SimplifySen.hs revision 4fd9d02aaec1d0447c2897f977c4c48b0c7e5c20
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Heng Jiang, C. Maeder, Uni Bremen 2004-2005
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
simplification of formulas and terms for output after analysis
module CASL.SimplifySen(simplifySen, rmTypesT) where
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.Lib.State
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Overload
{- | simplifies formula\/term informations for 'show theory' of
HETS-graph representation. -}
simplifySen :: PrettyPrint f =>
(Min f e) -- ^ extension type analysis
-> (Sign f e -> f -> f) -- ^ simplifySen for ExtFORMULA
-> Sign f e -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
simplifySen minF simpF sign formula =
case formula of
Quantification q vars f pos ->
-- add 'vars' to signature
let (_, sign') = runState (mapM_ addVars vars) sign
in Quantification q vars (simplifySen minF simpF sign' f) pos
Conjunction fs pos -> Conjunction (map simplifySenCall fs) pos
Disjunction fs pos -> Disjunction (map simplifySenCall fs) pos
Implication f1 f2 bool pos ->
Implication (simplifySenCall f1) (simplifySenCall f2) bool pos
Equivalence f1 f2 pos ->
Equivalence (simplifySenCall f1) (simplifySenCall f2) pos
Negation f pos -> Negation (simplifySenCall f) pos
True_atom x -> True_atom x
False_atom x -> False_atom x
f@(Predication _ _ _) -> anaFormulaCall f
Definedness t pos -> Definedness (simplifyTermCall t) pos
f@(Existl_equation _ _ _) -> anaFormulaCall f
f@(Strong_equation _ _ _) -> anaFormulaCall f
Membership t sort pos -> Membership (simplifyTermCall t) sort pos
ExtFORMULA f -> ExtFORMULA $ simpF sign f
f@(Sort_gen_ax _ _) -> f
f -> error ("Error in simplifySen " ++ show f)
simplifySenCall = simplifySen minF simpF sign
simplifyTermCall = simplifyTerm minF simpF sign
anaFormulaCall = anaFormula minF simpF sign
rmSort :: TERM f -> TERM f
rmSort term = case term of
Sorted_term t _ _ -> t
_ -> term
{- |
simplifies the TERM such that there are no type-information in it.
rmTypesT :: PrettyPrint f =>
Min f e -- for 'anaFormula' in case of 'Conditional'
-> (Sign f e -> f -> f) -- ^ simplifySen for ExtFORMULA
-> Sign f e -> TERM f -> TERM f
rmTypesT minF simpF sign term =
let simTerm = simplifyTerm minF simpF sign term
minTerm = rmSort simTerm
in case maybeResult $ oneExpTerm minF sign minTerm of
Just _ -> minTerm
_ -> simTerm
oneExpTerm :: PrettyPrint f => Min f e -> Sign f e -> TERM f -> Result (TERM f)
oneExpTerm minF sign term = do
ts <- minExpTerm minF emptyGlobalAnnos sign term
is_unambiguous term ts []
{- |
simplify the TERM and keep its typing information if it had one
simplifyTerm :: PrettyPrint f => Min f e -> (Sign f e -> f -> f)
-> Sign f e -> TERM f -> TERM f
simplifyTerm minF simpF sign term =
let simplifyTermC = simplifyTerm minF simpF sign
minT = maybeResult . oneExpTerm minF sign
in case term of
Qual_var v sort pos ->
let minTerm = Application (Op_name $ simpleIdToId v) [] []
simT = Sorted_term minTerm sort pos
in case minT minTerm of
Just _ -> minTerm
Nothing -> case minT simT of
Just _ -> simT
_ -> term
Sorted_term t sort pos ->
let simT = simplifyTermC t
minTerm = rmSort simT
in case minT minTerm of
Just _ -> minTerm
_ -> case minT simT of
Just _ -> simT
Nothing -> Sorted_term minTerm sort pos
Conditional term1 formula term2 pos ->
let t1 = simplifyTermC term1
t2 = simplifyTermC term2
f = simplifySen minF simpF sign formula
minCond = Conditional (rmSort t1) f (rmSort t2) pos
in case minT minCond of
Just _ -> minCond
Nothing -> Conditional t1 f t2 pos
Cast t sort pos ->
let simT = simplifyTermC t
minCast = Cast (rmSort simT) sort pos
in case minT minCast of
Just _ -> minCast
_ -> Cast simT sort pos
Application opSymb@(Op_name _) ts pos ->
let args = map simplifyTermC ts
minOp = Application opSymb (map rmSort args) pos
in case minT minOp of
Just _ -> minOp
Nothing -> Application opSymb args pos
Application q@(Qual_op_name ide ty ps) tl pos ->
let args = zipWith (\ t s -> simplifyTermC $ Sorted_term t s ps)
tl $ args_OP_TYPE ty
minArgs = map rmSort args
res = res_OP_TYPE ty
opSymb = Op_name ide
unqualOp = Sorted_term (Application opSymb args pos) res ps
minOp = Sorted_term (Application opSymb minArgs pos) res ps
in case minT minOp of
Just _ -> minOp
Nothing -> case minT unqualOp of
Just _ -> unqualOp
Nothing -> Application q minArgs pos
_ -> term
{- |
analyzes the Formula if it is the Minimal Expansions of a FORMULA.
anaFormula :: PrettyPrint f => Min f e -> (Sign f e -> f -> f)
-> Sign f e -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
anaFormula minF simpF sign form1 =
let minForm = maybeResult . minExpFORMULA minF emptyGlobalAnnos sign
simplifyTermCall = simplifyTerm minF simpF sign
simpForm = case form1 of
Existl_equation t1 t2 pos -> Existl_equation
(simplifyTermCall t1) (simplifyTermCall t2) pos
Strong_equation t1 t2 pos -> Strong_equation
(simplifyTermCall t1) (simplifyTermCall t2) pos
f -> error ("Error in anaFormula1 " ++ show f)
rmForm = case simpForm of
Existl_equation t1 t2 pos -> Existl_equation
(rmSort t1) (rmSort t2) pos
Strong_equation t1 t2 pos -> Strong_equation
(rmSort t1) (rmSort t2) pos
f -> error ("Error in anaFormula2 " ++ show f)
in case form1 of
Predication predSymb@(Pred_name _) tl pos ->
let args = map simplifyTermCall tl
minPred = Predication predSymb (map rmSort args) pos
in case minForm minPred of
Just _ -> minPred
Nothing -> Predication predSymb args pos
Predication p@(Qual_pred_name pName (Pred_type sl ps) _) tl pos ->
let args = zipWith (\ t s -> simplifyTermCall $ Sorted_term t s ps)
tl sl
minArgs = map rmSort args
predSymb = Pred_name pName
unqualPred = Predication predSymb args pos
minPred = Predication predSymb minArgs pos
in case minForm minPred of
Just _ -> minPred
Nothing -> case minForm unqualPred of
Just _ -> unqualPred
Nothing -> Predication p minArgs pos
_ -> case minForm rmForm of
Just _ -> rmForm
_ -> simpForm