Project.hs revision b4fbc96e05117839ca409f5f20f97b3ac872d1ed
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Christian Maeder, Uni Bremen 2005
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
This module replaces Cast(s) with explicit projection
functions. Don't do this after simplification since crucial sort
information may be missing
Membership test are replaced with Definedness formulas
module CASL.Project where
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Overload
import Common.Id
-- | the name of projections
projName :: Id
projName = mkId [mkSimpleId "g__proj"]
project :: [Pos] -> TERM f -> SORT -> TERM f
project pos argument result_type = let argument_type = term_sort argument in
if argument_type == result_type then argument else
Application (projOpSymb pos argument_type result_type) [argument] []
projOpSymb :: [Pos] -> SORT -> SORT -> OP_SYMB
projOpSymb pos s1 s2 =
Qual_op_name projName (Op_type Total [s1] s2 pos) pos
projTerm :: (f -> f) -> TERM f -> TERM f
projTerm mf t = case t of
Application o@(Qual_op_name _ ty _) args ps ->
let newArgs = map (projTerm mf) args in
Application o (zipWith (project ps) newArgs $ args_OP_TYPE ty) ps
Sorted_term st s ps -> let
newT = projTerm mf st
in Sorted_term newT s ps
Cast st s ps -> let
newT = projTerm mf st
in project ps newT s
Conditional t1 f t2 ps -> let
t3 = projTerm mf t1
newF = projFormula mf f
t4 = projTerm mf t2
in Conditional t3 newF t4 ps
_ -> t
projFormula :: (f -> f) -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f
projFormula mf f = case f of
Quantification q vs qf ps -> let
newF = projFormula mf qf
in Quantification q vs newF ps
Conjunction fs ps -> let
newFs = map (projFormula mf) fs
in Conjunction newFs ps
Disjunction fs ps -> let
newFs = map (projFormula mf) fs
in Disjunction newFs ps
Implication f1 f2 b ps -> let
f3 = projFormula mf f1
f4 = projFormula mf f2
in Implication f3 f4 b ps
Equivalence f1 f2 ps -> let
f3 = projFormula mf f1
f4 = projFormula mf f2
in Equivalence f3 f4 ps
Negation nf ps -> let
newF = projFormula mf nf
in Negation newF ps
Predication p@(Qual_pred_name _ (Pred_type s _) _) args ps ->
let newArgs = map (projTerm mf) args in
Predication p (zipWith (project ps) newArgs s) ps
Definedness t ps -> let
newT = projTerm mf t
in Definedness newT ps
Existl_equation t1 t2 ps -> let
t3 = projTerm mf t1
t4 = projTerm mf t2
in Existl_equation t3 t4 ps
Strong_equation t1 t2 ps -> let
t3 = projTerm mf t1
t4 = projTerm mf t2
in Strong_equation t3 t4 ps
Membership t s ps -> let
newT = projTerm mf t
in Definedness (project ps newT s) ps
ExtFORMULA ef -> ExtFORMULA $ mf ef
_ -> f