Taxonomy.hs revision ad270004874ce1d0697fb30d7309f180553bb315
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : converters for theories to MMiSSOntology (subsorting and concept taxonomies)
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Converters for theories to MMiSSOntology (subsorting and concept taxonomies)
module CASL.Taxonomy (convTaxo) where
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign
import Taxonomy.MMiSSOntology
import Common.Taxonomy
import Common.Result
import Common.Id ()
import Common.AS_Annotation
convTaxo :: TaxoGraphKind -> MMiSSOntology
-> Sign f e
-> [Named (FORMULA f)] -> Result MMiSSOntology
convTaxo kind onto sign sens =
fromWithError $
case kind of
KSubsort -> convSign KSubsort onto sign
KConcept -> foldl convSen (convSign KConcept onto sign) sens
convSign :: TaxoGraphKind ->
MMiSSOntology -> Sign f e -> WithError MMiSSOntology
convSign KConcept o s =
case convSign KSubsort o s of
wOnto -> weither (const wOnto) (convPred s) wOnto
convSign KSubsort onto sign =
Set.fold addSor (hasValue onto) $ sortSet sign
-- Ausgehend von den Top-Sorten -- Rel.mostRight
--Map.foldWithKey addSort (hasValue onto) $ toMap $ sortRel sign
where str = show
relMap = Rel.toMap $ Rel.intransKernel $ sortRel sign
addSor sort weOnto =
let sortStr = str sort
in weither (const weOnto)
(\ on -> insClass on sortStr
(maybe [] toStrL $
Map.lookup sort relMap))
insClass o nm supL =
insertClass o nm nm supL (Just SubSort)
toStrL = Set.fold (\ s rs -> str s : rs) []
convPred :: Sign f e -> MMiSSOntology -> WithError MMiSSOntology
convPred s o =
-- first only binary preds; later also unary preds
Map.foldWithKey addPred (hasValue o) $ predMap s
where addPred pn tSet wOnto =
weither (const wOnto) insBinaryPred wOnto
where insBinaryPred on =
let binT = Set.filter ((==2) . length . predArgs) tSet
in if Set.null binT
then hasValue on
else Set.fold insType (insName on) binT
insName on = insertBaseRelation on (show pn) (show pn)
Nothing Nothing
insType t wOn =
weither (const wOn)
(\ ont -> insertRelationType ont (show pn)
(show (predArgs t !! 0))
(show (predArgs t !! 1)))
convSen :: WithError MMiSSOntology
-> Named (FORMULA f) -> WithError MMiSSOntology
convSen weOnto _nSen = weither (const weOnto) hasValue weOnto
-- insertClass (cSen nSen) o