World.hs revision 765f3b8c82bca96eeb44463da2305201b1a493da
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : adding a parameter to ops and preds
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, DFKI 2012
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
add a parameter like the world sort for Modal CASL
module CASL.World where
import Common.Id
import qualified Common.Lib.MapSet as MapSet
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
world :: SORT
world = genName "World"
{- | mixfix identifiers need to be extended by a further place holder. That
is, identifiers are renamed, although a wrong number of place holders would
allow to use the prefix notation. To avoid a name clashes with existing names
the first place holder is preceded by a further place holder and a generated
token. -}
addPlace :: Id -> Id
addPlace i@(Id ts ids ps)
| isMixfix i = Id ((\ (x, y) -> x ++ placeTok : genToken "W" : y)
(break isPlace ts)) ids ps
| otherwise = i
-- | the changed mapping
addWorld :: Ord a => (a -> a) -> (Id -> Id) -> MapSet.MapSet Id a
-> MapSet.MapSet Id a
addWorld f ren =
MapSet.fromMap . Map.mapKeys ren . MapSet.toMap . f
-- | the changed op map
addWorldOp :: SORT -> (Id -> Id) -> OpMap -> OpMap
addWorldOp ws = addWorld $ \ t -> t { opArgs = ws : opArgs t}
-- | the changed op map
addWorldPred :: SORT -> (Id -> Id) -> PredMap -> PredMap
addWorldPred ws = addWorld $ \ t -> t { predArgs = ws : predArgs t}
-- | the renaming as part of a morphism
renMorphism :: Ord a => (Id -> Id) -> MapSet.MapSet Id a -> Map.Map (Id, a) Id
renMorphism ren = Map.foldWithKey (\ i s ->
let j = ren i in
if j == i then id else
Map.union . Map.fromAscList . map (\ a -> ((j, a), j)) $ Set.toList s)
Map.empty . MapSet.toMap
renOpMorphism :: (Id -> Id) -> OpMap -> Op_map
renOpMorphism ren = Map.mapWithKey (\ (_, t) i -> (i, opKind t))
. renMorphism ren
renPredMorphism :: (Id -> Id) -> PredMap -> Pred_map
renPredMorphism = renMorphism