Print_AS_Basic.hs revision 6caada8926a23123aee618f61d64fe82cfd6e91e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
pretty printing data types of 'BASIC_SPEC'
module CASL.Print_AS_Basic where
import Data.List (mapAccumL)
import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Common.Id
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import CASL.LiteralFuns
import Common.Print_AS_Annotation
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.PPUtils
--import Debug.Trace
-- trace :: String -> a -> a
-- trace _ a = a
instance (PrettyPrint b, PrettyPrint s, PrettyPrint f) =>
PrettyPrint (BASIC_SPEC b s f) where
printText0 ga (Basic_spec l) =
if null l then braces empty else vcat (map (printText0 ga) l)
instance (PrettyPrint b, PrettyPrint s, PrettyPrint f) =>
PrettyPrint (BASIC_ITEMS b s f) where
printText0 ga (Sig_items s) = printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (Free_datatype l _) =
hang (ptext freeS <+> ptext typeS<>pluralS_doc l) 4 $
semiAnno_text ga l
printText0 ga (Sort_gen l _) =
hang (ptext generatedS <+> condTypeS) 4 $
condBraces (vcat (map (printText0 ga) l))
where condTypeS =
if isOnlyDatatype then ptext typeS<>pluralS_doc l
else empty
condBraces d =
if isOnlyDatatype then
case l of
[x] -> case x of
Annoted (Datatype_items l' _) _ lans _ ->
vcat (map (printText0 ga) lans)
$$ semiAnno_text ga l'
_ -> error "wrong implementation of isOnlyDatatype"
_ -> error "wrong implementation of isOnlyDatatype"
else braces d
isOnlyDatatype =
case l of
[x] -> case x of
Annoted (Datatype_items _ _) _ _ _ -> True
_ -> False
_ -> False
printText0 ga (Var_items l _) =
text varS<>pluralS_doc l <+> semiT_text ga l
printText0 ga (Local_var_axioms l f _) =
text forallS <+> semiT_text ga l
$$ printFormulaAux ga f
printText0 ga (Axiom_items f _) =
printFormulaAux ga f
printText0 ga (Ext_BASIC_ITEMS b) = printText0 ga b
printFormulaAux :: PrettyPrint f => GlobalAnnos -> [Annoted (FORMULA f)] -> Doc
printFormulaAux ga f =
vcat $ map (printAnnotedFormula_Text0 ga) f
printAnnotedFormula_Text0 :: PrettyPrint f =>
GlobalAnnos -> Annoted (FORMULA f) -> Doc
printAnnotedFormula_Text0 ga (Annoted i _ las ras) =
let i' = char '.' <+> printText0 ga i
las' = if not $ null las then
ptext "\n" <> printAnnotationList_Text0 ga las
(la,ras') = splitAndPrintRAnnos printText0
(empty) ga ras
in las' $+$ (hang i' 0 la) $$ ras'
instance (PrettyPrint s, PrettyPrint f) =>
PrettyPrint (SIG_ITEMS s f) where
printText0 ga (Sort_items l _) =
text sortS<>pluralS_doc l <+> semiAnno_text ga l
printText0 ga (Op_items l _) =
text opS<>pluralS_doc l <+> semiAnno_text ga l
printText0 ga (Pred_items l _) =
text predS<>pluralS_doc l <+> semiAnno_text ga l
printText0 ga (Datatype_items l _) =
text typeS<>pluralS_doc l <+> semiAnno_text ga l
printText0 ga (Ext_SIG_ITEMS s) = printText0 ga s
instance PrettyPrint f =>
PrettyPrint (SORT_ITEM f) where
printText0 ga (Sort_decl l _) = commaT_text ga l
printText0 ga (Subsort_decl l t _) =
hang (commaT_text ga l) 4 $ text lessS <+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (Subsort_defn s v t f _) =
-- TODO: lannos of f should printed after the equal sign
printText0 ga s <+> ptext equalS <+>
braces (hang (printText0 ga v <+> colon <+> printText0 ga t)
4 (ptext "." <+> printText0 ga f))
printText0 ga (Iso_decl l _) =
fsep $ punctuate (space <>text equalS) $ map (printText0 ga) l
instance PrettyPrint f => PrettyPrint (OP_ITEM f) where
printText0 ga (Op_decl l t a _) =
hang (hang (commaT_text ga l)
(colon <> printText0 ga t <> condComma))
4 $
if na then empty
else commaT_text ga a
where na = null a
condComma = if na then empty
else comma
printText0 ga (Op_defn n h t _) = printText0 ga n
<> printText0 ga h
<+> text equalS
<+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint OP_TYPE where
printText0 ga (Total_op_type l s _) = (if null l then empty
else space
<> crossT_text ga l
<+> text funS)
<> space <> printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (Partial_op_type l s _) = (if null l then text quMark
else space
<> crossT_text ga l
<+> text (funS ++ quMark))
<+> printText0 ga s
instance PrettyPrint OP_HEAD where
printText0 ga (Total_op_head l s _) =
(if null l then empty
else parens(semiT_text ga l))
<> colon
<+> printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (Partial_op_head l s _) =
(if null l then empty
else parens(semiT_text ga l))
<> text (colonS ++ quMark)
<+> printText0 ga s
instance PrettyPrint ARG_DECL where
printText0 ga (Arg_decl l s _) = commaT_text ga l
<+> colon
<> printText0 ga s
instance PrettyPrint f => PrettyPrint (OP_ATTR f) where
printText0 _ (Assoc_op_attr) = text assocS
printText0 _ (Comm_op_attr) = text commS
printText0 _ (Idem_op_attr) = text idemS
printText0 ga (Unit_op_attr t) = text unitS <+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint f => PrettyPrint (PRED_ITEM f) where
printText0 ga (Pred_decl l t _) = commaT_text ga l
<+> colon <+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (Pred_defn n h f _) = printText0 ga n
<> printText0 ga h
<+> text equivS
<+> printText0 ga f
instance PrettyPrint PRED_TYPE where
printText0 _ (Pred_type [] _) = parens empty
printText0 ga (Pred_type l _) = crossT_text ga l
instance PrettyPrint PRED_HEAD where
printText0 ga (Pred_head l _) = parens (semiT_text ga l)
instance PrettyPrint DATATYPE_DECL where
printText0 ga (Datatype_decl s a _) =
printText0 ga s <+>
sep ((hang (text defnS) 4 (printText0 ga $ head a)):
(map (\x -> nest 2 $ ptext barS <+> nest 2 (printText0 ga x)) $
tail a))
instance PrettyPrint ALTERNATIVE where
printText0 ga (Total_construct n l _) = printText0 ga n
<> if null l then empty
else parens(semiT_text ga l)
printText0 ga (Partial_construct n l _) = printText0 ga n
<> parens(semiT_text ga l)
<> text quMark
printText0 ga (Subsorts l _) = text sortS <+> commaT_text ga l
instance PrettyPrint COMPONENTS where
printText0 ga (Total_select l s _) = commaT_text ga l
<> colon
<> printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (Partial_select l s _) = commaT_text ga l
<> text (colonS ++ quMark)
<> printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (Sort s) = printText0 ga s
instance PrettyPrint VAR_DECL where
printText0 ga (Var_decl l s _) = commaT_text ga l
<> colon
<> printText0 ga s
instance PrettyPrint f => PrettyPrint (FORMULA f) where
printText0 ga (Quantification q l f _) =
hang (printText0 ga q <+> semiT_text ga l) 4 $
char '.' <+> printText0 ga f
printText0 ga (Conjunction l _) =
sep $ prepPunctuate (ptext lAnd <> space) $
map (condParensXjunction printText0 parens ga) l
printText0 ga (Disjunction l _) =
sep $ prepPunctuate (ptext lOr <> space) $
map (condParensXjunction printText0 parens ga) l
printText0 ga i@(Implication f g b _) =
if b
then (
hang (condParensImplEquiv printText0 parens ga i f
<+> ptext implS) 4 $
condParensImplEquiv printText0 parens ga i g)
else (
hang (condParensImplEquiv printText0 parens ga i g
<+> ptext "if") 4 $
condParensImplEquiv printText0 parens ga i f)
printText0 ga e@(Equivalence f g _) =
hang (condParensImplEquiv printText0 parens ga e f
<+> ptext equivS) 4 $
condParensImplEquiv printText0 parens ga e g
printText0 ga (Negation f _) = ptext "not" <+> printText0 ga f
printText0 _ (True_atom _) = ptext trueS
printText0 _ (False_atom _) = ptext falseS
printText0 ga (Predication p l _) =
let (p_id,isQual) =
case p of
Pred_name i -> (i,False)
Qual_pred_name i _ _ -> (i,True)
p' = printText0 ga p
in if isQual then
print_prefix_appl_text ga p' l
else condPrint_Mixfix_text ga p_id l
printText0 ga (Definedness f _) = text defS <+> printText0 ga f
printText0 ga (Existl_equation f g _) =
hang (printText0 ga f <+> ptext exEqual) 4 $ printText0 ga g
printText0 ga (Strong_equation f g _) =
hang (printText0 ga f <+> ptext equalS) 4 $ printText0 ga g
printText0 ga (Membership f g _) =
printText0 ga f <+> ptext inS <+> printText0 ga g
printText0 ga (Mixfix_formula t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 _ (Unparsed_formula s _) = text s
printText0 ga (Sort_gen_ax constrs _) =
text generatedS <>
braces (text sortS <+> commaT_text ga sorts
<> semi <+> semiT_text ga ops)
<+> (if null sortMap then empty
else text withS
<+> fsep (punctuate comma (map printSortMap sortMap)))
where (sorts,ops,sortMap) = recover_Sort_gen_ax constrs
printSortMap (s1,s2) =
printText0 ga s1 <+> ptext "|->" <+> printText0 ga s2
printText0 ga (ExtFORMULA f) = printText0 ga f
instance PrettyPrint QUANTIFIER where
printText0 _ (Universal) = ptext forallS
printText0 _ (Existential) = ptext existsS
printText0 _ (Unique_existential) = ptext (existsS ++ exMark)
instance PrettyPrint PRED_SYMB where
printText0 ga (Pred_name n) = printText0 ga n
printText0 ga (Qual_pred_name n t _) =
parens $ ptext predS <+> printText0 ga n <+> colon <+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint f => PrettyPrint (TERM f) where
printText0 ga (Simple_id i) = printText0 ga i
printText0 ga (Qual_var n t _) =
parens $ text varS <+> printText0 ga n <+> colon <+> printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (Application o l _) =
let (o_id,isQual) =
case o of
Op_name i -> (i,False)
Qual_op_name i _ _ -> (i,True)
o' = printText0 ga o
in if isQual then
print_prefix_appl_text ga (parens o') l
if isLiteral ga o_id l then
{-trace ("a literal application: "
++ show (Application o l [])) $ -}
print_Literal_text ga o_id l
condPrint_Mixfix_text ga o_id l
printText0 ga (Sorted_term t s _) =
printText0 ga t <+> colon <+> printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (Cast t s _) =
printText0 ga t <+> text asS <+> printText0 ga s
printText0 ga(Conditional u f v _) =
hang (printText0 ga u) 4 $
sep ((text whenS <+> printText0 ga f):
[text elseS <+> printText0 ga v])
printText0 _ (Unparsed_term s _) = text s
printText0 ga (Mixfix_qual_pred p) = printText0 ga p
printText0 ga (Mixfix_term l) =
cat(punctuate space (map (printText0 ga) l))
printText0 ga (Mixfix_token t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (Mixfix_sorted_term s _) = colon
<> printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (Mixfix_cast s _) = text asS
<+> printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (Mixfix_parenthesized l _) = parens (commaT_text ga l)
printText0 ga (Mixfix_bracketed l _) = brackets (commaT_text ga l)
printText0 ga (Mixfix_braced l _) = braces (commaT_text ga l)
instance PrettyPrint OP_SYMB where
printText0 ga (Op_name o) = printText0 ga o
printText0 ga (Qual_op_name o t _) =
text opS <+> printText0 ga o <+> colon <> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint SYMB_ITEMS where
printText0 ga (Symb_items k l _) =
printText0 ga k <> ptext (pluralS_symb_list k l)
<+> commaT_text ga l
instance PrettyPrint SYMB_ITEMS_LIST where
printText0 ga (Symb_items_list l _) = commaT_text ga l
instance PrettyPrint SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
printText0 ga (Symb_map_items k l _) =
printText0 ga k <> ptext (pluralS_symb_list k l)
<+> commaT_text ga l
instance PrettyPrint SYMB_MAP_ITEMS_LIST where
printText0 ga (Symb_map_items_list l _) = commaT_text ga l
instance PrettyPrint SYMB_KIND where
printText0 _ Implicit = empty
printText0 _ Sorts_kind = ptext sortS
printText0 _ Ops_kind = ptext opS
printText0 _ Preds_kind = ptext predS
instance PrettyPrint SYMB where
printText0 ga (Symb_id i) = printText0 ga i
printText0 ga (Qual_id i t _) =
printText0 ga i <+> colon <+> printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint TYPE where
printText0 ga (O_type t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (P_type t) = printText0 ga t
printText0 ga (A_type t) = printText0 ga t
instance PrettyPrint SYMB_OR_MAP where
printText0 ga (Symb s) = printText0 ga s
printText0 ga (Symb_map s t _) =
printText0 ga s <+> text mapsTo <+> printText0 ga t
---- helpers ----------------------------------------------------------------
pluralS_symb_list :: SYMB_KIND -> [a] -> String
pluralS_symb_list k l = case k of
Implicit -> ""
_ -> if length l > 1
then "s"
else ""
condPrint_Mixfix :: PrettyPrint f => (Token -> Doc)
-> (Id -> Doc)
-> (TERM f -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function that surrounds
-- the given Doc with appropiate
-- parens
-> (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a beside with space
-- like <+> or <\+>
-> ([Doc] -> Doc) -- ^ a list concat with space and
-- fill the line policy like
-- fsep or fsep_latex
-> Doc -- comma doc
-> Maybe (Token -> Doc) -- ^ this function should be
-- given to print a Token in a
-- special way
-> (Maybe Display_format)
-> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Doc
condPrint_Mixfix pTok pId pTrm parens_fun
beside_fun fsep_fun comma_doc mpt_fun mdf
ga i l =
if isMixfix i then
if length (filter isPlace tops) == length l then
print_mixfix_appl pTok pId pTrm parens_fun
beside_fun fsep_fun mpt_fun mdf ga i l
print_prefix_appl pTrm parens_fun fsep_fun comma_doc o' l
else print_prefix_appl pTrm parens_fun fsep_fun comma_doc o' l
where tops = case i of Id tp _ _ -> tp
o' = pId i
{- TODO: consider string-, number-, list- and floating-annotations -}
condPrint_Mixfix_text :: PrettyPrint f => GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Doc
condPrint_Mixfix_text ga =
condPrint_Mixfix (printText0 ga) (printText0 ga)
(printText0 ga) parens
(<+>) fsep comma Nothing Nothing ga
-- printing consitent mixfix application or predication
{- TODO: consider string-, number-, list- and floating-annotations -}
print_mixfix_appl :: PrettyPrint f => (Token -> Doc) -- ^ print a Token
-> (Id -> Doc) -- ^ print an Id
-> (TERM f -> Doc) -- ^ print TERM recursively
-> (Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function that surrounds
-- the given Doc with appropiate
-- parens
-> (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a beside with space
-- like <+> or <\+>
-> ([Doc] -> Doc) -- ^ a list concat with space and
-- fill the line policy like
-- fsep or fsep_latex
-> Maybe (Token -> Doc) -- ^ this function should be
-- given to print a Token in a
-- special way if Nothing is given
-- pf is used
-> Maybe Display_format
-> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Doc
print_mixfix_appl pTok pId pTrm parens_fun
beside_fun fsep_fun
mpt_fun mdf
ga oid terms =
d_terms_b_comp <> c `beside_fun` d_terms_a_comp
where (tops,cs) = maybe (case oid of Id x1 x2 _ -> (x1,x2))
(\x -> (x,[]))
md_tops = maybe Nothing (\x -> lookupDisplay ga x oid) mdf
c = if null cs then text "" -- an empty String works for ASCII
-- and LaTeX ensuring a space after
-- the last token of the identifier
-- if the compound is empty
else pId (Id [] cs [])
(tps_b_comp,places) = splitMixToken tops
nr_places = length $ filter isPlace tps_b_comp
(terms_b_comp,terms_a_comp) = splitAt nr_places terms
d_terms_b_comp = fsep_fun (first_term
: fillIn tps_b_comp' terms_b_comp')
d_terms_a_comp = fsep_fun (fillIn places' terms_a_comp'
++ [last_term])
-- tps_b_comp' :: [Token]
-- terms_b_comp' :: PrettyPrint f => [TERM f]
-- first_term :: Doc
(tps_b_comp',terms_b_comp',first_term) =
if null tps_b_comp then -- invisible Id
([], terms_b_comp, empty)
else if (isPlace $ head tps_b_comp)
(tail tps_b_comp,
tail terms_b_comp,
condParensAppl pTrm parens_fun
ga oid (head terms_b_comp)
(Just ALeft))
(places',terms_a_comp',last_term) =
if (not $ null places)
(init places,init terms_a_comp,
condParensAppl pTrm parens_fun
ga oid (last terms_a_comp)
(Just ARight))
-- fillIn :: PrettyPrint f => [Token] -> [TERM f] -> [Doc]
fillIn tps ts = let (_,nl) = mapAccumL pr ts tps in nl
-- pr :: PrettyPrint f => [TERM f] -> Token -> ([TERM f],Doc)
pr [] top = ([], pf' top)
pr tS@(t:ts) top
| isPlace top = (ts, pTrm t)
| otherwise = (tS,pf' top)
pf' = maybe pTok (\ f -> maybe pTok (\ _ -> f) md_tops) mpt_fun
-- printing consistent prefix application and predication
print_prefix_appl :: PrettyPrint f => (TERM f -> Doc) -- ^ print TERM recursively
-> (Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function that surrounds
-- the given Doc with appropiate
-- parens
-> ([Doc] -> Doc) -- ^ a list concat without space and
-- fill the line policy like
-- fsep or fsep_latex
-> Doc -- comma
-> Doc -> [TERM f] -> Doc
print_prefix_appl pTrm parens_fun fsep_fun comma_doc po' l = po' <>
(if null l then empty
else parens_fun $ fsep_fun $ punctuate comma_doc $ map pTrm l)
print_prefix_appl_text :: PrettyPrint f => GlobalAnnos -> Doc -> [TERM f] -> Doc
print_prefix_appl_text ga =
print_prefix_appl (printText0 ga) parens fsep comma
print_Literal :: PrettyPrint f => (Token -> Doc) -- ^ print a Token
-> (Id -> Doc) -- ^ print an Id
-> (TERM f -> Doc) -- ^ print TERM recursively
-> (Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function that surrounds
-- the given Doc with appropiate
-- parens
-> (Doc -> Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a beside with space
-- like <+> or <\+>
-> ([Doc] -> Doc) -- ^ a list concat without space and
-- fill the line policy like
-- fsep or fsep_latex
-> Doc -- ^ a comma
-> Doc -- ^ a document containing the dot for a Fraction
-> Doc -- ^ a document containing the 'E' of a Floating
-> Maybe (Token -> Doc) -- ^ this function should be
-- given to print a Token in a
-- special way
-> (Maybe Display_format)
-> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Doc
print_Literal pTok pId pTrm parens_fun
beside_fun fsep_fun comma_doc dot_doc e_doc mpt_fun mdf
ga li ts
| isSignedNumber ga li ts = let [t_ts] = ts
in pId li <>
((uncurry p_l) (splitAppl t_ts))
| isNumber ga li ts = pTok $ tokNumber li
| isFrac ga li ts = let [lt,rt] = ts
(lni,lnt) = splitAppl lt
(rni,rnt) = splitAppl rt
ln = p_l lni lnt
rn = p_l rni rnt
in ln <> dot_doc <> rn
| isFloat ga li ts = let [bas,ex] = ts
(bas_i,bas_t) = splitAppl bas
(ex_i,ex_t) = splitAppl ex
bas_d = p_l bas_i bas_t
ex_d = p_l ex_i ex_t
in bas_d <> e_doc <> ex_d
| isList ga li ts = let list_body = fsep_fun $ punctuate comma_doc
$ map pTrm $ listElements li
(openL, closeL, comps) = getListBrackets $
listBrackets li
in hcat(map pTok openL) <+> list_body
<+> hcat(map pTok closeL)
<> pId (Id [] comps [])
| isString ga li ts = ptext $
(\s -> let r = '"':(s ++ "\"") in seq r r) $
concatMap convCASLChar $ toksString li
| otherwise = condPrint_Mixfix pTok pId pTrm parens_fun
beside_fun fsep_fun comma_doc mpt_fun mdf
ga li ts
where p_l = print_Literal pTok pId pTrm parens_fun
beside_fun fsep_fun comma_doc dot_doc e_doc mpt_fun mdf
tokNumber i = if tokIsDigit then
{-trace ("Number: "++show ts) $ -}
mergeTok $ map (termToTok "number") $
collectElements (Nothing) i ts
where tok = case i of
Id [] _ _ -> error "malformed Id!!!"
Id (x:_) _ _ -> x
tokIsDigit = (isDigit $ head $ tokStr $ tok) && null ts
toksString i = case getLiteralType ga i of
StringNull -> []
StringCons n -> map (termToTok "string") $
collectElements (Just n) i ts
_ -> error "toksString"
termToTok tokType x = case basicTerm x of
Just tokk -> tokk
Nothing -> error ("malformed " ++ tokType)
listElements i = case getLiteralType ga i of
ListNull _ -> []
ListCons _ n -> collectElements (Just n) i ts
_ -> error "listElements"
listBrackets i = case getLiteralType ga i of
ListNull b -> b
ListCons b _ -> b
_ -> error "listBrackets"
mergeTok :: [Token] -> Token
mergeTok ts
| not (null ts) = foldr merge initTok ts
| otherwise = error "mergeTok: wrong call with empty list"
where initTok = Token {tokStr="",tokPos = tokPos (head ts)}
merge tok newTok = newTok {tokStr = tokStr tok ++ tokStr newTok}
print_Literal_text :: PrettyPrint f => GlobalAnnos -> Id -> [TERM f] -> Doc
print_Literal_text ga =
print_Literal (printText0 ga) (printText0 ga) (printText0 ga)
parens (<+>) fsep comma (char '.') (char 'E') Nothing Nothing ga
condParensAppl :: PrettyPrint f => (TERM f -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function that surrounds
-- the given Doc with appropiate
-- parens
-> GlobalAnnos -> Id -> TERM f -> Maybe AssocEither -> Doc
condParensAppl pf parens_fun ga o_i t mdir =
case t of
Simple_id _ -> t'
Application _ [] _ -> t'
Application o it _
| isLiteral ga i_i it -> t'
-- ordinary appl (no place)
| isOrdAppl i_i -> t'
-- postfix appl
| isOrdAppl o_i && isPostfix i_i -> t'
-- prefix appl w/o parens
| isOrdAppl o_i && isPrefix i_i -> t'
-- both mixfix and in <> prec relation so parens
| isMixfix o_i && isMixfix i_i
&& explicitGrouping o_i i_i -> parens_fun t'
| isPostfix o_i && isPrefix i_i -> parens_fun t'
| isPrefix o_i && isPostfix i_i -> t'
| isPrefix o_i && isInfix i_i -> parens_fun t'
| isInfix o_i && isPrefix i_i -> t'
| isInfix o_i && isPostfix i_i -> t'
-- infix appl (left and right arg/place)
| (isInfix i_i && isSurround o_i)
|| (isInfix o_i && isSurround i_i) -> t'
| isInfix i_i && o_i == i_i ->
case mdir of
Nothing -> condParensPrec
Just ass | isAssoc ass amap o_i -> t'
| otherwise -> parens_fun t'
| otherwise -> condParensPrec
where i_i = case o of
Op_name i -> i
Qual_op_name i _ _ -> i
condParensPrec = case precRel (prec_annos ga) o_i i_i of
Lower -> t'
_ -> parens_fun t'
amap = assoc_annos ga
explicitGrouping :: Id -> Id -> Bool
explicitGrouping i1 i2 =
case precRel (prec_annos ga) i1 i2 of
BothDirections -> True
_ -> False
Sorted_term _ _ _ -> t'
Cast _ _ _ -> t'
_ -> parens_fun t'
where t' = pf t
condParensImplEquiv :: PrettyPrint f => (GlobalAnnos -> FORMULA f -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function that surrounds
-- the given Doc with appropiate
-- parens
-> GlobalAnnos -> FORMULA f -> FORMULA f -> Doc
condParensImplEquiv pf parens_fun ga e_i f =
case e_i of
Implication _ _ _ _ -> case f of
Implication _ _ _ _ -> f'
Disjunction _ _ -> f'
Conjunction _ _ -> f'
Negation _ _ -> f'
True_atom _ -> f'
False_atom _ -> f'
Predication _ _ _ -> f'
Existl_equation _ _ _ -> f'
Definedness _ _ -> f'
Strong_equation _ _ _ -> f'
_ -> parens_fun f'
Equivalence _ _ _ -> case f of Disjunction _ _ -> f'
Conjunction _ _ -> f'
Negation _ _ -> f'
True_atom _ -> f'
False_atom _ -> f'
Predication _ _ _ -> f'
Quantification _ _ _ _ -> f'
Existl_equation _ _ _ -> f'
Strong_equation _ _ _ -> f'
Definedness _ _ -> f'
_ -> parens_fun f'
_ -> error "Wrong call: condParensImplEquiv"
where f' = pf ga f
condParensXjunction :: PrettyPrint f => (GlobalAnnos -> FORMULA f -> Doc)
-> (Doc -> Doc) -- ^ a function that surrounds
-- the given Doc with appropiate
-- parens
-> GlobalAnnos -> FORMULA f -> Doc
condParensXjunction pf parens_fun ga x =
case x of Negation _ _ -> x'
True_atom _ -> x'
False_atom _ -> x'
Predication _ _ _ -> x'
Existl_equation _ _ _ -> x'
Strong_equation _ _ _ -> x'
Definedness _ _ -> x'
_ -> parens_fun x'
where x' = pf ga x
---- instances of ListCheck for various data types of AS_Basic_CASL ---
instance (PrettyPrint s, PrettyPrint f) =>
ListCheck (SIG_ITEMS s f) where
(Sort_items l _) `innerListGT` i = length l > i
(Op_items l _) `innerListGT` i = length l > i
(Pred_items l _) `innerListGT` i = length l > i
(Datatype_items l _) `innerListGT` i = length l > i
(Ext_SIG_ITEMS _) `innerListGT` _ = False
instance PrettyPrint f => ListCheck (SORT_ITEM f) where
(Sort_decl l _) `innerListGT` i = length l > i
(Subsort_decl l _ _) `innerListGT` i = length l > i
(Subsort_defn _ _ _ _ _) `innerListGT` _ = False
(Iso_decl _ _) `innerListGT` _ = False
instance PrettyPrint f => ListCheck (OP_ITEM f) where
(Op_decl l _ _ _) `innerListGT` i = length l > i
(Op_defn _ _ _ _) `innerListGT` _ = False
instance PrettyPrint f => ListCheck (PRED_ITEM f) where
(Pred_decl l _ _) `innerListGT` i = length l > i
(Pred_defn _ _ _ _) `innerListGT` _ = False
instance ListCheck DATATYPE_DECL where
(Datatype_decl _ _ _) `innerListGT` _ = False
instance ListCheck VAR_DECL where
(Var_decl l _ _) `innerListGT` i = length l > i