Commands.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : list of all commands of CMDL interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.Commands contains the description of all commands available
module CMDL.Commands
( getCommands
, proveAll
, cmdlIgnoreFunc
) where
import Interfaces.Command
import Interfaces.CmdAction (globLibAct, globLibResultAct, globResultAct)
import CMDL.DataTypes
import CMDL.ProveCommands
import CMDL.InfoCommands
import CMDL.DgCommands (cDgSelect, cUse, cExpand, cAddView, commandDgAll,
import CMDL.ProveConsistency (cConsChecker, cProver)
import CMDL.UndoRedo (cRedo, cUndo)
import CMDL.ConsCommands
-- | Generates a command description given all parameters
genCmd :: Command -> CmdlCmdPriority ->
CmdlCmdRequirements -> CmdlCmdFnClasses ->
genCmd c priority req fn = CmdlCmdDescription
{ cmdDescription = c
, cmdPriority = priority
, cmdReq = req
, cmdFn = fn }
genGlobCmd :: GlobCmd -> (CmdlState -> IO CmdlState) -> CmdlCmdDescription
genGlobCmd gc =
genCmd (GlobCmd gc) CmdNoPriority ReqNothing . CmdNoInput
reqOfSelectCmd :: SelectCmd -> CmdlCmdRequirements
reqOfSelectCmd sc = case sc of
LibFile -> ReqFile
Lib -> ReqFile
Node -> reqNodes
ComorphismTranslation -> ReqComorphism
Prover -> ReqProvers
Goal -> ReqAxm False
ConsistencyChecker -> ReqConsCheck
Link -> reqEdges
ConservativityCheckerOpen -> ReqNodesOrEdges Nothing $ Just OpenCons
ConservativityChecker -> ReqNodesOrEdges Nothing Nothing
genSelectCmd :: SelectCmd -> (String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState)
-> CmdlCmdDescription
genSelectCmd sc =
genCmd (mkSelectCmd sc) CmdNoPriority (reqOfSelectCmd sc) . CmdWithInput
reqOfInspectCmd :: InspectCmd -> CmdlCmdRequirements
reqOfInspectCmd ic = case ic of
EdgeInfo -> reqEdges
_ -> if requiresNode ic then reqNodes else ReqNothing
genGlobInspectCmd :: InspectCmd -> (CmdlState -> IO CmdlState)
-> CmdlCmdDescription
genGlobInspectCmd ic =
genCmd (InspectCmd ic Nothing) CmdNoPriority ReqNothing . CmdNoInput
genInspectCmd :: InspectCmd -> (String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState)
-> CmdlCmdDescription
genInspectCmd ic =
genCmd (InspectCmd ic (Just "")) CmdNoPriority (reqOfInspectCmd ic)
. CmdWithInput
genChangeCmd :: ChangeCmd -> (String -> CmdlState -> IO CmdlState)
-> CmdlCmdDescription
genChangeCmd cc =
genCmd (mkChangeCmd cc) CmdNoPriority ReqNothing . CmdWithInput
cmdlIgnoreFunc :: String -> CmdlCmdDescription
cmdlIgnoreFunc r =
genCmd (CommentCmd r) CmdNoPriority ReqNothing $ CmdNoInput return
-- for the synonym "prove-all"
proveAll :: CmdlCmdDescription
proveAll = genGlobCmd ProveCurrent cProve
disproveAll :: CmdlCmdDescription
disproveAll = genGlobCmd DisproveCurrent cDisprove
reqEdges :: CmdlCmdRequirements
reqEdges = ReqNodesOrEdges (Just False) Nothing
reqNodes :: CmdlCmdRequirements
reqNodes = ReqNodesOrEdges (Just True) Nothing
-- | Generates the list of all possible commands as command description
getCommands :: [CmdlCmdDescription]
getCommands =
map (\ (cm, act) -> genGlobCmd cm $ commandDgAll $ wrapResultDgAll act)
++ map (\ (cm, act) -> genGlobCmd cm $ commandDgAll act) globLibResultAct
++ map (\ (cm, act) -> genGlobCmd cm $ commandDgAll $ const act)
[ genGlobCmd UndoCmd cUndo
, genGlobCmd RedoCmd cRedo ]
[ genCmd (ShowOutput False) CmdNoPriority ReqNothing $
CmdNoInput (cShowOutput False)
, genCmd (ShowOutput True) CmdNoPriority ReqNothing $
CmdNoInput (cShowOutput True)]
[ genSelectCmd LibFile cUse
, genSelectCmd Node cDgSelect
, genSelectCmd ComorphismTranslation cTranslate
, genSelectCmd Prover cProver
, genSelectCmd Goal $ cGoalsAxmGeneral ActionSet ChangeGoals
, proveAll
, disproveAll
, genGlobCmd CheckConsistencyCurrent cConsistCheck
, genGlobCmd CheckConservativityAll cConservCheckAll
, genGlobCmd DropTranslation cDropTranslations
, genSelectCmd ConsistencyChecker cConsChecker
, genSelectCmd ConservativityCheckerOpen cConservCheck
, genSelectCmd ConservativityChecker cConservCheck
, genCmd (TimeLimit 0) CmdNoPriority ReqNumber $ CmdWithInput cTimeLimit
, genCmd (SetAxioms []) CmdNoPriority (ReqAxm True) $ CmdWithInput
$ cGoalsAxmGeneral ActionSet ChangeAxioms ]
++ map (\ b -> genCmd (IncludeProvenTheorems b) CmdNoPriority ReqNothing
$ CmdNoInput $ cSetUseThms b) [True, False]
[ genGlobInspectCmd Nodes cNodes
, genGlobInspectCmd Edges cEdges
, genGlobInspectCmd UndoHist cUndoHistory
, genGlobInspectCmd RedoHist cRedoHistory
, genGlobInspectCmd CurrentComorphism cCurrentComorphism
, genGlobInspectCmd ProvenGoals $ cShowNodeProvenGoals ""
, genGlobInspectCmd UnprovenGoals $ cShowNodeUnprovenGoals ""
, genGlobInspectCmd Axioms $ cShowNodeAxioms ""
, genGlobInspectCmd AllGoals $ cShowTheoryGoals ""
, genGlobInspectCmd Theory $ cShowTheory Dont_translate ""
, genGlobInspectCmd TranslatedTheory $ cShowTheory Do_translate ""
, genGlobInspectCmd Taxonomy $ cShowTaxonomy ""
, genGlobInspectCmd Concept $ cShowConcept ""
, genGlobInspectCmd NodeInfo cInfoCurrent
, genCmd (InspectCmd ComorphismsTo Nothing) CmdNoPriority ReqLogic
. CmdWithInput $ cComorphismsTo
, genInspectCmd NodeInfo cInfo
, genInspectCmd Theory $ cShowTheory Dont_translate
, genInspectCmd TranslatedTheory $ cShowTheory Do_translate
, genInspectCmd AllGoals cShowTheoryGoals
, genInspectCmd ProvenGoals cShowNodeProvenGoals
, genInspectCmd UnprovenGoals cShowNodeUnprovenGoals
, genInspectCmd Axioms cShowNodeAxioms
, genInspectCmd Taxonomy cShowTaxonomy
, genInspectCmd Concept cShowConcept
, genInspectCmd EdgeInfo cInfo ]
[ genChangeCmd Expand cExpand
, genChangeCmd AddView cAddView]
[ genCmd HelpCmd CmdNoPriority ReqNothing $ CmdNoInput $ cHelp getCommands
, genCmd ExitCmd CmdNoPriority ReqNothing $ CmdNoInput return ]