Print_AS_Basic.hs revision 47d6bc7bc9a708427f96be8d805f712697ad3d9e
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Klaus L�ttich, Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2006
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : experimental
Portability : portable
pretty printing data types of 'BASIC_SPEC'
-- to do: remove the "Dangerous hack"
module CASL.Print_AS_Basic where
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.Print_AS_Annotation
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import Common.PrettyPrint
import qualified Common.Doc as Doc
import Common.DocUtils as Doc
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.ToDoc
instance (PrettyPrint b, PrettyPrint s, PrettyPrint f) =>
PrettyPrint (BASIC_SPEC b s f) where
printText0 ga = Doc.toText ga .
printBASIC_SPEC (fromText ga) (fromText ga) (fromText ga)
instance (PrettyPrint b, PrettyPrint s, PrettyPrint f) =>
PrettyPrint (BASIC_ITEMS b s f) where
printText0 ga = Doc.toText ga .
printBASIC_ITEMS (fromText ga) (fromText ga) (fromText ga)
printAnnotedFormula :: Doc.Pretty f => Bool -> Annoted (FORMULA f) -> Doc.Doc
printAnnotedFormula withDot = Doc.printAnnoted
((if withDot then (Doc.bullet Doc.<+>) else id) . Doc.pretty)
instance (PrettyPrint s, PrettyPrint f) => PrettyPrint (SIG_ITEMS s f) where
printText0 ga = Doc.toText ga . printSIG_ITEMS (fromText ga) (fromText ga)
instance PrettyPrint f => PrettyPrint (SORT_ITEM f) where
printText0 ga = Doc.toText ga . printSortItem (fromText ga)
instance PrettyPrint f => PrettyPrint (OP_ITEM f) where
printText0 ga = Doc.toText ga . printOpItem (fromText ga)
optQuMark :: FunKind -> Doc
optQuMark Partial = text quMark
optQuMark Total = empty
instance PrettyPrint OP_TYPE where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint OP_HEAD where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint ARG_DECL where
printText0 ga = Doc.toText ga . printArgDecl
instance PrettyPrint f => PrettyPrint (OP_ATTR f) where
printText0 ga = Doc.toText ga . printAttr (fromText ga)
instance PrettyPrint f => PrettyPrint (PRED_ITEM f) where
printText0 ga = Doc.toText ga . printPredItem (fromText ga)
instance PrettyPrint PRED_TYPE where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint PRED_HEAD where
printText0 ga = Doc.toText ga . printPredHead
instance PrettyPrint DATATYPE_DECL where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint ALTERNATIVE where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint COMPONENTS where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint VAR_DECL where
printText0 = toOldText
printFORMULA :: PrettyPrint f => GlobalAnnos -> FORMULA f -> Doc
printFORMULA ga = Doc.toText ga . printFormula (fromText ga)
printTheoryFormula :: Doc.Pretty f => Named (FORMULA f) -> Doc.Doc
printTheoryFormula f = printAnnotedFormula
(case sentence f of
Quantification Universal _ _ _ -> False
Sort_gen_ax _ _ -> False
_ -> True) $ Doc.fromLabelledSen f
instance PrettyPrint f => PrettyPrint (FORMULA f) where
printText0 = printFORMULA
instance PrettyPrint PRED_SYMB where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint f => PrettyPrint (TERM f) where
printText0 ga = Doc.toText ga . printTerm (fromText ga)
instance PrettyPrint OP_SYMB where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint SYMB_ITEMS where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint SYMB_MAP_ITEMS where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint SYMB_KIND where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint SYMB where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint TYPE where
printText0 = toOldText
instance PrettyPrint SYMB_OR_MAP where
printText0 = toOldText