parse error at 1.12:
unexpected "-"
expecting casl char, "_", "[", "%" or ")"
parse error at 2.2:
unexpected keyword "="
expecting id/literal
parse error at 3.6:
unexpected sign following =e=
parse error at 4.2:
unexpected keyword "="
expecting id/literal
parse error at 5.2:
unexpected keyword "="
expecting id/literal
parse error at 6.2:
unexpected keyword "="
expecting id/literal
parse error at 7.2:
unexpected keyword "="
expecting id/literal
parse error at 8.2:
unexpected keyword "="
expecting id/literal
parse error at 9.5:
unexpected end of input
expecting "%", "(", "{", "[" or id/literal
parse error at 10.6:
unexpected end of input
expecting "%", "(", "{", "[" or id/literal
parse error at 11.2:
unexpected keyword "="
expecting id/literal
parse error at 12.2:
unexpected keyword "="
expecting id/literal
parse error at 13.2:
unexpected keyword "="
expecting id/literal
parse error at 14.7:
unexpected keyword "="
expecting casl sign or id/literal
parse error at 15.7:
unexpected keyword "="
expecting casl sign or id/literal
parse error at 16.7:
unexpected keyword "="
expecting casl sign or id/literal
parse error at 17.8:
unexpected keyword "<=>"
expecting casl sign or id/literal
parse error at 18.11:
unexpected keyword "<=>"
expecting casl sign or id/literal
parse error at 19.10:
unexpected keyword "\\/"
expecting casl sign or id/literal
parse error at 20.10:
unexpected keyword "=>" or '>'
expecting casl sign, id/literal or "="
parse error at 21.10:
unexpected keyword "if"
expecting id/literal