Utils.hs revision b4fbc96e05117839ca409f5f20f97b3ac872d1ed
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich and Uni Bremen 2002-2004
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : luettich@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module to store utilities for CASL and its comorphisms
module CASL.Utils where
import Data.Maybe (isJust,fromJust)
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
-- |
-- replacePropPredication replaces a propositional predication of a
-- given symbol with an also given formula. Optionally a given variable
-- is replaced in the predication of another predicate symbol with a
-- given term, the variable must occur in the first argument position
-- of the predication.
replacePropPredication :: Maybe (PRED_NAME,VAR,TERM f)
-- ^ Just (pSymb,x,t) replace x
-- with t in Predication of pSymb
-> PRED_NAME -- ^ propositional symbol to replace
-> FORMULA f -- ^ Formula to insert
-> FORMULA f -- ^ Formula with placeholder
replacePropPredication mTerm pSymb frmIns frmToChn =
case frmToChn of
Quantification q vs frm ps ->
Quantification q vs (replacePropPredication mTerm pSymb frmIns frm) ps
Conjunction fs ps ->
Conjunction (map (replacePropPredication mTerm pSymb frmIns) fs) ps
Implication f1 f2 b ps ->
Implication (replacePropPredication mTerm pSymb frmIns f1)
(replacePropPredication mTerm pSymb frmIns f2) b ps
Predication (Qual_pred_name symb (Pred_type [] []) []) [] []
| symb == pSymb -> frmIns
Predication qpn@(Qual_pred_name symb _ _) (arg1:args) ps
| (isJust mTerm) && symb == pSymbT ->
case arg1 of
Sorted_term (Qual_var v1 _ _) _ _
| v1 == var -> Predication qpn (term:args) ps
_ -> error "replacePropPredication: unknown term to replace"
where (pSymbT,var,term) = fromJust mTerm
p@(Predication _ _ _) -> p
_ -> error "replacePropPredication: unknown formula to replace"
-- |
-- noMixfixF checks a 'FORMULA' f for Mixfix_*.
-- A logic specific helper has to be provided for checking the 'f'.
noMixfixF :: (Show f) => (f -> Bool) -> FORMULA f -> Bool
noMixfixF cef form =
let rec = noMixfixF cef
tchk = noMixfixT cef
case form of
ExtFORMULA f -> cef f
Quantification _ _ f _ -> rec f
Conjunction fs _ -> and $ map rec fs
Disjunction fs _ -> and $ map rec fs
Implication f1 f2 _ _ -> rec f1 && rec f2
Equivalence f1 f2 _ -> rec f1 && rec f2
Negation f _ -> rec f
Predication _ ts _ -> and $ map tchk ts
Definedness t _ -> tchk t
Existl_equation t1 t2 _ -> tchk t1 && tchk t2
Strong_equation t1 t2 _ -> tchk t1 && tchk t2
Membership t _ _ -> tchk t
Mixfix_formula _ -> False
Unparsed_formula _ _ -> error ("CASL.Utils.noMixfixF: should not occur: "
++show form)
_ -> True -- {True,False}_atom
-- |
-- noMixfixT checks a 'TERM' f for Mixfix_*.
-- A logic specific helper has to be provided for checking the 'f'.
noMixfixT :: (Show f) => (f -> Bool) -> TERM f -> Bool
noMixfixT cef term =
let fchk = noMixfixF cef
tchk = noMixfixT cef
case term of
Simple_id _ -> True
Qual_var _ _ _ -> True
Application _ ts _ -> and $ map tchk ts
Sorted_term t _ _ -> tchk t
Cast t _ _ -> tchk t
Conditional t1 f t2 _ -> tchk t1 && fchk f && tchk t2
Unparsed_term _ _ -> error ("CASL.Utils.noMixfixT: should not occur: "
++show term)
_ -> False
-- |
-- isMixfixTerm checks the 'TERM' f for Mixfix_*,
-- but performs no recusive lookup
isMixfixTerm :: Show f => TERM f -> Bool
isMixfixTerm term =
case term of
Simple_id _ -> False
Qual_var _ _ _ -> False
Application _ _ _ -> False
Sorted_term _ _ _ -> False
Cast _ _ _ -> False
Conditional _ _ _ _ -> False
Unparsed_term _ _ ->
error ("CASL.Utils.isMixfixTerm: should not occur: "
++show term)
_ -> True