ToDoc.hs revision 264b794970b6f2bd437f14233f367f1067565728
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
pretty printing data types of 'BASIC_SPEC'
module CASL.ToDoc where
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Doc
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Fold
printDATATYPE_DECL (Datatype_decl s a _) = case a of
[] -> error "Pretty CASL.DATATYPE_DECL"
_ -> idDoc s <+> defn <+>
sep ( punctuate (space <> bar) $
map (printAnnoted printALTERNATIVE) a)
instance Pretty DATATYPE_DECL where
pretty = printDATATYPE_DECL
printCOMPONENTS (Cons_select k l s _) =
fsep $ punctuate comma (map idDoc l)
++ [case k of
Total -> colon
Partial -> colon <> text "?", idDoc s]
printCOMPONENTS (Sort s) = idDoc s
instance Pretty COMPONENTS where
pretty = printCOMPONENTS
printALTERNATIVE (Alt_construct k n l _) = case l of
[] -> idDoc n
_ -> idDoc n <>
parens ( sep $ punctuate semi $
map printCOMPONENTS l)
<> case k of
Total -> empty
Partial -> text "?"
printALTERNATIVE (Subsorts l _) =sep $ punctuate comma $ map idDoc l
instance Pretty ALTERNATIVE where
pretty = printALTERNATIVE
printSortItem :: (f -> Doc) -> SORT_ITEM f -> Doc
printSortItem mf si = case si of
Sort_decl sl _ -> fsep $ punctuate comma $ map idDoc sl
Subsort_decl sl sup _ -> fsep $ (punctuate comma $ map idDoc sl)
++ [less, idDoc sup]
Subsort_defn s v sup af _ -> fsep [idDoc s, equals,
specBraces $ fsep [sidDoc v, colon, idDoc sup, bullet,
printAnnoted (printFormula mf) af]]
Iso_decl sl _ -> fsep $ punctuate (space <> equals) $ map idDoc sl
sidDoc :: Token -> Doc
sidDoc = idDoc . simpleIdToId
printQuant :: QUANTIFIER -> Doc
printQuant q = case q of
Universal -> forallDoc
Existential -> exists
Unique_existential -> unique
printSortedVars :: [VAR] -> SORT -> Doc
printSortedVars l s =
fsep $ (punctuate comma $ map sidDoc l) ++ [colon, idDoc s]
printVarDecl :: VAR_DECL -> Doc
printVarDecl (Var_decl l s _) = printSortedVars l s
printArgDecl :: ARG_DECL -> Doc
printArgDecl (Arg_decl l s _) = printSortedVars l s
printArgDecls :: [ARG_DECL] -> Doc
printArgDecls = parens . fsep . punctuate semi . map printArgDecl
printPredHead :: PRED_HEAD -> Doc
printPredHead (Pred_head l _) = printArgDecls l
printPredItem :: (f -> Doc) -> PRED_ITEM f -> Doc
printPredItem mf p = case p of
Pred_decl l t _ -> fsep $ (punctuate comma $ map idDoc l)
++ [colon, printPredType t]
Pred_defn i h f _ ->
fcat [idDoc i, printPredHead h <> space, equiv <> space,
printAnnoted (printFormula mf) f]
printAttr :: (f -> Doc) -> OP_ATTR f -> Doc
printAttr mf a = case a of
Assoc_op_attr -> text assocS
Comm_op_attr -> text commS
Idem_op_attr -> text idemS
Unit_op_attr t -> text unitS <+> printTerm mf t
instance Pretty f => Pretty (OP_ATTR f) where
pretty = printAttr pretty
printOpHead :: OP_HEAD -> Doc
printOpHead (Op_head k l r _) =
fcat $ (if null l then [] else [printArgDecls l <> space]) ++
[ (case k of
Total -> colon
Partial -> idDoc $ mkId [mkSimpleId ":?"]) <> space
, idDoc r]
instance Pretty OP_HEAD where
pretty = printOpHead
printOpItem :: (f -> Doc) -> OP_ITEM f -> Doc
printOpItem mf p = case p of
Op_decl l t a _ -> fsep $ (punctuate comma $ map idDoc l)
++ [colon <> (if null a then id else (<> comma))(printOpType t)]
++ punctuate comma (map (printAttr mf) a)
Op_defn i h@(Op_head _ l _ _) t _ ->
fcat [(if null l then (<> space) else id) $ idDoc i
, printOpHead h <> space, equals <> space
, printAnnoted (printTerm mf) t]
instance Pretty VAR_DECL where
pretty = printVarDecl
printOpType :: OP_TYPE -> Doc
printOpType (Op_type p l r _) =
case l of
[] -> case p of
Partial -> text quMark <+> idDoc r
Total -> space <> idDoc r
_ -> space <> fsep
(punctuate (space <> cross) (map idDoc l)
++ [case p of
Partial -> pfun
Total -> funArrow,
idDoc r])
instance Pretty OP_TYPE where
pretty = printOpType
printOpSymb :: OP_SYMB -> Doc
printOpSymb o = case o of
Op_name i -> idDoc i
Qual_op_name i t _ -> fsep [text opS, idDoc i, colon <> printOpType t]
instance Pretty OP_SYMB where
pretty = printOpSymb
printPredType :: PRED_TYPE -> Doc
printPredType (Pred_type l _) = case l of
[] -> parens empty
_ -> fsep $ punctuate (space <> cross) $ map idDoc l
instance Pretty PRED_TYPE where
pretty = printPredType
printPredSymb :: PRED_SYMB -> Doc
printPredSymb p = case p of
Pred_name i -> idDoc i
Qual_pred_name i t _ ->
parens $ fsep [text predS, idDoc i, colon, printPredType t]
instance Pretty PRED_SYMB where
pretty = printPredSymb
printRecord :: (f -> Doc) -> Record f Doc Doc
printRecord mf = Record
{ foldQuantification = \ _ q l r _ ->
fsep $ printQuant q : punctuate semi (map printVarDecl l)
++ [bullet, r]
, foldConjunction = \ (Conjunction ol _) l _ ->
fsep $ punctuate (space <> andDoc) $ zipWith mkJunctDoc ol l
, foldDisjunction = \ (Disjunction ol _) l _ ->
fsep $ punctuate (space <> orDoc) $ zipWith mkJunctDoc ol l
, foldImplication = \ (Implication oL oR b _) l r _ _ ->
let nl = if isAnyImpl oL then parens l else l
nr = if isImpl b oR then parens r else r
in if b then fsep [nl, implies, nr]
else fsep [nr, text ifS, nl]
, foldEquivalence = \ (Equivalence oL oR _) l r _ ->
fsep [mkEquivDoc oL l, equiv, mkEquivDoc oR r]
, foldNegation = \ (Negation o _) r _ -> hsep [notDoc, mkJunctDoc o r]
, foldTrue_atom = \ _ _ -> text trueS
, foldFalse_atom = \ _ _ -> text falseS
, foldPredication = \ _ p l _ -> case p of
Pred_name i -> idApplDoc i l
Qual_pred_name _ _ _ -> if null l then printPredSymb p else
fcat [printPredSymb p, parens $ fsep $ punctuate comma l]
, foldDefinedness = \ _ r _ -> hsep [text defS, r]
, foldExistl_equation = \ _ l r _ -> fsep [l, exequal, r]
, foldStrong_equation = \ _ l r _ -> fsep [l, equals, r]
, foldMembership = \ _ r t _ -> fsep [r, inDoc, idDoc t]
, foldMixfix_formula = \ _ r -> r
, foldSort_gen_ax = \ (Sort_gen_ax constrs _) _ _ ->
let (sorts, ops, sortMap) = recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs
printSortMap (s1, s2) = fsep [idDoc s1, mapsto, idDoc s2]
in text generatedS <> specBraces(
fsep (text sortS : punctuate comma (map idDoc sorts))
<> semi <+>
fsep (punctuate semi (map printOpSymb ops))
<> if null sortMap then empty else
space <> text withS
<+> fsep (punctuate comma (map printSortMap sortMap)))
, foldExtFORMULA = \ _ f -> mf f
, foldSimpleId = \ _ -> sidDoc
, foldQual_var = \ _ v s _ ->
parens $ fsep [text varS, sidDoc v, colon, idDoc s]
, foldApplication = \ _ o l _ -> case o of
Op_name i -> idApplDoc i l
Qual_op_name _ _ _ -> let d = parens $ printOpSymb o in
if null l then d else fcat [d, parens $ fsep $ punctuate comma l]
, foldSorted_term = \ _ r t _ -> fsep[idApplDoc typeId [r], idDoc t]
, foldCast = \ _ r t _ ->
fsep[idApplDoc (mkId [placeTok, mkSimpleId asS]) [r], idDoc t]
, foldConditional = \ (Conditional ol _ _ _) l f r _ ->
fsep [if isCond ol then parens l else l,
text whenS, f, text elseS, r]
, foldMixfix_qual_pred = \ _ p -> printPredSymb p
, foldMixfix_term = \ (Mixfix_term ol) l -> case ol of
[_, Mixfix_parenthesized _ _] -> fcat l
_ -> fsep l
, foldMixfix_token = \ _ -> sidDoc
, foldMixfix_sorted_term = \ _ s _ -> colon <+> idDoc s
, foldMixfix_cast = \ _ s _ -> text asS <+> idDoc s
, foldMixfix_parenthesized = \ _ l _ -> parens $ fsep $ punctuate comma l
, foldMixfix_bracketed = \ _ l _ -> brackets $ fsep $ punctuate comma l
, foldMixfix_braced = \ _ l _ -> specBraces $ fsep $ punctuate comma l
printFormula :: (f -> Doc) -> FORMULA f -> Doc
printFormula mf = foldFormula $ printRecord mf
instance Pretty f => Pretty (FORMULA f) where
pretty = printFormula pretty
printTerm :: (f -> Doc) -> TERM f -> Doc
printTerm mf = foldTerm $ printRecord mf
instance Pretty f => Pretty (TERM f) where
pretty = printTerm pretty
isQuant, isEquiv, isAnyImpl, isJunct :: FORMULA f -> Bool
isQuant f = case f of
Quantification _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
isEquiv f = case f of
Equivalence _ _ _ -> True
_ -> isQuant f
isAnyImpl f = isImpl True f || isImpl False f
isJunct f = case f of
Conjunction _ _ -> True
Disjunction _ _ -> True
_ -> isAnyImpl f
mkJunctDoc :: FORMULA f -> Doc -> Doc
mkJunctDoc f = if isJunct f then parens else id
mkEquivDoc :: FORMULA f -> Doc -> Doc
mkEquivDoc f = if isEquiv f then parens else id
isImpl :: Bool -> FORMULA f -> Bool
isImpl a f = case f of
Implication _ _ b _ -> a /= b
_ -> isEquiv f
isCond :: TERM f -> Bool
isCond t = case t of
Conditional _ _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False