Sign.hs revision b9450c1858c5d07a0e878bb32a1fa51099256a40
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module provides CASL signatures that also serve as local
environments for the basic static analysis.
module CASL.Sign where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Common.Lib.State as State
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Doc
import Common.DocUtils
import CASL.ToDoc
-- constants have empty argument lists
data OpType = OpType {opKind :: FunKind, opArgs :: [SORT], opRes :: SORT}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data PredType = PredType {predArgs :: [SORT]} deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type OpMap = Map.Map Id (Set.Set OpType)
data Sign f e = Sign { sortSet :: Set.Set SORT
, sortRel :: Rel.Rel SORT
, opMap :: OpMap
, assocOps :: OpMap
, predMap :: Map.Map Id (Set.Set PredType)
, varMap :: Map.Map SIMPLE_ID SORT
, sentences :: [Named (FORMULA f)]
, envDiags :: [Diagnosis]
, globAnnos :: GlobalAnnos
, extendedInfo :: e
} deriving Show
-- better ignore assoc flags for equality
instance (Eq f, Eq e) => Eq (Sign f e) where
e1 == e2 =
sortSet e1 == sortSet e2 &&
sortRel e1 == sortRel e2 &&
opMap e1 == opMap e2 &&
predMap e1 == predMap e2 &&
extendedInfo e1 == extendedInfo e2
emptySign :: e -> Sign f e
emptySign e = Sign { sortSet = Set.empty
, sortRel = Rel.empty
, opMap = Map.empty
, assocOps = Map.empty
, predMap = Map.empty
, varMap = Map.empty
, sentences = []
, envDiags = []
, globAnnos = emptyGlobalAnnos
, extendedInfo = e }
-- | proper subsorts (possibly excluding input sort)
subsortsOf :: SORT -> Sign f e -> Set.Set SORT
subsortsOf s e = Rel.predecessors (sortRel e) s
-- | proper supersorts (possibly excluding input sort)
supersortsOf :: SORT -> Sign f e -> Set.Set SORT
supersortsOf s e = Rel.succs (sortRel e) s
toOP_TYPE :: OpType -> OP_TYPE
toOP_TYPE OpType { opArgs = args, opRes = res, opKind = k } =
Op_type k args res nullRange
toPRED_TYPE :: PredType -> PRED_TYPE
toPRED_TYPE PredType { predArgs = args } = Pred_type args nullRange
toOpType :: OP_TYPE -> OpType
toOpType (Op_type k args r _) = OpType k args r
toPredType :: PRED_TYPE -> PredType
toPredType (Pred_type args _) = PredType args
instance Pretty OpType where
pretty = printOpType . toOP_TYPE
instance Pretty PredType where
pretty = printPredType . toPRED_TYPE
instance (Pretty f, Pretty e) => Pretty (Sign f e) where
pretty = printSign pretty pretty
printSign :: (f->Doc) -> (e->Doc) -> Sign f e ->Doc
printSign _ fE s = text (sortS++sS) <+>
sepByCommas (map idDoc (Set.toList $ sortSet s)) $+$
(if Rel.null (sortRel s) then empty
else text (sortS++sS) <+>
(fsep $ punctuate semi $ map printRel $ Map.toList
$ Rel.toMap $ Rel.transpose $ sortRel s))
$+$ printSetMap (text opS) empty (opMap s)
$+$ printSetMap (text predS) space (predMap s)
$+$ fE (extendedInfo s)
where printRel (supersort, subsorts) =
printSetWithComma subsorts <+> text lessS <+>
idDoc supersort
printSetMap :: (Pretty k,Pretty a,Ord a,Ord k) => Doc -> Doc
-> Map.Map k (Set.Set a) -> Doc
printSetMap header sepa m = vcat $ map (\ (i, t) ->
header <+>
pretty i <+> colon <> sepa <>
pretty t)
$ concatMap (\ (o, ts) ->
map ( \ ty -> (o, ty) ) $ Set.toList ts)
$ Map.toList m
-- working with Sign
diffSig :: Sign f e -> Sign f e -> Sign f e
diffSig a b =
a { sortSet = sortSet a `Set.difference` sortSet b
, sortRel = Rel.transClosure $ Rel.difference (sortRel a) $ sortRel b
, opMap = opMap a `diffMapSet` opMap b
, assocOps = assocOps a `diffMapSet` assocOps b
, predMap = predMap a `diffMapSet` predMap b
-- transClosure needed: {a < b < c} - {a < c; b}
-- is not transitive!
diffMapSet :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map.Map a (Set.Set b)
-> Map.Map a (Set.Set b) -> Map.Map a (Set.Set b)
diffMapSet =
Map.differenceWith ( \ s t -> let d = Set.difference s t in
if Set.null d then Nothing
else Just d )
addMapSet :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map.Map a (Set.Set b) -> Map.Map a (Set.Set b)
-> Map.Map a (Set.Set b)
addMapSet = Map.unionWith Set.union
addOpMapSet :: OpMap -> OpMap -> OpMap
addOpMapSet m = remPartOpsM . addMapSet m
addSig :: (e -> e -> e) -> Sign f e -> Sign f e -> Sign f e
addSig ad a b =
a { sortSet = sortSet a `Set.union` sortSet b
, sortRel = Rel.transClosure $ Rel.union (sortRel a) $ sortRel b
, opMap = addOpMapSet (opMap a) $ opMap b
, assocOps = addOpMapSet (assocOps a) $ assocOps b
, predMap = addMapSet (predMap a) $ predMap b
, extendedInfo = ad (extendedInfo a) $ extendedInfo b
isEmptySig :: (e -> Bool) -> Sign f e -> Bool
isEmptySig ie s =
Set.null (sortSet s) &&
Rel.null (sortRel s) &&
Map.null (opMap s) &&
Map.null (predMap s) && ie (extendedInfo s)
isSubMapSet :: (Ord a, Ord b) => Map.Map a (Set.Set b) -> Map.Map a (Set.Set b)
-> Bool
isSubMapSet = Map.isSubmapOfBy Set.isSubsetOf
isSubOpMap :: OpMap -> OpMap -> Bool
isSubOpMap a b = Map.isSubmapOfBy ( \ s t ->
Set.fold ( \ e r -> r && (Set.member e t || case opKind e of
Partial -> Set.member e {opKind = Total} t
Total -> False)) True s) a b
isSubSig :: (e -> e -> Bool) -> Sign f e -> Sign f e -> Bool
isSubSig isSubExt a b =
Set.isSubsetOf (sortSet a) (sortSet b)
&& Rel.isSubrelOf (sortRel a) (sortRel b)
&& isSubOpMap (opMap a) (opMap b)
-- ignore associativity properties!
&& isSubMapSet (predMap a) (predMap b)
&& isSubExt (extendedInfo a) (extendedInfo b)
partOps :: Set.Set OpType -> [OpType]
partOps s = map ( \ t -> t { opKind = Partial } )
$ Set.toList $ Set.filter ((==Total) . opKind) s
remPartOps :: Set.Set OpType -> Set.Set OpType
remPartOps s = foldr Set.delete s $ partOps s
remPartOpsM :: Ord a => Map.Map a (Set.Set OpType)
-> Map.Map a (Set.Set OpType)
remPartOpsM = remPartOps
addDiags :: [Diagnosis] -> State.State (Sign f e) ()
addDiags ds =
do e <- State.get
State.put e { envDiags = reverse ds ++ envDiags e }
addSort :: SORT -> State.State (Sign f e) ()
addSort s =
do e <- State.get
let m = sortSet e
if Set.member s m then
addDiags [mkDiag Hint "redeclared sort" s]
else State.put e { sortSet = Set.insert s m }
hasSort :: Sign f e -> SORT -> [Diagnosis]
hasSort e s = if Set.member s $ sortSet e then []
else [mkDiag Error "unknown sort" s]
checkSorts :: [SORT] -> State.State (Sign f e) ()
checkSorts s =
do e <- State.get
addDiags $ concatMap (hasSort e) s
addSubsort :: SORT -> SORT -> State.State (Sign f e) ()
addSubsort = addSubsortOrIso True
addSubsortOrIso :: Bool -> SORT -> SORT -> State.State (Sign f e) ()
addSubsortOrIso b super sub =
do if b then checkSorts [super, sub] else return ()
e <- State.get
let r = sortRel e
State.put e { sortRel = (if b then id else
Rel.insert super sub) $ Rel.insert sub super r }
let p = posOfId sub
rel = " '" ++ showDoc sub (if b then " < "
else " = ") ++ showDoc super "'"
if super == sub then
addDiags [mkDiag Warning
"void reflexive subsort" sub]
else if b then
if Rel.path super sub r then
if Rel.path sub super r then
addDiags [Diag Warning
("sorts are isomorphic" ++ rel) p]
else addDiags [Diag Warning
("added subsort cycle by" ++ rel) p]
else if Rel.path sub super r then
addDiags [Diag Hint ("redeclared subsort" ++ rel) p]
else return ()
else if Rel.path super sub r then
if Rel.path sub super r then
addDiags [Diag Hint
("redeclared isomoprhic sorts" ++ rel) p]
else addDiags [Diag Warning
("subsort '" ++ showDoc super
"' made isomorphic by" ++ rel)
$ posOfId super]
else if Rel.path sub super r then
addDiags [Diag Warning
("subsort '" ++ showDoc sub
"' made isomorphic by" ++ rel) p]
else return()
closeSubsortRel :: State.State (Sign f e) ()
do e <- State.get
State.put e { sortRel = Rel.transClosure $ sortRel e }
alsoWarning :: String -> Id -> [Diagnosis]
alsoWarning msg i = [mkDiag Warning ("also known as " ++ msg) i]
checkWithOtherMap :: String -> Map.Map Id a -> Id -> [Diagnosis]
checkWithOtherMap msg m i =
case Map.lookup i m of
Nothing -> []
Just _ -> alsoWarning msg i
addVars :: VAR_DECL -> State.State (Sign f e) ()
addVars (Var_decl vs s _) = do
checkSorts [s]
mapM_ (addVar s) vs
addVar :: SORT -> SIMPLE_ID -> State.State (Sign f e) ()
addVar s v =
do e <- State.get
let m = varMap e
i = simpleIdToId v
ds = case Map.lookup v m of
Just _ -> [mkDiag Hint "known variable shadowed" v]
Nothing -> []
State.put e { varMap = Map.insert v s m }
addDiags $ ds ++ checkWithOtherMap "operation" (opMap e) i
++ checkWithOtherMap "predicate" (predMap e) i
addOpTo :: Id -> OpType -> OpMap -> OpMap
addOpTo k v m =
let l = Map.findWithDefault Set.empty k m
n = Map.insert k (Set.insert v l) m
in case opKind v of
Total -> let vp = v { opKind = Partial } in
if Set.member vp l then
Map.insert k (Set.insert v $ Set.delete vp l) m
else n
_ -> if Set.member v { opKind = Total } l then m
else n