Utils.hs revision 8743e7c53a81e2bbae555f46dc06f898dde24fa9
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich and Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : luettich@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
module to store utilities for CASL and its comorphisms
module CASL.Utils where
import Control.Exception (assert)
import Data.Maybe (isJust,fromJust)
import Data.List
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.Id
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
-- |
-- replacePropPredication replaces a propositional predication of a
-- given symbol with an also given formula. Optionally a given variable
-- is replaced in the predication of another predicate symbol with a
-- given term, the variable must occur in the first argument position
-- of the predication.
replacePropPredication :: Maybe (PRED_NAME,VAR,TERM f)
-- ^ Just (pSymb,x,t) replace x
-- with t in Predication of pSymb
-> PRED_NAME -- ^ propositional symbol to replace
-> FORMULA f -- ^ Formula to insert
-> FORMULA f -- ^ Formula with placeholder
replacePropPredication mTerm pSymb frmIns frmToChn =
case frmToChn of
Quantification q vs frm ps ->
Quantification q vs (replacePropPredication mTerm pSymb frmIns frm) ps
Conjunction fs ps ->
Conjunction (map (replacePropPredication mTerm pSymb frmIns) fs) ps
Implication f1 f2 b ps ->
Implication (replacePropPredication mTerm pSymb frmIns f1)
(replacePropPredication mTerm pSymb frmIns f2) b ps
Predication (Qual_pred_name symb (Pred_type [] []) []) [] []
| symb == pSymb -> frmIns
Predication qpn@(Qual_pred_name symb _ _) (arg1:args) ps
| (isJust mTerm) && symb == pSymbT ->
case arg1 of
Sorted_term (Qual_var v1 _ _) _ _
| v1 == var -> Predication qpn (term:args) ps
_ -> error "replacePropPredication: unknown term to replace"
where (pSymbT,var,term) = fromJust mTerm
p@(Predication _ _ _) -> p
_ -> error "replacePropPredication: unknown formula to replace"
-- |
-- noMixfixF checks a 'FORMULA' f for Mixfix_*.
-- A logic specific helper has to be provided for checking the f.
noMixfixF :: (Show f) => (f -> Bool) -> FORMULA f -> Bool
noMixfixF cef form =
let rec = noMixfixF cef
tchk = noMixfixT cef
case form of
ExtFORMULA f -> cef f
Quantification _ _ f _ -> rec f
Conjunction fs _ -> and $ map rec fs
Disjunction fs _ -> and $ map rec fs
Implication f1 f2 _ _ -> rec f1 && rec f2
Equivalence f1 f2 _ -> rec f1 && rec f2
Negation f _ -> rec f
Predication _ ts _ -> and $ map tchk ts
Definedness t _ -> tchk t
Existl_equation t1 t2 _ -> tchk t1 && tchk t2
Strong_equation t1 t2 _ -> tchk t1 && tchk t2
Membership t _ _ -> tchk t
Mixfix_formula _ -> False
Unparsed_formula _ _ -> error ("CASL.Utils.noMixfixF: should not occur: "
++show form)
_ -> True -- {True,False}_atom
-- |
-- noMixfixT checks a 'TERM' f for Mixfix_*.
-- A logic specific helper has to be provided for checking the f.
noMixfixT :: (Show f) => (f -> Bool) -> TERM f -> Bool
noMixfixT cef term =
let fchk = noMixfixF cef
tchk = noMixfixT cef
case term of
Simple_id _ -> True
Qual_var _ _ _ -> True
Application _ ts _ -> and $ map tchk ts
Sorted_term t _ _ -> tchk t
Cast t _ _ -> tchk t
Conditional t1 f t2 _ -> tchk t1 && fchk f && tchk t2
Unparsed_term _ _ -> error ("CASL.Utils.noMixfixT: should not occur: "
++show term)
_ -> False
-- |
-- isMixfixTerm checks the 'TERM' f for Mixfix_*,
-- but performs no recusive lookup
isMixfixTerm :: Show f => TERM f -> Bool
isMixfixTerm term =
case term of
Simple_id _ -> False
Qual_var _ _ _ -> False
Application _ _ _ -> False
Sorted_term _ _ _ -> False
Cast _ _ _ -> False
Conditional _ _ _ _ -> False
Unparsed_term _ _ ->
error ("CASL.Utils.isMixfixTerm: should not occur: "
++show term)
_ -> True
type FreshVARMap f = Map.Map VAR (TERM f)
-- | build_vMap constructs a mapping between a list of old variables and
-- corresponding fresh variables based on two lists of VAR_DECL
build_vMap :: [VAR_DECL] -> [VAR_DECL] -> FreshVARMap f
build_vMap vDecls f_vDecls =
Map.fromList (concat (zipWith toTups vDecls f_vDecls))
where toTups (Var_decl vars1 sor1 _) (Var_decl vars2 sor2 _) =
assert (sor1 == sor2)
(zipWith (toTup sor1) vars1 vars2)
toTup s v1 v2 = (v1,toVarTerm v2 s)
-- | specialised lookup in FreshVARMap that ensures that the VAR with
-- the correct type (SORT) is replaced
lookup_vMap :: VAR -> SORT -> FreshVARMap f -> Maybe (TERM f)
lookup_vMap v s m =
maybe Nothing
(\ t@(Qual_var _ s' _) -> if s==s' then Just t else Nothing)
(Map.lookup v m)
-- | specialized delete that deletes all shadowed variables
delete_vMap :: [VAR_DECL] -> FreshVARMap f-> FreshVARMap f
delete_vMap vDecls m = foldr Map.delete m vars
where vars = concatMap (\ (Var_decl vs _ _) -> vs) vDecls
-- | replace_vars replaces all Qual_var occurences that are sopposed
-- to be replaced according to the FreshVARMap
replace_vars :: FreshVARMap f
-> (FreshVARMap f -> f -> f)
-- ^ this function replaces Qual_var in ExtFORMULA
replace_vars m rep_ef phi =
case phi of
ExtFORMULA f -> ExtFORMULA (rep_ef m f)
Quantification q vs f ps ->
let new_map = delete_vMap vs m
in Quantification q vs (if Map.null new_map
then f
else replace_vars new_map rep_ef f) ps
Conjunction fs ps -> Conjunction (map rec fs) ps
Disjunction fs ps -> Disjunction (map rec fs) ps
Implication f1 f2 b ps -> Implication (rec f1) (rec f2) b ps
Equivalence f1 f2 ps -> Equivalence (rec f1) (rec f2) ps
Negation f ps -> Negation (rec f) ps
Predication symb ts ps -> Predication symb (map recT ts) ps
Definedness t ps -> Definedness (recT t) ps
Existl_equation t1 t2 ps -> Existl_equation (recT t1) (recT t2) ps
Strong_equation t1 t2 ps -> Strong_equation (recT t1) (recT t2) ps
Membership t s ps -> Membership (recT t) s ps
Mixfix_formula _ -> err "Mixfix_formula"
Unparsed_formula _ _ -> err "Unparsed_formula"
f -> f -- (True_atom and False_atom)
where rec = replace_vars m rep_ef
recT = replace_varsT m rep_ef
err s = error ("CASL.Utils.replace_vars: cannot handle "++s)
replace_varsT :: FreshVARMap f
-> (FreshVARMap f -> f -> f)
-- ^ this function replaces Qual_var in ExtFORMULA
-> TERM f -> TERM f
replace_varsT m rep_ef term =
case term of
si@(Simple_id _) -> si
q@(Qual_var v s _) -> maybe q id (lookup_vMap v s m)
Application symb ts ps -> Application symb (map recT ts) ps
Sorted_term t s ps -> Sorted_term (recT t) s ps
Cast t s ps -> Cast (recT t) s ps
Conditional t1 f t2 ps -> Conditional (recT t1) (rec f) (recT t2) ps
Unparsed_term _ _ -> err "Unparsed_term"
_ -> err "Mixfix_*"
where err s = error ("CASL.Utils.replace_varsT: should not occur: "++s)
rec = replace_vars m rep_ef
recT = replace_varsT m rep_ef
-- | codeOutUniqueExt compiles every unique_existential quantification
-- to simple quantifications. It works recursively through the whole
-- formula and only touches Unique_existential quantifications
codeOutUniqueExt :: (f -> f)
-- ^ codes out Unique_existential in ExtFORMULA
-> (FreshVARMap f -> f -> f)
-- ^ this function replaces Qual_var in ExtFORMULA
codeOutUniqueExt pr_ef rep_ef phi =
case phi of
Quantification Unique_existential vDecl f _ ->
let f' = rec f
vDecl' = fresh_vars vDecl
f'_rep = replace_vars (build_vMap vDecl vDecl') rep_ef f'
allForm = Quantification Universal vDecl'
(Implication f'_rep implForm True []) []
implForm = assert (not (null vDecl))
(let fs = concat (zipWith eqForms vDecl vDecl')
in (if length fs == 1
then head fs
else Conjunction fs []))
in Quantification Existential
vDecl (Conjunction [f',allForm] []) []
ExtFORMULA f -> ExtFORMULA (pr_ef f)
Quantification q vs f ps -> Quantification q vs (rec f) ps
Conjunction fs ps -> Conjunction (map rec fs) ps
Disjunction fs ps -> Disjunction (map rec fs) ps
Implication f1 f2 b ps -> Implication (rec f1) (rec f2) b ps
Equivalence f1 f2 ps -> Equivalence (rec f1) (rec f2) ps
Negation f ps -> Negation (rec f) ps
Predication symb ts ps -> Predication symb (map recT ts) ps
Definedness t ps -> Definedness (recT t) ps
Existl_equation t1 t2 ps -> Existl_equation (recT t1) (recT t2) ps
Strong_equation t1 t2 ps -> Strong_equation (recT t1) (recT t2) ps
Membership t s ps -> Membership (recT t) s ps
Mixfix_formula _ -> err "Mixfix_formula"
Unparsed_formula _ _ -> err "Unparsed_formula"
f -> f -- (True_atom and False_atom)
where rec = codeOutUniqueExt pr_ef rep_ef
recT = codeOutUniqueExtT pr_ef rep_ef
err s = error ("CASL.Utils.codeOutUniqueExt: cannot handle "++s)
eqForms (Var_decl vars1 sor1 _) (Var_decl vars2 sor2 _) =
assert (sor1 == sor2)
(zipWith (eqFor sor1) vars1 vars2)
eqFor s v1 v2 = Strong_equation (toSortTerm (toVarTerm v1 s))
(toSortTerm (toVarTerm v2 s))
fresh_vars = snd . mapAccumL fresh_var Set.empty
fresh_var accSet (Var_decl vars sor _) =
let accSet' = Set.union (Set.fromList vars) accSet
(accSet'',vars') = mapAccumL nVar accSet' vars
in (accSet'',Var_decl vars' sor [])
genVar t i = Token (tokStr t ++ '_':show i) nullPos
nVar aSet v =
let v' = fromJust (find (not . flip Set.member aSet)
([genVar v (i :: Int) | i<-[1..]]))
in (Set.insert v' aSet,v')
codeOutUniqueExtT :: (f -> f)
-- ^ codes out Unique_existential in ExtFORMULA
-> (FreshVARMap f -> f -> f)
-- ^ this function replaces Qual_var in ExtFORMULA
-> TERM f -> TERM f
codeOutUniqueExtT pr_ef rep_ef term =
case term of
si@(Simple_id _) -> si
q@(Qual_var _ _ _) -> q
Application symb ts ps -> Application symb (map recT ts) ps
Sorted_term t s ps -> Sorted_term (recT t) s ps
Cast t s ps -> Cast (recT t) s ps
Conditional t1 f t2 ps -> Conditional (recT t1) (rec f) (recT t2) ps
Unparsed_term _ _ -> err "Unparsed_term"
_ -> err "Mixfix_*"
where err s = error ("CASL.Utils.codeOutUniqueExtT: should not occur: "++s)
rec = codeOutUniqueExt pr_ef rep_ef
recT = codeOutUniqueExtT pr_ef rep_ef
-- | adds Sorted_term to a Qual_var term
toSortTerm :: TERM f -> TERM f
toSortTerm t@(Qual_var _ s _) = Sorted_term t s []
toSortTerm _ = error "CASL2TopSort.toSortTerm: can only handle Qual_var"
-- | generates from a variable and sort an Qual_var term
toVarTerm :: VAR -> SORT -> TERM f
toVarTerm vs s = (Qual_var vs s [])