PrintSign.hs revision 49a821ac3c8744ced8e419b931a5136128fbbe95
module CASL.PrintSign where
-- debugging
--import Data.List (mapAccumL)
--import Data.Char (isDigit)
import Data.Maybe (isJust,fromJust)
import Common.Keywords
import Common.Lib.Pretty
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import Common.PrettyPrint
import Common.PPUtils
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import CASL.Sign
instance PrettyPrint OpType where
printText0 ga (OpType{opKind = oK, opArgs = oA, opRes = oR})
| null oA = printPartial
<+> printText0 ga oR
| otherwise = crossT printText0 ga oA
<+> text funS
<> printPartial
<+> printText0 ga oR
printPartial = if oK==Partial
then text quMark
else empty
instance PrettyPrint SymbType where
printText0 ga (OpAsItemType ot) = printText0 ga ot
printText0 ga (PredType pt) = if null pt then empty
else crossT printText0 ga pt
printText0 ga Sort = text sortS
instance PrettyPrint Symbol where
printText0 ga (Symbol{symbId = sI, symbType = sT})
= printText0 ga sI <> colon <> printText0 ga sT
instance PrettyPrint Component where
printText0 ga (Component mId opT _)
= (case mId of
Just i -> printText0 ga i <+> colon
_ -> empty)
<+> printText0 ga opT
-- noch einmal Christian fragen.
-- er hat was aufgeschrieben: type s = c:tc (comp;..;comp)
instance PrettyPrint Alternative where
printText0 ga (Construct id ot compLs _)
= ptext typeS <> printText0 ga id <+> ptext equalS
<+> printText0 ga ot
<+> if null compLs then empty
else parens $ semiT printText0 ga compLs
<> if (opKind ot == Partial) then space<>ptext quMark
else empty
printText0 ga (Subsort sId _)
= printText0 ga sId
instance PrettyPrint GenKind where
printText0 ga Free = ptext freeS
printText0 ga Generated = ptext generatedS
printText0 ga Loose = empty
instance PrettyPrint VarDecl where
printText0 ga (VarDecl{varId=vI, varSort=vS})
= printText0 ga vI <+> colon <+> printText0 ga vS
instance PrettyPrint SortDefn where
printText0 ga (SubsortDefn vd form _)
= braces $ printText0 ga vd <+> ptext "." <+> printText0 ga form
printText0 ga (Datatype annAltLs genK genIt _)
= noPrint (null annAltLs) $
printText0 ga genK
<+> commaT printText0 ga genIt
<+> text defnS
<> vcat (punctuate (text (barS++" "))
(map (printText0 ga) annAltLs))
-- sortPos und altSorts habe ich noch nicht eingebaut!!
instance PrettyPrint SortItem where
printText0 ga (SortItem{sortId=sI,sortRels=sR,sortDef=mSD})
= ptext sortS <+> printText0 ga sI
$$ printSI (supersorts sR) (char '<')
$$ printSI (subsorts sR) (char '>')
$$ printSI (allsupersrts sR) (text $ "<"++timesS)
$$ printSI (allsubsrts sR) (text $ ">"++timesS)
$$ if isJust mSD
then printText0 ga sI
<+> printText0 ga (fromJust mSD)
else empty
printSI xs doc = if null xs then empty
else printText0 ga sI <+> doc
<+> commaT printText0 ga xs
<> comma
instance PrettyPrint BinOpAttr where
printText0 ga Assoc = ptext assocS
printText0 ga Comm = ptext commS
printText0 ga Idem = ptext idemS
instance PrettyPrint OpAttr where
printText0 ga (BinOpAttr binOp) = empty -- ???
printText0 ga (UnitOpAttr term) = printText0 ga term
instance PrettyPrint OpDefn where
printText0 ga (OpDef vDecLs anTerm _)
= parens (semiT printText0 ga vDecLs) <> colon
<+> printText0 ga anTerm
printText0 ga (Constr symbol) = printText0 ga symbol
printText0 ga (Select symboLs symbol) = printText0 ga symbol
<> parens (commaT printText0 ga symboLs)
-- ist die Ausgabe richtig?
instance PrettyPrint PredDefn where
printText0 ga (PredDef vDecLs form _)
= parens $ semiT printText0 ga vDecLs <+> text equivS
<+> printText0 ga form
instance PrettyPrint PredItem where
printText0 ga (PredItem{predId=pI, predType=pType,
= printText0 ga pI<+>colon
<+> crossT printText0 ga pType
$$ if isJust mPrDef
then printText0 ga pI
<+> printText0 ga (fromJust mPrDef)
else empty
instance PrettyPrint TypeQualifier where
printText0 ga OfType = colon
printText0 ga AsType = ptext asS
instance PrettyPrint Term where
printText0 ga (VarId id sId qual _)
= parens ((case qual of
Explicit -> ptext varS
_ -> ptext ("%" ++ varS))
<+> printText0 ga id <> colon
<> printText0 ga sId)
printText0 ga (OpAppl id opType termLs qual _)
= parens (text opS <+> printText0 ga opType)
<> parens (commaT printText0 ga termLs)
printText0 ga (Typed term tQual sId _)
= printText0 ga term <+> printText0 ga tQual
<+> printText0 ga sId
printText0 ga (Cond t1 form t2 _)
= printText0 ga t1 <+> text whenS
<+> printText0 ga form
<+> text elseS <+> printText0 ga t2
instance PrettyPrint Quantifier where
printText0 ga Forall = ptext forallS
printText0 ga Exists = ptext existsS
printText0 ga ExistsUnique = ptext (existsS++exMark)
instance PrettyPrint LogOp where
printText0 ga NotOp = ptext notS
printText0 ga AndOp = ptext lAnd
printText0 ga OrOp = ptext lOr
printText0 ga ImplOp = ptext implS
printText0 ga EquivOp = ptext equivS
printText0 ga IfOp = ptext ifS
instance PrettyPrint PolyOp where
printText0 ga DefOp = ptext defS
printText0 ga EqualOp = ptext equalS
printText0 ga ExEqualOp = ptext exEqual
instance PrettyPrint Formula where
printText0 ga (Quantified quan vdLs form _)
= hang (printText0 ga quan
<+> semiT printText0 ga vdLs) 4 (char '.')
<+> printText0 ga form
printText0 ga (Connect logOp formLs _)
= sep $ punctuate (printText0 ga logOp<>space)
(makeDocList ga formLs)
-- klammern?
printText0 ga (TermTest polyOp termLs _)
= sep $ punctuate (printText0 ga polyOp<>space)
(makeDocList ga termLs)
-- klammern?
printText0 ga (PredAppl id pT termLs qual _)
= parens (text predS <+> printText0 ga id <> colon
<> crossT printText0 ga pT)
<+> parens (commaT printText0 ga termLs)
printText0 ga (ElemTest term sId _)
= printText0 ga term <+> text inS <+> printText0 ga sId
printText0 ga (TrueAtom _) = ptext trueS
printText0 ga (FalseAtom _) = ptext falseS
printText0 ga (AnnFormula anForm) = printText0 ga anForm
-- -- Hilffunktion
makeDocList::PrettyPrint a=>GlobalAnnos->[a]->[Doc]
makeDocList ga l = map (printText0 ga) l
instance PrettyPrint SigItem where
printText0 ga (ASortItem annSoIt) = printText0 ga annSoIt -- ???
printText0 ga (AnOpItem annOpIt) = printText0 ga annOpIt -- ???
printText0 ga (APredItem annPrIt) = printText0 ga annPrIt -- ???
instance PrettyPrint OpItem where
printText0 ga o = printText0 ga (opId o) <+> colon <+>
printText0 ga (opType o) -- ...
-- hier muss ich irgendwie mit einer Liste als zweitem Argument umgehen,
-- geht das ueberhaupt??
instance PrettyPrint Sign where
printText0 ga sAsMap
= let l = Map.toList (getMap sAsMap) in
vcat (map (\ (_,b)-> commaT printText0 ga b) l)
instance PrettyPrint RawSymbol where
printText0 ga (ASymbol symbol) = printText0 ga symbol
printText0 ga (AnID id) = printText0 ga id
printText0 ga (AKindedId kind id)
= printText0 ga kind <> colon <> printText0 ga id
instance PrettyPrint Kind where
printText0 ga SortKind = ptext sortS -- ???
printText0 ga FunKind = empty -- ???
printText0 ga PredKind = ptext predS -- ???
instance PrettyPrint Axiom where
printText0 ga (AxiomDecl vDecLs form _ )
= text forallS <+> parens (semiT printText0 ga vDecLs)
<+> char '.' <+> printText0 ga form
instance PrettyPrint Sentence where
printText0 ga (Axiom annAx) = printText0 ga annAx
printText0 ga (GenItems genIt _ )
= braces $ commaT printText0 ga genIt
-- generate/free ???