ToSExpr.hs revision a1a48072301767054f2a9ff7ccf8974b0d6a6a28
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : translate CASL to S-Expressions
Copyright : (c) C. Maeder, DFKI 2008
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
translation of CASL to S-Expressions
module CASL.ToSExpr where
import CASL.Fold
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import Common.SExpr
import Common.Result
import Common.Id
predToSSymbol :: PRED_SYMB -> SExpr
predToSSymbol = undefined
opToSSymbol :: OP_SYMB -> SExpr
opToSSymbol = undefined
varToSSymbol :: Token -> SExpr
varToSSymbol = SSymbol . tokStr
sfail :: Monad m => String -> m a
sfail s = fail $ "unexpected " ++ s
sRec :: Bool -> (f -> Result SExpr) -> Record f (Result SExpr) (Result SExpr)
sRec withQuant mf = Record
{ foldQuantification = \ _ q vs r _ -> if withQuant then do
s <- case q of
Unique_existential -> sfail "Unique_existential"
_ -> return $ SSymbol $ case q of
Universal -> "all"
Existential -> "ex"
_ -> ""
let vl = SList []
f <- r
return $ SList $ s : vl : [f]
else sfail "Quantification"
, foldConjunction = \ _ rs _ -> do
fs <- sequence rs
return $ SList $ SSymbol "and" : fs
, foldDisjunction = \ _ rs _ -> do
fs <- sequence rs
return $ SList $ SSymbol "or" : fs
, foldImplication = \ _ r1 r2 b _ -> do
f1 <- r1
f2 <- r2
return $ SList $ SSymbol "implies" : if b then f1 : [f2] else f2 : [f1]
, foldEquivalence = \ _ r1 r2 _ -> do
f1 <- r1
f2 <- r2
return $ SList $ SSymbol "equiv" : f1 : [f2]
, foldNegation = \ _ r _ -> do
f <- r
return $ SList $ SSymbol "not" : [f]
, foldTrue_atom = \ _ _ -> return $ SSymbol "true"
, foldFalse_atom = \ _ _ -> return $ SSymbol "false"
, foldPredication = \ _ p rs _ -> do
ts <- sequence rs
return $ SList $ SSymbol "papply" : predToSSymbol p : ts
, foldDefinedness = \ _ _ _ -> sfail "Definedness"
, foldExistl_equation = \ _ _ _ _ -> sfail "Existl_equation"
, foldStrong_equation = \ _ r1 r2 _ -> do
t1 <- r1
t2 <- r2
return $ SList $ SSymbol "eq" : t1 : [t2]
, foldMembership = \ _ _ _ _ -> sfail "Membership"
, foldMixfix_formula = \ _ _ -> sfail "Mixfix_formula"
, foldSort_gen_ax = \ _ _ _ -> sfail "Sort_gen_ax"
, foldExtFORMULA = \ _ f -> mf f
, foldSimpleId = \ _ _ -> sfail "Simple_id"
, foldQual_var = \ _ v _ _ -> return $ varToSSymbol v
, foldApplication = \ _ o rs _ -> do
ts <- sequence rs
return $ SList $ SSymbol "fapply" : opToSSymbol o : ts
, foldSorted_term = \ _ r _ _ -> r
, foldCast = \ _ _ _ _ -> sfail "Cast"
, foldConditional = \ _ _ _ _ _ -> sfail "Conditional"
, foldMixfix_qual_pred = \ _ _ -> sfail "Mixfix_qual_pred"
, foldMixfix_term = \ _ _ -> sfail "Mixfix_term"
, foldMixfix_token = \ _ _ -> sfail "Mixfix_token"
, foldMixfix_sorted_term = \ _ _ _ -> sfail "Mixfix_sorted_term"
, foldMixfix_cast = \ _ _ _ -> sfail "Mixfix_cast"
, foldMixfix_parenthesized = \ _ _ _ -> sfail "Mixfix_parenthesized"
, foldMixfix_bracketed = \ _ _ _ -> sfail "Mixfix_bracketed"
, foldMixfix_braced = \ _ _ _ -> sfail "Mixfix_braced"