DataTypes.hs revision e4aeced5394758cc762e8817d031855cc1abb02c
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Internal data types of the CMDL interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.DataTypes describes the internal states(or datatypes) of the CMDL
module CMDL.DataTypes
( CmdlState (..)
, emptyCmdlState
, CmdlCmdDescription (..)
, cmdInput
, cmdName
, CmdlCmdPriority (..)
, CmdlCmdFnClasses (..)
, CmdlCmdRequirements (..)
, CmdlChannel (..)
, CmdlChannelType (..)
, CmdlChannelProperties (..)
, CmdlSocket (..)
, CmdlUseTranslation (..)
, CmdlProverConsChecker (..)
, CmdlPrompterState (..)
, CmdlMessage (..)
, emptyCmdlMessage
, CmdlListAction (..)
, CmdlGoalAxiom (..)
) where
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Command
import Driver.Options
import Network
import System.IO (Handle)
data CmdlGoalAxiom =
| ChangeAxioms
data CmdlProverConsChecker =
| Use_consChecker
data CmdlUseTranslation =
| Dont_translate
-- * CMDL datatypes
-- | CMDLState contains all information the CMDL interface
-- might use at any time.
data CmdlState = CmdlState
{ intState :: IntState -- ^ common interface state
, prompter :: CmdlPrompterState -- ^ promter of the interface
, openComment :: Bool -- ^ open comment
, connections :: [CmdlChannel] -- ^ opened connections
, output :: CmdlMessage -- ^ output of interface
, hetsOpts :: HetcatsOpts -- ^ hets command options
-- | Creates an empty CmdlState
emptyCmdlState :: HetcatsOpts -> CmdlState
emptyCmdlState opts = CmdlState
{ intState = IntState
{ i_state = Nothing
, i_hist = IntHistory
{ undoList = []
, redoList = [] }
, filename = [] }
, prompter = CmdlPrompterState
{ fileLoaded = ""
, prompterHead = "> " }
, output = emptyCmdlMessage
, openComment = False
, connections = []
, hetsOpts = opts }
data CmdlPrompterState = CmdlPrompterState
{ fileLoaded :: String
, prompterHead :: String }
-- | Description of a command ( in order to have a uniform access to any of
-- the commands
data CmdlCmdDescription = CmdlCmdDescription
{ cmdDescription :: Command
, cmdPriority :: CmdlCmdPriority
, cmdFn :: CmdlCmdFnClasses
, cmdReq :: CmdlCmdRequirements }
cmdInput :: CmdlCmdDescription -> String
cmdInput = cmdInputStr . cmdDescription
cmdName :: CmdlCmdDescription -> String
cmdName = cmdNameStr . cmdDescription
-- | Some commands have different status, for example 'end-script'
-- needs to be processed even though the interface is in reading script
-- state. The same happens with '}%' even though the interface is in
-- multi line comment state. In order not to treat this few commands
-- separately from the other it is easy just to give to all commands
-- different priorities
data CmdlCmdPriority =
| CmdGreaterThanComments
| CmdGreaterThanScriptAndComments
-- | Any command belongs to one of the following classes of functions,
-- a) f :: s -> IO s
-- b) f :: String -> s -> IO s
data CmdlCmdFnClasses =
CmdNoInput (CmdlState -> IO CmdlState)
| CmdWithInput (String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState)
-- | Datatype describing the types of commands according
-- to what they expect as input
data CmdlCmdRequirements =
| ReqEdges
| ReqNodesAndEdges
| ReqProvers
| ReqConsCheck
| ReqComorphism
| ReqFile
| ReqGNodes
| ReqGEdges
| ReqGNodesAndGEdges
| ReqAxm
| ReqGoal
| ReqNumber
| ReqNothing
| ReqUnknown
instance Show CmdlCmdRequirements where
show cr = case cr of
ReqNodes -> "Nodes"
ReqEdges -> "Edges"
ReqNodesAndEdges -> "Nodes|Edges"
ReqProvers -> "Prover"
ReqConsCheck -> "ConsChecker"
ReqComorphism -> "Comorphism"
ReqFile -> "File"
ReqGNodes -> "GoalNodes"
ReqGEdges -> "GoalEdges"
ReqGNodesAndGEdges -> "Nodes|Edges"
ReqAxm -> "Axiom"
ReqGoal -> "Goal"
ReqNumber -> "Number"
_ -> ""
-- Communication channel datatypes -----------------------------------------
-- | CMDLSocket takes care of opened sockets for comunication with other
-- application like the Broker in the case of PGIP
data CmdlChannel = CmdlChannel
{ chName :: String
, chType :: CmdlChannelType
, chHandler :: Handle
, chSocket :: Maybe CmdlSocket
, chProperties :: CmdlChannelProperties }
-- | Channel type describes different type of channel
data CmdlChannelType =
| ChFile
| ChStdin
| ChStdout
-- | Channel properties describes what a channel can do
data CmdlChannelProperties =
| ChWrite
| ChReadWrite
-- | Describes a socket
data CmdlSocket = CmdlSocket
{ socketHandler :: Socket
, socketHostName :: HostName
, socketPortNumber :: PortNumber }
-- | Datatype describing the list of possible action on a list
-- of selected items
data CmdlListAction =
| ActionSetAll
| ActionDel
| ActionDelAll
| ActionAdd
-- | output message given by the interface
data CmdlMessage = CmdlMessage
{ outputMsg :: String
, warningMsg :: String
, errorMsg :: String }
emptyCmdlMessage :: CmdlMessage
emptyCmdlMessage = CmdlMessage
{ errorMsg = []
, outputMsg = []
, warningMsg = [] }