ToItem.hs revision ee56a1f5b86c002ef89bd7c97e8be851667b50b8
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances #-}
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : extracted annotated items as strings from BASIC_SPEC
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Ewaryst Schulz and DFKI GmbH 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : non-portable
get item representation of 'BASIC_SPEC'
module CASL.ToItem (bsToItem) where
--module CASL.ToItem where
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Id
import Common.Item
--import Common.AS_Annotation
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.ToDoc
--------------------- utils
toString :: Pretty a => a -> String
toString = show . pretty
--------------------- TS = TransState
data TS b s f = TS { fB :: (b -> Doc)
, fS :: (s -> Doc)
, fF :: (f -> Doc) }
-- LITC = LocalITContext
-- This datastructure is used to pass an additional ItemType argument to
-- the toitem method when one needs an instance for which this method
-- should behave differently in different contexts depending on this argument.
-- Typically the ItemType is used as ItemType of the Item to be created.
data LITC a = LITC ItemType a
--------------------- lifting to Local Contexts
withLIT :: ItemTypeable a => a -> b -> LITC b
withLIT it = LITC $ toIT it
listWithLIT :: ItemTypeable a => a -> [b] -> [LITC b]
listWithLIT it = map (withLIT it)
-- analogous for annotated objects, don't needed yet
--annWithLIT :: ItemTypeable a => a -> Annoted b -> Annoted (LITC b)
--annWithLIT it = fmap (withLIT it)
--annlistWithLIT :: ItemTypeable a => a -> [Annoted b] -> [Annoted (LITC b)]
--annlistWithLIT it = map (annWithLIT it)
-- this function is only to unify the types of the state and the basic spec
-- in the call of toitem and runState in bsToItem
getTransState :: (Pretty b, Pretty s, Pretty f) => BASIC_SPEC b s f ->
TS b s f
getTransState _ = TS pretty pretty pretty
--------------------- The Main function of this module
bsToItem :: (Pretty b, Pretty s, Pretty f) => (BASIC_SPEC b s f) -> Item
bsToItem bs = runReader (toitem bs) $ getTransState bs
instance ItemConvertible (BASIC_SPEC b s f) (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem (Basic_spec l) =
do{ l' <- listFromAL l
; return rootItem{ items = l' } }
instance ItemConvertible (BASIC_ITEMS b s f) (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem bi =
case bi of
Sig_items s -> toitem s
Var_items l rg -> mkItemM "Var_items" rg $ listFromL l
Axiom_items al rg -> mkItemM "Axiom_items" rg $ listFromAL al
Local_var_axioms vl fl rg ->
mkItemMM "Local_var_axioms" rg
[fromL "VAR_DECLS" vl, fromAL "FORMULAS" fl]
Sort_gen asis rg -> mkItemM "Sort_gen" rg $ listFromAL asis
Free_datatype sk adtds rg ->
mkItemM ("Free_datatype", "SortsKind", show sk) rg
$ listFromAL adtds
do{ st <- ask
; fromPrinter (show . (fB st)) "Ext_BASIC_ITEMS" b }
instance ItemConvertible (SIG_ITEMS s f) (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem si =
case si of
Sort_items sk sis rg ->
mkItemM ("Sort_items", "SortsKind", show sk) rg
$ listFromAL sis
Op_items aois rg -> mkItemM "Op_items" rg $ listFromAL aois
Pred_items apis rg -> mkItemM "Pred_items" rg $ listFromAL apis
Datatype_items sk adds rg ->
mkItemM ("Datatype_items", "SortsKind", show sk) rg
$ listFromAL adds
Ext_SIG_ITEMS s ->
do{ st <- ask
; fromPrinter (show . (fS st)) "Ext_SIG_ITEMS" s }
instance ItemConvertible (SORT_ITEM f) (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem si =
case si of
Sort_decl l rg -> mkItemM "Sort_decl" rg $ listFromL
$ listWithLIT "SORT" l
Subsort_decl sl s rg -> mkItemMM "Subsort_decl" rg
[ fromL "SORTS" $ listWithLIT "SORT" sl
, fromC $ withLIT "SORT" s]
Subsort_defn s v s' f rg ->
mkItemMM "Subsort_defn" rg
[ fromC $ withLIT "SORT" s, fromC $ withLIT "VAR" v
, fromC $ withLIT "SORT" s', fromAC f]
Iso_decl l rg -> mkItemM "Iso_decl" rg $ listFromL
$ listWithLIT "SORT" l
instance ItemConvertible (OP_ITEM f) (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem oi =
case oi of
Op_decl onl ot oal rg ->
mkItemMM "Op_decl" rg
[ fromL "OP_NAMES" $ listWithLIT "OP_NAME" onl, fromC ot
, fromL "OP_ATTRIBS" oal]
Op_defn on oh at rg ->
mkItemMM "Op_defn" rg [ fromC $ withLIT "OP_NAME" on, fromC oh
, fromAC at]
instance ItemConvertible (PRED_ITEM f) (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem p =
case p of
Pred_decl pnl pt rg ->
mkItemMM "Pred_decl" rg
[fromL "PRED_NAMES" $ listWithLIT "PRED_NAME" pnl, fromC pt]
Pred_defn pn ph af rg ->
mkItemMM "Pred_defn" rg [ fromC $ withLIT "PRED_NAME" pn, fromC ph
, fromAC af]
-------------------- not further expanded --------------------
fromPrinterWithRg :: (Monad m, GetRange a) =>
(a -> String) -> String -> a -> m Item
fromPrinterWithRg p n o = mkItemMM (n, p o) (getRange o) []
fromPrinter :: (Monad m) => (a -> String) -> String -> a -> m Item
fromPrinter p n o = mkItemMM (n, p o) nullRange []
litFromPrinterWithRg :: (Monad m, GetRange a) =>
(a -> String) -> LITC a -> m Item
litFromPrinterWithRg p (LITC (IT l) o) =
mkItemMM (IT $ l ++ [p o]) (getRange o) []
instance ItemConvertible OP_TYPE (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem = fromPrinterWithRg toString "OP_TYPE"
instance ItemConvertible OP_HEAD (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem = fromPrinterWithRg toString "OP_HEAD"
instance ItemConvertible (OP_ATTR f) (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem a =
do{ st <- ask
; fromPrinter (show . printAttr (fF st)) "OP_ATTR" a }
instance ItemConvertible PRED_TYPE (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem = fromPrinterWithRg toString "PRED_TYPE"
instance ItemConvertible PRED_HEAD (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem = fromPrinterWithRg (show . printPredHead) "PRED_HEAD"
instance ItemConvertible DATATYPE_DECL (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem = fromPrinterWithRg toString "DATATYPE_DECL"
instance ItemConvertible VAR_DECL (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem = fromPrinterWithRg toString "VAR_DECL"
instance ItemConvertible (FORMULA f) (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem f =
do{ st <- ask
; fromPrinterWithRg (show . printFormula (fF st)) "FORMULA" f }
instance ItemConvertible (TERM f) (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem f =
do{ st <- ask
; fromPrinterWithRg (show . printTerm (fF st)) "TERM" f }
instance ItemConvertible (LITC Id) (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem = litFromPrinterWithRg toString
instance ItemConvertible (LITC Token) (Reader (TS b s f)) where
toitem = litFromPrinterWithRg toString