Quantification.hs revision 1f086d5155f47fdad9a0de4e46bbebb2c4b33d30
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Free variables; getting rid of superfluous quantifications
module CASL.Quantification where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import Common.Id
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.AnnoState
import Data.List(nubBy)
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
flatVAR_DECLs :: [VAR_DECL] -> [(VAR, SORT)]
flatVAR_DECLs = concatMap (\ (Var_decl vs s _) -> map (\ v -> (v, s)) vs)
freeVars :: AParsable f => FORMULA f -> Set.Set VAR
freeVars f = case f of
Quantification _ vdecl phi _ -> foldr Set.delete (freeVars phi) $
concatMap ( \ (Var_decl vs _ _) -> vs) vdecl
Conjunction phis _ -> Set.unions $ map freeVars phis
Disjunction phis _ -> Set.unions $ map freeVars phis
Implication phi1 phi2 _ _ -> freeVars phi1 `Set.union` freeVars phi2
Equivalence phi1 phi2 _ -> freeVars phi1 `Set.union` freeVars phi2
Negation phi _ -> freeVars phi
Predication _ args _ -> Set.unions $ map freeTermVars args
Definedness t _ -> freeTermVars t
Existl_equation t1 t2 _ -> freeTermVars t1 `Set.union` freeTermVars t2
Strong_equation t1 t2 _ -> freeTermVars t1 `Set.union` freeTermVars t2
Membership t _ _ -> freeTermVars t
_ -> Set.empty
freeTermVars :: AParsable f => TERM f -> Set.Set VAR
freeTermVars t = case t of
Simple_id v -> Set.single v
Qual_var v _ _ -> Set.single v
Application _ args _ -> Set.unions $ map freeTermVars args
Sorted_term st _ _ -> freeTermVars st
Cast st _ _ -> freeTermVars st
Conditional t1 phi t2 _ -> freeVars phi `Set.union`
freeTermVars t1 `Set.union` freeTermVars t2
_ -> Set.empty
-- quantify only over free variables (and only once)
effQuantify :: AParsable f =>
effQuantify q vdecls phi pos =
let fvs = freeVars phi
filterVAR_DECL (Var_decl vs s ps) =
Var_decl (filter (`Set.member` fvs) vs) s ps
flatVAR_DECL (Var_decl vs s ps) =
map (\v -> Var_decl [v] s ps) vs
newDecls = concatMap (flatVAR_DECL . filterVAR_DECL) vdecls
myNub = nubBy (\ (Var_decl v1 _ _) (Var_decl v2 _ _) -> v1 == v2)
in if null newDecls then phi else
Quantification q (reverse $ myNub $ reverse newDecls) phi pos
-- strip superfluous (or nested) quantifications
stripQuant :: AParsable f => FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
stripQuant (Quantification quant vdecl phi pos) =
let newF = stripQuant phi
qF = effQuantify quant vdecl phi pos in
case newF of
Quantification quant2 vd2 f2 ps ->
if quant == quant2 then
effQuantify quant (vdecl ++ vd2) f2 (pos ++ ps)
else qF
_ -> qF
stripQuant (Conjunction phis pos) =
Conjunction (map stripQuant phis) pos
stripQuant (Disjunction phis pos) =
Disjunction (map stripQuant phis) pos
stripQuant (Implication phi1 phi2 b pos) =
Implication (stripQuant phi1) (stripQuant phi2) b pos
stripQuant (Equivalence phi1 phi2 pos) =
Equivalence (stripQuant phi1) (stripQuant phi2) pos
stripQuant (Negation phi pos) =
Negation (stripQuant phi) pos
stripQuant phi = phi