98634886b430b7af093
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : utilitary functions used throughout the CMDL interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.Utils contains different basic functions that are
used throughout the CMDL interface and could not be found in
module CMDL.DataTypesUtils
( getAllNodes
, obtainGoalNodeList
, getAllGoalNodes
, getAllGoalEdges
, getTh
, baseChannels
, genErrorMsg
, genMessage
, generatePrompter
, add2hist
, getIdComorphism
) where
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Utils
import Interfaces.History
import Interfaces.Command
import CMDL.Utils
import CMDL.DataTypes
import Common.Result
import Data.List
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Proofs.TheoremHideShift
import System.IO
import Proofs.AbstractState
import Proofs.TheoremHideShift
import Static.GTheory
import Static.DevGraph
import Common.Result
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph
import Data.List
import Common.Result
import Logic.Comorphism
import Logic.Grothendieck
add2hist :: [UndoRedoElem] -> CMDL_State -> CMDL_State
add2hist descr st
= let intst = add2history (CommentCmd "") (intState st) descr
in st { intState = intst }
-- | Given a list of selected theory generate an Id comorphism to the
-- first selected theory
getIdComorphism :: [Int_NodeInfo] -> Maybe AnyComorphism
getIdComorphism ls = case ls of
[] -> Nothing
Element st _ : _ ->
case sublogicOfTheory st of
G_sublogics lid sub -> Just $ Comorphism (mkIdComorphism lid sub)
-- | Generates the string containing the prompter
generatePrompter :: CMDL_State -> String
generatePrompter st = case i_state $ intState st of
Nothing -> prompterHead $ prompter st
Just ist ->
let pst = prompter st
els = case elements ist of
[] -> []
Element sm _ : r -> '.' : theoryName sm
++ if null r then "" else ".."
cm = case elements ist of
[] -> []
_-> case cComorphism ist of
Nothing -> []
Just cm' ->
case getIdComorphism $ elements ist of
Nothing -> []
Just ocm ->
case cm' == ocm of
True -> []
False -> "*"
in delExtension (fileLoaded pst) ++ els ++ cm ++ prompterHead pst
-- | Given a list of node names and the list of all nodes
-- the function returns all the nodes that have their name
-- in the name list but are also goals
obtainGoalNodeList :: CMDL_State -> [String] -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
-> ([String],[LNode DGNodeLab])
obtainGoalNodeList state input ls
= let (l1,l2) = obtainNodeList input ls
l2' = filter (\(nb,nd) ->
let nwth = getTh Dont_translate nb state
in case nwth of
Nothing -> False
Just th -> nodeContainsGoals (nb,nd) th) l2
in (l1,l2')
-- | Returns the list of all nodes that are goals,
-- taking care of the up to date status
getAllGoalNodes :: CMDL_State -> [LNode DGNodeLab]
getAllGoalNodes st
= case i_state $ intState st of
Nothing -> []
Just ist ->
filter (\(nb,nd) ->
let nwth = getTh Dont_translate nb st
in case nwth of
Nothing -> False
Just th -> nodeContainsGoals (nb,nd) th) $
getAllNodes $ ist
-- | Returns the list of all goal edges taking care of the
-- up to date status
getAllGoalEdges :: CMDL_State -> [LEdge DGLinkLab]
getAllGoalEdges st
= case i_state $ intState st of
Nothing -> []
Just ist ->
filter edgeContainsGoals $ getAllEdges $ ist
--local function that computes the theory of a node
--that takes into consideration translated theories in
--the selection too and returns the theory as a string
getTh :: CMDL_UseTranslation -> Int -> CMDL_State -> Maybe G_theory
getTh useTrans x st
= let
-- compute the theory for a given node
fn n = case i_state $ intState st of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ist -> maybeResult $
computeTheory (i_libEnv ist) (i_ln ist) n
case useTrans of
Dont_translate -> fn x
Do_translate ->
case i_state $ intState st of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ist ->
case elements ist of
[] -> fn x
_ ->
case find (\y -> case y of
Element _ z -> z == x) $
elements ist of
Nothing -> fn x
Just _ ->
case cComorphism ist of
Nothing -> fn x
Just cm ->
case fn x of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just sth->
case mapG_theory cm sth of
Result _ Nothing -> Just sth
Result _ (Just sth') -> Just sth'
-- | Generates the base channels to be used (stdin and stdout)
baseChannels :: [CMDL_Channel]
= let ch_in = CMDL_Channel {
chName = "stdin",
chType = ChStdin,
chHandler = stdin,
chSocket = Nothing,
chProperties = ChRead
ch_out = CMDL_Channel {
chName = "stdout",
chType = ChStdout,
chHandler = stdout,
chSocket = Nothing,
chProperties = ChWrite
in ch_in : ch_out : []
genErrorMsg :: String -> CMDL_State -> CMDL_State
genErrorMsg msg st
= st {
output = CMDL_Message {
outputMsg = [],
warningMsg = [],
errorMsg = msg
genMessage :: String -> String -> CMDL_State -> CMDL_State
genMessage warnings msg st
= st{
output = CMDL_Message {
outputMsg = msg,
warningMsg = warnings,
errorMsg = []