DataTypes.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Internal data types of the CMDL interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.DataTypes describes the internal states(or datatypes) of the CMDL
module CMDL.DataTypes
( CmdlState (..)
, emptyCmdlState
, CmdlCmdDescription (..)
, cmdInput
, cmdName
, CmdlCmdPriority (..)
, CmdlCmdFnClasses (..)
, NodeOrEdgeFilter (..)
, CmdlCmdRequirements (..)
, formatRequirement
, CmdlChannel (..)
, CmdlChannelType (..)
, CmdlChannelProperties (..)
, CmdlSocket (..)
, CmdlUseTranslation (..)
, CmdlProverConsChecker (..)
, CmdlPrompterState (..)
, CmdlMessage (..)
, emptyCmdlMessage
, CmdlListAction (..)
, CmdlGoalAxiom (..)
, ProveCmdType (..)
) where
import Interfaces.DataTypes
import Interfaces.Command
import Driver.Options
import Network
import System.IO (Handle)
data CmdlGoalAxiom =
| ChangeAxioms
data CmdlProverConsChecker =
| Use_consChecker
data CmdlUseTranslation =
| Dont_translate
-- * CMDL datatypes
{- | CMDLState contains all information the CMDL interface
might use at any time. -}
data CmdlState = CmdlState
{ intState :: IntState -- ^ common interface state
, prompter :: CmdlPrompterState -- ^ promter of the interface
, openComment :: Bool -- ^ open comment
, connections :: [CmdlChannel] -- ^ opened connections
, output :: CmdlMessage -- ^ output of interface
, hetsOpts :: HetcatsOpts -- ^ hets command options
, errorCode :: Int
data ProveCmdType = Prove | Disprove | ConsCheck
-- | Creates an empty CmdlState
emptyCmdlState :: HetcatsOpts -> CmdlState
emptyCmdlState opts = CmdlState
{ intState = IntState
{ i_state = Nothing
, i_hist = IntHistory
{ undoList = []
, redoList = [] }
, filename = [] }
, prompter = CmdlPrompterState
{ fileLoaded = ""
, prompterHead = "> " }
, output = emptyCmdlMessage
, openComment = False
, connections = []
, hetsOpts = opts
, errorCode = 0
data CmdlPrompterState = CmdlPrompterState
{ fileLoaded :: String
, prompterHead :: String }
{- | Description of a command in order to have a uniform access to any of
the commands -}
data CmdlCmdDescription = CmdlCmdDescription
{ cmdDescription :: Command
, cmdPriority :: CmdlCmdPriority
, cmdFn :: CmdlCmdFnClasses
, cmdReq :: CmdlCmdRequirements }
instance Show CmdlCmdDescription where
show cmd = show $ cmdDescription cmd
cmdInput :: CmdlCmdDescription -> String
cmdInput = cmdInputStr . cmdDescription
cmdName :: CmdlCmdDescription -> String
cmdName = cmdNameStr . cmdDescription
{- | Some commands have different status, for example 'end-script'
needs to be processed even though the interface is in reading script
state. The same happens with '}%' even though the interface is in
multi line comment state. In order not to treat this few commands
separately from the other it is easy just to give to all commands
different priorities -}
data CmdlCmdPriority =
| CmdGreaterThanComments
| CmdGreaterThanScriptAndComments
{- | Any command belongs to one of the following classes of functions,
a) f :: s -> IO s
b) f :: String -> s -> IO s -}
data CmdlCmdFnClasses =
CmdNoInput (CmdlState -> IO CmdlState)
| CmdWithInput (String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState)
data NodeOrEdgeFilter = OpenCons | OpenGoals
{- | Datatype describing the types of commands according
to what they expect as input -}
data CmdlCmdRequirements =
ReqNodesOrEdges (Maybe Bool) (Maybe NodeOrEdgeFilter)
-- ^ Nothing: Both, True: Nodes, False: Edges
| ReqProvers
| ReqConsCheck
| ReqComorphism
| ReqLogic
| ReqFile
| ReqAxm Bool -- ^ True: Axioms, False: Goals
| ReqNumber
| ReqNothing
| ReqUnknown
formatRequirement :: CmdlCmdRequirements -> String
formatRequirement r = let s = showRequirement r in
if null s then "" else '<' : s ++ ">"
showRequirement :: CmdlCmdRequirements -> String
showRequirement cr = case cr of
ReqConsCheck -> "ConsChecker"
ReqProvers -> "Prover"
ReqComorphism -> "Comorphism"
ReqLogic -> "Logic"
ReqNodesOrEdges n m -> maybe "" (\ f -> case f of
OpenCons -> "OpenCons"
OpenGoals -> "Goal") m
++ maybe "NodesOrEdges"
(\ b -> if b then "Nodes" else "Edges") n
ReqFile -> "File"
ReqAxm b -> if b then "Axioms" else "Goals"
ReqNumber -> "Number"
ReqNothing -> ""
ReqUnknown -> ""
-- Communication channel datatypes -----------------------------------------
{- | CMDLSocket takes care of opened sockets for comunication with other
application like the Broker in the case of PGIP -}
data CmdlChannel = CmdlChannel
{ chName :: String
, chType :: CmdlChannelType
, chHandler :: Handle
, chSocket :: Maybe CmdlSocket
, chProperties :: CmdlChannelProperties }
-- | Channel type describes different type of channel
data CmdlChannelType =
| ChFile
| ChStdin
| ChStdout
-- | Channel properties describes what a channel can do
data CmdlChannelProperties =
| ChWrite
| ChReadWrite
-- | Describes a socket
data CmdlSocket = CmdlSocket
{ socketHandler :: Socket
, socketHostName :: HostName
, socketPortNumber :: PortNumber }
{- | Datatype describing the list of possible action on a list
of selected items -}
data CmdlListAction =
| ActionSetAll
| ActionDel
| ActionDelAll
| ActionAdd
-- | output message given by the interface
data CmdlMessage = CmdlMessage
{ outputMsg :: String
, warningMsg :: String
, errorMsg :: String }
emptyCmdlMessage :: CmdlMessage
emptyCmdlMessage = CmdlMessage
{ errorMsg = []
, outputMsg = []
, warningMsg = [] }