OMDoc.hs revision e92e93922166c81167de83cc7400403c5d9bb26c
{- |
Module : $Header$
Description : Hets-to-OMDoc conversion
Copyright : (c) Ewaryst Schulz, DFKI Bremen 2009
License : similar to LGPL, see HetCATS/LICENSE.txt or LIZENZ.txt
Maintainer :
Stability : provisional
Portability : non-portable(Logic)
CASL implementation of the interface functions export_signToOmdoc,
export_morphismToOmdoc, export_senToOmdoc from class Logic. The actual
instantiation can be found in module CASL.Logic_CASL.
module CASL.OMDoc
( exportSignToOmdoc
, exportMorphismToOmdoc
, exportSenToOmdoc
, omdocMetaTheory
) where
import OMDoc.DataTypes
import Common.AS_Annotation
import Common.Id
import Common.LibName
import Common.Result
import Common.DocUtils
import CASL.AS_Basic_CASL
import CASL.ATC_CASL ()
import CASL.Sign
import CASL.Morphism
import CASL.Fold
import CASL.Quantification
import Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set as Set
-- | the identifier of a specification, combining the specid and the libid
data SPEC_ID = SPEC_ID Id Id | NOSPEC deriving Show
omdocMetaTheory :: Maybe OMCD
omdocMetaTheory = Just $ CD "casl" $ Just ""
exportSignToOmdoc :: (Show f, Pretty e) => SIMPLE_ID -> LIB_ID -> Sign f e ->
exportSignToOmdoc sid lid sign =
[TCComment $ "Signature of Spec: " ++ (show spid)]
++ Set.toList ( (sortSignToOmdoc spid sign) (sortSet sign))
++ Map.elems (mapWithKey (funSignToOmdoc spid sign) (opMap sign))
++ Map.elems (mapWithKey (predSignToOmdoc spid sign) (predMap sign))
where spid = (SPEC_ID (simpleIdToId sid) (libIdToId lid))
exportMorphismToOmdoc :: Morphism f e m -> TCElement
--exportMorphismToOmdoc morphism = []
--exportMorphismToOmdoc _ = error "not implemented yet"
exportMorphismToOmdoc (Morphism _ _ sortmap opmap predmap _) =
TCMorphism $ Map.elems (mapWithKey (makeSortMapEntry NOSPEC) sortmap)
++ Map.elems (mapWithKey (makeOpMapEntry NOSPEC) opmap)
++ Map.elems (mapWithKey (makePredMapEntry NOSPEC) predmap)
exportSenToOmdoc :: (GetRange f, Pretty f) => SIMPLE_ID -> LIB_ID -> Sign f e
-> Named(FORMULA f) -> TCElement
exportSenToOmdoc sid lid sign f =
let spid = (SPEC_ID (simpleIdToId sid) (libIdToId lid))
sname = (senAttr f)
sen = sentence f
case sen of
-- CLEANUP: Remove the comment later
Sort_gen_ax cs b -> makeADTsFromConstraints spid sign cs b
_ -> TCAxiomOrTheorem True sname $ foldFormula
(omdocRec spid
sign (\_ -> error "CASL extension not supported."))
sfail :: String -> Range -> a
sfail s r = error $ show (Diag Error ("unexpected " ++ s) r)
-------------------------- ADT --------------------------
makeADTsFromConstraints :: SPEC_ID -> Sign f e -> [Constraint] -> Bool
-> TCElement
makeADTsFromConstraints spid _ cs b =
TCADT $ (makeADTSortDef spid b) cs
makeADTSortDef :: SPEC_ID -> Bool -> Constraint -> OmdADT
makeADTSortDef spid b (Constraint s l _) =
ADTSortDef (idToName spid s) b $ (makeADTConstructor spid . fst) l
makeADTConstructor :: SPEC_ID -> OP_SYMB -> OmdADT
makeADTConstructor spid (Qual_op_name n (Op_type _ args _ _) _) =
ADTConstr (idToName spid n) $ (makeADTArgument spid) args
makeADTConstructor _ (Op_name (Id _ _ r)) = sfail "No_qual_op" r
-- No support for selectors
makeADTArgument :: SPEC_ID -> SORT -> OmdADT
makeADTArgument spid s = ADTArg (sortToOmdoc spid s) Nothing
-------------------------- Theory constitutive --------------------------
sortSignToOmdoc :: SPEC_ID -> Sign a e -> SORT -> TCElement
sortSignToOmdoc spid _ s
| isLocalId spid s = TCSymbol (idToName spid s)
(Just const_sort)
-- CLEANUP: Have to be filtered completely
| otherwise = TCComment $ "nonlocal symbol: " ++ (show s)
-- assuming here the the set of pred types contains only one Element!
predSignToOmdoc :: SPEC_ID -> Sign a e -> Id -> (Set.Set PredType) ->
predSignToOmdoc spid _ p ptypes
| isLocalId spid p =
(idToName spid p)
(Just $ makePredType spid $ Set.findMin ptypes)
-- CLEANUP: Have to be filtered completely
| otherwise = TCComment $ "nonlocal predicate: " ++ (show p)
-- assuming here the the set of op types contains only one Element!
funSignToOmdoc :: SPEC_ID -> Sign a e -> Id -> (Set.Set OpType) -> TCElement
funSignToOmdoc spid _ f ftypes
| isLocalId spid f =
(idToName spid f)
(Just $ makeObjectType spid $ Set.findMin ftypes)
-- CLEANUP: Have to be filtered completely
| otherwise = TCComment $ "nonlocal function: " ++ (show f)
-------------------------- types --------------------------
-- | Given an operator or predicate signature we construct the according type
makeType :: SPEC_ID -> OpKind -> [SORT] -> Maybe SORT -> OMElement
makeType spid _ [] (Just r) = (sortToOmdoc spid r)
makeType spid total domain range =
(OMA $ funtypeconstr : ( (sortToOmdoc spid) args))
funtypeconstr = case total of
Total -> case range of
Nothing -> const_predtype
_ -> const_funtype
Partial -> const_partialfuntype
args = case range of Nothing -> domain
Just r -> domain ++ [r]
-- | Given an operator or predicate signature we construct the according
-- type by currying and using bool as rangetype for predicates
foldr (addType spid)
(OMA [typeconstr, (sortToOmdoc spid s), rangeelem])
typeconstr = case total of Total -> const_funtype
Partial -> const_partialfuntype
s = last domain
rest = init domain
rangeelem = case range of Nothing -> (const_bool)
Just r -> (sortToOmdoc spid r)
addType :: SPEC_ID -> SORT -> OMElement -> OMElement
addType spid s elm = OMA [const_funtype, (sortToOmdoc spid s), elm]
makePredType :: SPEC_ID -> PredType -> OMElement
makePredType spid (PredType predargs) =
makeType spid Total predargs Nothing
makeObjectType :: SPEC_ID -> OpType -> OMElement
makeObjectType spid (OpType opkind opargs oprange) =
makeType spid opkind opargs (Just oprange)
-------------------------- Names --------------------------
-- | the qualified name of an identifier consisting of
-- the name, the spec and the lib
data NameTriple = NameTriple { getName :: String,
getSpecName :: String,
getLibName :: String } deriving Show
-- gn_Over has still to be outcoded
idToName :: SPEC_ID -> Id -> String
idToName spid = getName . (idToNameTriple spid)
idToNameTriple :: SPEC_ID -> Id -> NameTriple
-- spid-structure
idToNameTriple spid s
| isQualName s = NameTriple (show $ unQualName s)
(show $ getNodeId s) (show $ getLibId s)
| otherwise = case spid of
(SPEC_ID sid lid) ->
NameTriple (show s) (show sid) (show lid)
NOSPEC -> error $ "unqualified morphism entry" ++ show s
isLocalId :: SPEC_ID -> Id -> Bool
-- spid-structure
isLocalId (SPEC_ID s l) i@(Id _ [_, s1, l1] _)
| isQualName i = (s == s1) && (l == l1)
| otherwise = True
isLocalId _ _ = True
-------------------------- OpenMath --------------------------
-- | probably outsource this to a generic module
makeOMS :: NameTriple -> OMElement
makeOMS (NameTriple i s l) =
-- special handling for library entries !??
OMS (CD s $ if l == "library" || l == "" then Nothing else Just l)
$ OMName i
idToOmdoc :: SPEC_ID -> Id -> OMElement
idToOmdoc spid s = makeOMS $ idToNameTriple spid s
sortToOmdoc :: SPEC_ID -> Id -> OMElement
sortToOmdoc = idToOmdoc
funToOmdoc :: SPEC_ID -> OP_SYMB -> OMElement
funToOmdoc spid (Qual_op_name i _ _) = idToOmdoc spid i
funToOmdoc spid (Op_name i) = idToOmdoc spid i
predToOmdoc :: SPEC_ID -> PRED_SYMB -> OMElement
predToOmdoc spid (Qual_pred_name i _ _) = idToOmdoc spid i
predToOmdoc spid (Pred_name i) = idToOmdoc spid i
-- | the object e1 and its type e2
makeAttribution :: OMElement -> OMElement -> OMElement
makeAttribution e1 e2 = OMATTT e1 $ OMAttr const_type e2
varToOmdoc :: Token -> OMElement
varToOmdoc v = OMV $ OMName $ tokStr v
-- | typed vars can only be typed by a single sort
varDeclToOMDoc :: SPEC_ID -> (VAR, SORT) -> OMElement
varDeclToOMDoc spid (v, s) = makeAttribution (varToOmdoc v) $
sortToOmdoc spid s
-- cdbase entries missing for predefined content dictionaries
const_casl :: String -> OMElement
const_casl n = OMS (CD "casl" Nothing) $ OMName n
const_true, const_false, const_sort, const_funtype, const_partialfuntype
, const_and, const_or, const_implies, const_implied, const_equivalent
, const_forall, const_exists, const_eq, const_eeq, const_existsunique
, const_def, const_in, const_if, const_cast, const_type, const_not
, const_predtype :: OMElement
const_true = const_casl "true"
const_false = const_casl "false"
const_funtype = const_casl "funtype"
const_partialfuntype = const_casl "partialfuntype"
const_predtype = const_casl "predtype"
const_type = const_casl "type"
const_not = const_casl "not"
const_and = const_casl "and"
const_or = const_casl "or"
const_implies = const_casl "implies"
const_implied = const_casl "implied"
const_equivalent = const_casl "equivalent"
const_forall = const_casl "forall"
const_exists = const_casl "exists"
const_eq = const_casl "eq"
const_eeq = const_casl "eeq"
const_existsunique = const_casl "existsunique"
const_def = const_casl "def"
const_in = const_casl "in"
const_if = const_casl "if"
const_cast = const_casl "cast"
const_sort = const_casl "sort"
omdocRec :: GetRange f => SPEC_ID -> Sign f e -> (f -> OMElement)
-> Record f OMElement OMElement
omdocRec spid _ mf = Record
{ foldQuantification = \ _ q vs f _ ->
let s = case q of
Universal -> const_forall
Existential -> const_exists
Unique_existential -> const_existsunique
vl = (varDeclToOMDoc spid) $ flatVAR_DECLs vs
in OMBIND s vl f
, foldConjunction = \ _ fs _ -> OMA $ const_and : fs
, foldDisjunction = \ _ fs _ -> OMA $ const_or : fs
, foldImplication = \ _ f1 f2 b _ ->
if b then (OMA [const_implies , f1, f2])
else (OMA [const_implied , f1, f2])
, foldEquivalence = \ _ f1 f2 _ ->
(OMA [const_equivalent , f1, f2])
, foldNegation = \ _ f _ -> (OMA [const_not , f])
, foldTrue_atom = \ _ _ -> const_true
, foldFalse_atom = \ _ _ -> const_false
, foldPredication = \ _ p ts _ -> OMA $ (predToOmdoc spid p) : ts
, foldDefinedness = \ _ t _ -> OMA [const_def, t]
, foldExistl_equation = \ _ t1 t2 _ -> (OMA [const_eeq , t1, t2])
, foldStrong_equation = \ _ t1 t2 _ -> (OMA [const_eq , t1, t2])
, foldMembership = \ _ t s _ ->
(OMA [const_in , t, sortToOmdoc spid s])
, foldMixfix_formula = \ t _ -> sfail "Mixfix_formula" $ getRange t
, foldQuantOp = \ _ o _ _ -> sfail ("QuantOp " ++ show o) $ getRange o
, foldQuantPred = \ _ p _ _ -> sfail ("QuantPred " ++ show p) $ getRange p
, foldSort_gen_ax = \ t _ _ -> sfail
"Sort generating axioms should be filtered out before!"
$ getRange t
, foldExtFORMULA = \ _ f -> mf f
, foldQual_var = \ _ v _ _ -> varToOmdoc v
, foldApplication = \ _ o ts _ -> OMA $ (funToOmdoc spid o) : ts
, foldSorted_term = \ _ r _ _ -> r
, foldCast = \ _ t s _ ->
(OMA [const_cast , t, sortToOmdoc spid s])
, foldConditional = \ _ e f t _ -> (OMA [const_if , e , t, f])
, foldMixfix_qual_pred = \ _ p -> sfail "Mixfix_qual_pred" $ getRange p
, foldMixfix_term = \ (Mixfix_term ts) _ ->
sfail "Mixfix_term" $ getRange ts
, foldMixfix_token = \ _ t -> sfail "Mixfix_token" $ tokPos t
, foldMixfix_sorted_term = \ _ _ r -> sfail "Mixfix_sorted_term" r
, foldMixfix_cast = \ _ _ r -> sfail "Mixfix_cast" r
, foldMixfix_parenthesized = \ _ _ r -> sfail "Mixfix_parenthesized" r
, foldMixfix_bracketed = \ _ _ r -> sfail "Mixfix_bracketed" r
, foldMixfix_braced = \ _ _ r -> sfail "Mixfix_braced" r }
-------------------------- Morphisms --------------------------
makeSortMapEntry :: SPEC_ID -> SORT -> SORT -> (OMName, OMElement)
makeSortMapEntry spid s1 s2 = (OMName $ idToName spid s1, sortToOmdoc spid s2)
makeOpMapEntry :: SPEC_ID -> (Id, OpType) -> (Id, OpKind) ->
(OMName, OMElement)
makeOpMapEntry spid (o1, _) (o2, _) =
(OMName $ idToName spid o1, idToOmdoc spid o2)
makePredMapEntry :: SPEC_ID -> (Id, PredType) -> Id -> (OMName, OMElement)
makePredMapEntry spid (p1, _) p2 =
(OMName $ idToName spid p1, idToOmdoc spid p2)