Overload.hs revision bc3c92053266aab87a7713776f60a1146b3d2bc0
{- |
Module : $Header$
Copyright : (c) Martin K�hl and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2003
Licence : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENCE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : hets@tzi.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Overload resolution
module CASL.Overload where
import CASL.StaticAnalysis -- Sign = Env
import CASL.AS_Basic -- FORMULA
import Common.Result -- Result
import qualified Common.Lib.Map as Map
import qualified Common.Lib.Set as Set
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Common.Id as Id
- global Infos aus Sign berechnen + mit durchreichen
(connected compenents, s.u.)
- rekursiv in Sentence absteigen, bis atomare Formel erreicht wird
- atomaren Formeln mit minExpTerm behandeln
TODO: All das hier implementieren und testen :D
Overload Resolution
{- expand all sentences to be fully qualified, then return them if there is no
ambiguity -}
overloadResolution :: Sign -> [Sentence] -> Result [Sentence]
overloadResolution sign sentences
= do expandedSentences <- map (minExpSentence sign) sentences
-- check ambiguities, generate errors for them
Extract Atomic Sentences from (general) Sentences
getAtoms :: Sentence -> [Sentence]
getAtoms sentence
= case sentence of
-- Non-Atomic Sentences -> Descend and Extract
Quantification _ _ sentence' _ -> getAtoms sentence'
Conjunction sentences _ -> getAllAtoms sentences
Disjunction sentences _ -> getAllAtoms sentences
Implication sent1 sent2 _ -> getAllAtoms [sent1, sent2]
Equivalence sent1 sent2 _ -> getAllAtoms [sent1, sent2]
Negation sentence' _ -> getAtoms sentence'
-- Atomic Sentences -> Wrap and Return
_ -> [sentence]
where getAllAtoms = concat . map getAtoms
Minimal Expansion of a Sentence -- TODO: implement :o)
minExpSentence :: Sign -> Sentence -> Result [[Sentence]]
minExpSentence sign sentence
= case sentence of
-- Atomic Sentences -> Calculate minimal Expansion
True_atom _ -> [["True", "_bool"]]
False_atom _ -> [["False", "_bool"]]
Predication PRED_SYMB [TERM] _ -> -- predicate application
Definedness TERM _ -> -- see till's mail
Existl_equation TERM TERM _ -> -- see till's mail
Strong_equation TERM TERM _ -> -- see till's mail
Membership TERM SORT _ -> -- like in 'forall n in Nat'?
-- Unparsed Sentences -> Parser Error, Bail out!
Mixfix_formula term ->
error $ "Parser Error: Unparsed `Mixfix_formula' received: "
++ (show term)
Unparsed_formula string _ ->
error $ "Parser Error: Unparsed `Unparsed_formula' received: "
++ string
-- Non-Atomic Sentences -> getAtoms Error, Bail out!
_ ->
error $ "Internal Error: Unknown type of Sentence received: "
++ (show sentence)
Minimal Expansion of a Term
minExpTerm :: Sign -> TERM -> Result [[TERM]]
minExpTerm sign term
= case term of
Simple_id var
-> minExpTerm_simple sign var
Qual_var var sort _
-> -- qualified term
Application op terms _
-> -- op application
Sorted_term term sort _
-> -- qualified term
-- wie unterscheidet sich das von Qual_var???
Cast term sort _
-> -- cast ?
Conditional term1 formula term2 _
-> -- conditional ?
Unparsed_term string _
-> error $ "Parser Error: Unparsed `Unparsed_term' found: "
++ string
_ -> error $ "Parser Error: Unparsed `Mixfix' term found: "
++ (show term)
Minimal Expansion of a Simple_id Term
minExpTerm_simple :: Sign -> SIMPLE_ID -> Result [[TERM]]
minExpTerm_simple sign var
= do
-- is_const :: OpType -> Bool
let is_const = null . opArgs -- list of args is empty
= 1 == Set.size -- True if s is the only member
(Set.intersection sorts -- intersect with current sorts
(subsortsOf s sign)) -- find subsorts
-- vars :: Set.Set SORT
let vars = case Map.lookup var (varMap sign) of
Nothing -> Set.empty
Just vars' -> vars'
-- ops :: Set.Set SORT
let ops = case Map.lookup (simpleIdToId var) (opMap sign) of
Nothing -> Set.empty
Just ops' ->
Set.fromList -- convert back into Set
$ map opRes -- get result of each op
$ Set.elems -- convert Set to list
$ Set.filter is_const ops' -- find const ops
-- all_sorts :: Set.Set SORT
let all_sorts = Set.union vars ops
-- no_lesser_sort :: (Set.Set SORT) -> SORT -> Bool
let no_lesser_sort sorts s
-- least_sorts :: Set.Set SORT
let least_sorts
= Set.filter (no_lesser_sort all_sorts) all_sorts
-- TODO: merge var into this process somewhere
return qualifyTerms -- merge into qualified Term
$ equivalenceClasses leqF -- divide into equiv. classes
$ Set.toList least_sorts -- convert to List
Minimal Expansion of a Qual_var Term
minExpTerm_qual :: Sign -> VAR -> SORT -> Result [[TERM]]
minExpTerm_qual sign var sort
= do
-- expandedVar :: [[TERM]]
expandedVar <- minExpTerm_simple sign var
-- selectExpansions :: [TERM] -> [(TERM, SORT)]
let selectExpansions c -- foreach c in expandedVar
= [ ((Simple_id var), sort) | -- choose {(var, sort)}
sorted <- c, -- foreach sorted Term in c
fits sorted ] -- if it fits var and sort
-- fits :: TERM -> Bool
let fits (Sorted_term (Simple_id v) s _)
= (v == var) && (s <= sort) -- if var eq and sort leq
let fits _ = False -- TODO: this shouldn't happen
return qualifyTerms -- merge into qualified Term
$ map selectExpansions expandedVar -- choose Set foreach Expansion
Minimal Expansion of a Sorted_term Term
minExpTerm_sorted :: Sign -> TERM -> SORT -> Result [[TERM]]
minExpTerm_sorted sign term sort
= do
-- expandedTerm :: [[TERM]]
expandedTerm <- minExpTerm sign term
-- selectExpansions :: [TERM] -> [(TERM, SORT)]
let selectExpansions c -- foreach c in expandedTerm
= [ (term, sort) | -- choose {(term, sort)}
sorted <- c, -- foreach sorted Term in c
fits sorted ] -- if it fits term and sort
let fits (Sorted_term t s _)
= (t == term) && (s <= sort) -- if term eq and sort leq
let fits _ = False -- TODO this shouldn't happen
return qualifyTerms -- merge into qualified Term
$ map selectExpansions expandedTerm -- choose Set foreach Expansion
Minimal Expansion of an Application Term
minExpTerm_op :: Sign -> OP_SYMB -> [TERM] -> Result [[TERM]]
minExpTerm_op sign op terms
= do
-- expansions :: [[TERM]]
expansions <- mapM (minExpTerm sign) terms
-- permuted_exps :: [[TERM]]
let permuted_exps = permute expansions
-- profiles :: ???
let profiles = map profile permuted_exps
-- -- -- und hier geht's dann weiter -- -- --
let p = map (equiv op_equal) profiles
let p = concat $ map (equiv op_equal) profiles
let p' = minimize sign p
let p' = map (minimize sign) p
return qualifyTerms p'
list_all _ [] [] = True
list_all p (a:as) (b:bs) = (p a b) && (list_all p as bs)
list_all _ _ _ = False
ops = Map.toList (opMap sign)
op_name (Op_name name) = name
op_name (Qual_op_name name _ _) = name
op_terms (Qual_op_name _ w _) = w
op_terms (Op_name _)
= error "unqualified op received, qualified expected"
op_equal (op1,ts1) (op2,ts2)
= let w1 = op_terms op1
w2 = op_terms op2
t1 = list_all (sort_less sign) ts1 w1
t2 = list_all (sort_less sign) ts2 w2
ops_are_equal = op1 == op2
ops_are_equiv = op1 leqF op2
in t1 && t2 && (ops_are_equal || ops_are_equiv)
profile cs -- profile :: [TERM] -> ???
= [ (op', ts) | op' <- ops, ts <- (permute cs),
(op_name op') == (op_name op),
list_all (sort_less sign) ts (op_terms op') ]
-- -- --
-- Diese Funktionen fehlen in jedem Fall noch und sich ziemlich wichtig:
qualifyTerms :: [[(TERM, SORT)]] -> [[TERM]]
= map (map qualify_term)
qualify_term term sort = Sorted_term sort term []
-- TODO: implement for real - used by minExpTerm_op
minimize :: (Ord a) => Sign -> [a] -> [a]
minimize _ as
= concat $ map (\a -> if null (filter (<a) as then [a] else []) as
equivalenceClasses :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
equivalenceClasses _ [] = []
equivalenceClasses eq (x:l)
= let (xs, ys) = partition (eq x) l
xs' = (x:xs)
in xs':(equiv eq ys)
-- komplexere Implementation: siehe unten, Till's SML-version...
Transform a list [l1,l2, ... ln] to (in sloppy notation)
[[x1,x2, ... ,xn] | x1<-l1, x2<-l2, ... xn<-ln]
permute :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
permute [] = [[]]
permute [x] = map (\y -> [y]) x
permute (x:l)
= concat (map (distribute (permute l)) x)
distribute perms y = map ((:) y) perms
sort_leq :: Sign -> SORT -> SORT -> Bool
leqF :: a -> a -> Bool -- Funktionsgleichheit
leqP :: a -> a -> Bool -- Praedikatsgleichheit
Die alten SML-Funktionen, die hier verwandt wurden.
Den Beschreibungen nach sind das genau die beiden, mit denen eine Menge in
Aequivalenzklassen unterteilt wird.
Wie die erste davon funktioniert, ist mir nicht offen ersichtlich,
aber vielleicht brauch ich die eigentlich auch gar nicht?
(* Compute the connected compenents of a graph which is given
by a list of nodes and a boolean function indicating whether
there is an egde between two nodes.
For each node, the algorithm splits the connected components
which have been computed so far into two categories:
those which are connected to the node and those which are not.
The former are all linked with @ in order to form a new connected
component, the latter are left untouched. *)
fun compute_conn_components (edges:'a*'a->bool) (nodes:'a list):'a list list =
fun is_connected(node,nil) = false
| is_connected(node,n::c) =
edges(node,n) orelse edges(n,node) orelse is_connected(node,c)
fun split_components(node,nil,acc_comp_of_node,acc_other_comps) =
| split_components(node,current_comp::other_comps,acc_comp_of_node,acc_other_comps) =
if is_connected(node,current_comp)
then split_components(node,other_comps,current_comp@acc_comp_of_node,acc_other_comps)
else split_components(node,other_comps,acc_comp_of_node,current_comp::acc_other_comps)
fun add_node (node:'a,components:'a list list):'a list list =
foldr add_node (nodes,[])
(* Compute the equivalence classes of the equivalence closures of leqF and leqP resp.
and store them in a table indexed by function and predicate names, resp.
This is needed when checking if terms or predications are equivalent, since
this equivalence is defined in terms of the equivalence closures of leqF and leqP resp. *)
fun get_conn_components (env:local_env) : local_env1 =
val (srts,vars,funs,preds) = env
(env,(Symtab_id.map (compute_conn_components (leqF env)) funs ,
Symtab_id.map (compute_conn_components (leqP env)) preds) )
So sehen meine Datentypen aus
(also nicht meine, sondern die, die ich hier benutze:
Sign == Env
data Env = Env { sortSet :: Set.Set SORT
, sortRel :: Rel.Rel SORT
, opMap :: Map.Map Id (Set.Set OpType)
, predMap :: Map.Map Id (Set.Set PredType)
, varMap :: Map.Map SIMPLE_ID (Set.Set SORT)
, sentences :: [Named FORMULA]
, envDiags :: [Diagnosis]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
Sentence == FORMULA
siehe AS_Basic fuer FORMULA, TERM und alle darin verwandten Typen
Result is a Monad
-- | The 'Result' monad.
-- A failing 'Result' should include a 'FatalError' message.
-- Otherwise diagnostics should be non-fatal.
data Result a = Result { diags :: [Diagnosis]
, maybeResult :: (Maybe a)
} deriving (Show)
instance Functor Result where
fmap f (Result errs m) = Result errs $ fmap f m
instance Monad Result where
return x = Result [] $ Just x
Result errs Nothing >>= _ = Result errs Nothing
Result errs1 (Just x) >>= f = Result (errs1++errs2) y
where Result errs2 y = f x
fail s = fatal_error s nullPos