ToDoc.hs revision 941254a2daaf605bda18be25358f4e1322e94ec9
1ac7c8e9040e0d0b7e9f849e45b94bfe919595a9Timo Sirainen{- |
1ac7c8e9040e0d0b7e9f849e45b94bfe919595a9Timo SirainenModule : $Header$
1ac7c8e9040e0d0b7e9f849e45b94bfe919595a9Timo SirainenDescription : pretty printing data types of BASIC_SPEC
1ac7c8e9040e0d0b7e9f849e45b94bfe919595a9Timo SirainenCopyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2006
1ac7c8e9040e0d0b7e9f849e45b94bfe919595a9Timo SirainenLicense : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
1ac7c8e9040e0d0b7e9f849e45b94bfe919595a9Timo Sirainen
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
Pretty printing data types of 'BASIC_SPEC'
module CASL.ToDoc
, printFormula
, printTerm
, printTheoryFormula
, pluralS
, isJunct
, ListCheck (..)
, recoverType
, typeString
, printVarDecl
, printVarDecls
, printSortItem
, printOpItem
, printPredItem
, printPredHead
, printAttr
) where
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.AS_Annotation
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Fold
instance (Pretty b, Pretty s, Pretty f) => Pretty (BASIC_SPEC b s f) where
pretty = printBASIC_SPEC pretty pretty pretty
printBASIC_SPEC :: (b -> Doc) -> (s -> Doc) -> (f -> Doc)
-> BASIC_SPEC b s f -> Doc
printBASIC_SPEC fB fS fF (Basic_spec l) = case l of
[] -> specBraces empty
_ -> vcat $ map (printAnnoted (printBASIC_ITEMS fB fS fF)) l
instance (Pretty b, Pretty s, Pretty f) => Pretty (BASIC_ITEMS b s f) where
pretty = printBASIC_ITEMS pretty pretty pretty
typeString :: SortsKind -> [Annoted DATATYPE_DECL] -> String
typeString sk l = (case sk of
NonEmptySorts -> typeS
PossiblyEmptySorts -> etypeS) ++ pluralS l
printBASIC_ITEMS :: (b -> Doc) -> (s -> Doc) -> (f -> Doc)
-> BASIC_ITEMS b s f -> Doc
printBASIC_ITEMS fB fS fF sis = case sis of
Sig_items s -> printSIG_ITEMS fS fF s
Free_datatype sk l _ -> sep [keyword freeS <+> keyword (typeString sk l),
semiAnnos printDATATYPE_DECL l]
Sort_gen l _ -> case l of
[Annoted (Datatype_items sk l' _) _ las ras] ->
(if null las then id else (printAnnotationList las $+$))
$ (if null ras then id else ($+$ printAnnotationList ras))
$ sep [keyword generatedS <+> keyword (typeString sk l'),
semiAnnos printDATATYPE_DECL l']
_ -> sep [keyword generatedS, specBraces $ vcat $ map
(printAnnoted $ printSIG_ITEMS fS fF) l]
Var_items l _ -> topSigKey (varS ++ pluralS l) <+> printVarDecls l
Local_var_axioms l f _ ->
fsep [fsep $ forallDoc : printVarDeclL l
, printAnnotedBulletFormulas fF f]
Axiom_items f _ -> printAnnotedBulletFormulas fF f
Ext_BASIC_ITEMS b -> fB b
printAnnotedBulletFormulas :: (f -> Doc) -> [Annoted (FORMULA f)] -> Doc
printAnnotedBulletFormulas fF l = vcat $ case l of
[] -> []
_ -> let pp = addBullet . printFormula fF in
map (printAnnoted pp) (init l)
++ [printSemiAnno pp False $ last l] -- use True for HasCASL
instance (Pretty s, Pretty f) => Pretty (SIG_ITEMS s f) where
pretty = printSIG_ITEMS pretty pretty
printSIG_ITEMS :: (s -> Doc) -> (f -> Doc) -> SIG_ITEMS s f -> Doc
printSIG_ITEMS fS fF sis = case sis of
Sort_items sk l _ -> topSigKey ((case sk of
NonEmptySorts -> sortS
PossiblyEmptySorts -> esortS) ++ pluralS l) <+>
semiAnnos (printSortItem fF) l
Op_items l _ -> topSigKey (opS ++ pluralS l) <+>
let pp = printOpItem fF in
if null l then empty else if case item $ last l of
Op_decl _ _ a@(_ : _) _ -> case last a of
Unit_op_attr {} -> False -- use True for HasCASL
_ -> False
Op_defn {} -> False -- use True for HasCASL
_ -> False
then vcat $ map (printSemiAnno pp True) l else semiAnnos pp l
Pred_items l _ -> topSigKey (predS ++ pluralS l) <+>
let pp = printPredItem fF in
if null l then empty else if case item $ last l of
Pred_defn {} -> True
_ -> False
then vcat $ map (printSemiAnno pp True) l else semiAnnos pp l
Datatype_items sk l _ -> topSigKey (typeString sk l) <+>
semiAnnos printDATATYPE_DECL l
Ext_SIG_ITEMS s -> fS s
printDATATYPE_DECL (Datatype_decl s a r) =
let pa = printAnnoted printALTERNATIVE in case a of
[] -> printDATATYPE_DECL (Datatype_decl s [emptyAnno $ Subsorts [s] r] r)
h : t -> sep [idLabelDoc s, colon <> colon <> sep
((equals <+> pa h) :
map ((bar <+>) . pa) t)]
instance Pretty DATATYPE_DECL where
pretty = printDATATYPE_DECL
printCOMPONENTS c = case c of
Cons_select k l s _ -> fsep $ punctuate comma (map idLabelDoc l)
++ [case k of
Total -> colon
Partial -> colon <> quMarkD, idDoc s]
Sort s -> idDoc s
instance Pretty COMPONENTS where
pretty = printCOMPONENTS
printALTERNATIVE a = case a of
Alt_construct k n l _ -> case l of
[] -> idLabelDoc n
_ -> idLabelDoc n <>
parens ( sep $ punctuate semi $ map printCOMPONENTS l)
<> case k of
Total -> empty
Partial -> quMarkD
Subsorts l _ -> fsep $ text (sortS ++ pluralS l)
: punctuate comma (map idDoc l)
instance Pretty ALTERNATIVE where
pretty = printALTERNATIVE
printSortItem :: (f -> Doc) -> SORT_ITEM f -> Doc
printSortItem mf si = case si of
Sort_decl sl _ -> sepByCommas $ map idLabelDoc sl
Subsort_decl sl sup _ ->
fsep $ punctuate comma (map idDoc sl) ++ [less, idDoc sup]
Subsort_defn s v sup af _ -> fsep [idLabelDoc s, equals,
specBraces $ fsep [sidDoc v, colon <+> idDoc sup,
printAnnoted (addBullet . printFormula mf) af]]
Iso_decl sl _ -> fsep $ punctuate (space <> equals) $ map idDoc sl
instance Pretty f => Pretty (SORT_ITEM f) where
pretty = printSortItem pretty
printQuant :: QUANTIFIER -> Doc
printQuant q = case q of
Universal -> forallDoc
Existential -> exists
Unique_existential -> unique
printSortedVars :: [VAR] -> SORT -> Doc
printSortedVars l s =
fsep $ punctuate comma (map sidDoc l) ++ [colon <+> idDoc s]
printVarDeclL :: [VAR_DECL] -> [Doc]
printVarDeclL = punctuate semi . map printVarDecl
printVarDecls :: [VAR_DECL] -> Doc
printVarDecls = fsep . printVarDeclL
printVarDecl :: VAR_DECL -> Doc
printVarDecl (Var_decl l s _) = printSortedVars l s
printArgDecl :: ARG_DECL -> Doc
printArgDecl (Arg_decl l s _) = printSortedVars l s
printArgDecls :: [ARG_DECL] -> Doc
printArgDecls = parens . fsep . punctuate semi . map printArgDecl
printPredHead :: PRED_HEAD -> Doc
printPredHead (Pred_head l _) = printArgDecls l
printPredItem :: (f -> Doc) -> PRED_ITEM f -> Doc
printPredItem mf p = case p of
Pred_decl l t _ -> fsep $ punctuate comma (map idLabelDoc l)
++ [colon <+> printPredType t]
Pred_defn i h f _ ->
sep [ cat [idLabelDoc i, printPredHead h]
, equiv <+> printAnnoted (printFormula mf) f]
instance Pretty f => Pretty (PRED_ITEM f) where
pretty = printPredItem pretty
printAttr :: (f -> Doc) -> OP_ATTR f -> Doc
printAttr mf a = case a of
Assoc_op_attr -> text assocS
Comm_op_attr -> text commS
Idem_op_attr -> text idemS
Unit_op_attr t -> text unitS <+> printTerm mf t
instance Pretty f => Pretty (OP_ATTR f) where
pretty = printAttr pretty
printOpHead :: OP_HEAD -> Doc
printOpHead (Op_head k l r _) =
sep $ (if null l then [] else [printArgDecls l]) ++
[ (case k of
Total -> colon
Partial -> text colonQuMark) <+> idDoc r]
instance Pretty OP_HEAD where
pretty = printOpHead
printOpItem :: (f -> Doc) -> OP_ITEM f -> Doc
printOpItem mf p = case p of
Op_decl l t a _ -> fsep $ punctuate comma (map idLabelDoc l)
++ [colon <> (if null a then id else (<> comma)) (printOpType t)]
++ punctuate comma (map (printAttr mf) a)
Op_defn i h@(Op_head _ l _ _) t _ ->
sep [ (if null l then sep else cat) [idLabelDoc i, printOpHead h]
, equals <+> printAnnoted (printTerm mf) t]
instance Pretty f => Pretty (OP_ITEM f) where
pretty = printOpItem pretty
instance Pretty VAR_DECL where
pretty = printVarDecl
printOpType :: OP_TYPE -> Doc
printOpType (Op_type p l r _) =
case l of
[] -> case p of
Partial -> quMarkD <+> idDoc r
Total -> space <> idDoc r
_ -> space <> fsep
(punctuate (space <> cross) (map idDoc l)
++ [case p of
Partial -> pfun
Total -> funArrow,
idDoc r])
instance Pretty OP_TYPE where
pretty = printOpType
printOpSymb :: OP_SYMB -> Doc
printOpSymb o = case o of
Op_name i -> idDoc i
Qual_op_name i t _ -> fsep [text opS, idDoc i, colon <> printOpType t]
instance Pretty OP_SYMB where
pretty = printOpSymb
printPredType :: PRED_TYPE -> Doc
printPredType (Pred_type l _) = case l of
[] -> parens empty
_ -> fsep $ punctuate (space <> cross) $ map idDoc l
instance Pretty PRED_TYPE where
pretty = printPredType
printPredSymb :: PRED_SYMB -> Doc
printPredSymb p = case p of
Pred_name i -> idDoc i
Qual_pred_name i t _ ->
parens $ fsep [text predS, idDoc i, colon <+> printPredType t]
instance Pretty PRED_SYMB where
pretty = printPredSymb
instance Pretty SYMB_ITEMS where
pretty = printSymbItems
printSymbItems :: SYMB_ITEMS -> Doc
printSymbItems (Symb_items k l _) =
print_kind_text k l <+> sepByCommas (map printSymb l)
instance Pretty SYMB where
pretty = printSymb
printSymb :: SYMB -> Doc
printSymb s = case s of
Symb_id i -> idDoc i
Qual_id i t _ -> fsep [idDoc i, colon <> printType t]
instance Pretty TYPE where
pretty = printType
printType :: TYPE -> Doc
printType t = case t of
O_type ot -> printOpType ot
P_type pt -> space <> printPredType pt
A_type s -> space <> idDoc s
print_kind_text :: SYMB_KIND -> [a] -> Doc
print_kind_text k l = case k of
Implicit -> empty
_ -> keyword (pluralS_symb_list k l)
pluralS_symb_list :: SYMB_KIND -> [a] -> String
pluralS_symb_list k l = (case k of
Implicit -> error "pluralS_symb_list"
Sorts_kind -> sortS
OtherKinds s -> s
Ops_kind -> opS
Preds_kind -> predS) ++ (if isSingle l then "" else "s")
instance Pretty SYMB_OR_MAP where
pretty = printSymbOrMap
printSymbOrMap :: SYMB_OR_MAP -> Doc
printSymbOrMap som = case som of
Symb s -> printSymb s
Symb_map s t _ -> fsep [printSymb s, mapsto <+> printSymb t]
instance Pretty SYMB_KIND where
pretty = printSymbKind
printSymbKind :: SYMB_KIND -> Doc
printSymbKind sk = print_kind_text sk [()]
instance Pretty SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
pretty = printSymbMapItems
printSymbMapItems :: SYMB_MAP_ITEMS -> Doc
printSymbMapItems (Symb_map_items k l _) =
print_kind_text k l <+> sepByCommas (map printSymbOrMap l)
-- possibly use "printInfix False vcat"
printInfix :: Bool -- ^ attach separator to right argument?
-> ([Doc] -> Doc) -- ^ combinator for two docs
-> Doc -> Doc -> Doc -- ^ left, separator and right arguments
-> Doc
printInfix b join l s r =
join $ if b then [l, s <+> r] else [l <+> s, r]
printRecord :: (f -> Doc) -> Record f Doc Doc
printRecord mf = Record
{ foldQuantification = \ _ q l r _ ->
fsep $ printQuant q : printVarDeclL l
++ [addBullet r]
, foldConjunction = \ o l _ -> case o of
Conjunction ol@(_ : _) _ -> fsep $ prepPunctuate (andDoc <> space)
$ zipWith (mkJunctDoc True) (init ol) (init l) ++
[mkJunctDoc False (last ol) (last l)]
_ -> text trueS
, foldDisjunction = \ o l _ -> case o of
Disjunction ol@(_ : _) _ -> fsep $ prepPunctuate (orDoc <> space)
$ zipWith (mkJunctDoc True) (init ol) (init l) ++
[mkJunctDoc False (last ol) (last l)]
_ -> text falseS
, foldImplication = \ o l r _ _ ->
let Implication oL oR b _ = o
nl = if isAnyImpl oL || b && isQuant oL
then parens l else l
nr = if isImpl b oR || not b && isQuant oR
then parens r else r
in if b then printInfix True sep nl implies nr
else printInfix True sep nr (text ifS) nl
, foldEquivalence = \ o l r _ -> case o of
Equivalence oL oR _ -> printInfix True sep
(if isQuant oL then parens l else mkEquivDoc oL l)
equiv $ mkEquivDoc oR r
_ -> error "CASL.ToDoc.printRecord.foldEquivalence"
, foldNegation = \ orig r _ -> case orig of
Negation o _ -> hsep [notDoc, mkJunctDoc False o r]
_ -> error "CASL.ToDoc.printRecord.foldNegation"
, foldTrue_atom = \ _ _ -> text trueS
, foldFalse_atom = \ _ _ -> text falseS
, foldPredication = \ o p l _ -> case (p, o) of
(Pred_name i, Predication _ ol _) -> predIdApplDoc i $ zipConds ol l
_ -> if null l then printPredSymb p else
fcat [printPredSymb p, parens $ sepByCommas l]
, foldDefinedness = \ _ r _ -> hsep [text defS, r]
, foldExistl_equation = \ _ l r _ -> printInfix True sep l exequal r
, foldStrong_equation = \ _ l r _ -> printInfix True sep l equals r
, foldMembership = \ _ r t _ -> fsep [r, inDoc, idDoc t]
, foldMixfix_formula = \ _ r -> r
, foldSort_gen_ax = \ o _ _ ->
let Sort_gen_ax constrs b = o
l = recoverType constrs
genAx = sep [ keyword generatedS <+> keyword (typeS ++ pluralS l)
, semiAnnos printDATATYPE_DECL l]
in if b then text "%% free" $+$ genAx else genAx
, foldQuantOp = \ _ o n r -> fsep
[ forallDoc
, printOpSymb $ Qual_op_name o n nullRange
, addBullet r ]
, foldQuantPred = \ _ p n r -> fsep
[ forallDoc
, printPredSymb $ Qual_pred_name p n nullRange
, addBullet r ]
, foldExtFORMULA = const mf
, foldQual_var = \ _ v s _ ->
parens $ fsep [text varS, sidDoc v, colon <+> idDoc s]
, foldApplication = \ orig o l _ -> case (o, orig) of
(Op_name i, Application _ ol _) -> idApplDoc i $ zipConds ol l
_ -> let d = parens $ printOpSymb o in
if null l then d else fcat [d, parens $ sepByCommas l]
, foldSorted_term = \ _ r t _ -> fsep [idApplDoc typeId [r], idDoc t]
, foldCast = \ _ r t _ ->
fsep [idApplDoc (mkId [placeTok, mkSimpleId asS]) [r], idDoc t]
, foldConditional = \ o l f r _ -> case o of
Conditional ol _ _ _ -> fsep [if isCond ol then parens l else l,
text whenS <+> f, text elseS <+> r]
_ -> error "CASL.ToDoc.printRecord.foldConditional"
, foldMixfix_qual_pred = const printPredSymb
, foldMixfix_term = \ o l -> case o of
Mixfix_term [_, Mixfix_parenthesized _ _] -> fcat l
_ -> fsep l
, foldMixfix_token = const sidDoc
, foldMixfix_sorted_term = \ _ s _ -> colon <+> idDoc s
, foldMixfix_cast = \ _ s _ -> text asS <+> idDoc s
, foldMixfix_parenthesized = \ _ l _ -> parens $ sepByCommas l
, foldMixfix_bracketed = \ _ l _ -> brackets $ sepByCommas l
, foldMixfix_braced = \ _ l _ -> specBraces $ sepByCommas l
, foldExtTERM = const mf }
recoverType :: [Constraint] -> [Annoted DATATYPE_DECL]
recoverType =
map (\ c -> let s = newSort c in emptyAnno $ Datatype_decl s
(map (\ (o, _) -> case o of
Qual_op_name i (Op_type fk args _ ps) r ->
let qs = appRange ps r in emptyAnno $ case args of
[_] | isInjName i -> Subsorts args qs
_ -> Alt_construct fk i (map Sort args) qs
_ -> error "CASL.recoverType") $ opSymbs c) nullRange)
zipConds :: [TERM f] -> [Doc] -> [Doc]
zipConds = zipWith (\ o d -> if isCond o then parens d else d)
printFormula :: (f -> Doc) -> FORMULA f -> Doc
printFormula = foldFormula . printRecord
instance Pretty f => Pretty (FORMULA f) where
pretty = printFormula pretty
printTerm :: (f -> Doc) -> TERM f -> Doc
printTerm = foldTerm . printRecord
instance Pretty f => Pretty (TERM f) where
pretty = printTerm pretty
isQuant :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isQuant f = case f of
Quantification _ _ _ _ -> True
ExtFORMULA _ -> True
Conjunction l _ -> case l of
[] -> False
_ -> isQuant $ last l
Disjunction l _ -> case l of
[] -> False
_ -> isQuant $ last l
Implication a b impl _ -> isQuant $ if impl then b else a
Equivalence _ b _ -> isQuant b
Negation a _ -> isQuant a
_ -> False
isEquiv :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isEquiv f = case f of
Equivalence _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
isAnyImpl :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isAnyImpl f = isImpl True f || isImpl False f
isJunct :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isJunct f = case f of
Conjunction _ _ -> True
Disjunction _ _ -> True
_ -> isAnyImpl f
-- true for non-final
mkJunctDoc :: Bool -> FORMULA f -> Doc -> Doc
mkJunctDoc b f = if isJunct f || b && isQuant f then parens else id
mkEquivDoc :: FORMULA f -> Doc -> Doc
mkEquivDoc f = if isEquiv f then parens else id
isImpl :: Bool -> FORMULA f -> Bool
isImpl a f = case f of
Implication _ _ b _ -> a /= b
_ -> isEquiv f
isCond :: TERM f -> Bool
isCond t = case t of
Conditional _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
-- | a helper class for calculating the pluralS of e.g. ops
class ListCheck a where
innerList :: a -> [()]
instance ListCheck Token where
innerList _ = [()]
instance ListCheck Id where
innerList _ = [()]
instance ListCheck a => ListCheck [a] where
innerList = concatMap innerList
-- | an instance of ListCheck for Annoted stuff
instance ListCheck a => ListCheck (Annoted a) where
innerList = innerList . item
{- |
pluralS checks a list with elements in class ListCheck for a list
greater than zero. It returns an empty String if the list and all
nested lists have only one element. If the list or an nested list
has more than one element a String containig one "s" is returned. -}
pluralS :: ListCheck a => a -> String
pluralS l = if isSingle $ innerList l then "" else "s"
-- instances of ListCheck for various data types of AS_Basic_CASL
instance ListCheck (SORT_ITEM f) where
innerList (Sort_decl l _) = innerList l
innerList (Subsort_decl l _ _) = innerList l
innerList (Subsort_defn _ _ _ _ _) = [()]
innerList (Iso_decl _ _) = [()]
instance ListCheck (OP_ITEM f) where
innerList (Op_decl l _ _ _) = innerList l
innerList (Op_defn _ _ _ _) = [()]
instance ListCheck (PRED_ITEM f) where
innerList (Pred_decl l _ _) = innerList l
innerList (Pred_defn _ _ _ _) = [()]
instance ListCheck DATATYPE_DECL where
innerList (Datatype_decl _ _ _) = [()]
instance ListCheck VAR_DECL where
innerList (Var_decl l _ _) = innerList l
-- | print a formula as a sentence
printTheoryFormula :: Pretty f => Named (FORMULA f) -> Doc
printTheoryFormula f = printAnnoted
((case sentence f of
Quantification Universal _ _ _ -> id
Sort_gen_ax _ _ -> id
_ -> (bullet <+>)) . pretty) $ fromLabelledSen f