Commands.hs revision 124c859ba4741d5e36d5d98634886b430b7af093
{- |
Module :$Header$
Description : list of all commands of CMDL interface
Copyright : uni-bremen and DFKI
License : similar to LGPL, see Hets/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CMDL.Commands contains the description of all commands available
module CMDL.Commands
( getCommands
, shellacCommands
, shellacEvalFunc
) where
import System.Console.Shell
import Interfaces.Command
import Interfaces.CmdAction
import CMDL.DataTypes
import CMDL.ProveCommands
import CMDL.InfoCommands
import CMDL.DgCommands
import CMDL.ProveConsistency
import CMDL.ConsCommands
import CMDL.Shell
import CMDL.UndoRedo
-- | Generates a shellac command that requires input
shellacWithInput :: CMDL_CmdDescription -> String -> Sh CMDL_State ()
shellacWithInput descr inp =
shellacCmd descr { cmdDescription = setInputStr inp $ cmdDescription descr }
-- | Generates the list of all the shell commands together
-- with a short description
shellacCommands :: [ShellCommand CMDL_State]
= let genCmds = concatMap (\x ->
map (\y-> case cmdFn x of
CmdNoInput _ -> cmd y (shellacCmd x)
$ describeCmd $ cmdDescription x
CmdWithInput _ -> cmd y (shellacWithInput x)
$ describeCmd $ cmdDescription x
) [cmdName x]) getCommands
-- different names for exit commands
(exitCommand "exit")
: (exitCommand "quit")
-- also vi style
: (exitCommand ":q")
-- different name for help commands
: (helpCommand "help")
-- also ? for help
: (helpCommand "?")
: genCmds
-- | Generates a command description given all parameters
genCmd :: Command -> CMDL_CmdPriority ->
CMDL_CmdRequirements -> CMDL_CmdFnClasses ->
genCmd c priority req fn = CMDL_CmdDescription
{ cmdDescription = c
, cmdPriority = priority
, cmdReq = req
, cmdFn = fn }
genGlobCmd :: GlobCmd -> (CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State) -> CMDL_CmdDescription
genGlobCmd gc cf =
genCmd (GlobCmd gc) CmdNoPriority ReqNothing $ CmdNoInput cf
reqOfSelectCmd :: SelectCmd -> CMDL_CmdRequirements
reqOfSelectCmd sc = case sc of
LibFile -> ReqFile
Lib -> ReqFile
Node -> ReqNodes
ComorphismTranslation -> ReqComorphism
Prover -> ReqProvers
Goal -> ReqGoal
ConsistencyChecker -> ReqConsCheck
Link -> ReqEdges
ConservativityChecker -> ReqEdges
genSelectCmd :: SelectCmd -> (String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State)
-> CMDL_CmdDescription
genSelectCmd sc cf =
genCmd (mkSelectCmd sc) CmdNoPriority (reqOfSelectCmd sc) $ CmdWithInput cf
reqOfInspectCmd :: InspectCmd -> CMDL_CmdRequirements
reqOfInspectCmd ic = case ic of
EdgeInfo -> ReqEdges
_ -> if requiresNode ic then ReqNodes else ReqNothing
genGlobInspectCmd :: InspectCmd -> (CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State)
-> CMDL_CmdDescription
genGlobInspectCmd ic cf =
genCmd (InspectCmd ic) CmdNoPriority ReqNothing $ CmdNoInput cf
genInspectCmd :: InspectCmd -> (String -> CMDL_State -> IO CMDL_State)
-> CMDL_CmdDescription
genInspectCmd ic cf =
genCmd (InspectCmd ic) CmdNoPriority (reqOfInspectCmd ic) $ CmdWithInput cf
-- | Evaluation function description (function called when input can not
-- be parsed
cmdlEvalFunc :: CMDL_CmdDescription
cmdlEvalFunc =
genCmd (CommentCmd "") CmdNoPriority ReqNothing $ CmdWithInput cNotACommand
-- | Shellac description of the evaluation function
shellacEvalFunc :: String -> Sh CMDL_State ()
shellacEvalFunc input = shellacWithInput cmdlEvalFunc input
-- | Generates the list of all possible commands as command description
getCommands :: [CMDL_CmdDescription]
getCommands =
map (\ (cm, act) -> genGlobCmd cm $ commandDgAll $ wrapResultDgAll act)
++ map (\ (cm, act) -> genGlobCmd cm $ commandDgAll act) globLibResultAct
++ map (\ (cm, act) -> genGlobCmd cm $ commandDgAll $ const act)
[ genGlobCmd UndoCmd cUndo
, genGlobCmd RedoCmd cRedo ]
[ genSelectCmd LibFile cUse
, genSelectCmd Node cDgSelect
, genSelectCmd ComorphismTranslation cTranslate
, genSelectCmd Prover $ cProver
, genSelectCmd Goal $ cGoalsAxmGeneral ActionSet ChangeGoals
, genGlobCmd ProveCurrent cProve
, genGlobCmd DropTranslation cDropTranslations
, genSelectCmd ConsistencyChecker cConsChecker
, genSelectCmd ConservativityChecker cConservCheck
, genCmd (TimeLimit 0) CmdNoPriority ReqNumber $ CmdWithInput cTimeLimit
, genCmd (SetAxioms []) CmdNoPriority ReqAxm $ CmdWithInput
$ cGoalsAxmGeneral ActionSet ChangeAxioms ]
++ map (\ b -> genCmd (IncludeProvenTheorems b) CmdNoPriority ReqNothing
$ CmdNoInput $ cSetUseThms b) [True, False]
[ genGlobInspectCmd CmdList cDetails -- needs to be adjusted
, genGlobInspectCmd Nodes cNodes
, genGlobInspectCmd Edges cEdges
, genGlobInspectCmd UndoHist cUndoHistory
, genGlobInspectCmd RedoHist cUndoHistory
, genInspectCmd NodeInfo cInfo
, genInspectCmd Theory $ cShowTheory Dont_translate
, genInspectCmd AllGoals cShowTheoryGoals
, genInspectCmd ProvenGoals cShowNodePGoals
, genInspectCmd UnprovenGoals cShowNodeUGoals
, genInspectCmd Axioms cShowNodeAxioms
, genInspectCmd Taxonomy cShowTaxonomy
, genInspectCmd Concept cShowConcept
, genInspectCmd EdgeInfo cInfo ]