Overload.hs revision 328a85c807f2a95c3f147d10b05927eaf862ebeb
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Overload resolution
Copyright : (c) Martin Kuehl, T. Mossakowski, C. Maeder, 2004-2007
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer : Christian.Maeder@dfki.de
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
Overload resolution (injections are inserted separately)
Follows Sect. III:3.3 of the CASL Reference Manual.
The algorthim is from:
Till Mossakowski, Kolyang, Bernd Krieg-Brueckner:
Static semantic analysis and theorem proving for CASL.
12th Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques, Tarquinia 1997,
LNCS 1376, p. 333-348
module CASL.Overload
, oneExpTerm
, Min
, combine
, is_unambiguous
, leqF
, leqP
, leq_SORT
, minimalSupers
, maximalSubs
, have_common_supersorts
, keepMinimals1
, keepMinimals
) where
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Common.Lib.State
import Common.Id
import Common.GlobalAnnotations
import Common.DocUtils
import Common.Result
import Common.Partial
import Common.Utils
-- | the type of the type checking function of extensions
type Min f e = Sign f e -> f -> Result f
- Minimal expansion of a formula -
Expand a given formula by typing information.
* For non-atomic formulae, recurse through subsentences.
* For trival atomic formulae, no expansion is neccessary.
* For atomic formulae, the following cases are implemented:
+ Predication is handled by the dedicated expansion function
+ Existl_equation and Strong_equation are handled by the dedicated
expansion function 'minExpFORMULA_eq'.
+ Definedness is handled by expanding the subterm.
+ Membership is handled like Cast
minExpFORMULA :: (PosItem f, Pretty f) => Min f e -> Sign f e -> FORMULA f
-> Result (FORMULA f)
minExpFORMULA mef sign formula = case formula of
Quantification q vars f pos -> do
-- add 'vars' to signature
let (_, sign') = runState (mapM_ addVars vars) sign { envDiags = [] }
Result (envDiags sign') $ Just ()
-- expand subformula
f' <- minExpFORMULA mef sign' f
return (Quantification q vars f' pos)
Conjunction fs pos -> do
fs' <- mapR (minExpFORMULA mef sign) fs
return (Conjunction fs' pos)
Disjunction fs pos -> do
fs' <- mapR (minExpFORMULA mef sign) fs
return (Disjunction fs' pos)
Implication f1 f2 b pos ->
joinResultWith (\ f1' f2' -> Implication f1' f2' b pos)
(minExpFORMULA mef sign f1) $ minExpFORMULA mef sign f2
Equivalence f1 f2 pos ->
joinResultWith (\ f1' f2' -> Equivalence f1' f2' pos)
(minExpFORMULA mef sign f1) $ minExpFORMULA mef sign f2
Negation f pos -> do
f' <- minExpFORMULA mef sign f
return (Negation f' pos)
Predication (Pred_name ide) terms pos
-> minExpFORMULA_pred mef sign ide Nothing terms pos
Predication (Qual_pred_name ide ty pos1) terms pos2
-> minExpFORMULA_pred mef sign ide (Just $ toPredType ty)
terms (pos1 `appRange` pos2)
Existl_equation term1 term2 pos
-> minExpFORMULA_eq mef sign Existl_equation term1 term2 pos
Strong_equation term1 term2 pos
-> minExpFORMULA_eq mef sign Strong_equation term1 term2 pos
Definedness term pos -> do
t <- oneExpTerm mef sign term
return (Definedness t pos)
Membership term sort pos -> do
ts <- minExpTerm mef sign term
let fs = map (concatMap ( \ t ->
let s = sortOfTerm t in
if leq_SORT sign sort s then
[Membership t sort pos] else
map ( \ c ->
Membership (Sorted_term t c pos) sort pos)
$ minimalSupers sign s sort)) ts
is_unambiguous (globAnnos sign) formula fs pos
ExtFORMULA f -> fmap ExtFORMULA $ mef sign f
_ -> return formula -- do not fail even for unresolved cases
-- | test if a term can be uniquely resolved
oneExpTerm :: (PosItem f, Pretty f) => Min f e -> Sign f e
-> TERM f -> Result (TERM f)
oneExpTerm minF sign term = do
ts <- minExpTerm minF sign term
is_unambiguous (globAnnos sign) term ts nullRange
- Minimal expansion of an equation formula -
see minExpTerm_cond
minExpFORMULA_eq :: (PosItem f, Pretty f) => Min f e -> Sign f e
-> (TERM f -> TERM f -> Range -> FORMULA f)
-> TERM f -> TERM f -> Range -> Result (FORMULA f)
minExpFORMULA_eq mef sign eq term1 term2 pos = do
ps <- minExpTerm_cond mef sign ( \ t1 t2 -> eq t1 t2 pos)
term1 term2 pos
is_unambiguous (globAnnos sign) (eq term1 term2 pos) ps pos
-- | check if there is at least one solution
hasSolutions :: Pretty f => GlobalAnnos -> f -> [[f]] -> Range
-> Result [[f]]
hasSolutions ga topterm ts pos = let terms = filter (not . null) ts in
if null terms then Result
[Diag Error ("no typing for: " ++ showGlobalDoc ga topterm "")
pos] Nothing
else return terms
-- | check if there is a unique equivalence class
is_unambiguous :: Pretty f => GlobalAnnos -> f -> [[f]] -> Range
-> Result f
is_unambiguous ga topterm ts pos = do
terms <- hasSolutions ga topterm ts pos
case terms of
[ term : _ ] -> return term
_ -> Result [Diag Error ("ambiguous term\n " ++
showSepList (showString "\n ") (showGlobalDoc ga)
(take 5 $ map head terms) "") pos] Nothing
checkIdAndArgs :: Id -> [a] -> Range -> Result Int
checkIdAndArgs ide args poss =
let nargs = length args
pargs = placeCount ide
in if isMixfix ide && pargs /= nargs then
Result [Diag Error
("expected " ++ shows pargs " argument(s) of mixfix identifier '"
++ showDoc ide "' but found " ++ shows nargs " argument(s)")
poss] Nothing
else return nargs
noOpOrPred :: Pretty t => [a] -> String -> Maybe t -> Id -> Range
-> Int -> Result ()
noOpOrPred ops str mty ide pos nargs =
if null ops then case mty of
Nothing -> Result [Diag Error
("no " ++ str ++ " with " ++ shows nargs " argument"
++ (if nargs == 1 then "" else "s") ++ " found for '"
++ showDoc ide "'") pos] Nothing
Just ty -> Result [Diag Error
("no " ++ str ++ " with profile '"
++ showDoc ty "' found for '"
++ showDoc ide "'") pos] Nothing
else return ()
- Minimal expansion of a predication formula -
see minExpTerm_appl
minExpFORMULA_pred :: (PosItem f, Pretty f) => Min f e -> Sign f e -> Id
-> Maybe PredType -> [TERM f] -> Range
-> Result (FORMULA f)
minExpFORMULA_pred mef sign ide mty args pos = do
nargs <- checkIdAndArgs ide args pos
let -- predicates matching that name in the current environment
preds' = Set.filter ( \ p -> length (predArgs p) == nargs) $
Map.findWithDefault Set.empty ide $ predMap sign
preds = case mty of
Nothing -> map (pSortBy predArgs sign)
$ leqClasses (leqP' sign) preds'
Just ty -> if Set.member ty preds'
then [[ty]] else []
noOpOrPred preds "predicate" mty ide pos nargs
expansions <- mapM (minExpTerm mef sign) args
let get_profiles :: [[TERM f]] -> [[(PredType, [TERM f])]]
get_profiles cs = map (get_profile cs) preds
get_profile :: [[TERM f]] -> [PredType] -> [(PredType, [TERM f])]
get_profile cs ps = [ (pred', ts) |
pred' <- ps,
ts <- cs,
and $ zipWith (leq_SORT sign)
(map sortOfTerm ts)
(predArgs pred') ]
qualForms = qualifyPreds ide pos
$ concatMap (get_profiles . combine)
$ combine expansions
is_unambiguous (globAnnos sign)
(Predication (Pred_name ide) args pos) qualForms pos
qualifyPreds :: Id -> Range -> [[(PredType, [TERM f])]] -> [[FORMULA f]]
qualifyPreds ide pos = map $ map $ qualify_pred ide pos
-- | qualify a single pred, given by its signature and its arguments
qualify_pred :: Id -> Range -> (PredType, [TERM f]) -> FORMULA f
qualify_pred ide pos (pred', terms') =
Predication (Qual_pred_name ide (toPRED_TYPE pred') pos) terms' pos
-- | expansions of an equation formula or a conditional
minExpTerm_eq :: (PosItem f, Pretty f) => Min f e -> Sign f e -> TERM f
-> TERM f -> Result [[(TERM f, TERM f)]]
minExpTerm_eq mef sign term1 term2 = do
exps1 <- minExpTerm mef sign term1
exps2 <- minExpTerm mef sign term2
return $ map (minimize_eq sign)
$ map getPairs $ combine [exps1, exps2]
getPairs :: [[TERM f]] -> [(TERM f, TERM f)]
getPairs cs = [ (t1, t2) | [t1,t2] <- combine cs ]
minimize_eq :: Sign f e -> [(TERM f, TERM f)] -> [(TERM f, TERM f)]
minimize_eq s l = keepMinimals s (sortOfTerm . snd) $
keepMinimals s (sortOfTerm . fst) l
- Minimal expansion of a term -
Expand a given term by typing information.
* 'Simple_id' do not exist!
* 'Qual_var' terms are handled by 'minExpTerm_var'
* 'Application' terms are handled by 'minExpTerm_op'.
* 'Conditional' terms are handled by 'minExpTerm_cond'.
minExpTerm :: (PosItem f, Pretty f) => Min f e -> Sign f e -> TERM f
-> Result [[TERM f]]
minExpTerm mef sign top = let ga = globAnnos sign in case top of
Qual_var var sort _ -> let ts = minExpTerm_var sign var (Just sort) in
if null ts then mkError "no matching qualified variable found" var
else return ts
Application op terms pos -> minExpTerm_op mef sign op terms pos
Sorted_term term sort pos -> do
expandedTerm <- minExpTerm mef sign term
-- choose expansions that fit the given signature, then qualify
let validExps = map (filter $ \ t -> leq_SORT sign (sortOfTerm t) sort)
hasSolutions ga top (map (map (\ t ->
Sorted_term t sort pos)) validExps) pos
Cast term sort pos -> do
expandedTerm <- minExpTerm mef sign term
-- find a unique minimal common supersort
let ts = map (concatMap (\ t -> let s = sortOfTerm t in
if leq_SORT sign sort s then
if leq_SORT sign s sort then [t] else
[Cast t sort pos] else
map ( \ c ->
Cast (Sorted_term t c pos) sort pos)
$ minimalSupers sign s sort)) expandedTerm
hasSolutions ga top ts pos
Conditional term1 formula term2 pos -> do
f <- minExpFORMULA mef sign formula
ts <- minExpTerm_cond mef sign ( \ t1 t2 -> Conditional t1 f t2 pos)
term1 term2 pos
hasSolutions ga (Conditional term1 formula term2 pos) ts pos
_ -> mkError "unexpected kind of term" top
-- | Minimal expansion of a possibly qualified variable identifier
minExpTerm_var :: Sign f e -> Token -> Maybe SORT -> [[TERM f]]
minExpTerm_var sign tok ms = case Map.lookup tok $ varMap sign of
Nothing -> []
Just s -> let qv = [[Qual_var tok s nullRange]] in
case ms of
Nothing -> qv
Just s2 -> if s == s2 then qv else []
-- | minimal expansion of an (possibly qualified) operator application
minExpTerm_appl :: (PosItem f, Pretty f) => Min f e -> Sign f e -> Id
-> Maybe OpType -> [TERM f] -> Range -> Result [[TERM f]]
minExpTerm_appl mef sign ide mty args pos = do
nargs <- checkIdAndArgs ide args pos
let -- functions matching that name in the current environment
ops' = Set.filter ( \ o -> length (opArgs o) == nargs) $
Map.findWithDefault Set.empty ide $ opMap sign
ops = case mty of
Nothing -> map (pSortBy opArgs sign)
$ leqClasses (leqF' sign) ops'
Just ty -> if Set.member ty ops' ||
-- might be known to be total
Set.member ty {opKind = Total} ops'
then [[ty]] else []
noOpOrPred ops "operation" mty ide pos nargs
expansions <- mapM (minExpTerm mef sign) args
let -- generate profiles as descr. on p. 339 (Step 3)
get_profiles cs = map (get_profile cs) ops
get_profile cs os = [ (op', ts) |
op' <- os,
ts <- cs,
and $ zipWith (leq_SORT sign)
(map sortOfTerm ts)
(opArgs op') ]
qualTerms = qualifyOps ide pos
$ map (minimize_op sign)
$ concatMap (get_profiles . combine)
$ combine expansions
hasSolutions (globAnnos sign)
(Application (Op_name ide) args pos) qualTerms pos
qualifyOps :: Id -> Range -> [[(OpType, [TERM f])]] -> [[TERM f]]
qualifyOps ide pos = map $ map $ qualify_op ide pos
-- qualify a single op, given by its signature and its arguments
qualify_op :: Id -> Range -> (OpType, [TERM f]) -> TERM f
qualify_op ide pos (op', terms') =
Application (Qual_op_name ide (toOP_TYPE op') pos) terms' pos
- Minimal expansion of a function application or a variable -
Expand a function application by typing information.
1. First expand all argument subterms.
2. Combine these expansions so we compute the set of tuples
{ (C_1, ..., C_n) | (C_1, ..., C_n) \in
minExpTerm(t_1) x ... x minExpTerm(t_n) }
where t_1, ..., t_n are the given argument terms.
3. For each element of this set compute the set of possible profiles
(as described on p. 339).
4. Define an equivalence relation ~ on these profiles
(as described on p. 339).
5. Separate each profile into equivalence classes by the relation ~
and take the unification of these sets.
6. Minimize each element of this unified set (as described on p. 339).
7. Transform each term in the minimized set into a qualified function
application term.
minExpTerm_op :: (PosItem f, Pretty f) => Min f e -> Sign f e -> OP_SYMB
-> [TERM f] -> Range -> Result [[TERM f]]
minExpTerm_op mef sign osym args pos = case osym of
Op_name ide@(Id ts _ _) ->
let res = minExpTerm_appl mef sign ide Nothing args pos in
if null args && isSimpleId ide then
let vars = minExpTerm_var sign (head ts) Nothing
in if null vars then res else
case maybeResult res of
Nothing -> return vars
Just ops -> return $ ops ++ vars
else res
Qual_op_name ide ty pos1 ->
if length args /= length (args_OP_TYPE ty) then
mkError "type qualification does not match number of arguments" ide
else minExpTerm_appl mef sign ide (Just $ toOpType ty) args
(pos1 `appRange` pos)
- Minimal expansion of a conditional -
Expand a conditional by typing information (see minExpTerm_eq)
First expand the subterms and subformula. Then calculate a profile
P(C_1, C_2) for each (C_1, C_2) \in minExpTerm(t1) x minExpTerm(t_2).
Separate these profiles into equivalence classes and take the
unification of all these classes. Minimize each equivalence class.
Finally transform the eq. classes into lists of
conditionals with equally sorted terms.
minExpTerm_cond :: (PosItem f, Pretty f) => Min f e -> Sign f e
-> (TERM f -> TERM f -> a) -> TERM f -> TERM f -> Range
-> Result [[a]]
minExpTerm_cond mef sign f term1 term2 pos = do
pairs <- minExpTerm_eq mef sign term1 term2
return $ map (concatMap ( \ (t1, t2) ->
let s1 = sortOfTerm t1
s2 = sortOfTerm t2
in if s1 == s2 then [f t1 t2]
else if leq_SORT sign s2 s1 then
[f t1 (Sorted_term t2 s1 pos)]
else if leq_SORT sign s1 s2 then
[f (Sorted_term t1 s2 pos) t2]
else map ( \ s -> f (Sorted_term t1 s pos)
(Sorted_term t2 s pos))
$ minimalSupers sign s1 s2)) pairs
Let P be a set of equivalence classes of qualified terms.
For each C \in P, let C' choose _one_
t:s \in C for each s minimal such that t:s \in C.
That is, discard all terms whose sort is a supersort of
any other term in the same equivalence class.
minimize_op :: Sign f e -> [(OpType, [TERM f])] -> [(OpType, [TERM f])]
minimize_op sign = keepMinimals sign (opRes . fst)
-- | the (possibly incomplete) list of supersorts common to both sorts
common_supersorts :: Bool -> Sign f e -> SORT -> SORT -> [SORT]
common_supersorts b sign s1 s2 =
if s1 == s2 then [s1] else
let l1 = supersortsOf s1 sign
l2 = supersortsOf s2 sign in
if Set.member s2 l1 then if b then [s2] else [s1] else
if Set.member s1 l2 then if b then [s1] else [s2] else
Set.toList $ if b then Set.intersection l1 l2
else Set.intersection (subsortsOf s1 sign)
$ subsortsOf s2 sign
-- | True if both sorts have a common supersort
have_common_supersorts :: Bool -> Sign f e -> SORT -> SORT -> Bool
have_common_supersorts b s s1 s2 = not $ null $ common_supersorts b s s1 s2
-- True if both sorts have a common subsort
have_common_subsorts :: Sign f e -> SORT -> SORT -> Bool
have_common_subsorts = have_common_supersorts False
-- | if True test if s1 > s2
geq_SORT :: Bool -> Sign f e -> SORT -> SORT -> Bool
geq_SORT b sign s1 s2 = s1 == s2 || let rel = sortRel sign in
if b then Rel.member s2 s1 rel else Rel.member s1 s2 rel
-- | test if s1 < s2
leq_SORT :: Sign f e -> SORT -> SORT -> Bool
leq_SORT = geq_SORT False
-- | minimal common supersorts of the two input sorts
minimalSupers :: Sign f e -> SORT -> SORT -> [SORT]
minimalSupers = minimalSupers1 True
minimalSupers1 :: Bool -> Sign f e -> SORT -> SORT -> [SORT]
minimalSupers1 b s s1 s2 =
keepMinimals1 b s id $ common_supersorts b s s1 s2
-- | maximal common subsorts of the two input sorts
maximalSubs :: Sign f e -> SORT -> SORT -> [SORT]
maximalSubs = minimalSupers1 False
-- | only keep elements with minimal (and different) sorts
keepMinimals :: Sign f e -> (a -> SORT) -> [a] -> [a]
keepMinimals = keepMinimals1 True
keepMinimals1 :: Bool -> Sign f e -> (a -> SORT) -> [a] -> [a]
keepMinimals1 b s f l = let lt x y = geq_SORT b s (f y) (f x) in
keepMins lt l
-- | True if both ops are in the overloading relation
leqF :: Sign f e -> OpType -> OpType -> Bool
leqF sign o1 o2 = length (opArgs o1) == length (opArgs o2) && leqF' sign o1 o2
leqF' :: Sign f e -> OpType -> OpType -> Bool
leqF' sign o1 o2 = have_common_supersorts True sign (opRes o1) (opRes o2) &&
and (zipWith (have_common_subsorts sign) (opArgs o1) (opArgs o2))
-- | True if both preds are in the overloading relation
leqP :: Sign f e -> PredType -> PredType -> Bool
leqP sign p1 p2 = length (predArgs p1) == length (predArgs p2)
&& leqP' sign p1 p2
leqP' :: Sign f e -> PredType -> PredType -> Bool
leqP' sign p1 p2 =
and $ zipWith (have_common_subsorts sign) (predArgs p1) $ predArgs p2
-- | Divide a Set (List) into equivalence classes w.r.t. eq
leqClasses :: Ord a => (a -> a -> Bool) -> Set.Set a -> [[a]]
leqClasses eq os = map Set.toList $ Rel.partSet eq os
-- | Transform a list [l1,l2, ... ln] to (in sloppy notation)
-- [[x1,x2, ... ,xn] | x1<-l1, x2<-l2, ... xn<-ln]
combine :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
combine [] = [[]]
combine (x:l) = concatMap ((`map` combine l) . (:)) x
-- a better name would be "combine"
cmpSubsort :: Sign f e -> POrder SORT
cmpSubsort sign s1 s2 =
if s1 == s2 then Just EQ else
let l1 = supersortsOf s1 sign
l2 = supersortsOf s2 sign
b = Set.member s1 l2 in
if Set.member s2 l1 then
if b then Just EQ
else Just LT
else if b then Just GT else Nothing
cmpSubsorts :: Sign f e -> POrder [SORT]
cmpSubsorts sign l1 l2 =
let l = zipWith (cmpSubsort sign) l1 l2
in if null l then Just EQ else foldr1
( \ c1 c2 -> if c1 == c2 then c1 else case (c1, c2) of
(Just EQ, _) -> c2
(_, Just EQ) -> c1
_ -> Nothing) l
pSortBy :: (a -> [SORT]) -> Sign f e -> [a] -> [a]
pSortBy f sign = let pOrd a b = cmpSubsorts sign (f a) (f b)
in concat . rankBy pOrd