SortItem.hs revision 3f69b6948966979163bdfe8331c38833d5d90ecd
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : parser for SORT-ITEMs (sort and subsort declarations and definitions)
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2002-2004
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Parser for SORT-ITEMs (sort and subsort declarations and definitions)
parse SORT-ITEM and "sort/sorts SORT-ITEM ; ... ; SORT-ITEM"
from 25 March 2001
C.2.1 Basic Specifications with Subsorts
module CASL.SortItem (sortItem, datatype) where
import Common.AnnoState
import Common.Id
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Lexer
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Common.Token
import CASL.Formula
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- sortItem
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
commaSortDecl :: [String] -> Id -> AParser st (SORT_ITEM f)
commaSortDecl ks s =
do c <- anComma
(is, cs) <- sortId ks `separatedBy` anComma
let l = s : is
p = catPos (c:cs)
subSortDecl ks (l, p) <|> return (Sort_decl l p)
isoDecl :: AParsable f => [String] -> Id -> AParser st (SORT_ITEM f)
isoDecl ks s =
do e <- equalT
subSortDefn ks (s, tokPos e) <|>
(do (l, p) <- sortId ks `separatedBy` equalT
return (Iso_decl (s:l) (catPos (e:p))))
subSortDefn :: AParsable f => [String] -> (Id, Range)
-> AParser st (SORT_ITEM f)
subSortDefn ks (s, e) =
do a <- annos
o <- oBraceT << addAnnos
v <- varId ks
c <- colonT
t <- sortId ks
d <- dotT
f <- formula ks
a2 <- annos
p <- cBraceT
return $ Subsort_defn s v t (Annoted f nullRange a a2)
(e `appRange` catPos [o, c, d, p])
subSortDecl :: [String] -> ([Id], Range) -> AParser st (SORT_ITEM f)
subSortDecl ks (l, p) =
do t <- lessT
s <- sortId ks
return $ Subsort_decl l s (p `appRange` tokPos t)
sortItem :: AParsable f => [String] -> AParser st (SORT_ITEM f)
sortItem ks =
do s <- sortId ks
subSortDecl ks ([s],nullRange) <|> commaSortDecl ks s
<|> isoDecl ks s <|> return (Sort_decl [s] nullRange)
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- typeItem
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
datatype :: [String] -> AParser st DATATYPE_DECL
datatype ks =
do s <- sortId ks
e <- asKey defnS
a <- getAnnos
(Annoted v _ _ b:alts, ps) <- aAlternative ks `separatedBy` barT
return (Datatype_decl s (Annoted v nullRange a b:alts)
(catPos (e:ps)))
aAlternative :: [String] -> AParser st (Annoted ALTERNATIVE)
aAlternative ks =
do a <- alternative ks
an <- lineAnnos
return (Annoted a nullRange [] an)
alternative :: [String] -> AParser st ALTERNATIVE
alternative ks =
do s <- pluralKeyword sortS
(ts, cs) <- sortId ks `separatedBy` anComma
return (Subsorts ts (catPos (s:cs)))
do i <- consId ks
do o <- wrapAnnos oParenT
(cs, ps) <- component ks `separatedBy` anSemi
c <- addAnnos >> cParenT
let qs = toPos o ps c
do q <- try (addAnnos >> quMarkT)
return (Alt_construct Partial i cs (qs `appRange` tokPos q))
<|> return (Alt_construct Total i cs qs)
<|> return (Alt_construct Total i [] nullRange)
isSortId :: Id -> Bool
isSortId (Id is _ _) = case is of
[Token (c : _) _] -> caslLetters c
_ -> False
component :: [String] -> AParser st COMPONENTS
component ks =
do (is, cs) <- parseId ks `separatedBy` anComma
if isSingle is && isSortId (head is) then
compSort ks is cs <|> return (Sort (head is))
else compSort ks is cs
compSort :: [String] -> [OP_NAME] -> [Token] -> AParser st COMPONENTS
compSort ks is cs =
do c <- anColon
(b, t, qs) <- opSort ks
let p = catPos (cs++[c]) `appRange` qs
return $ Cons_select (if b then Partial else Total) is t p