OMDocImport.hs revision 3d3889e0cefcdce9b3f43c53aaa201943ac2e895
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : OMDoc-to-CASL conversion
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2009
License : GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : portable
CASL implementation of the interface functions omdocToSym, omdocToSen
, addOMadtToTheory, addOmdocToTheory from class Logic. The actual
instantiation can be found in module "CASL.Logic_CASL".
module CASL.OMDocImport
( omdocToSym
, omdocToSen
, addOMadtToTheory
, addOmdocToTheory
) where
import OMDoc.DataTypes
import Common.Id
import Common.Result
import Common.AS_Annotation
import qualified Common.Lib.Rel as Rel
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.OMDoc
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.List
import Data.Function (on)
-- * Environment Interface
type Env = SigMapI Symbol
symbolToSort :: Symbol -> SORT
symbolToSort (Symbol n SortAsItemType) = n
symbolToSort s = error $ "symbolToSort: Nonsort encountered: " ++ show s
symbolToOp :: Symbol -> (Id, OpType)
symbolToOp (Symbol n (OpAsItemType ot)) = (n, ot)
symbolToOp s = error $ "symbolToOp: Nonop encountered: " ++ show s
symbolToPred :: Symbol -> (Id, PredType)
symbolToPred (Symbol n (PredAsItemType pt)) = (n, pt)
symbolToPred s = error $ "symbolToPred: Nonpred encountered: " ++ show s
lookupSymbol :: Env -> OMName -> Symbol
lookupSymbol e omn =
(error $ concat [ "lookupSymbol failed for: "
, show omn, "\nmap: ", show $ sigMapISymbs e])
omn $ sigMapISymbs e
lookupSort :: Env -> OMName -> SORT
lookupSort e = symbolToSort . lookupSymbol e
lookupSortOMS :: String -> Env -> OMElement -> SORT
lookupSortOMS msg = lookupOMS lookupSort $ msg ++ "(SORT)"
lookupPred :: Env -> OMName -> (Id, PredType)
lookupPred e = symbolToPred . lookupSymbol e
lookupPredOMS :: String -> Env -> OMElement -> (Id, PredType)
lookupPredOMS msg = lookupOMS lookupPred $ msg ++ "(PRED)"
lookupOp :: Env -> OMName -> (Id, OpType)
lookupOp e = symbolToOp . lookupSymbol e
lookupOpOMS :: String -> Env -> OMElement -> (Id, OpType)
lookupOpOMS msg = lookupOMS lookupOp $ msg ++ "(Op)"
lookupOMS :: (Env -> OMName -> a) -> String -> Env -> OMElement -> a
lookupOMS f msg e oms@(OMS (cd, omn)) =
if cdIsEmpty cd then f e omn
else error $ concat [ msg, ": lookupOMS: Nonempty cd in const: "
, show oms]
lookupOMS _ msg _ ome =
error $ concat [msg, ": lookupOMS: Nonsymbol: ", show ome]
toOpSymb :: (Id, OpType) -> OP_SYMB
toOpSymb (i, t) = Qual_op_name i (toOP_TYPE t) nullRange
toPredSymb :: (Id, PredType) -> PRED_SYMB
toPredSymb (i, t) = Qual_pred_name i (toPRED_TYPE t) nullRange
-- * TOPLEVEL Interface
-- | A TCSymbols is transformed to a CASL symbol with given name.
omdocToSym :: Env -> TCElement -> String -> Result Symbol
omdocToSym e sym@(TCSymbol _ ctp srole _) n =
case srole of
Typ | ctp == const_sort -> return $ idToSortSymbol $ nameToId n
| otherwise -> fail $ "omdocToSym: No sorttype for " ++ show sym
Obj -> return $
case omdocToType e ctp of
Left ot -> idToOpSymbol (nameToId n) ot
Right pt -> idToPredSymbol (nameToId n) pt
_ -> fail $ concat [ "omdocToSym: only type or object are allowed as"
, " symbol roles, but found: ", show srole ]
omdocToSym _ sym _ = fail $ concat [ "omdocToSym: only TCSymbol is allowed,"
, " but found: ", show sym ]
omdocToSen :: Env -> TCElement -> String
-> Result (Maybe (Named (FORMULA f)))
omdocToSen e (TCSymbol _ t sr _) n =
case nameDecode n of
Just _ ->
return Nothing -- don't translate encoded names here
Nothing ->
let ns = makeNamed n $ omdocToFormula e t
res b = return $ Just $ ns { isAxiom = b }
in case sr of
Axiom -> res True
Theorem -> res False
_ -> return Nothing
omdocToSen _ sym _ = fail $ concat [ "omdocToSen: only TCSymbol is allowed,"
, " but found: ", show sym ]
-- | Sort generation constraints are added as named formulas.
addOMadtToTheory :: Env
-> (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)]) -> [[OmdADT]]
-> Result (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)])
addOMadtToTheory e (sig, nsens) adts = do
sgcs <- mapR (omdocToSortGenConstraint e) adts
return (sig, nsens ++ sgcs)
-- | The subsort relation is recovered from exported sentences.
addOmdocToTheory :: Env -> (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)]) -> [TCElement]
-> Result (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)])
addOmdocToTheory e (sig, nsens) tcs = do
srel <- omdocToSortRel e tcs
return (sig { sortRel = Rel.transClosure srel }, nsens)
-- * Algebraic Data Types
omdocToSortGenConstraint :: Env -> [OmdADT] -> Result (Named (FORMULA f))
omdocToSortGenConstraint e sortdefs = do
-- take the last type as the type of all constraints
let (t, cs) = mapAccumL (const $ mkConstraint e) Generated sortdefs
-- TODO: do we take newSort or origSort?
return $ toSortGenNamed (Sort_gen_ax cs $ t == Free) $ map newSort cs
mkConstraint :: Env -> OmdADT -> (ADTType, Constraint)
mkConstraint e (ADTSortDef nm t constrs) =
let s = lookupSort e $ mkSimpleName nm
l = map (mkConstructor e s) constrs
in (t, Constraint s l s)
mkConstraint _ _ = error "mkConstraint: Malformed ADT expression"
mkConstructor :: Env -> SORT -> OmdADT -> (OP_SYMB, [Int])
mkConstructor e s (ADTConstr nm args) =
let opn = nameToId $ lookupNotation e $ mkSimpleName nm
l = map (mkArg e) args
in (Qual_op_name opn (Op_type Total l s nullRange) nullRange, [0])
{- we have to create the name of this injection because we throw it away
during the export -}
mkConstructor e s (ADTInsort (_, omn)) =
let argsort = lookupSort e omn
opn = mkUniqueInjName argsort s
in (Qual_op_name opn (Op_type Total [argsort] s nullRange) nullRange, [0])
mkConstructor _ _ _ = error "mkConstructor: Malformed ADT expression"
mkArg :: Env -> OmdADT -> SORT
mkArg e (ADTArg oms _) = lookupSortOMS "mkArg" e oms
mkArg _ _ = error "mkArg: Malformed ADT expression"
-- * Subsort Relation
omdocToSortRel :: Env -> [TCElement] -> Result (Rel.Rel SORT)
omdocToSortRel e = foldM (addMaybeToSortRel e) Rel.empty
addMaybeToSortRel :: Env -> Rel.Rel SORT -> TCElement -> Result (Rel.Rel SORT)
addMaybeToSortRel e r (TCSymbol n (OMA [sof, oms1, oms2]) Axiom _) =
case nameDecode n of
Just ("ST", _)
| sof == const_subsortof ->
let s1 = lookupSortOMS "addMaybeToSortRel: s1" e oms1
s2 = lookupSortOMS "addMaybeToSortRel: s2" e oms2
in return $ Rel.insertKeyOrPair s1 s2 r
| otherwise ->
warning () ("Use of subsortof in a non ST Statement: " ++ n)
return r
_ -> return r
addMaybeToSortRel _ r _ = return r
-- * Types
omdocToType :: Env -> OMElement -> Either OpType PredType
omdocToType e (OMA (c : args)) =
let sorts = map (lookupSortOMS "omdocToType" e) args
opargs = init sorts
oprange = last sorts
res | c == const_predtype = Right $ PredType sorts
| c == const_partialfuntype = Left $ OpType Partial opargs oprange
| c == const_funtype = Left $ OpType Total opargs oprange
| otherwise = error $ "omdocToType: unknown type constructor: "
++ show c
in res
omdocToType e oms@(OMS _)
| oms == const_predtype = Right $ PredType []
| otherwise = Left $ OpType Total [] $ lookupSortOMS "omdocToType" e oms
omdocToType _ ome = error $ "omdocToType: Non-supported element: " ++ show ome
-- * Terms and Formulas
type VarMap = Map.Map VAR SORT
type TermEnv = (Env, VarMap)
mkImplication, mkImplied, mkEquivalence
, mkNegation :: [FORMULA f] -> FORMULA f
mkImplication [x, y] = mkImpl x y
mkImplication _ = error "Malformed implication"
mkImplied [x, y] = mkRel RevImpl x y
mkImplied _ = error "Malformed if"
mkEquivalence [x, y] = mkEqv x y
mkEquivalence _ = error "Malformed equivalence"
mkNegation [x] = mkNeg x
mkNegation _ = error "Malformed negation"
mkDefinedness, mkExistl_equation, mkStrong_equation
:: [TERM f] -> FORMULA f
mkDefinedness [x] = Definedness x nullRange
mkDefinedness _ = error "Malformed definedness"
mkExistl_equation [x, y] = mkExEq x y
mkExistl_equation _ = error "Malformed existl equation"
mkStrong_equation [x, y] = mkStEq x y
mkStrong_equation _ = error "Malformed strong equation"
-- Quantification, Predication and Membership are handled inside omdocToFormula
-- Term construction functions
mkT2 :: (OMElement -> a) -> (OMElement -> b) -> (a -> b -> Range -> TERM f)
-> [OMElement] -> TERM f
mkT2 f g c l = case l of
[x, y] -> c (f x) (g y) nullRange
_ -> error "mkT2: 2 arguments expected"
mkT3 :: (OMElement -> a) -> (OMElement -> b) -> (OMElement -> c)
-> (a -> b -> c -> Range -> TERM f) -> [OMElement] -> TERM f
mkT3 f g h c l = case l of
[x, y, z] -> c (f x) (g y) (h z) nullRange
_ -> error "mkT3: 3 arguments expected"
-- Formula construction functions
mkFF :: TermEnv -> ([FORMULA f] -> FORMULA f) -> [OMElement] -> FORMULA f
mkFF e f l = f $ map (omdocToFormula' e) l
mkTF :: TermEnv -> ([TERM f] -> FORMULA f) -> [OMElement] -> FORMULA f
mkTF e f l = f $ map (omdocToTerm' e) l
getQuantifier :: OMElement -> QUANTIFIER
getQuantifier oms
| oms == const_forall = Universal
| oms == const_exists = Existential
| oms == const_existsunique = Unique_existential
| otherwise = error $ "getQuantifier: unrecognized quantifier " ++ show oms
mkBinder :: TermEnv -> QUANTIFIER -> [OMElement] -> OMElement -> FORMULA f
mkBinder te@(e, _) q vars body =
let (vm', vardecls) = toVarDecls te vars
bd = omdocToFormula' (e, vm') body
in Quantification q vardecls bd nullRange
toVarDecls :: TermEnv -> [OMElement] -> (VarMap, [VAR_DECL])
toVarDecls (e, vm) l =
let f acc x = let (v, s) = toVarDecl e x
acc' = Map.insert v s acc
in (acc', (v, s))
(vm', l') = mapAccumL f vm l
-- group by same sort
l'' = groupBy ((==) `Data.Function.on` snd) l'
-- the lists returned by groupBy are never empty, so head will succeed
g vsl = Var_decl (map fst vsl) (snd $ head vsl) nullRange
in (vm', map g l'')
-- in CASL we expect all bound vars to be attributed (typed)
toVarDecl :: Env -> OMElement -> (VAR, SORT)
toVarDecl e (OMATTT (OMV v) (OMAttr ct t))
| ct == const_type = (nameToToken $ name v, lookupSortOMS "toVarDecl" e t)
| otherwise = error $ "toVarDecl: unrecognized attribution " ++ show ct
toVarDecl _ _ = error "toVarDecl: bound variables should be attributed."
-- Toplevel entry point
omdocToFormula :: Env -> OMElement -> FORMULA f
omdocToFormula e = omdocToFormula' (e, Map.empty)
-- Functions with given VarMap
-- omdocToTerm has no toplevel entry point
omdocToTerm' :: TermEnv -> OMElement -> TERM f
omdocToTerm' e@(ie, vm) f =
case f of
OMA (h : args)
| h == const_cast ->
mkT2 (omdocToTerm' e) (lookupSortOMS "omdocToTerm: Cast" ie)
Cast args
| h == const_if ->
mkT3 (omdocToTerm' e) (omdocToFormula' e) (omdocToTerm' e)
Conditional args
-- all other heads mean application
| otherwise ->
let os = toOpSymb $ lookupOpOMS "omdocToTerm" ie h
args' = map (omdocToTerm' e) args
in Application os args' nullRange
OMS _ -> let os = toOpSymb $ lookupOpOMS "omdocToTerm-OMS:" ie f
in Application os [] nullRange
OMV omn -> let var = nameToToken $ name omn
-- lookup the type of the variable in the varmap
s = Map.findWithDefault
(error $ concat [ "omdocToTerm': Variable not in "
, "varmap: ", show var ]) var vm
in Qual_var var s nullRange
OMATTT ome (OMAttr ct t)
| ct == const_type ->
-- same as cast
mkT2 (omdocToTerm' e) (lookupSortOMS "omdocToTerm: Sorted" ie)
Sorted_term [ome, t]
| otherwise -> error $ "omdocToTerm: unrecognized attribution "
++ show ct
_ -> error $ "omdocToTerm: no valid term " ++ show f
omdocToFormula' :: TermEnv -> OMElement -> FORMULA f
omdocToFormula' e@(ie, _) f =
case f of
OMA (h : args)
| h == const_in ->
case args of
[x, s] ->
Membership (omdocToTerm' e x) (lookupSortOMS
ie s) nullRange
_ -> error "Malformed membership"
| h == const_and ->
mkFF e conjunct args
| h == const_or ->
mkFF e disjunct args
| h == const_implies ->
mkFF e mkImplication args
| h == const_implied ->
mkFF e mkImplied args
| h == const_equivalent ->
mkFF e mkEquivalence args
| h == const_not ->
mkFF e mkNegation args
| h == const_def ->
mkTF e mkDefinedness args
| h == const_eeq ->
mkTF e mkExistl_equation args
| h == const_eq ->
mkTF e mkStrong_equation args
-- all other heads mean predication
| otherwise ->
let ps = toPredSymb $ lookupPredOMS "omdocToFormula" ie h
g l = Predication ps l nullRange in
mkTF e g args
OMBIND binder args body ->
mkBinder e (getQuantifier binder) args body
OMS _ | f == const_true -> trueForm
| f == const_false -> falseForm
-- Propositional Constants (0-ary predicates):
| otherwise ->
Predication (toPredSymb
$ lookupPredOMS
("omdocToFormula: can't handle constant "
++ show f) ie f) [] nullRange
_ -> error $ "omdocToFormula: no valid formula " ++ show f