Sign.hs revision 2eb84fc82d3ffa9116bc471fda3742bd9e5a24bb
module CASL.Sign where
-- $Id$
import Common.Id
import Common.AS_Annotation
import FiniteMap
import Common.Lib.Graph
import Data.List(intersperse)
import Data.Maybe(mapMaybe)
import Common.GlobalAnnotations()
type SortId = Id -- non-mixfix, but possibly compound
data FunKind = Total | Partial deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- constants have empty argument lists
data OpType = OpType {opKind :: FunKind, opArgs :: [SortId], opRes :: SortId}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- we should forget about positions of "*" and "->" here to ease "deriving"
-- also: OpType will be added to Ids without explicit types
type PredType = [SortId]
data SymbType = OpAsItemType OpType
| PredType PredType
| Sort
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Symbol = Symbol {symbId :: Id, symbType :: SymbType}
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- the list of items which are part of a "sort-gen" (or free type)
type GenItems = [Symbol]
data TokenKind = Key | Comma | Semi | Less | Equal | Colon deriving (Show, Eq)
data ListPos = ListPos TokenKind Pos deriving (Show, Eq)
-- position of "," or ":"
-- full function type of a selector (result sort is component sort)
data Component = Component (Maybe Id) OpType (Maybe ListPos)
-- pos of "," or ":" (as Key)
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- full function type of constructor (result sort is the data type)
data Alternative = Construct Id OpType [Component] [Pos]
-- pos: "(", semi colons, ")", optional "?"
| Subsort SortId ListPos
-- pos of "," or "sort"
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- looseness of a datatype
-- (a generated datatype will be a part of a "sort-gen")
data GenKind = Free | Generated | Loose deriving (Show, Eq)
-- for the positions of "free" and "generated" see GenItems/Sentence
data VarDecl = VarDecl { varId :: SIMPLE_ID
, varSort :: SortId
, varPos :: ListPos -- pos of "," or ":"
} deriving (Show, Eq)
-- sort defined as predicate subtype or as more or less loose datatype
data SortDefn = SubsortDefn VarDecl Formula [Pos]
-- pos: "=", "{", ":", ".", "}"
| Datatype [Annoted Alternative] GenKind GenItems [Pos]
-- pos: "::=", "|"s
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- the sub- and supertypes of a sort
data SortRels = SortRels { subsorts :: [SortId] -- explicitely given
, supersorts :: [SortId]
, allsubsrts :: [SortId] -- transitively closed
, allsupersrts :: [SortId]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
emptySortRels :: SortRels
emptySortRels = SortRels [] [] [] []
data ItemPos = ItemPos String TokenKind [Pos] deriving (Show, Eq)
-- "filename" and kind of first token position
-- sort or type
data SortItem = SortItem { sortId :: SortId
, sortRels :: SortRels
, sortDef :: Maybe SortDefn
, sortPos :: ItemPos -- "sort/type", ",", "<" or "="
, altSorts :: [ItemPos] -- alternative positions
} -- of repeated decls
deriving Show
instance Eq SortItem where
(==) a b = (sortId a)==(sortId b)
data BinOpAttr = Assoc | Comm | Idem deriving (Show, Eq)
data OpAttr = BinOpAttr BinOpAttr | UnitOpAttr Term deriving (Show, Eq)
type ConsId = Symbol
data OpDefn = OpDef [VarDecl] (Annoted Term) [Pos]
-- pos: "(", semicolons, ")", colon, equal
| Constr Symbol -- reference to sort
| Select [ConsId] Symbol -- reference to possibly many constructors
deriving (Show, Eq)
data OpItem = OpItem { opId :: Id
, opType :: OpType
, opAttrs :: [OpAttr]
, opDefn :: Maybe OpDefn
, opPos :: ItemPos -- "op" or ","
-- plus optional colon, OP_ATTR sep. by commas
, altOps :: [ItemPos]
} deriving Show
instance Eq OpItem where
(==) a b = ((opId a)==(opId b)) && ((opType a)==(opType b))
data PredDefn = PredDef [VarDecl] Formula [Pos]
-- pos: "(", semicolons, ")", "<=>"
deriving (Show, Eq)
data PredItem = PredItem { predId :: Id
, predType :: PredType
, predDefn :: Maybe PredDefn
, predPos :: ItemPos -- "pred" or ","
, altPreds :: [ItemPos]
} deriving Show
instance Eq PredItem where
(==) a b = ((predId a)==(predId b)) && ((predType a)==(predType b))
data TypeQualifier = OfType | AsType deriving (Show, Eq)
data Qualified = Explicit | Inferred deriving (Show, Eq)
-- a constant op has an empty list of Arguments
data Term = VarId Id SortId Qualified [Pos]
-- pos: "(", var, colon, ")" (if Explicit else empty)
| OpAppl Id OpType [Term] Qualified [Pos]
-- pos: opt. "(",commas,")"
| Typed Term TypeQualifier SortId [Pos]
-- pos: "as" or colon
| Cond Term Formula Term [Pos] deriving (Show, Eq)
-- pos: "when", "else"
data Quantifier = Forall | Exists | ExistsUnique deriving (Show, Eq)
data LogOp = NotOp | AndOp | OrOp | ImplOp | EquivOp | IfOp deriving (Show, Eq)
data PolyOp = DefOp | EqualOp | ExEqualOp deriving (Show, Eq)
data Formula = Quantified Quantifier [VarDecl] Formula [Pos]
-- pos: Quantifier, semi colons, dot
| Connect LogOp [Formula] [Pos]
-- pos of (several infix) logOps
| TermTest PolyOp [Term] [Pos]
-- pos of PolyOps
| PredAppl Id PredType [Term] Qualified [Pos]
-- pos: opt. "(",commas,")"
| ElemTest Term SortId [Pos]
-- pos: in
| FalseAtom [Pos]
-- pos of possible brackets
| TrueAtom [Pos]
-- pos of possible brackets
| AnnFormula (Annoted Formula)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data SigItem = ASortItem (Annoted SortItem)
| AnOpItem (Annoted OpItem)
| APredItem (Annoted PredItem)
deriving Show
instance Eq SigItem where
(==) (ASortItem a) (ASortItem b) = (item a)==(item b)
(==) (AnOpItem a) (AnOpItem b) = (item a)==(item b)
(==) (APredItem a) (APredItem b) = (item a)==(item b)
(==) _ _ = False
-- lost are unused global vars
-- (and annotations for several ITEMS)
data Sign = SignAsMap { getMap :: (FiniteMap Id [SigItem]),
getGraph :: (Graph SortId ()) }
deriving Show
instance Eq Sign where
(==) (SignAsMap m _) (SignAsMap n _) = n==m
emptySign :: Sign
emptySign = SignAsMap emptyFM empty
data RawSymbol = ASymbol Symbol | AnID Id | AKindedId Kind Id
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Kind = SortKind | FunKind | PredKind
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Axiom = AxiomDecl [VarDecl] Formula [Pos]
-- pos: "var/forall", semi colons, dot
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Sentence = Axiom (Annoted Axiom)
| GenItems GenItems [Pos] -- pos: generate/free, { , }
deriving (Show, Eq)
getLabel :: Sentence -> String
getLabel (Axiom ax) = let annos = r_annos(ax)
isLbl a = case a of Label _ _ -> True; _ -> False
labels = filter isLbl annos
getLabels(Label l _) = concat l
in if null labels then "" else getLabels(head(labels))
getLabel (GenItems l _) = let srts = filter (\x ->
case x of Symbol _ Sort -> True;
_ -> False) l
in "ga_generated_" ++ concat
(intersperse "__"
(map (show . symbId) srts))
type Sort_map = FiniteMap Id Id
type Fun_map = FiniteMap Id [(OpType, Id, Bool)]
{- The third field is true iff the target symbol is
total -}
type Pred_map = FiniteMap Id [(PredType,Id)]
data Morphism = Morphism {msource,mtarget :: Sign,
sort_map :: Sort_map,
fun_map :: Fun_map,
pred_map :: Pred_map}
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- ??? this needs to be implemented!
-- legal_sign :: Sign -> Bool
-- legal_morphism :: Morphism -> Bool
embedMorphism :: Sign -> Sign -> Morphism
embedMorphism a b =
l = case a of (SignAsMap x _) -> concat $ map snd $ fmToList x
slist = map (\x -> (x,x)) $ map sortId $ map item $
mapMaybe (\x -> case x of (ASortItem s) -> Just s;
_ -> Nothing) l
flist = map (\x -> (opId x,[(opType x,opId x,(opKind.opType) x == Total)]))
$ map item $ mapMaybe (\x -> case x of (AnOpItem o) -> Just o;
_ -> Nothing) l
plist = map (\x -> (predId x,[(predType x,predId x)])) $
map item $ mapMaybe (\x -> case x of (APredItem p) -> Just p;
_ -> Nothing) l
Morphism a b (listToFM slist) (listToFM flist) (listToFM plist)