Utils.hs revision 98890889ffb2e8f6f722b00e265a211f13b5a861
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Utilities for CASL and its comorphisms
Copyright : (c) Klaus Luettich and Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Utilities for CASL and its comorphisms
module CASL.Utils where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Common.Id
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign (mkVarTerm)
import CASL.Fold
-- |
-- replacePropPredication replaces a propositional predication of a
-- given symbol with an also given formula. Optionally a given variable
-- is replaced in the predication of another predicate symbol with a
-- given term, the variable must occur in the first argument position
-- of the predication.
replacePropPredication :: Maybe (PRED_NAME,VAR,TERM ())
-- ^ Just (pSymb,x,t) replace x
-- with t in Predication of pSymb
-> PRED_NAME -- ^ propositional symbol to replace
-> FORMULA () -- ^ Formula to insert
-> FORMULA () -- ^ Formula with placeholder
replacePropPredication mTerm pSymb frmIns =
foldFormula (mapRecord $ const ())
{ foldPredication = \ (Predication qpn _ ps) _ ts _ ->
let (pSymbT,var,term) = fromJust mTerm in case qpn of
Qual_pred_name symb (Pred_type s _) _
| symb == pSymb && null ts && null s -> frmIns
| isJust mTerm && symb == pSymbT -> case ts of
Sorted_term (Qual_var v1 _ _) _ _ : args
| v1 == var -> Predication qpn (term:args) ps
_ -> Predication qpn ts ps
_ -> Predication qpn ts ps
, foldConditional = \ t _ _ _ _ -> t }
type FreshVARMap f = Map.Map VAR (TERM f)
-- | buildVMap constructs a mapping between a list of old variables and
-- corresponding fresh variables based on two lists of VAR_DECL
buildVMap :: [VAR_DECL] -> [VAR_DECL] -> FreshVARMap f
buildVMap vDecls fVDecls =
Map.fromList (concat (zipWith toTups vDecls fVDecls))
where toTups (Var_decl vars1 sor1 _) (Var_decl vars2 sor2 _) =
if sor1 == sor2 then zipWith (toTup sor1) vars1 vars2
else error "CASL.Utils.buildVMap"
toTup s v1 v2 = (v1, mkVarTerm v2 s)
-- | specialised lookup in FreshVARMap that ensures that the VAR with
-- the correct type (SORT) is replaced
lookupVMap :: VAR -> SORT -> FreshVARMap f -> Maybe (TERM f)
lookupVMap v s =
maybe Nothing
(\ t@(Qual_var _ s' _) -> if s==s' then Just t else Nothing)
. Map.lookup v
-- | specialized delete that deletes all shadowed variables
deleteVMap :: [VAR_DECL] -> FreshVARMap f -> FreshVARMap f
deleteVMap vDecls m = foldr Map.delete m
$ concatMap (\ (Var_decl vs _ _) -> vs) vDecls
replaceVarsRec :: FreshVARMap f -> (f -> f) -> Record f (FORMULA f) (TERM f)
replaceVarsRec m mf = (mapRecord mf)
{ foldQual_var = \ qv v s _ ->
fromMaybe qv $ lookupVMap v s m
, foldQuantification = \ (Quantification q vs f ps) _ _ _ _ ->
let nm = deleteVMap vs m
in Quantification q vs (replaceVarsF nm mf f) ps
-- | replaceVars replaces all Qual_var occurences that are supposed
-- to be replaced according to the FreshVARMap
replaceVarsF :: FreshVARMap f
-> (f -> f)
-- ^ this function replaces Qual_var in ExtFORMULA
replaceVarsF m = foldFormula . replaceVarsRec m
codeOutUniqueRecord :: (f -> f) -> (f -> f) -> Record f (FORMULA f) (TERM f)
codeOutUniqueRecord rf mf = (mapRecord mf)
{ foldQuantification = \ _ q vDecl f' ps ->
case q of
Unique_existential -> let
eqForms (Var_decl vars1 sor1 _) (Var_decl vars2 sor2 _) =
if sor1 == sor2 then zipWith (eqFor sor1) vars1 vars2
else error "codeOutUniqueRecord1"
eqFor s v1 v2 = Strong_equation (mkVarTerm v1 s)
(mkVarTerm v2 s)
-- freshVars produces new variables based on a list
-- of defined variables
-- args: (1) set of already used variable names
-- (2) list of variables
freshVars = mapAccumL freshVar
freshVar accSet (Var_decl vars sor _) =
let accSet' = Set.union (Set.fromList vars) accSet
(accSet'',vars') = mapAccumL nVar accSet' vars
in (accSet'',Var_decl vars' sor nullRange)
genVar t i = mkSimpleId $ tokStr t ++ '_' : show i
nVar aSet v =
let v' = fromJust (find (not . flip Set.member aSet)
[genVar v (i :: Int) | i<-[1..]])
in (Set.insert v' aSet,v')
(vSet', vDecl') = freshVars Set.empty vDecl
(_vSet'', vDecl'') = freshVars vSet' vDecl
f'_rep_x = replaceVarsF (buildVMap vDecl vDecl') rf f'
f'_rep_y = replaceVarsF (buildVMap vDecl vDecl'') rf f'
allForm = Quantification Universal (vDecl'++vDecl'')
(Conjunction [f'_rep_x,f'_rep_y] nullRange)
implForm True ps) nullRange
implForm = let fs = concat (zipWith eqForms vDecl' vDecl'') in
case fs of
[] -> error "codeOutUniqueRecord2"
[hd] -> hd
_ -> Conjunction fs nullRange
in Conjunction
[Quantification Existential vDecl f' ps,
allForm] ps
_ -> Quantification q vDecl f' ps
-- | codeOutUniqueExtF compiles every unique_existential quantification
-- to simple quantifications. It works recursively through the whole
-- formula and only touches Unique_existential quantifications
-- exists! x . phi(x) ==>
-- (exists x. phi(x)) /\ (forall x,y . phi(x) /\ phi(y) => x=y)
codeOutUniqueExtF :: (f -> f)
-- ^ this function replaces Qual_var in ExtFORMULA
-> (f -> f)
-- ^ codes out Unique_existential in ExtFORMULA
codeOutUniqueExtF rf = foldFormula . codeOutUniqueRecord rf
codeOutCondRecord :: (Eq f) => (f -> f)
-> Record f (FORMULA f) (TERM f)
codeOutCondRecord fun =
(mapRecord fun)
{ foldPredication =
\ phi _ _ _ ->
either (codeOutConditionalF fun) id
(codeOutCondPredication phi)
, foldExistl_equation =
\ (Existl_equation t1 t2 ps) _ _ _ ->
either (codeOutConditionalF fun) id
(mkEquationAtom Existl_equation t1 t2 ps)
, foldStrong_equation =
\ (Strong_equation t1 t2 ps) _ _ _ ->
either (codeOutConditionalF fun) id
(mkEquationAtom Strong_equation t1 t2 ps)
, foldMembership =
\ (Membership t s ps) _ _ _ ->
either (codeOutConditionalF fun) id
(mkSingleTermF (\ x -> Membership x s) t ps)
, foldDefinedness =
\ (Definedness t ps) _ _ ->
either (codeOutConditionalF fun) id
(mkSingleTermF Definedness t ps)
codeOutCondPredication :: (Eq f) => FORMULA f
-> Either (FORMULA f) (FORMULA f)
-- ^ Left means check again for Conditional,
-- Right means no Conditional left
codeOutCondPredication phi@(Predication _ ts _) =
maybe (Right phi) (Left . constructExpansion phi)
$ listToMaybe $ mapMaybe findConditionalT ts
codeOutCondPredication _ = error "CASL.Utils: Predication expected"
constructExpansion :: (Eq f) => FORMULA f
-> TERM f
constructExpansion atom c@(Conditional t1 phi t2 ps) =
Conjunction [ Implication phi (substConditionalF c t1 atom) False ps
, Implication (Negation phi ps)
(substConditionalF c t2 atom) False ps] ps
constructExpansion _ _ = error "CASL.Utils: Conditional expected"
mkEquationAtom :: (Eq f) => (TERM f -> TERM f -> Range -> FORMULA f)
-- ^ equational constructor
-> TERM f -> TERM f -> Range
-> Either (FORMULA f) (FORMULA f)
-- ^ Left means check again for Conditional,
-- Right means no Conditional left
mkEquationAtom cons t1 t2 ps =
maybe (Right phi) (Left . constructExpansion phi)
$ listToMaybe $ mapMaybe findConditionalT [t1, t2]
where phi = cons t1 t2 ps
mkSingleTermF :: (Eq f) => (TERM f -> Range -> FORMULA f)
-- ^ single term atom constructor
-> TERM f -> Range
-> Either (FORMULA f) (FORMULA f)
-- ^ Left means check again for Conditional,
-- Right means no Conditional left
mkSingleTermF cons t ps =
maybe (Right phi) (Left . constructExpansion phi)
(findConditionalT t)
where phi = cons t ps
{- |
'codeOutConditionalF' implemented via 'CASL.Fold.foldFormula'
at each atom with a term find first (most left,no recursion into
terms within it) Conditional term and report it (findConditionalT)
substitute the original atom with the conjunction of the already
encoded atoms and already encoded formula
encoded atoms are the result of the substition (substConditionalF)
of the Conditional term with each result term of the Conditional
term plus recusion of codingOutConditionalF
encoded formulas are the result of codingOutConditionalF
expansion of conditionals according to CASL-Ref-Manual:
\'@A[T1 when F else T2]@\' expands to
\'@(A[T1] if F) \/\\ (A[T2] if not F)@\'
codeOutConditionalF :: (Eq f) =>
(f -> f)
codeOutConditionalF = foldFormula . codeOutCondRecord
findConditionalRecord :: Record f (Maybe (TERM f)) (Maybe (TERM f))
findConditionalRecord =
(constRecord (error "findConditionalRecord")
(listToMaybe . catMaybes) Nothing)
{ foldConditional = \ cond _ _ _ _ -> Just cond }
findConditionalT :: TERM f -> Maybe (TERM f)
findConditionalT =
foldOnlyTerm (error "findConditionalT") findConditionalRecord
substConditionalRecord :: (Eq f)
=> TERM f -- ^ Conditional to search for
-> TERM f -- ^ newly inserted term
-> Record f (FORMULA f) (TERM f)
substConditionalRecord c t = (mapRecord id)
{ foldConditional = \ c1 _ _ _ _ ->
-- FIXME: correct implementation would use an equality
-- which checks for correct positions also!
if c1 == c then t else c1
substConditionalF :: (Eq f)
=> TERM f -- ^ Conditional to search for
-> TERM f -- ^ newly inserted term
substConditionalF c = foldFormula . substConditionalRecord c
{- |
Subsitute predications with strong equation if it is equivalent to.
eqSubstRecord :: Set.Set PRED_SYMB -- ^ equivalent predicates
-> (f->f) -> Record f (FORMULA f) (TERM f)
eqSubstRecord eqPredSet extFun =
(mapRecord extFun) {foldPredication = foldPred}
where foldPred _ psymb tList rng =
if Set.member psymb eqPredSet
then Strong_equation (head tList) (tList !! 1) rng
else Predication psymb tList rng
substEqPreds :: Set.Set PRED_SYMB -> (f -> f) -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
substEqPreds eqPredSet = foldFormula . eqSubstRecord eqPredSet